// 统计后台的 service package service import ( "XT_Admin_Api/models" "XT_Admin_Api/models/admin_models" "database/sql" "fmt" "github.com/jinzhu/gorm" "strings" ) func GetAdminAccount(account string, password string) (*admin_models.AdminAccount, error) { var model admin_models.AdminAccount err := readChargeDb.Where("mobile = ? AND password = ? AND status = 1", account, password).First(&model).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } return nil, err } return &model, nil } // 获取总机构数 func GetTotalOrgCount() (int, error) { var count int err := readUserDb.Model(&models.Org{}).Where("status <> 0 AND import <> 1").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetAdminUserSpecialPermission(orgID int64, appID int64, adminUserID int64, permissionType models.SpecialPermissionType) (*models.AdminUserSpecialPermission, error) { var record models.AdminUserSpecialPermission err := readDb.Model(&models.AdminUserSpecialPermission{}).Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND admin_user_id = ? AND permission = ? AND status = 1", orgID, appID, adminUserID, permissionType).First(&record).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } else { return nil, err } } return &record, nil } // 获取一段时间内新增病人数量 func GetNewPatientCount(from int64, to int64) (int, error) { var count int db := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_card_no) AS count FROM xt_patients WHERE status > 0 AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ?", from, to) rows, err := db.Rows() defer rows.Close() //rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_card_no) AS count FROM xt_patients WHERE status > 0 AND created_time >= ? AND created_time <= ?", from, to).Rows() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&count) } return count, nil } // 获取所有机构病人数量 func GetPatientTotalCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 db := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_card_no) AS count FROM xt_patients") rows, err := db.Rows() defer rows.Close() //rows, err := readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_card_no) AS count FROM xt_patients").Rows() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&count) } return count, nil } // 获取一段时间内的活跃账户数 func GetActiveAdminUserCount(from int64, to int64) (int64, error) { var count int64 db := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT admin_user_id) AS count FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? AND operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3", from, to) rows, err := db.Rows() defer rows.Close() //rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT admin_user_id) AS count FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? AND operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3", from, to).Rows() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&count) } return count, nil } // 获取所有机构账户数量 func GetAdminUserTotalCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 db := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT admin_user_id) AS count FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3") rows, err := db.Rows() defer rows.Close() //rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT admin_user_id) AS count FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3").Rows() if err != nil { return 0, err } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&count) } return count, nil } // 获取一段时间内注册的机构数量 func GetRegistedOrgCount(from int64, to int64) (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.Org{}).Where("status <> 0 AND ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? AND import <> 1", from, to).Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 获取一段时间内的活跃机构数 func GetActiveOrgCount(from int64, to int64) (int64, error) { var org []*Org //readUserDb.Raw("Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? Group by log.org_id", from, to).Scan(&org) readUserDb.Raw("Select org_id from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where ctime >= ? AND ctime <= ? Group by log.org_id", from, to).Scan(&org) return int64(len(org)), nil } type Org struct { OrgId int64 } // 获取所有活跃机构数 func GetActiveOrgTotalCount() (int64, error) { var org []*Org readUserDb.Raw("Select org_id from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id Group by log.org_id").Scan(&org) fmt.Println(org) return int64(len(org)), nil } // 获取昨天的注册机构总量 func GetYesterDayRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_org where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近昨天的的机构活跃总量 func GetYesterDayActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { db := readUserDb.Raw(" Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(ctime)) Group by date(from_unixtime(ctime))") err = db.Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取昨天的的机构活跃账号总量 func GetYesterDayActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取昨天的的机构新增病人总量 func GetYesterDayNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = date(from_unixtime(created_time)) GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(created_time));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近七天每天的注册机构总量 func GetWeekRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(id) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_org where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } //func GetWeekActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.WeekStatistics, err error) { // err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(id) as count, date(from_unixtime(ctime)) as times from sgj_user_org where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error // return //} // 获取近七天每天的机构活跃总量 func GetWeekActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { //db := readDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(user_org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_dialysis_order where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) AND status = 1 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(created_time));") db := readUserDb.Raw(" Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) Group by date(from_unixtime(ctime))") err = db.Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近七天每天的机构活跃账号总量 func GetWeekActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND operate_type = 1 AND app_type = 3 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近七天每天的机构新增病人总量 func GetWeekNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(created_time));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近30天每天的注册机构总量 func GetMonthRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(id) as count,DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_org where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近30天每天的机构活跃总量 func GetMonthActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(ctime)) Group by date(from_unixtime(ctime))").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近30天每天的机构活跃账号总量 func GetMonthActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m-%d')as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(ctime));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近30天每天的机构新增病人总量 func GetMonthNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(created_time)) ,'%Y-%m-%d') as times from xt_patients where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(created_time)) GROUP BY date(from_unixtime(created_time));").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近3个月每个月的注册机构总量 func GetThreeMonthRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id)) as count from sgj_user_org where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近3个月每个月的机构活跃账号总量 func GetThreeMonthActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近3个月每个月的机构活跃总量 func GetThreeMonthActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw(" Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month),'%Y-%m') Group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近3个月每个月机构新增病人总量 func GetThreeMonthNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count from xt_patients where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month),'%Y-%m') group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近半年每个月的注册机构总量 func GetSixMonthRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id)) as count from sgj_user_org where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近半年每个月的机构活跃账号总量 func GetSixMonthActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近半年每个月的机构活跃总量 func GetSixMonthActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw(" Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month),'%Y-%m') Group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近半年每个月机构新增病人总量 func GetSixMonthNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count from xt_patients where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month),'%Y-%m') group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近1年每个月的注册机构总量 func GetYearRegistedOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id)) as count from sgj_user_org where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_org.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 12 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_org.status = 1 AND sgj_user_org.import <> 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近1年每个月的机构活跃账号总量 func GetYearActiveAdminUserCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(admin_user_id)) as count from sgj_user_admin_login_log where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(sgj_user_admin_login_log.ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 12 month),'%Y-%m') AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.app_type = 3 AND sgj_user_admin_login_log.operate_type = 1 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近1年每个月的机构活跃总量 func GetYearActiveOrgCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw(" Select count(DISTINCT(org_id)) as count, DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)) ,'%Y-%m') as times from sgj_user_admin_login_log log JOIN (Select d.user_org_id from (Select new_role.user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,org_id as user_org_id from sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role where role.`user_type` = 2 OR role.