package service import ( "XT_New/models" "strconv" "strings" "time" "fmt" "" ) //GetPatientList 返回患者的列表 func GetPatientList(orgID int64, keywords string, page, limit, schedulType, bindingState, lapseto, source, startTime, endTime, contagion, reimbursementWay, isscheduling, isprescription int64, isStartTime, isEndTime bool) (patients []*models.Patients, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_patients as p").Where("p.status=1") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("p.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if len(keywords) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where(" LIKE ? OR p.dialysis_no LIKE ?", likeKey, likeKey) } if schedulType > 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_schedule as s ON") db = db.Where("s.status=1 and s.schedule_type=?", schedulType) } if contagion > 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_patients_infectious_diseases as xpid ON") db = db.Where("xpid.disease_id=? and xpid.status=1", contagion) } if isscheduling == 1 { db = db.Where("EXISTS (?)", readDb.Table("xt_schedule as iss").Where(" and iss.status=1").QueryExpr()) } else if isscheduling == 2 { db = db.Where("NOT EXISTS (?)", readDb.Table("xt_schedule as iss").Where(" and iss.status=1").QueryExpr()) } if isprescription == 1 { db = db.Where("EXISTS (?)", readDb.Table("xt_dialysis_prescription as xdp").Where(" and xdp.status=1").QueryExpr()) } else if isprescription == 2 { db = db.Where("NOT EXISTS (?)", readDb.Table("xt_dialysis_prescription as xdp").Where(" and xdp.status=1").QueryExpr()) } if bindingState > 0 { db = db.Where("p.binding_state=?", bindingState) } if lapseto > 0 { db = db.Where("p.lapseto=?", lapseto) } if source > 0 { db = db.Where("p.source=?", source) } if reimbursementWay > 0 { db = db.Where("p.reimbursement_way_id = ?", reimbursementWay) } if isStartTime { db = db.Where("p.created_time>=?", startTime) } if isEndTime { db = db.Where("p.created_time<=?", endTime) } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Order(" desc").Select(", p.user_org_id, p.user_id, p.patient_type, p.dialysis_no, p.admission_number, p.source, p.lapseto, p.partition_id, p.bed_id,, p.alias, p.gender, p.marital_status, p.id_card_no, p.birthday, p.reimbursement_way_id, p.health_care_type, p.health_care_no, p.health_care_due_date, p.height, p.blood_type, p.rh, p.health_care_due_alert_date, p.education_level, p.profession,, p.home_telephone, p.relative_phone, p.relative_relations, p.home_address, p.work_unit, p.unit_address, p.children, p.receiving_date, p.is_hospital_first_dialysis, p.first_dialysis_date, p.first_dialysis_hospital, p.induction_period, p.initial_dialysis, p.total_dialysis, p.attending_doctor_id, p.head_nurse_id, p.evaluate, p.diagnose, p.remark, p.registrars_id, p.registrars, p.qr_code, p.binding_state, p.status, p.created_time, p.updated_time,p.user_sys_before_count").Group("").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&patients).Error return } //GetAllPatientList 返回全部患者的列表 func GetAllPatientList(orgID int64) (patients []*models.Patients, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_patients as p").Where("p.user_org_id=? and p.status=1", orgID) err = db.Select(", p.user_org_id, p.user_id, p.patient_type, p.dialysis_no, p.admission_number, p.source, p.lapseto, p.partition_id, p.bed_id,, p.alias, p.gender, p.marital_status, p.id_card_no, p.birthday, p.reimbursement_way_id, p.health_care_type, p.health_care_no, p.health_care_due_date, p.height, p.blood_type, p.rh, p.health_care_due_alert_date, p.education_level, p.profession,, p.home_telephone, p.relative_phone, p.relative_relations, p.home_address, p.work_unit, p.unit_address, p.children, p.receiving_date, p.is_hospital_first_dialysis, p.first_dialysis_date, p.first_dialysis_hospital, p.induction_period, p.initial_dialysis, p.total_dialysis, p.attending_doctor_id, p.head_nurse_id, p.evaluate, p.diagnose, p.remark, p.registrars_id, p.registrars, p.qr_code, p.binding_state, p.status, p.created_time, p.updated_time").Count(&total).Find(&patients).Error return } func GetPatientCount(orgID int64) (total int64) { readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id=? and status=1", orgID).Count(&total) return } func GetLapsetoPatientCount(orgID int64, lapseto int64) (total int64) { readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id=? and lapseto=? and status=1", orgID, lapseto).Count(&total) return } func ChechLastDialysisNo(orgID int64) (dialysisNo int64) { var patient models.Patients err := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status=1 and user_org_id=?", orgID).Order("dialysis_no desc").First(&patient).Error if err != nil { return } if patient.ID == 0 { return } dialysisNo, _ = strconv.ParseInt(patient.DialysisNo, 10, 64) return } func FindPatientByDialysisNo(orgID int64, dialysisNo string) (patient models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status=1 and user_org_id=? and dialysis_no=?", orgID, dialysisNo).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientByIdCardNo(orgID int64, idCardNo string) (patient models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status=1 and user_org_id=? and id_card_no=?", orgID, idCardNo).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientByMobile(orgID int64, mobile string) (patient models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("phone=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", mobile, orgID).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientById(orgID int64, id int64) (patient models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("id = ? and user_org_id=? and status=1", id, orgID).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientByIdTwo(orgID int64, id int64) (patient models.XtPatientsNew, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.XtPatientsNew{}).Where("blood_id = ? and user_org_id = ? and status =1", id, orgID).