package service import ( "XT_New/models" "fmt" "time" ) type DialysisTotalDataStruct struct { Date string `json:"date"` Number string `json:"number"` ModeID string `json:"mode_id"` } func GetDialysisTotalData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, statisticalMethod, modeID, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (dtd []*DialysisTotalDataStruct, ttd []*DialysisTotalDataStruct, total int64, err error) { db := readDb sql := "s.mode_id, from_unixtime(s.schedule_date, '%Y%m%d') as date, count(s.schedule_date) as number" datesql := "s.schedule_date as date" group := "from_unixtime(s.schedule_date, '%Y%m%d')" db = db.Table("xt_schedule as s") if statisticalMethod == 1 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_dialysis_order as o ON o.user_org_id =? and o.patient_id=s.patient_id and o.dialysis_date=s.schedule_date and o.status=1", orgID) } db = db.Where("s.user_org_id=?", orgID) if modeID > 0 { db = db.Where("s.mode_id=?", modeID) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("s.schedule_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("s.schedule_date<=?", endTime) } db = db.Where("s.status=1") if lapseto > 0 { joinString := "JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.lapseto=? and p.status=1" joinParams := make([]interface{}, 0) joinParams = append(joinParams, lapseto) if orgID > 0 { joinString += " AND p.user_org_id=?" joinParams = append(joinParams, orgID) } db = db.Joins(joinString, joinParams...) } err = db.Select("s.mode_id, count(s.mode_id) as number").Group("s.mode_id").Order("s.mode_id asc").Find(&ttd).Error if err != nil { return } offset := (page - 1) * limit var ds []*DialysisTotalDataStruct err = db.Select(datesql).Group(group).Count(&total).Order("date asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ds).Error if err != nil { return } dates := make([]string, 0) if len(ds) > 0 { for _, d := range ds { dates = append(dates, d.Date) } db = db.Where("s.schedule_date IN (?)", dates) } err = db.Select(sql).Group(group + ", s.mode_id").Order("date asc, mode_id").Find(&dtd).Error return } type PIInspectionPageStruct struct { PatientID int64 `json:"patient_id"` InspectDate int64 `json:"inspect_date"` } type PIInspectionProjectCountStruct struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` } func GetProcessIndicatorsData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, dialysisAge, projectID, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (inspections []*models.Inspection, references []*models.InspectionReference, patients []*models.Patients, counts []*PIInspectionProjectCountStruct, total int64, err error) { err = readDb.Table("xt_inspection_reference").Find(&references).Error if err != nil || len(references) == 0 { return } projects := make(map[int64]int64, 0) for _, reference := range references { if _, exist := projects[reference.ProjectId]; !exist { projects[reference.ProjectId] = reference.ProjectId } } projectLen := len(projects) countSQL := "SELECT count(distinct project_id) as projects FROM xt_inspection as i " countParams := make([]interface{}, 0) if dialysisAge > 0 || lapseto > 0 { countSQL += " JOIN xt_patients as p ON" if orgID > 0 { countSQL += " and p.user_org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { countSQL += " and p.lapseto=?" countParams = append(countParams, lapseto) } if dialysisAge > 0 { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return inspections, references, patients, counts, total, err } timePoint := dayTime.AddDate(0, -3, 0).Unix() if dialysisAge == 1 { countSQL += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date <= ?" countParams = append(countParams, timePoint) } else { countSQL += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date > ?" countParams = append(countParams, timePoint) } } } countSQL += " WHERE i.status=1" if orgID > 0 { countSQL += " AND i.org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } if projectID > 0 { countSQL += " AND i.project_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, projectID) } if isStartTime { countSQL += " AND i.inspect_date>=?" countParams = append(countParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { countSQL += " AND i.inspect_date<=?" countParams = append(countParams, endTime) } countParams = append(countParams, projectLen) err = readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(*) as count from ("+countSQL+" GROUP BY inspect_date, patient_id) as t where t.projects 0 { db = db.Where("i.org_id=?", orgID) } if projectID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.project_id=?", projectID) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date<=?", endTime) } db = db.Where("i.status=1") if dialysisAge > 0 || lapseto > 0 { joinString := "JOIN xt_patients as p ON" joinParams := make([]interface{}, 0) if orgID > 0 { joinString += " and p.user_org_id=?" joinParams = append(joinParams, orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { joinString += " and p.lapseto=?" joinParams = append(joinParams, lapseto) } if dialysisAge > 0 { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return inspections, references, patients, counts, total, err } timePoint := dayTime.AddDate(0, -3, 0).Unix() if dialysisAge == 1 { joinString += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date <= ?" joinParams = append(joinParams, timePoint) } else { joinString += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date > ?" joinParams = append(joinParams, timePoint) } } db = db.Joins(joinString, joinParams...) } offset := (page - 1) * limit var ds []*PIInspectionPageStruct err = db.Select("i.patient_id, i.inspect_date").Group("inspect_date, patient_id").Count(&total).Order("inspect_date desc, i.created_time desc, asc, patient_id asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ds).Error if err != nil { return } dates := make([]int64, 0) ids := make([]int64, 0) if len(ds) > 0 { for _, d := range ds { dates = append(dates, d.InspectDate) ids = append(ids, d.PatientID) } db = db.Where("i.inspect_date IN (?)", dates).Where("i.patient_id IN (?)", ids) } err = db.Select(", i.patient_id, org_id, i.project_id, i.item_id, i.item_name, i.project_name, i.inspect_type, i.inspect_value, i.inspect_date, i.status, i.created_time, i.updated_time").Order("inspect_date desc, created_time desc, id asc, patient_id asc").Find(&inspections).Error if err != nil { return } if len(ids) > 0 { err = readDb.Table("xt_patients").Where("id IN (?)", ids).