`user_type` = 3 Group by role.org_id) new_role where new_role.count > 2) d JOIN (Select user_org_id from (Select count(*) as count,user_org_id from sgj_xt.xt_patients where status = 1 Group by user_org_id) new_patient where new_patient.count > 3) c On d.user_org_id = c.user_org_id) new_user_org ON new_user_org.user_org_id = log.org_id where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(ctime)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 12 month),'%Y-%m') Group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } // 获取近1年每个月机构新增病人总量 func GetYearNewPatientCount() (weekStatistics []*admin_models.Statistics, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("select DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)) ,'%Y-%m') as times,count(DISTINCT(id_card_no)) as count from xt_patients where DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(xt_patients.created_time)),'%Y-%m')>=DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(curdate(), interval 12 month),'%Y-%m') AND status > 0 group by times").Scan(&weekStatistics).Error return } //func GetAllAdmin() (admin []*admin_models.AdminAccount, err error) { // err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("is_admin <> 1 AND (status = 1 OR status = 2)").Find(&admin).Error // return //} func GetAllAdmin() (admin []*admin_models.AdminAccount, err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("is_admin <> 1 AND (status = 1 OR status = 2)").Find(&admin).Error return } func CreateAdmin(admin *admin_models.AdminAccount) (err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Create(&admin).Error return } func FindUserInfoByAccount(account string) (admin admin_models.AdminAccount, err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("mobile = ? AND status = 1", account).First(&admin).Error return } func FindAdminById(id int64) (admin admin_models.AdminAccount, err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("id = ?", id).First(&admin).Error return } func UpdateAdmin(admin *admin_models.AdminAccount) (err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Save(&admin).Error return } func DeleteAdmin(id int64) (err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0}).Error //err = readChargeDb.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("admin_user_id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0}).Error return } func UpdateAdminTwo(id int64) (err error) { err = readChargeDb.Model(&admin_models.AdminAccount{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 1}).Error //err = readChargeDb.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("admin_user_id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0}).Error return } func FindAllOrg() (org []*models.Org, err error) { err = readUserDb.Select("id, org_name").Where("status = 1").Find(&org).Error return } type FollowViewModel struct { models.OrgFollow OrgName string `gorm:"column:org_name" json:"org_name"` } func FindFollowOrg(admin_id int64) ([]*FollowViewModel, error) { var vms []*FollowViewModel = make([]*FollowViewModel, 0) rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT follow.*, org.org_name as org_name FROM sgj_org_follow as follow join sgj_user_org as org on org.id = follow.org_id WHERE (follow.admin_user_id = ? AND follow.status = 1)", admin_id).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var vm FollowViewModel readDb.ScanRows(rows, &vm) vms = append(vms, &vm) } fmt.Println(vms) return vms, nil } type OrgViewModel struct { Id int64 `gorm:"PRIMARY_KEY;AUTO_INCREMENT" json:"id"` // 机构 ID OrgName string `gorm:"column:org_name" json:"org_name"` } func FindUnFollowOrgByIds(id int64) (orgViewModel []*OrgViewModel, err error) { err = readUserDb.Raw("Select id, org_name From sgj_user_org Where NOT EXISTS (Select id, org_name FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = sgj_user_org.id AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1)", id).Scan(&orgViewModel).Error return } func CreateFollowInfo(Follows []*models.OrgFollow) (err error) { if len(Follows) > 0 { utx := writeUserDb.Begin() if len(Follows) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO sgj_org_follow (org_id,admin_user_id,ctime,mtime,status) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, info := range Follows { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?,?,?,?,?)") insertData = append(insertData, info.OrgId) insertData = append(insertData, info.AdminUserId) insertData = append(insertData, info.Ctime) insertData = append(insertData, info.Mtime) insertData = append(insertData, info.Status) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } } utx.Commit() } return } func UpdateFollow(follow *models.OrgFollow) (err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Save(follow).Error return } func FindFollowRecordByID(follow *models.OrgFollow) (info models.OrgFollow, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("org_id = ? AND admin_user_id = ?", follow.OrgId, follow.AdminUserId).First(&info).Error return } func FindFollowInfoById(org_id int64, admin_user_id int64) (info models.OrgFollow, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.OrgFollow{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND admin_user_id = ?", org_id, admin_user_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetAllWaitFollowOrgList(keyword string, page int64, limit int64, id int64) (orgViewModel []*OrgViewModel, err error, total int64) { type Total struct { Count int64 } var totals Total offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readUserDb if len(keyword) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%" err = db.Raw("Select id, org_name From sgj_user_org Where NOT EXISTS (Select id, org_name FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = sgj_user_org.id AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1 ) AND import <> 1 AND (sgj_user_org.org_name Like ? OR sgj_user_org.org_short_name Like ?) AND status = 1 ORDER BY sgj_user_org.ctime DESC", id, likeKey, likeKey).