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientByIdWithDiseases(orgID int64, id int64) (patient models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Preload("Contagions", "status = 1").Preload("Diseases", "status = 1").Where("id = ? and user_org_id=? and status=1", id, orgID).First(&patient).Error return } func FindPatientWithDeviceByNo(orgID int64, no string, time int64) (patient models.SchedualPatient2, err error) { err = readDb.Preload("DialysisSchedule", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Preload("DeviceNumber", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DeviceZone", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Where("user_org_id = ? AND schedule_date = ? ", orgID, time) }).Where("user_org_id=? and dialysis_no = ? and status=1", orgID, no).First(&patient).Error return } func CreatePatient(patient *models.Patients, contagions []int64, diseases []int64) (err error) { user, _ := GetSgjUserByMobild(patient.Phone) customer, _ := GetSgjCoustomerByMobile(patient.UserOrgId, patient.Phone) utx := writeDb.Begin() btx := writeUserDb.Begin() if user.ID == 0 { user.Mobile = patient.Phone user.Avatar = patient.Avatar user.AvatarThumb = patient.Avatar user.Birthday = patient.Birthday user.Username = patient.Name user.Gender = patient.Gender user.Sources = 11 user.Introduce = patient.Remark user.Status = 1 user.UpdatedTime = patient.UpdatedTime user.CreatedTime = patient.CreatedTime err = btx.Create(&user).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } } patient.UserId = user.ID if customer == nil { err = btx.Create(&models.SgjCustomer{ UserOrgId: patient.UserOrgId, UserId: user.ID, Mobile: patient.Phone, Name: patient.Name, Gender: patient.Gender, Birthday: patient.Birthday, Sources: 11, Status: 1, CreatedTime: patient.CreatedTime, UpdatedTime: patient.UpdatedTime, Avatar: patient.Avatar, Remark: patient.Remark, }).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } } err = utx.Create(patient).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } var lapseto models.PatientLapseto lapseto.PatientId = patient.ID lapseto.LapsetoType = patient.Lapseto lapseto.CreatedTime = patient.CreatedTime lapseto.UpdatedTime = patient.CreatedTime lapseto.Status = 1 lapseto.LapsetoTime = patient.CreatedTime err = utx.Create(&lapseto).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } if len(contagions) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_patients_infectious_diseases (patient_id, disease_id, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, contagion := range contagions { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, patient.ID) insertData = append(insertData, contagion) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, patient.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, patient.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } } if len(diseases) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_patients_chronic_diseases (patient_id, disease_id, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, disease := range diseases { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, patient.ID) insertData = append(insertData, disease) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, patient.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, patient.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() btx.Rollback() return } } utx.Commit() btx.Commit() return } func GetLastPatientData(orgid int64) (models.Patients, error) { patients := models.Patients{} err := XTReadDB().Model(&patients).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1", orgid).Last(&patients).Error return patients, err } func CreatePatientsNew(patientsNew *models.XtPatientsNew) error { err := XTWriteDB().Model(&patientsNew).Create(&patientsNew).Error return err } func EditPatientLapseto(patient *models.Patients, lapseto *models.PatientLapseto) (err error) { utx := writeDb.Begin() err = utx.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("id=?", patient.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"Lapseto": patient.Lapseto}).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } err = utx.Create(lapseto).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } // 删除排班和排班模板信息 if lapseto.LapsetoType == 2 { now := time.Now() deleteScheduleErr := utx.Model(&models.PatientSchedule{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND schedule_date >= ? AND status = 1", patient.ID, lapseto.LapsetoTime).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "status": 0, "updated_time": now.Unix(), }).Error if deleteScheduleErr != nil { utx.Rollback() err = deleteScheduleErr return } deleteSchTempItemErr := utx.Model(&models.PatientScheduleTemplateItem{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND status = 1", patient.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "status": 0, "mtime": now.Unix(), }).Error if deleteSchTempItemErr != nil { utx.Rollback() err = deleteSchTempItemErr return } } utx.Commit() return } func UpdatePatient(patient *models.Patients, contagions []int64, diseases []int64) (err error) { // if len(contagions) > 0 || len(diseases) > 0 { utx := writeDb.Begin() err = utx.Save(patient).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } err = utx.Model(&models.InfectiousDiseases{}).Where("patient_id=?", patient.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"Status": 2, "UpdatedTime": patient.UpdatedTime}).Error fmt.Println("err", err) if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } if len(contagions) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_patients_infectious_diseases (patient_id, disease_id, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, contagion := range contagions { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, patient.ID) insertData = append(insertData, contagion) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, patient.