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } } return } func GetOICData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, dialysisAge, projectID, itemID, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (inspections []*models.Inspection, references []*models.InspectionReference, patients []*models.Patients, counts []*PIInspectionProjectCountStruct, total int64, err error) { err = readDb.Table("xt_inspection_reference").Order("project_id").Find(&references).Error if err != nil || len(references) == 0 { return } countSQL := "SELECT count(distinct i.project_id) as projects FROM xt_inspection as i " countParams := make([]interface{}, 0) countSQL += " JOIN xt_inspection_reference as ir ON and ir.project_id=i.project_id" if dialysisAge > 0 || lapseto > 0 { countSQL += " JOIN xt_patients as p ON" if orgID > 0 { countSQL += " and p.user_org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { countSQL += " and p.lapseto=?" countParams = append(countParams, lapseto) } if dialysisAge > 0 { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return inspections, references, patients, counts, total, err } timePoint := dayTime.AddDate(0, -3, 0).Unix() if dialysisAge == 1 { countSQL += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date <= ?" countParams = append(countParams, timePoint) } else { countSQL += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date > ?" countParams = append(countParams, timePoint) } } } countSQL += " WHERE i.status=1" if orgID > 0 { countSQL += " AND i.org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } if projectID > 0 { countSQL += " AND i.project_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, projectID) } if isStartTime { countSQL += " AND i.inspect_date>=?" countParams = append(countParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { countSQL += " AND i.inspect_date<=?" countParams = append(countParams, endTime) } countSQL += " AND ((i.inspect_type=1 AND (CONVERT(i.inspect_value, DECIMAL)CONVERT(ir.range_max, DECIMAL))) OR (i.inspect_type=2 AND i.inspect_value<>ir.range_value))" err = readDb.Raw("SELECT COUNT(*) as count from ("+countSQL+" GROUP BY inspect_date, patient_id) as t ", countParams...).Scan(&counts).Error if err != nil { return } db := readDb.Table("xt_inspection as i") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.org_id=?", orgID) } if projectID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.project_id=?", projectID) } if itemID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.item_id=?", itemID) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date<=?", endTime) } db = db.Where("i.status=1") if dialysisAge > 0 || lapseto > 0 { joinString := "JOIN xt_patients as p ON" joinParams := make([]interface{}, 0) if orgID > 0 { joinString += " and p.user_org_id=?" joinParams = append(joinParams, orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { joinString += " and p.lapseto=?" joinParams = append(joinParams, lapseto) } if dialysisAge > 0 { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return inspections, references, patients, counts, total, err } timePoint := dayTime.AddDate(0, -3, 0).Unix() if dialysisAge == 1 { joinString += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date <= ?" joinParams = append(joinParams, timePoint) } else { joinString += " and p.first_dialysis_date<>0 AND p.first_dialysis_date > ?" joinParams = append(joinParams, timePoint) } } db = db.Joins(joinString, joinParams...) } offset := (page - 1) * limit var ds []*PIInspectionPageStruct err = db.Select("i.patient_id, i.inspect_date").Group("inspect_date, patient_id").Count(&total).Order("inspect_date desc, i.created_time desc, asc, patient_id asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ds).Error if err != nil { return } dates := make([]int64, 0) ids := make([]int64, 0) if len(ds) > 0 { for _, d := range ds { dates = append(dates, d.InspectDate) ids = append(ids, d.PatientID) } db = db.Where("i.inspect_date IN (?)", dates).Where("i.patient_id IN (?)", ids) } err = db.Select(", i.patient_id, org_id, i.project_id, i.item_id, i.item_name, i.project_name, i.inspect_type, i.inspect_value, i.inspect_date, i.status, i.created_time, i.updated_time").Order("inspect_date desc, created_time desc, id asc, patient_id asc").Find(&inspections).Error if err != nil { return } if len(ids) > 0 { err = readDb.Table("xt_patients").Where("id IN (?)", ids).