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&orgViewModel).Error readUserDb.Raw("Select count(id) as count From sgj_user_org Where NOT EXISTS (Select id, org_name FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = sgj_user_org.id AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1) AND import <> 1 AND (sgj_user_org.org_name Like ? OR sgj_user_org.org_short_name Like ?) AND status = 1", id, likeKey, likeKey).Scan(&totals) } else { db = db.Raw("Select id, org_name From sgj_user_org Where NOT EXISTS (Select id, org_name FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = sgj_user_org.id AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1) AND import <> 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sgj_user_org.ctime DESC", id) err = db.Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&orgViewModel).Error readUserDb.Raw("Select count(id) as count From sgj_user_org Where NOT EXISTS (Select id, org_name FROM sgj_org_follow Where sgj_org_follow.org_id = sgj_user_org.id AND sgj_org_follow.admin_user_id = ? AND sgj_org_follow.status = 1) AND import <> 1 AND status = 1", id).Scan(&totals) } return orgViewModel, err, totals.Count } func FindAllFollowOrg(keyword string, page int64, limit int64, admin_id int64) (follow []*FollowViewModel, err error, total int64) { type Total struct { Count int64 } var totals Total offset := (page - 1) * limit if len(keyword) > 0 { var vms []*FollowViewModel = make([]*FollowViewModel, 0) var rows *sql.Rows var errs error likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%" rows, errs = readUserDb.Raw("SELECT follow.*, org.org_name as org_name, org.ctime as time FROM sgj_org_follow as follow join sgj_user_org as org on org.id = follow.org_id AND (org.org_name Like ? OR org.org_short_name Like ?) AND org.import <> 1 AND org.status = 1 WHERE (follow.admin_user_id = ? AND follow.status = 1) ORDER BY time DESC", likeKey, likeKey, admin_id).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Rows() readUserDb.Raw("SELECT count(follow.id) as count FROM sgj_org_follow as follow join sgj_user_org as org on org.id = follow.org_id AND (org.org_name Like ? OR org.org_short_name Like ?) AND org.import <> 1 AND org.status = 1 WHERE follow.admin_user_id = ? AND follow.status = 1", likeKey, likeKey, admin_id).Scan(&totals) defer rows.Close() if errs != nil { return nil, errs, totals.Count } for rows.Next() { var vm FollowViewModel readDb.ScanRows(rows, &vm) vms = append(vms, &vm) } return vms, nil, totals.Count } else { var vms []*FollowViewModel = make([]*FollowViewModel, 0) var rows *sql.Rows var errs error rows, errs = readUserDb.Raw("SELECT follow.*, org.org_name as org_name, org.ctime as time FROM sgj_org_follow as follow join sgj_user_org as org on org.id = follow.org_id AND org.import <> 1 AND org.status = 1 WHERE follow.admin_user_id = ? AND follow.status = 1 ORDER BY time DESC", admin_id).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Rows() readUserDb.Raw("SELECT count(follow.id) as count FROM sgj_org_follow as follow join sgj_user_org as org on org.id = follow.org_id AND org.import <> 1 AND org.status = 1 WHERE follow.admin_user_id = ? AND follow.status = 1", admin_id).Scan(&totals) defer rows.Close() if errs != nil { return nil, errs, totals.Count } for rows.Next() { var vm FollowViewModel readDb.ScanRows(rows, &vm) vms = append(vms, &vm) } return vms, nil, totals.Count } } // 获取累积客户数 func GetCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 本年新增收费客户 func GetCurYearCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 统计本年新增标准版客户 func GetCurYearStandCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and custom_type = 1").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 统计本年新增尊享版客户 func GetCurYearDeluxeCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and custom_type = 2").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 统计本年新增专业版客户 func GetCurYearProfessionalCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and custom_type = 3").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } // 统计本年新增其他版客户 func GetCurYearOtherCustomCount() (int64, error) { var count int64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeCustom{}).Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and custom_type = 4").Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearContractPriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(sumamt) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearSoftwarePriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(software_price) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearHardwarePriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(hardware_price) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearPaymentCollectionSumamtPriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(payment_collection_sumamt) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearPaymentCollectionSoftwarePriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(software_sumamt) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil } func GetCurYearPaymentCollectionHardwarePriceCount() (float64, error) { var count float64 err := readUserDb.Model(&models.KyyChargeContract{}).Select("sum(hardware_sumamt) as count").Where("status = 1 and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(ctime)) = YEAR(CURDATE())").Find(&count).Error if err != nil { return 0, err } return count, nil }