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, patient.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } } err = utx.Model(&models.ChronicDiseases{}).Where("patient_id=?", patient.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"Status": 2, "UpdatedTime": patient.UpdatedTime}).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } if len(diseases) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_patients_chronic_diseases (patient_id, disease_id, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, disease := range diseases { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, patient.ID) insertData = append(insertData, disease) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, patient.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, patient.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } } utx.Commit() // } else { // err = writeDb.Save(patient).Error // } return } func UpdatepatientTwo(patientsNew *models.XtPatientsNew, id int64) error { err := XTWriteDB().Model(&patientsNew).Where("blood_id = ?", id).Update(map[string]interface{}{"user_org_id": patientsNew.UserOrgId, "user_id": patientsNew.UserId, "avatar": patientsNew.Avatar, "patient_type": patientsNew.Avatar, "dialysis_no": patientsNew.DialysisNo, "admission_number": patientsNew.AdmissionNumber, "source": patientsNew.Source, "lapseto": patientsNew.Lapseto, "partition_id": patientsNew.PartitionId, "bed_id": patientsNew.BedId, "name": patientsNew.Name, "alias": patientsNew.Alias, "gender": patientsNew.Gender, "marital_status": patientsNew.MaritalStatus, "id_card_no": patientsNew.IdCardNo, "birthday": patientsNew.Birthday, "reimbursement_way_id": patientsNew.ReimbursementWayId, "health_care_type": patientsNew.HealthCareType, "health_care_no": patientsNew.HealthCareType, "health_care_due_date": patientsNew.HealthCareType, "height": patientsNew.Height, "blood_type": patientsNew.BloodType, "rh": patientsNew.Rh, "health_care_due_alert_date": patientsNew.HealthCareDueAlertDate, "education_level": patientsNew.EducationLevel, "profession": patientsNew.Profession, "phone": patientsNew.Phone, "home_telephone": patientsNew.HomeTelephone, "relative_phone": patientsNew.RelativePhone, "relative_relations": patientsNew.RelativeRelations, "home_address": patientsNew.HomeAddress, "work_unit": patientsNew.WorkUnit, "unit_address": patientsNew.UnitAddress, "children": patientsNew.Children, "receiving_date": patientsNew.ReceivingDate, "is_hospital_first_dialysis": patientsNew.IsHospitalFirstDialysis, "first_dialysis_date": patientsNew.FirstDialysisDate, "first_dialysis_hospital": patientsNew.FirstDialysisHospital, "predialysis_condition": patientsNew.PredialysisCondition, "pre_hospital_dialysis_frequency": patientsNew.PreHospitalDialysisFrequency, "pre_hospital_dialysis_times": patientsNew.PreHospitalDialysisFrequency, "hospital_first_dialysis_date": patientsNew.HospitalFirstDialysisDate, "induction_period": patientsNew.InductionPeriod, "initial_dialysis": patientsNew.InitialDialysis, "total_dialysis": patientsNew.TotalDialysis, "attending_doctor_id": patientsNew.AttendingDoctorId, "head_nurse_id": patientsNew.HeadNurseId, "evaluate": patientsNew.Evaluate, "diagnose": patientsNew.Diagnose, "remark": patientsNew.Remark, "registrars_id": patientsNew.RegistrarsId, "registrars": patientsNew.Registrars, "qr_code": patientsNew.QrCode, "binding_state": patientsNew.BindingState, "patient_complains": patientsNew.PatientComplains, "present_history": patientsNew.PresentHistory, "past_history": patientsNew.PastHistory, "temperature": patientsNew.Temperature, "pulse": patientsNew.Pulse, "respiratory": patientsNew.Respiratory, "sbp": patientsNew.Sbp, "dbp": patientsNew.Dbp, "nation": patientsNew.Nation, "native_place": patientsNew.NativePlace, "age": patientsNew.Age, "infectious_next_record_time": patientsNew.InfectiousNextRecordTime, "is_infectious": patientsNew.IsInfectious, "remind_cycle": patientsNew.RemindCycle, "response_result": patientsNew.ResponseResult, "is_open_remind": patientsNew.IsOpenRemind, "first_treatment_date": patientsNew.FirstTreatmentDate, "dialysis_age": patientsNew.DialysisAge, "expense_kind": patientsNew.ExpenseKind, "tell_phone": patientsNew.ExpenseKind, "contact_name": patientsNew.ContactName, "blood_patients": patientsNew.BloodPatients, "slow_patients": patientsNew.SlowPatients, "member_patients": patientsNew.MemberPatients, "ecommer_patients": patientsNew.EcommerPatients}).Error return err } func GetLastInfectionRecord(id int64, org_id int64, project_id int64, date int64) (inspection models.Inspection, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and status=1 and org_id = ? and project_id = ? AND inspect_date = ? ", id, org_id, project_id, date).Last(&inspection).Error return } func GetAllInfectionRecord(date int64, org_id int64, patient_id int64, project_id int64) (inspection []*models.Inspection, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and status=1 and org_id = ? and project_id = ? and inspect_date = ?", patient_id, org_id, project_id, date).Find(&inspection).Error return } func GetPatientDiseases(id int64) []int64 { var dis []models.ChronicDiseases ids := make([]int64, 0) err := readDb.Model(&models.ChronicDiseases{}).Where("patient_id=? and status=1", id).Find(&dis).Error if err != nil || len(dis) == 0 { return ids } for _, item := range dis { ids = append(ids, item.DiseaseId) } return ids } func GetPatientContagions(id int64) []int64 { var cis []models.InfectiousDiseases ids := make([]int64, 0) err := readDb.Model(&models.InfectiousDiseases{}).Where("patient_id=? and status=1", id).Find(&cis).Error if err != nil || len(cis) == 0 { return ids } for _, item := range cis { ids = append(ids, item.DiseaseId) } return ids } func FindPatientDialysisSolutionByMode(orgID int64, patientID, modeId int64) (solution models.DialysisSolution, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DialysisSolution{}).Where("user_org_id=? and