package service import ( "XT_Admin_Api/models" "XT_Admin_Api/models/admin_models" "XT_Admin_Api/utils" "fmt" "" "time" ) func GetAllOrgList(active_status int64, depth_active_status int64, start_time int64, end_time int64, province int64, city int64, district int64, follow int64, keyword string, page int64, limit int64, is_super_admin int64) (list []*models.Org, err error, total int64) { fmt.Println(follow) offset := (page - 1) * limit fmt.Println(offset) db := readUserDb.Model(&models.Org{}) if len(keyword) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%" db = db.Where("contact_name LIKE ? Or org_name LIKE ? Or org_short_name Like ? ", likeKey, likeKey, likeKey) } else { switch active_status { case 1: now := time.Now() zeroHourTimeOfToday := utils.ZeroHourTimeOfDay(now) db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_user_admin_login_log on sgj_user_admin_login_log.org_id = AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime >= ? AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime <= ? AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3", zeroHourTimeOfToday.Unix(), now.Unix()) break case 2: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_user_admin_login_log on sgj_user_admin_login_log.org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 ") break case 3: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_user_admin_login_log on sgj_user_admin_login_log.org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 ") break case 4: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_user_admin_login_log on sgj_user_admin_login_log.org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 Year) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 ") break } switch depth_active_status { case 1: now := time.Now() zeroHourTimeOfToday := utils.ZeroHourTimeOfDay(now) db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order ON sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.user_org_id = AND sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.created_time >= ? AND sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.created_time <= ?", zeroHourTimeOfToday.Unix(), now.Unix()) break case 2: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order ON sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.user_org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.created_time)) AND sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.status = 1") break case 3: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order ON sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.user_org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.created_time)) AND sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.status = 1") break case 4: db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order on sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.user_org_id = AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 Year) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.created_time)) AND sgj_xt.xt_dialysis_order.status = 1") break } if province > 0 { db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.province = ?", province) } if city > 0 { db = db.Where(" = ?", city) } if district > 0 { db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.district = ?", district) } if start_time != 0 { db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.ctime>=?", start_time) } if end_time != 0 { db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.ctime<=?", end_time) } if follow != 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN sgj_org_follow on sgj_org_follow.org_id = AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1", follow) } } //if is_super_admin == 1 { db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1").Group("") // //} else { // db = db.Where("sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 15 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime))").Group("") //} db = db.Count(&total) err = db.Preload("OrgFollow", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("status = 1").Preload("AdminAccount", "status = 1") }).Preload("AdminUserLoginLog", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&models.AdminUserLoginLog{}).Where("id = (SELECT max(id))") }).Preload("Citys").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("sgj_user_org.ctime DESC").Find(&list).Error return } func GetOrgDetailInfo(org_id int64) (info models.Org, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.Org{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1 AND import <> 1", org_id).Preload("AdminUserLoginLog", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&models.AdminUserLoginLog{}).Where("id = (SELECT max(id))") }).Preload("AdminUser", "status = 1").Find(&info).Error return } func GetDistrictsById(id int64) (district models.District, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.District{}).Where("id = ? ", id).First(&district).Error return } func GetAllOrgType() (types []*models.OrgType, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.OrgType{}).Find(&types).Error return } //设置今天 func GetOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64, from int64, to int64) (count int64, err error) { var counts int64 switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_patients WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 2: //透析处方 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_dialysis_prescription WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 3: //接诊评估 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_receive_treatment_asses WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 4: //透前评估 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_assessment_before_dislysis WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 5: //临时医嘱 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) AS count