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } } return } func GetOIQData(orgID, page, limit, projectID, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool, searchKey string) (inspections []*models.Inspection, references []*models.InspectionReference, patients []*models.Patients, total int64, err error) { err = readDb.Table("xt_inspection_reference").Order("project_id").Find(&references).Error if err != nil || len(references) == 0 { return } if projectID <= 0 { projectID = references[0].ProjectId } db := readDb.Table("xt_inspection as i") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.org_id=?", orgID) } if projectID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.project_id=?", projectID) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("i.inspect_date<=?", endTime) } if len(searchKey) > 0 { searchKey = "%" + searchKey + "%" joinString := "JOIN xt_patients as p ON AND ( LIKE ? OR p.dialysis_no LIKE ?)" joinParams := make([]interface{}, 0) joinParams = append(joinParams, searchKey) joinParams = append(joinParams, searchKey) db = db.Joins(joinString, joinParams...) db = db.Where(" LIKE ? OR p.dialysis_no LIKE ?", searchKey, searchKey) } db = db.Where("i.status=1") offset := (page - 1) * limit var ds []*PIInspectionPageStruct err = db.Select("i.patient_id, i.inspect_date").Group("inspect_date, patient_id").Count(&total).Order("inspect_date desc, i.created_time desc, asc, patient_id asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ds).Error if err != nil { return } dates := make([]int64, 0) ids := make([]int64, 0) if len(ds) > 0 { for _, d := range ds { dates = append(dates, d.InspectDate) ids = append(ids, d.PatientID) } db = db.Where("i.inspect_date IN (?)", dates).Where("i.patient_id IN (?)", ids) } err = db.Select(", i.patient_id, org_id, i.project_id, i.item_id, i.item_name, i.project_name, i.inspect_type, i.inspect_value, i.inspect_date, i.status, i.created_time, i.updated_time").Order("inspect_date desc, created_time desc, id asc, patient_id asc").Find(&inspections).Error if err != nil { return } if len(ids) > 0 { err = readDb.Table("xt_patients").Where("id IN (?)", ids).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } } return } func GetPATotalData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, source, age, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool, searchKey string) (patients []*models.Patients, lapsetoOut, lapsetoIn, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_patients").Where("status=1") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("user_org_id=?", orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("lapseto=?", lapseto) } if source > 0 { if source == 1 || source == 2 { db = db.Where("source=?", source) } else { db = db.Where("source NOT IN (1,2)") } } loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return } var timeStartPoint int64 var timeEndPoint int64 if age == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? or birthday<=?", timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("created_time>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("created_time<=?", endTime) } if len(searchKey) > 0 { searchKey = "%" + searchKey + "%" db = db.Where("name LIKE ? OR dialysis_no LIKE ? ", searchKey, searchKey) } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Count(&total).Order("id desc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } err = db.Where("lapseto=1").Count(&lapsetoIn).Error if err != nil { return } lapsetoOut = total - lapsetoIn return } type PADialysisAgePieDataStruct struct { Age int64 `json:"age"` Count int64 `json:"count"` } func GetPADialysisAgeData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, age, dialysisAge, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (patients []*models.Patients, counts []*PADialysisAgePieDataStruct, total int64, err error) { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return } var timeStartPoint int64 var timeEndPoint int64 oneYearPoint := dayTime.AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix() fiveYearPoint := dayTime.AddDate(-5, 0, 0).Unix() tenYearPoint := dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() twentyYearPoint := dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() db := readDb.Table("xt_patients").Where("status=1") countSQL := "SELECT nnd AS 'age',COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM(" + "SELECT " + "CASE " + " WHEN first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? THEN '1'" + " WHEN first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? && first_dialysis_date<=? THEN '2'" + " WHEN first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? && first_dialysis_date<=? THEN '3'" + " WHEN first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? && first_dialysis_date<=? THEN '4'" + " WHEN first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date<=? THEN '5'" + " ELSE '0'" + "END AS nnd FROM xt_patients WHERE status=1 " countParams := make([]interface{}, 0) countParams = append(countParams, oneYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, fiveYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, oneYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, tenYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, fiveYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, twentyYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, tenYearPoint) countParams = append(countParams, twentyYearPoint) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("user_org_id=?", orgID) countSQL += " AND user_org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("lapseto=?", lapseto) countSQL += " AND lapseto=?" countParams = append(countParams, lapseto) } if age == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (birthday>? and birthday<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (birthday>? and birthday<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? and birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (birthday>? and birthday<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("birthday>? or birthday<=?", timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) countSQL += " AND (birthday>? or birthday<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) } if dialysisAge == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date>?", timeStartPoint) db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<>0") countSQL += " AND (first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if dialysisAge == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-5, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<>0") db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if dialysisAge == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-5, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<>0") db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if dialysisAge == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<>0") db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date>? and first_dialysis_date<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if dialysisAge == 5 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<>0") db = db.Where("first_dialysis_date<=?", timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND (first_dialysis_date<>0 AND first_dialysis_date<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("created_time>=?", startTime) countSQL += " AND (created_time>=?)" countParams = append(countParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("created_time<=?", endTime) countSQL += " AND (created_time<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, endTime) } countSQL += ")a GROUP BY nnd" err = readDb.Raw(countSQL, countParams...).Scan(&counts).Error if err != nil { return } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Count(&total).Order("id desc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } return } type PAWeightDataStruct struct { models.Schedule Patient *models.Patients `json:"patient" gorm:"foreignkey:PatientId;"` AssessmentAfterDislysis *models.AssessmentAfterDislysis `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_after_dislysis"` AssessmentBeforeDislysis *models.PredialysisEvaluation `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_before_dislysis"` } type PAWeightPieDataStruct struct { Weight int64 `json:"weight"` Count int64 `json:"count"` } func (PAWeightDataStruct) TableName() string { return "xt_schedule" } func GetPAWeightData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, age, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (weight []*PAWeightDataStruct, dryweight []*PAWeightPieDataStruct, weightincrease []*PAWeightPieDataStruct, afterweight []*PAWeightPieDataStruct, total int64, err error) { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return } var timeStartPoint int64 var timeEndPoint int64 dryCountSQL := "SELECT nnd AS 'weight',COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM(" + "SELECT " + "CASE " + " WHEN abd.dry_weight<>0 and abd.dry_weight<40 THEN '1'" + " WHEN abd.dry_weight>=40 && abd.dry_weight<50 THEN '2'" + " WHEN abd.dry_weight>=50 && abd.dry_weight<60 THEN '3'" + " WHEN abd.dry_weight>=60 && abd.dry_weight<70 THEN '4'" + " WHEN abd.dry_weight>=70 THEN '5'" + " ELSE '0'" + "END AS nnd FROM xt_assessment_before_dislysis as abd JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? WHERE p.status=1" dryCountParams := make([]interface{}, 0) dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, orgID) increaseCountSQL := "SELECT nnd AS 'weight',COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM(" + "SELECT " + "CASE " + " WHEN (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)<1 THEN '1'" + " WHEN (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)>=1 && (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)<2 THEN '2'" + " WHEN (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)>=2 && (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)<3 THEN '3'" + " WHEN (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)>=3 && (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)<4 THEN '4'" + " WHEN (abd.weight_before-abd.dry_weight)>=4 THEN '5'" + " ELSE '0'" + "END AS nnd FROM xt_assessment_before_dislysis as abd JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? WHERE p.status=1" increaseCountParams := make([]interface{}, 0) increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, orgID) afterCountSQL := "SELECT nnd AS 'weight',COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM(" + "SELECT " + "CASE " + " WHEN afd.weight_after<>0 and afd.weight_after<40 THEN '1'" + " WHEN afd.weight_after>=40 && afd.weight_after<50 THEN '2'" + " WHEN afd.weight_after>=50 && afd.weight_after<60 THEN '3'" + " WHEN afd.weight_after>=60 && afd.weight_after<70 THEN '4'" + " WHEN afd.weight_after>=70 THEN '5'" + " ELSE '0'" + "END AS nnd FROM xt_assessment_after_dislysis as afd JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? WHERE p.status=1" afterCountParams := make([]interface{}, 0) afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, orgID) db := readDb.Table("xt_schedule as c").Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=?", orgID) if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("p.lapseto=?", lapseto) dryCountSQL += " AND p.lapseto=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, lapseto) increaseCountSQL += " AND p.lapseto=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, lapseto) afterCountSQL += " AND p.lapseto=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, lapseto) } if age == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) dryCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) increaseCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) afterCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) dryCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) increaseCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) afterCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) dryCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) increaseCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) afterCountSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?", timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) dryCountSQL += " AND (p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?)" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) increaseCountSQL += " AND (p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?)" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) afterCountSQL += " AND (p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?)" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date>=?", startTime) dryCountSQL += " AND abd.assessment_date>=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, startTime) increaseCountSQL += " AND abd.assessment_date>=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, startTime) afterCountSQL += " AND afd.assessment_date>=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date<=?", endTime) dryCountSQL += " AND abd.assessment_date<=?" dryCountParams = append(dryCountParams, endTime) increaseCountSQL += " AND abd.assessment_date<=?" increaseCountParams = append(increaseCountParams, endTime) afterCountSQL += " AND afd.assessment_date<=?" afterCountParams = append(afterCountParams, endTime) } dryCountSQL += ")a GROUP BY nnd" err = readDb.Raw(dryCountSQL, dryCountParams...).Scan(&dryweight).Error if err != nil { return } increaseCountSQL += ")a GROUP BY nnd" err = readDb.Raw(increaseCountSQL, increaseCountParams...).Scan(&weightincrease).Error if err != nil { return } afterCountSQL += ")a GROUP BY nnd" err = readDb.Raw(afterCountSQL, afterCountParams...).Scan(&afterweight).Error if err != nil { return } db = db.Where("c.status=1") offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("Patient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date desc, c.schedule_type desc, desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&weight).Error return } type PABloodPressureDataStruct struct { models.Schedule Patient *models.Patients `json:"patient" gorm:"foreignkey:PatientId;"` AssessmentAfterDislysis *models.AssessmentAfterDislysis `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_after_dislysis"` AssessmentBeforeDislysis *models.PredialysisEvaluation `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_before_dislysis"` MonitoringRecord []*models.MonitoringRecord `gorm:"ForeignKey:MonitoringDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"monitor_records"` } func (PABloodPressureDataStruct) TableName() string { return "xt_schedule" } type PABloodPressurePieDataStruct struct { Blood int64 `json:"blood"` Count int64 `json:"count"` } func GetPABloodPressureData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, dialysisStage, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (bloodPressures []*PABloodPressureDataStruct, bps []*PABloodPressurePieDataStruct, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_schedule as c").Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=?", orgID) countSQL := "SELECT lmr.* from xt_monitoring_record as lmr JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? " countParams := make([]interface{}, 0) countParams = append(countParams, orgID) if dialysisStage == 1 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_assessment_before_dislysis as abd ON abd.patient_id=c.patient_id and abd.assessment_date=c.schedule_date and abd.user_org_id=?", orgID) countSQL += "JOIN xt_assessment_before_dislysis as abd ON abd.patient_id=lmr.patient_id and abd.assessment_date=lmr.monitoring_date and abd.user_org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } else if dialysisStage == 2 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_assessment_after_dislysis as aad ON aad.patient_id=c.patient_id and aad.assessment_date=c.schedule_date and aad.user_org_id=?", orgID) countSQL += "JOIN xt_assessment_after_dislysis as aad ON aad.patient_id=lmr.patient_id and aad.assessment_date=lmr.monitoring_date and aad.user_org_id=?" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) } countSQL += " WHERE lmr.user_org_id=? AND lmr.status=1" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("p.lapseto=?", lapseto) countSQL += " AND p.lapseto=?" countParams = append(countParams, lapseto) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date>=?", startTime) countSQL += " AND lmr.monitoring_date>=?" countParams = append(countParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date<=?", endTime) countSQL += " AND lmr.monitoring_date<=?" countParams = append(countParams, endTime) } countSQL += " order by lmr.systolic_blood_pressure desc, lmr.diastolic_blood_pressure desc" lastSQL := "SELECT nnd as 'blood' ,COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM(" + "SELECT " + "CASE " + " WHEN systolic_blood_pressure<>0 && diastolic_blood_pressure <> 0 && systolic_blood_pressure<140 && diastolic_blood_pressure<90 THEN '1'" + " WHEN systolic_blood_pressure>=160 && diastolic_blood_pressure>=100 THEN '2'" + " WHEN systolic_blood_pressure<160 && systolic_blood_pressure>=140 && diastolic_blood_pressure<100 && diastolic_blood_pressure>=90 THEN '3'" + " ELSE '0' " + "END AS nnd FROM (" + countSQL + ") b group by monitoring_date, patient_id)a GROUP BY nnd" err = readDb.Raw(lastSQL, countParams...).Find(&bps).Error if err != nil { return } db = db.Where("c.status=1") offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("Patient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("MonitoringRecord", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date desc, c.schedule_type desc, desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&bloodPressures).Error return } type PAComplicationDataStruct struct { models.Schedule Patient *models.Patients `json:"patient" gorm:"foreignkey:PatientId;"` AssessmentAfterDislysis *models.AssessmentAfterDislysis `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_after_dislysis"` AssessmentBeforeDislysis *models.PredialysisEvaluation `gorm:"ForeignKey:AssessmentDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ScheduleDate,PatientId" json:"assessment_before_dislysis"` } type PAComplicationPieDataStruct struct { Complication int64 `json:"complication"` Name string `json:"name"` Count int64 `json:"count"` } func GetPAComplicationData(orgID, page, limit, age, statisticalState, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (complications []*PAComplicationDataStruct, pcps []*PAComplicationPieDataStruct, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_schedule as c").Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=?", orgID) if statisticalState == 1 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_assessment_before_dislysis as abd ON abd.patient_id=c.patient_id and abd.assessment_date=c.schedule_date and abd.user_org_id=?", orgID) } else if statisticalState == 2 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_assessment_after_dislysis as aad ON aad.patient_id=c.patient_id and aad.assessment_date=c.schedule_date and aad.user_org_id=?", orgID) } else { return } var dc models.Dataconfig err = readDb.Model(&models.Dataconfig{}).Where("module='hemodialysis' AND field_name='complication'").First(&dc).Error if err != nil { return } ComplicationsMap := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) if dc.ID > 0 { var dcs []*models.Dataconfig err = readDb.Model(&models.Dataconfig{}).Where("parent_id=? and org_id in (0,?) and status = 1 ", dc.ID, orgID).Order("orders desc, id asc").Find(&dcs).Error if err != nil { return } if len(dcs) > 0 { for _, item := range dcs { mapItem := map[string]interface{}{"id": item.ID, "name": item.Name} ComplicationsMap = append(ComplicationsMap, mapItem) } } } sqlMap := make(map[int64]string, 0) countParamsMap := make(map[int64][]interface{}, 0) for _, citem := range ComplicationsMap { mapID := citem["id"].(int64) mapName := citem["name"].(string) countParamsMap[mapID] = make([]interface{}, 0) sqlMap[mapID] = fmt.Sprintf(" SELECT COUNT( as count, '%d' AS complication, '%s' AS `name` FROM ", mapID, mapName) if statisticalState == 1 { sqlMap[mapID] += "xt_assessment_before_dislysis AS ad" } else { sqlMap[mapID] += "xt_assessment_after_dislysis AS ad" } likeKeyMap := make([]interface{}, 0) likeKeyMap = append(likeKeyMap, mapName) likeKeyMap = append(likeKeyMap, mapName+",%") likeKeyMap = append(likeKeyMap, "%,"+mapName) likeKeyMap = append(likeKeyMap, "%,"+mapName+",%") sqlMap[mapID] += " JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? WHERE ad.user_org_id=? AND (complication = ? OR complication LIKE ? OR complication LIKE ? OR complication LIKE ?)" countParamsMap[mapID] = append(countParamsMap[mapID], orgID) countParamsMap[mapID] = append(countParamsMap[mapID], orgID) countParamsMap[mapID] = append(countParamsMap[mapID], likeKeyMap...) } loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return } var timeStartPoint int64 var timeEndPoint int64 if age == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeEndPoint) countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeStartPoint) } } else if age == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeEndPoint) countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeStartPoint) } } else if age == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeEndPoint) countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeStartPoint) } } else if age == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?", timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND (p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?)" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeStartPoint) countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], timeEndPoint) } } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date>=?", startTime) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND ad.assessment_date>=?" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], startTime) } } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date<=?", endTime) for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND ad.assessment_date<=?" countParamsMap[key] = append(countParamsMap[key], endTime) } } db = db.Where("c.status=1") for key := range sqlMap { sqlMap[key] += " AND ad.status=1" var pcp []*PAComplicationPieDataStruct err = readDb.Raw(sqlMap[key], countParamsMap[key]...).Find(&pcp).Error if err != nil { return } for _, item := range pcp { pcps = append(pcps, item) } } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("Patient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date desc, c.schedule_type desc, desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&complications).Error return } type PADiseasesCountPieStruct struct { Diseases int64 `json:"diseases"` Count int64 `json:"count"` } func GetPAInfectiousDiseasesData(orgID, page, limit, lapseto, age, diseasesID, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (patients []*models.Patients, dsp []*PADiseasesCountPieStruct, total int64, err error) { loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") nowTime := time.Now() nowDay := nowTime.Format("2006-01-02") dayTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", nowDay+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { return } var timeStartPoint int64 var timeEndPoint int64 db := readDb.Table("xt_patients as p") countSQL := "SELECT count( as count, pid.disease_id as diseases FROM xt_patients as p JOIN