patient_id=? and mode_id=? and parent_id=0 and status=1", orgID, patientID, modeId).First(&solution).Error return } func FindPatientDialysisSolution(orgID int64, id int64) (solution models.DialysisSolution, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DialysisSolution{}).Where("id = ? and status=1 and user_org_id=?", id, orgID).First(&solution).Error return } func FindPatientDialysisSolutionChild(orgID int64, id int64) (solution models.DialysisSolution, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DialysisSolution{}).Where("parent_id = ? and status=1 and user_org_id=?", id, orgID).First(&solution).Error return } func CreatePatientDialysisSolution(solution *models.DialysisSolution) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(solution).Error return } func UpdatePatientDialysisSolution(solution *models.DialysisSolution) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(solution).Error return } //GetPatientDialysisSolutionList 返回患者透析方案的列表 func GetPatientDialysisSolutionList(orgID int64, patientID int64, page, limit int64) (solutions []*models.DialysisSolution, total int64, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Table("xt_dialysis_solution as ds").Where("ds.status=1") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("ds.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("ds.patient_id=?", patientID) } db = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit) err = db.Order("id desc").Find(&solutions).Error if err != nil { return } if len(solutions) > 0 { nilNameIds := make([]int64, 0) for _, solution := range solutions { if len(solution.ModeName) == 0 { nilNameIds = append(nilNameIds, solution.ModeId) } } if len(nilNameIds) > 0 { var modes []*models.TreatmentMode err = readDb.Model(&models.TreatmentMode{}).Where("id IN (?)", nilNameIds).Find(&modes).Error if err != nil { return } modesMap := make(map[int64]models.TreatmentMode, 0) for _, mode := range modes { modesMap[mode.ID] = *mode } for index, solution := range solutions { if _, exixt := modesMap[solution.ModeId]; exixt && len(solution.ModeName) == 0 { solutions[index].ModeName = modesMap[solution.ModeId].Name } } } } return } //GetPatientDryWeightAdjustList 返回患者调整干体重的列表 func GetPatientDryWeightAdjustList(orgID int64, patientID int64, page int64, limit int64) (weights []*models.DryWeightAdjust, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_dry_weight_adjust as dwa").Where("dwa.status=1") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("dwa.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("dwa.patient_id=?", patientID) } db = db.Select(", dwa.user_org_id, dwa.patient_id, dwa.weight, dwa.adjusted_value,, dwa.registrars_id, dwa.remark, dwa.status, dwa.created_time, dwa.updated_time").Count(&total).Order("id desc") if page > 0 && limit > 0 { offset := (page - 1) * limit db = db.Offset(offset).Limit(limit) } err = db.Find(&weights).Error return } func CreateDryWeightAdjust(m *models.DryWeightAdjust) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(m).Error return } func FindPatientLastDryWeightAdjust(orgID int64, id int64) (weight models.DryWeightAdjust, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DryWeightAdjust{}).Where("user_org_id=? and patient_id=? and status=1", orgID, id).Order("id desc").First(&weight).Error return } func CreateDoctorAdvice(m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { return writeDb.Create(m).Error } func GetMaxAdviceGroupID(orgId int64) (group int64) { var advice models.DoctorAdvice err := readDb.Table("xt_doctor_advice").Where("user_org_id=?", orgId).Select("max(groupno) as groupno").First(&advice).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) group = 0 } group = advice.GroupNo return } func CreateGroupAdvice(orgId int64, group int64, advices []*models.GroupAdvice) (err error) { if group == 0 { group = GetMaxAdviceGroupID(orgId) + 1 } tx := writeDb.Begin() defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { tx.Rollback() } }() for _, advice := range advices { advice.GroupNo = group if err = tx.Create(advice).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } } tx.Commit() return } func CreateMGroupAdvice(orgId int64, advices []*models.GroupAdvice, groupNo int64) (list []*models.GroupAdvice, err error) { if groupNo <= 0 { group := GetMaxAdviceGroupID(orgId) groupNo = group + 1 } tx := writeDb.Begin() defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { tx.Rollback() } }() for _, advice := range advices { advice.GroupNo = groupNo if err = tx.Create(advice).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } list = append(list, advice) if len(advice.Children) > 0 { for _, child := range advice.Children { child.GroupNo = groupNo child.ParentId = advice.ID fmt.Println(child) if err = tx.Create(&child).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } list = append(list, child) } } } tx.Commit() return } func UpdateDoctorAdvice(m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { return writeDb.Save(m).Error } func StopGroupAdvice(orgId int64, groupNo int64, m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id=? and groupno=?", orgId, groupNo).Update(map[string]interface{}{"UpdatedTime": m.UpdatedTime, "StopState": 1, "StopReason": m.StopReason, "StopDoctor": m.StopDoctor, "StopTime": m.StopTime}).Error if err != nil { return } return } func StopDoctorAdvice(m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { ut := writeDb.Begin() err = ut.Save(m).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } err = ut.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("parent_id=?", m.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"UpdatedTime": m.UpdatedTime, "StopState": 1, "StopReason": m.StopReason, "StopDoctor": m.StopDoctor, "StopTime": m.StopTime, "Modifier": m.Modifier}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } ut.Commit() return } func DeleteSolution(m *models.DialysisSolution) (err error) { if m.ParentId > 0 { return writeDb.Save(m).Error } else { ut := writeDb.Begin() err = ut.Save(m).