FROM xt_doctor_advice WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 6: //双人核对 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_double_check WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 7: //透析上机 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_dialysis_order WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1 AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1)", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 8: //透析监测 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) AS count FROM xt_monitoring_record WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 9: //透析下机 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_dialysis_order WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND stage = 2 AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 10: //透后评估 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_assessment_after_dislysis WHERE user_org_id = ? AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 11: //入库单 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_warehouse WHERE org_id = ? AND ctime >= ? AND mtime <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break case 12: //出库单 rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM xt_warehouse_out WHERE org_id = ? AND ctime >= ? AND mtime <= ? AND status = 1", org_id, from, to).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&counts) } break } return counts, nil } //获取昨天的数据 func GetYesterDayOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { fmt.Println(statices_type) switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析上机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } //获取近七天的数据 func GetWeekOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { fmt.Println(statices_type) switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析上机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } func GetMonthOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } func GetThreeMonthOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析上机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } func GetSixMonthOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析上机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } func GetYearOrgDialysisCount(statices_type int64, org_id int64) (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { switch statices_type { case 1: //病人管理 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 2: //透析处方 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_prescription where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 3: //接诊评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_receive_treatment_asses where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 4: //透前评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_before_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 5: //临时医嘱 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_doctor_advice where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 6: //双人核对 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_double_check where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 7: //透析上机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (stage = 2 OR stage = 1) GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 8: //透析监测 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct patient_id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_monitoring_record where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 9: //透析下机 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND stage = 2 AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 10: //透后评估 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_assessment_after_dislysis where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 11: //入库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times ", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break case 12: //出库单 err = readDb.Raw("select count(distinct id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from xt_warehouse_out where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) AND status = 1 AND org_id = ? GROUP BY times", org_id).Scan(&weekStatistics).Error break } return } func GetDistrictsByUpid(id int64) (dis []*models.District, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.District{}).Where("upid=?", id).Find(&dis).Error return } func FindAllFollower() (follower []*admin_models.AdminAccount, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("status = 1 AND is_super_admin <> 1").Find(&follower).Error return } func FindPatientById(id int64, page int64, limit int64) (patients []*models.Patients, err error, total int64) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id=? AND status = 1", id) db = db.Count(&total) err = db.Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&patients).Error return } func GetAppTypeByOrgId(org_id int64) (appType models.OrgApp, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.OrgApp{}).Where("app_type = 3 AND org_id = ?", org_id).First(&appType).Error return } func GetRoles(orgID int64, appID int64, page int, count int) ([]*models.Role, int, error) { var roles []*models.Role var totalCount int err := readUserDb.Model(&models.Role{}). Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ?", orgID, appID). Count(&totalCount). Order("ctime asc").Limit(count).Offset((page - 1) * count). Find(&roles). Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return make([]*models.Role, 0), 0, nil } else { return nil, 0, err } } return roles, totalCount, nil } type AdminUserManageViewModel struct { AdminUserId int `gorm:"admin_user_id" json:"user_id"` UserName string `gorm:"user_name" json:"user_name"` RoleName string `gorm:"role_name" json:"role_name"` UserTitle int `gorm:"user_title" json:"user_title"` Ip string `gorm:"ip" json:"ip"` LastTime int64 `gorm:"ctime" json:"last_login_time"` Status int `gorm:"status" json:"status"` Mobile string `gorm:"mobile" json:"mobile"` // LastLoginTimeStr string `gorm:"-" json:"last_login_time_formatted"` TitleName string `gorm:"-" json:"title_name"` } func GetAdminUsersAndLoginInfo(orgID int64, appID int64, page int64, count int64) ([]*AdminUserManageViewModel, int, error) { if count <= 0 { return []*AdminUserManageViewModel{}, 0, nil } if page < 1 { page = 1 } var viewModels []*AdminUserManageViewModel = make([]*AdminUserManageViewModel, 0) rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT u_a_r.admin_user_id, u_a_r.user_name, u_r.role_name, u_a_r.user_title, u_l.ip, u_l.last_time, u_a_r.status, FROM sgj_user_admin_role AS u_a_r JOIN sgj_user_admin AS admin ON = u_a_r.admin_user_id INNER JOIN sgj_user_role AS u_r ON u_a_r.org_id = u_r.org_id AND u_a_r.app_id = u_r.app_id AND = u_a_r.role_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT admin_user_id, org_id, app_id, ip, MAX(ctime) as last_time FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE org_id = ? AND app_id = ? GROUP BY admin_user_id ORDER BY ctime DESC) AS t GROUP BY admin_user_id) AS u_l ON u_a_r.org_id = u_l.org_id AND u_a_r.app_id = u_l.app_id AND u_a_r.admin_user_id = u_l.admin_user_id WHERE u_a_r.org_id = ? AND u_a_r.app_id = ? GROUP BY u_a_r.admin_user_id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;", orgID, appID, orgID, appID, count, (page-1)*count).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return viewModels, 0, nil } else { return nil, 0, err } } for rows.Next() { var viewModel AdminUserManageViewModel readUserDb.ScanRows(rows, &viewModel) title, _ := models.UserTitle[viewModel.UserTitle] viewModel.TitleName = title viewModels = append(viewModels, &viewModel) } total := 0 readUserDb.Table("sgj_user_admin_role as u_a_r").Joins("join sgj_user_role as u_r on u_r.org_id = u_a_r.org_id AND u_r.app_id = u_a_r.app_id AND = u_a_r.role_id").Where("u_a_r.org_id = ? AND u_a_r.app_id = ?", orgID, appID).Count(&total) return viewModels, total, nil } func GetAllValidDeviceZones(orgID int64) ([]*models.DeviceZone, error) { var zones []*models.DeviceZone err := readDb.Model(&models.DeviceZone{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID).Find(&zones).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } return zones, nil } func GetAllValidDeviceGroups(orgID int64) ([]*models.DeviceGroup, error) { var groups []*models.DeviceGroup err := readDb.Model(&models.DeviceGroup{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID).Find(&groups).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } return groups, nil } type DeviceNumberViewModel struct { models.DeviceNumber ZoneName string `gorm:"column:zone_name" json:"zone_name"` GroupName string `gorm:"column:group_name" json:"group_name"` } func GetAllValidDeviceNumbers(orgID int64) ([]*DeviceNumberViewModel, error) { var vms []*DeviceNumberViewModel = make([]*DeviceNumberViewModel, 0) rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT n.*, as zone_name, as group_name FROM xt_device_number as n join xt_device_zone as z on = n.zone_id join xt_device_group as g on = n.group_id WHERE (n.org_id = ? AND n.status = 1)", orgID).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var vm DeviceNumberViewModel readDb.ScanRows(rows, &vm) vms = append(vms, &vm) } return vms, nil } func GetFollowOrgList(follow int64) (list []*models.Org, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.Org{}).Where("NOT EXISTS (Select * FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1) AND import <> 1 AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 15 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) AND status = 1").Preload("OrgFollow", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("status = 1").Preload("AdminAccount", "status = 1") }).Preload("AdminUserLoginLog", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&models.AdminUserLoginLog{}).Where("id = (SELECT max(id))") }).Preload("Citys").Order("ctime desc").Scan(&list).Error return } type ActiveOrg struct { OrgId int64 `gorm:"org_id" json:"org_id"` OrgName string `gorm:"org_name" json:"org_name"` } func GetActiveOrgList(from int64, to int64) (list []*ActiveOrg, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("Select a.org_id as org_id, org.org_name as org_name from (Select org_id from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? Group by log.org_id) a JOIN sgj_users.sgj_user_org org On a.org_id =", from, to).Scan(&list).Error return } func GetNewCreateOrgList(from int64, to int64) (list []*ActiveOrg, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select as org_id, org.org_name as org_name from sgj_user_org org where org.status = 1 AND org.import <> 1 AND org.ctime >= ? AND org.ctime <= ?", from, to).Scan(&list).Error return } type DoctorNurse struct { Date string `gorm:"date" json:"date"` Mobile string `gorm:"mobile" json:"mobile"` } func GetNewDoctorNurseList(from int64, to int64) (list []*DoctorNurse, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select from_unixtime(log.`ctime`, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s') as date, as mobile from sgj_user_admin_login_log log Join `sgj_user_admin` admin on log.`admin_user_id` = admin.`id` Where log.`operate_type` = 1 and log.`app_type` = 3 and log.ctime >= ? and log.ctime <= ?", from, to).Scan(&list).Error return } type Patient struct { CreatedTime string `gorm:"created_time" json:"created_time"` Name string `gorm:"name" json:"name"` } func GetNewPatientList(from int64, to int64) (list []*Patient, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select name, from_unixtime(created_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s') as created_time from xt_patients where created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ? AND status = 1", from, to).Scan(&list).Error return }