xt_patients_infectious_diseases as pid ON" countParams := make([]interface{}, 0) if diseasesID > 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_patients_infectious_diseases as pid ON AND pid.disease_id=? AND pid.status=1", diseasesID) countSQL += " AND pid.disease_id=? " countParams = append(countParams, diseasesID) } countSQL += " AND pid.status=1 WHERE p.user_org_id = ? AND p.status=1" countParams = append(countParams, orgID) db = db.Where("p.user_org_id = ? AND p.status=1", orgID) if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("p.lapseto=?", lapseto) countSQL += " AND p.lapseto=?" countParams = append(countParams, lapseto) } if age == 1 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-20, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 2 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-30, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 3 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-40, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?", timeEndPoint, timeStartPoint) countSQL += " AND p.birthday>? and p.birthday<=?" countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) } else if age == 4 { timeStartPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-10, 0, 0).Unix() timeEndPoint = dayTime.AddDate(-50, 0, 0).Unix() db = db.Where("p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?", timeStartPoint, timeEndPoint) countSQL += " AND (p.birthday>? or p.birthday<=?)" countParams = append(countParams, timeStartPoint) countParams = append(countParams, timeEndPoint) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("p.created_time>=?", startTime) countSQL += " AND p.created_time>=?" countParams = append(countParams, startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("p.created_time<=?", endTime) countSQL += " AND p.created_time<=?" countParams = append(countParams, endTime) } countSQL += " GROUP BY pid.disease_id" err = readDb.Raw(countSQL, countParams...).Find(&dsp).Error if err != nil { return } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", p.user_org_id, p.user_id, p.avatar, p.patient_type, p.dialysis_no, p.admission_number, p.source, p.lapseto, p.partition_id, p.bed_id,, p.alias, p.gender, p.nation, p.native_place, p.marital_status, p.id_card_no, p.birthday, p.reimbursement_way_id, p.health_care_type, p.health_care_no, p.health_care_due_date, p.height, p.blood_type, p.rh, p.health_care_due_alert_date, p.education_level, p.profession,, p.home_telephone, p.relative_phone, p.relative_relations, p.home_address, p.work_unit, p.unit_address, p.children, p.receiving_date, p.is_hospital_first_dialysis, p.first_dialysis_date, p.first_dialysis_hospital, p.predialysis_condition, p.pre_hospital_dialysis_frequency, p.pre_hospital_dialysis_times, p.hospital_first_dialysis_date, p.induction_period, p.initial_dialysis, p.total_dialysis, p.attending_doctor_id, p.head_nurse_id, p.evaluate, p.diagnose, p.remark, p.registrars_id, p.registrars, p.qr_code, p.binding_state, p.patient_complains, p.present_history, p.past_history, p.temperature, p.pulse, p.respiratory, p.sbp, p.dbp, p.status, p.created_time, p.updated_time"). Preload("Contagions", "status = 1"). Count(&total).Order(" desc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&patients).Error if err != nil { return } return } func GetPersonLapsetoData(orgID, patientID, page, limit int64) (*models.Patients, []*models.PatientLapseto, int64, error) { var patient models.Patients var pls []*models.PatientLapseto var total int64 var err error err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id =? and id=?", orgID, patientID).First(&patient).Error if patient.ID == 0 { return nil, pls, total, err } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = readDb.Model(&models.PatientLapseto{}).Where("patient_id=? and status=1", patientID).Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("lapseto_time desc, id desc").Find(&pls).Error if err != nil { return nil, pls, total, err } return &patient, pls, total, err } func GetPersonWeightData(orgID, patientID, page, limit, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (*models.Patients, []*PAWeightDataStruct, []*PAWeightDataStruct, int64, error) { var patient models.Patients var weight []*PAWeightDataStruct var pie []*PAWeightDataStruct var total int64 var err error err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id =? and id=?", orgID, patientID).First(&patient).Error if patient.ID == 0 { return nil, weight, pie, total, err } db := readDb.Table("xt_schedule as c").Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? and", orgID, patientID) db = db.Where("c.patient_id=?", patientID) if isStartTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date<=?", endTime) } db = db.Where("c.status=1") offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date desc, c.schedule_type desc, desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&weight).Error if err != nil { return nil, weight, pie, total, err } err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date asc, c.schedule_type asc, asc").Find(&pie).Error if err != nil { return nil, weight, pie, total, err } return &patient, weight, pie, total, err } func GetPersonBloodPressureData(orgID, patientID, page, limit, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (*models.Patients, []*PABloodPressureDataStruct, []*PABloodPressureDataStruct, int64, error) { var patient models.Patients var bloodPressures []*PABloodPressureDataStruct var lines []*PABloodPressureDataStruct var total int64 var err error err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id =? and id=?", orgID, patientID).First(&patient).Error if patient.ID == 0 { return nil, bloodPressures, lines, total, err } db := readDb.Table("xt_schedule as c").Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p ON and p.user_org_id=? and c.patient_id=? and = ?", orgID, patientID, patientID) if isStartTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("c.schedule_date<=?", endTime) } db = db.Where("c.patient_id=? AND c.status=1", patientID) err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("MonitoringRecord", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date asc, c.schedule_type asc, asc").Find(&lines).Error if err != nil { return &patient, bloodPressures, lines, total, err } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Select(", c.user_org_id, c.partition_id, c.bed_id, c.patient_id, c.schedule_date, c.schedule_type, c.schedule_week, c.mode_id, c.status, c.created_time, c.updated_time"). Preload("Patient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Preload("MonitoringRecord", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID). Order("c.schedule_date desc, c.schedule_type desc, desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&bloodPressures).Error return &patient, bloodPressures, lines, total, err } func GetPersonICData(orgID, patientID, page, limit int64) (*models.Patients, []*models.Inspection, []*models.InspectionReference, int64, error) { var patient models.Patients var inspections []*models.Inspection var references []*models.InspectionReference var total int64 var err error err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id =? and id=?", orgID, patientID).First(&patient).Error if patient.ID == 0 { return nil, inspections, references, total, err } err = readDb.Table("xt_inspection_reference").Order("project_id").Find(&references).Error if err != nil || len(references) == 0 { return nil, inspections, references, total, err } db := readDb.Table("xt_inspection as i").Where("i.patient_id=?", patientID) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("i.org_id=?", orgID) } db = db.Where("i.status=1") offset := (page - 1) * limit var ds []*PIInspectionPageStruct err = db.Select("i.inspect_date").Group("inspect_date").Count(&total).Order("inspect_date desc, i.created_time desc, asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ds).Error if err != nil { return nil, inspections, references, total, err } dates := make([]int64, 0) if len(ds) > 0 { for _, d := range ds { dates = append(dates, d.InspectDate) } db = db.Where("i.inspect_date IN (?)", dates) } err = db.Select(", i.patient_id, org_id, i.project_id, i.item_id, i.item_name, i.project_name, i.inspect_type, i.inspect_value, i.inspect_date, i.status, i.created_time, i.updated_time").Order("inspect_date desc, created_time desc, id asc, patient_id asc").Find(&inspections).Error if err != nil { return nil, inspections, references, total, err } return &patient, inspections, references, total, err } func GetPersonAdviceData(orgID, patientID, page, limit, adviceType, medicalType, startTime, endTime int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (*models.Patients, []*models.DoctorAdvice, int64, error) { var patient models.Patients var advices []*models.DoctorAdvice var total int64 var err error err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id =? and id=?", orgID, patientID).First(&patient).Error if patient.ID == 0 { return nil, advices, total, err } db := readDb.Table("xt_doctor_advice as da").Where("da.patient_id=? and da.delivery_way='口服'", patientID) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("da.user_org_id=?", orgID) } db = db.Where("da.status=1") if adviceType > 0 { db = db.Where("da.advice_type=?", adviceType) } else { db = db.Where("da.advice_type IN (1,2)") } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("da.advice_date>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("da.advice_date<=?", endTime) } offset := (page - 1) * limit var groups []*models.DoctorAdvice err = db.Select(", da.user_org_id, da.patient_id, da.advice_type, da.advice_date, da.record_date, da.start_time, da.advice_name, da.advice_desc, da.reminder_date, da.drug_spec, da.drug_spec_unit, da.single_dose, da.single_dose_unit, da.prescribing_number, da.prescribing_number_unit, da.delivery_way, da.execution_frequency, da.advice_doctor, da.status, da.created_time,da.updated_time, da.advice_affirm, da.remark, da.stop_time, da.stop_reason, da.stop_doctor, da.stop_state, da.parent_id, da.execution_time, da.execution_staff, da.execution_state, da.checker, da.check_state, da.check_time, da.groupno, IF(da.parent_id > 0, da.parent_id, as advice_order").Group("da.groupno").Count(&total).Order("da.start_time desc, da.groupno desc, advice_order desc, asc").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&groups).Error if err != nil { return nil, advices, total, err } if len(groups) > 0 { gs := make([]int64, 0) for _, g := range groups { gs = append(gs, g.GroupNo) } db = db.Where("da.groupno IN (?)", gs) } err = db.Select(", da.user_org_id, da.patient_id, da.advice_type, da.advice_date, da.record_date, da.start_time, da.advice_name, da.advice_desc, da.reminder_date, da.drug_spec, da.drug_spec_unit, da.single_dose, da.single_dose_unit, da.prescribing_number, da.prescribing_number_unit, da.delivery_way, da.execution_frequency, da.advice_doctor, da.status, da.created_time,da.updated_time, da.advice_affirm, da.remark, da.stop_time, da.stop_reason, da.stop_doctor, da.stop_state, da.parent_id, da.execution_time, da.execution_staff, da.execution_state, da.checker, da.check_state, da.check_time, da.groupno, IF(da.parent_id > 0, da.parent_id, as advice_order").Order("da.start_time desc, da.groupno desc, advice_order desc, asc").Find(&advices).Error if err != nil { return nil, advices, total, err } return &patient, advices, total, err }