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } err = ut.Model(&models.DialysisSolution{}).Where("parent_id=?", m.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"UpdatedTime": m.UpdatedTime, "Status": 0}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } ut.Commit() } return } func DeleteDoctorAdvice(m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { if m.ParentId > 0 { return writeDb.Save(m).Error } else { ut := writeDb.Begin() err = ut.Save(m).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } err = ut.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("parent_id=?", m.ID).Update(map[string]interface{}{"UpdatedTime": m.UpdatedTime, "Status": 0, "Modifier": m.Modifier}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } ut.Commit() } return } func DeleteGroupAdvice(orgId int64, groupNo int64, admin_user_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and groupno = ?", orgId, groupNo).Update(map[string]interface{}{"UpdatedTime": time.Now().Unix(), "Status": 0, "Modifier": admin_user_id}).Error if err != nil { return } return } func FindDoctorAdvice(orgID, id int64) (advice models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("id = ? and user_org_id=? and status = 1", id, orgID).First(&advice).Error return } func FindDoctorAdviceByGroupNo(orgID, groupNo int64) (advice models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("groupno = ? and user_org_id=? and status = 1", groupNo, orgID).First(&advice).Error return } func GetDoctorAdviceList(orgID, patientID, advice_type, stop, start, end int64, keywords string) (advices []*models.DoctorAdvices, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_doctor_advice as x").Where("x.status = 1") table := UserReadDB().Table("sgj_user_admin_role as r") fmt.Print("table", table) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.patient_id = ?", patientID) } if advice_type > 0 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type = ?", advice_type) } else if advice_type == 0 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type in (?)", []int{1, 3}) } if stop == 1 { db = db.Where("(x.stop_state=? or x.execution_state=?)", stop, stop) } else if stop == 2 { db = db.Where("x.stop_state=? and x.execution_state=?", stop, stop) } if start != 0 { db = db.Where("x.start_time>=?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("start_time<=?", end) } if len(keywords) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where("x.advice_name LIKE ?", likeKey) } err = db.Group("").Count(&total).Select(", x.user_org_id, x.patient_id, x.advice_type, x.advice_date, x.record_date, x.start_time, x.advice_name,x.advice_desc, x.reminder_date, x.drug_spec, x.drug_spec_unit, x.single_dose, x.single_dose_unit, x.prescribing_number, x.prescribing_number_unit, x.delivery_way, x.execution_frequency, x.advice_doctor, x.status, x.created_time,x.updated_time, x.advice_affirm, x.remark, x.stop_time, x.stop_reason, x.stop_doctor, x.stop_state, x.parent_id, x.execution_time, x.execution_staff, x.execution_state, x.checker, x.check_state, x.check_time, x.groupno,x.remind_type,x.frequency_type,x.day_count,x.week_day,x.parent_id,r.user_name, IF(x.parent_id > 0, x.parent_id, as advice_order").Joins("Left join sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role as r on r.admin_user_id = x.advice_doctor").Order("start_time desc, groupno desc, advice_order desc, id asc").Scan(&advices).Error fmt.Print("err", err) return } func GetDoctorAdviceListOne(orgID, patientID, advice_type, stop, start, end int64, keywords string) (advices []*models.DoctorAdvices, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_doctor_advice as x").Where("x.status = 1") table := UserReadDB().Table("sgj_user_admin_role as r") fmt.Print("table", table) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.patient_id = ?", patientID) } if advice_type == 1 && advice_type > 0 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type = ?", advice_type) } if advice_type == 3 && advice_type > 0 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type = 2 or x.advice_type = 3") } if stop == 1 { db = db.Where("(x.stop_state=? or x.execution_state=?)", stop, stop) } else if stop == 2 { db = db.Where("x.stop_state=? and x.execution_state=?", stop, stop) } if start != 0 { db = db.Where("x.start_time>=?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("start_time<=?", end) } if len(keywords) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where("x.advice_name LIKE ?", likeKey) } err = db.Group("").Count(&total).Select(", x.user_org_id, x.patient_id, x.advice_type, x.advice_date, x.record_date, x.start_time, x.advice_name,x.advice_desc, x.reminder_date, x.drug_spec, x.drug_spec_unit, x.single_dose, x.single_dose_unit, x.prescribing_number, x.prescribing_number_unit, x.delivery_way, x.execution_frequency, x.advice_doctor, x.status, x.created_time,x.updated_time, x.advice_affirm, x.remark, x.stop_time, x.stop_reason, x.stop_doctor, x.stop_state, x.parent_id, x.execution_time, x.execution_staff, x.execution_state, x.checker, x.check_state, x.check_time, x.groupno,x.remind_type,x.frequency_type,x.day_count,x.week_day,x.parent_id,r.user_name, IF(x.parent_id > 0, x.parent_id, as advice_order").Joins("Left join sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role as r on r.admin_user_id = x.advice_doctor").Order("start_time desc, groupno desc, advice_order desc, id asc").Scan(&advices).Error fmt.Print("err", err) return } func GetDoctorAdviceListTwo(orgID int64, patientID int64, advice_type int64, stop int64, start int64, end int64, keywords string, limit int64, page int64) (advices []*models.DoctorAdvices, total int64, err error) { db := readDb.Table("xt_doctor_advice as x").Where("x.status = 1") table := UserReadDB().Table("sgj_user_admin_role as r") fmt.Println(table) if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("x.patient_id = ?", patientID) } if advice_type == 1 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type = ?", advice_type) } if advice_type == 3 { db = db.Where("x.advice_type <> 1") } if stop == 1 { db = db.Where("(x.stop_state=? or x.execution_state=?)", stop, stop) } else if stop == 2 { db = db.Where("x.stop_state=? and x.execution_state=?", stop, stop) } if start != 0 { db = db.Where("x.start_time>=?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("start_time<=?", end) } if len(keywords) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where("x.advice_name LIKE ?", likeKey) } offset := (page - 1) * limit err = db.Order("x.start_time desc").Group("x.start_time").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Select(", x.user_org_id, x.patient_id, x.advice_type, x.advice_date, x.record_date, x.start_time, x.advice_name,x.advice_desc, x.reminder_date, x.drug_spec, x.drug_spec_unit, x.single_dose, x.single_dose_unit, x.prescribing_number, x.prescribing_number_unit, x.delivery_way, x.execution_frequency, x.advice_doctor, x.status, x.created_time,x.updated_time, x.advice_affirm, x.remark, x.stop_time, x.stop_reason, x.stop_doctor, x.stop_state, x.parent_id, x.execution_time, x.execution_staff, x.execution_state, x.checker, x.check_state, x.check_time, x.groupno,x.remind_type,x.frequency_type,x.day_count,x.week_day,x.parent_id,r.user_name, IF(x.parent_id > 0, x.parent_id, as advice_order").Joins("Left join sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role as r on r.admin_user_id = x.advice_doctor").Scan(&advices).Error fmt.Print("错误是什么", err) return } func GetDoctorAdvicePageList(orgID, patientID, advice_type, stop, start, end int64, keywords string, page, limit int64) (advices []*models.DoctorAdvice, total int64, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("status=1") if orgID > 0 { db = db.Where("user_org_id=?", orgID) } if patientID > 0 { db = db.Where("patient_id = ?", patientID) } if advice_type > 0 { db = db.Where("advice_type = ?", advice_type) } if stop == 1 { db = db.Where("(stop_state=? or execution_state=?) and parent_id=0", stop, stop) } else if stop == 2 { db = db.Where("stop_state=? and execution_state=?", stop, stop) } if start != 0 { db = db.Where("start_time>=?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("start_time<=?", end) } if len(keywords) > 0 { likeKey := "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where("advice_name LIKE ?", likeKey) } err = db.Count(&total).Select("id,user_org_id,patient_id,advice_type,advice_date,start_time,advice_name,advice_desc,reminder_date,single_dose,single_dose_unit,prescribing_number,prescribing_number_unit,delivery_way,execution_frequency,advice_doctor,status,created_time,updated_time,advice_affirm,remark,stop_time,stop_reason,stop_doctor,stop_state,parent_id,execution_time,execution_staff,execution_state,checker IF(parent_id>0, parent_id, id) as advice_order").Order("advice_order desc, id").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&advices).Error return } func CreateSubDoctorAdvice(advices []*models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { if len(advices) > 0 { utx := writeDb.Begin() if len(advices) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_doctor_advice (single_dose_unit, prescribing_number, prescribing_number_unit, advice_name, advice_desc,single_dose,created_time,updated_time,patient_id,parent_id,user_org_id,record_date,advice_type,drug_spec_unit) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, advice := range advices { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") insertData = append(insertData, advice.SingleDoseUnit) insertData = append(insertData, advice.PrescribingNumber) insertData = append(insertData, advice.PrescribingNumberUnit) insertData = append(insertData, advice.AdviceName) insertData = append(insertData, advice.AdviceDesc) insertData = append(insertData, advice.SingleDose) insertData = append(insertData, advice.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, advice.UpdatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, advice.PatientId) insertData = append(insertData, advice.ParentId) insertData = append(insertData, advice.UserOrgId) insertData = append(insertData, advice.RecordDate) insertData = append(insertData, 2) insertData = append(insertData, advice.DrugSpecUnit) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = utx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { utx.Rollback() return } } utx.Commit() } return } func GetPatientDialysisRecord(orgID, patientID int64, page, limit, start, end, mode_id int64) ([]*models.PatientDialysisRecord, int64, error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit var total int64 var err error var orders []*models.PatientDialysisRecord // err = readDb.Table("xt_dialysis_order as do"). // Preload("DialysisPrescription", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). // Preload("PredialysisEvaluation", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). // Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). // Preload("TreatmentSummary", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). // Joins("JOIN xt_schedule as s ON s.patient_id=? and FROM_UNIXTIME(s.schedule_date, '%Y-%m-%d')=FROM_UNIXTIME(do.dialysis_date, '%Y-%m-%d')", patientID). // Joins("JOIN xt_device_zone as dz ON dz.org_id = ? and", orgID). // Where("do.patient_id=? and do.user_org_id=? and do.stage = 2 and do.status=1", patientID, orgID).Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("do.dialysis_date desc").Select(", do.dialysis_date, do.user_org_id, do.patient_id, do.prescription_id, do.stage, do.remark, do.status, do.created_time, do.updated_time, s.schedule_type, s.partition_id, as partition_name").Find(&orders).Error db := readDb.Table("xt_dialysis_order as do"). Preload("DialysisPrescription", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). Preload("PredialysisEvaluation", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). Preload("DialysisPrescription", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return readDb.Where("patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID).Preload("UserAdminRole", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return readUserDb.Where("status = 1") }) }). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). Preload("TreatmentSummary", "patient_id=? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID). Preload("Device", "org_id=? and status=1", orgID). Preload("UserAdminRole", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return readUserDb.Where("org_id=? and status = 1", orgID) }). Joins("JOIN xt_schedule as s ON s.patient_id=? and FROM_UNIXTIME(s.schedule_date, '%Y-%m-%d')=FROM_UNIXTIME(do.dialysis_date, '%Y-%m-%d')", patientID). Joins("JOIN xt_device_zone as dz ON dz.org_id = ? and", orgID). Where("do.patient_id=? and do.user_org_id=? and do.stage = 2 and do.status=1", patientID, orgID).Group("s.schedule_date") if start != 0 { db = db.Where("do.dialysis_date>=?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("do.dialysis_date<=?", end) } if mode_id > 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_dialysis_prescription as dp ON") db = db.Where("dp.mode_id=?", mode_id) } err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("do.dialysis_date desc").Select("do.bed_id,, do.dialysis_date, do.user_org_id, do.patient_id, do.prescription_id, do.stage, do.remark, do.status, do.created_time, do.updated_time,do.start_nurse,do.finish_nurse ,s.schedule_type, s.partition_id, as partition_name").Find(&orders).Error if len(orders) > 0 { ids := make([]int64, 0) for _, order := range orders { dialyzer := order.DialysisPrescription.Dialyzer ids = append(ids, dialyzer) } if len(ids) > 0 { var dialyzers []*models.DeviceNumber err = readDb.Model(&models.DeviceNumber{}).Where("id IN (?) and org_id=? and status=1", ids, orgID).Find(&dialyzers).Error if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } dialyzerMap := make(map[int64]models.DeviceNumber, 0) for _, item := range dialyzers { dialyzerMap[item.ID] = *item } for orderIndex, order := range orders { if _, exist := dialyzerMap[order.DialysisPrescription.Dialyzer]; exist { orders[orderIndex].DeviceNumber = dialyzerMap[order.DialysisPrescription.Dialyzer].Number } } } } return orders, total, err } func GetPatientTreatmentSummaryList(orgID, patientID, page, limit, start, end int64) (list []*models.TreatmentSummary, total int, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit fmt.Println(offset) fmt.Println(limit) db := readDb.Model(&models.TreatmentSummary{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and patient_id=?", orgID, patientID) if start != 0 { db = db.Where("assessment_date >= ?", start) } if end != 0 { db = db.Where("assessment_date <= ?", end) } db = db.Where("status=1") err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("assessment_date desc, id desc").Find(&list).Error return } func GetPatientScheduleList(orgID int64, patientID int64, page int64, limit int64, start int64) (schedules []*models.PatientSchedule, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit err = readDb.Table("xt_schedule as s"). Preload("DeviceZone", "org_id=? and status=1", orgID). Preload("DeviceNumber", "org_id=? and status=1", orgID). Preload("TreatmentMode", "status=1"). Where("s.patient_id =? and s.user_org_id=? and s.schedule_date>=? and s.status=1", patientID, orgID, start). Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Find(&schedules).Error return } func GetMonitorRecord(orgID int64, date int64, partition int64) ([]*models.MonitorDialysisSchedule, error) { var mds []*models.MonitorDialysisSchedule db := readDb. Model(&models.MonitorDialysisSchedule{}). Preload("DeviceNumber", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DeviceZone", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("TreatmentMode", "status = 1"). Preload("Prescription", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("MonitoringRecord", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DialysisOrder", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DialysisOrder.DeviceNumber", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("MonitorPatients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID) if date != 0 { db = db.Where("schedule_date = ? ", date) } if partition != 0 { db = db.Where("partition_id = ? ", partition) } err := db.Find(&mds).Error return mds, err } func MobileGetMonitorsWithPatient(orgID int64, keyword string, page int) ([]*models.MonitorDialysisSchedule, error) { var patients []*models.Patients getPatientErr := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND (name like ? OR dialysis_no like ?)", orgID, "%"+keyword+"%", "%"+keyword+"%").Find(&patients).Error if getPatientErr != nil { return nil, getPatientErr } patientIDs := make([]int64, len(patients)) for index, patient := range patients { patientIDs[index] = patient.ID } db := readDb. Model(&models.MonitorDialysisSchedule{}). Preload("DeviceNumber", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DeviceZone", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("TreatmentMode", "status = 1"). Preload("Prescription", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("AssessmentBeforeDislysis", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("AssessmentAfterDislysis", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("MonitoringRecord", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("DialysisOrder", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Preload("MonitorPatients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgID). Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id in (?)", orgID, patientIDs) var schedules []*models.MonitorDialysisSchedule err := db.Offset(20 * (page - 1)).Limit(20).Order("schedule_date desc").Find(&schedules).Error return schedules, err } func GetPatientByKeyWord(orgID int64, keywords string) (patient []*models.Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id=? and status=1", orgID) if len(keywords) > 0 { likekey := "%" + keywords + "%" err = db.Where("name LIKE ? OR dialysis_no LIKE ? ", likekey, likekey).Find(&patient).Error } else { err = db.Find(&patient).Error } return } func FindDoctorAdviceByGoroupNo(orgID int64, groupno int64) (advice models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id=? AND groupno = ? AND status = 1", orgID, groupno).First(&advice).Error return } func FindOldDoctorAdvice(orgID int64, advice_id int64) (advice models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("id = ? AND user_org_id=? AND status = 1", advice_id, orgID).First(&advice).Error return } func UpdateAdviceGroupStartTime(orgID int64, groupNO int64, startTime int64, admin_user_id int64) error { now := time.Now().Unix() err := writeDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND execution_state <> 1 AND check_state <> 1 AND groupno = ? AND admin_user_id = ?", orgID, groupNO, admin_user_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "start_time": startTime, "updated_time": now, "modifier": admin_user_id, }).Error return err } func QueryPatientById(id int64) *models.Patients { var pat models.Patients err := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("id=?", id).First(&pat).Error if err != nil { } return &pat } func FindAllDoctorAdviceByGoroupNo(orgID int64, groupno int64) (advice []models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id=? AND groupno = ? AND status = 1", orgID, groupno).Find(&advice).Error return } func FindDoctorAdviceByIds(orgID int64, ids []string) (advice []models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("id IN (?) AND user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", ids, orgID).Find(&advice).Error return } func BatchDeleteDoctorAdvice(ids []string, user_id int64) (err error) { ut := writeDb.Begin() err = ut.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("status = 1 AND id IN (?)", ids).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "modifier": user_id}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } err = ut.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("status = 1 AND parent_id IN (?)", ids).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "modifier": user_id}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } ut.Commit() return err } func FindAdviceByGoroupNo(orgID int64, groupno int64) (advice []models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("user_org_id=? AND groupno = ? AND status = 1 AND parent_id = 0", orgID, groupno).Find(&advice).Error return } func UpdateDoctorAdviceAndSubAdvice(m *models.DoctorAdvice) (err error) { ut := writeDb.Begin() err = ut.Save(m).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } err = ut.Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("status = 1 AND parent_id IN (?)", m.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"start_time": m.StartTime, "groupno": m.GroupNo, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error if err != nil { ut.Rollback() return } ut.Commit() return err } func GetAllWaitRemindPatient(org_id int64, page int64, limit int64) (total int64, patient []*models.Patients, err error) { type Total struct { Count int64 } var totals Total offset := (page - 1) * limit err = readDb.Raw("select * from xt_patients where user_org_id = ? AND infectious_next_record_time > 0 AND status = 1 AND date_sub(DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(`xt_patients`.`infectious_next_record_time`)),'%Y-%m-%d'), interval 7 day) <= now() Order by infectious_next_record_time", org_id).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&patient).Error readDb.Raw("select Count(id) as count from xt_patients where user_org_id = ? AND infectious_next_record_time > 0 AND status = 1 AND date_sub(DATE_FORMAT(date(from_unixtime(`xt_patients`.`infectious_next_record_time`)),'%Y-%m-%d'), interval 7 day) <= now() Order by infectious_next_record_time", org_id).Scan(&totals) return totals.Count, patient, err } func UpdatePatientRemindStatus(patient_id int64, remind int64, org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ? AND user_org_id = ?", patient_id, org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_open_remind": remind}).Error return } func CreatePatientWeightAdjust(m *models.SgjPatientDryweight) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(m).Error return } func FindLastDryWeightAdjust(orgID int64, id int64) (weight models.SgjPatientDryweight, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.SgjPatientDryweight{}).Where("user_org_id=? and patient_id=? and status=1", orgID, id).Order("id desc").First(&weight).Error return } func GetSchedualPatientByKeyWord(orgID int64, keywords string, date int64) (patient []*models.Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id=? and status=1 and lapseto = 1 ", orgID) if len(keywords) > 0 { likekey := "%" + keywords + "%" err = db.Where("(name LIKE ? OR dialysis_no LIKE ?) AND NOT EXISTS (Select * FROM `xt_dialysis_order` as d Where d.`dialysis_date` = ? AND d.`status` = 1 AND d.`patient_id` = AND d.user_org_id = xt_patients.user_org_id)", likekey, likekey, date).Find(&patient).Error } else { err = db.Find(&patient).Error } return } func GetPatientScheduleOne(patientid int64, nowdate int64, orgid int64) (models.XtSchedule, error) { schedule := models.XtSchedule{} err := XTReadDB().Model(&schedule).Where("patient_id = ? and schedule_date = ? and user_org_id = ? and status =1", patientid, nowdate, orgid).Find(&schedule).Error return schedule, err }