package service import ( "XT_New/models" "errors" "strings" "time" ) func GetInspectionReference(orgId int64, inspect_type int64) (reference []*models.InspectionReference, err error) { if inspect_type == 0 { var count int err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=? and status=1 and inspection_type = 0", orgId).Count(&count).Error if count > 0 { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=? and status=1 and inspection_type = 0", orgId).Order("project_id,created_time").Find(&reference).Error } else { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=0 and status=1 and inspection_type = 0").Order("project_id,created_time").Find(&reference).Error } } else { var count int err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=? and status=1 and inspection_type = ?", orgId, inspect_type).Count(&count).Error if count > 0 { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=? and status=1 and inspection_type = ?", orgId, inspect_type).Order("project_id,created_time").Find(&reference).Error } else { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id=0 and status=1 and inspection_type = ?", inspect_type).Order("project_id,created_time").Find(&reference).Error } } return } func GetPatientInspectionProjectCount(orgId, patientId int64) (projectCounts []*models.UserInspectionProjectCount, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and status=1", patientId, orgId).Select("count(distinct inspect_date) as count, project_id, patient_id").Group("project_id").Scan(&projectCounts).Error return } func GetPatientInspectionByDate(orgId, patientId, date, projectId int64) (inspections []*models.Inspection, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id =? and inspect_date =? and status=1", patientId, orgId, projectId, date).Find(&inspections).Error return } func GetAdvices(orgid int64, patientid int64, recorddate int64) (advcie []*models.DoctorAdvice, err error) { err = XTReadDB().Model(&models.DoctorAdvice{}).Where("patient_id = ? and user_org_id = ? and record_date = ? and status =1", patientid, orgid, recorddate).Find(&advcie).Error return } func GetAdvicesByPrescription(orgid int64, patientid int64, recorddate int64) (models.DoctorAdvice, error) { advice := models.DoctorAdvice{} err = XTReadDB().Where("patient_id = ? and user_org_id = ? and record_date = ? and status =1 and is_prescription = 1", patientid, orgid, recorddate).Find(&advice).Error return advice, err } func UpdateDoctorAdvieById(id int64, prescription_number float64) (models.DoctorAdvice, error) { advice := models.DoctorAdvice{} err := XTWriteDB().Model(&advice).Where("id=? and status= 1", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescribing_number": prescription_number}).Error return advice, err } func UpdateDoctorAdvieByIdOne(id int64, prescription_number float64, single_dose float64) (models.DoctorAdvice, error) { advice := models.DoctorAdvice{} err := XTWriteDB().Model(&advice).Where("id=? and status= 1 ", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescribing_number": prescription_number, "single_dose": single_dose}).Error return advice, err } func CreatePatientInspection(inspectins []models.Inspection) (err error) { if len(inspectins) == 0 { err = errors.New("Inspections Cant be nil.") return } thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_inspection (patient_id, org_id, project_id, item_id, item_name, project_name, inspect_type, inspect_value, inspect_date, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, inspectin := range inspectins { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.PatientId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.OrgId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ProjectId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ItemId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ItemName) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ProjectName) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectType) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectValue) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectDate) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = writeDb.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error return } func SavePatientInspection(inspectin models.Inspection) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&inspectin).Error return } func DeleteInspectionTwo(id int64) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0}).Error return } func EditPatientInspection(add []models.Inspection, edit []models.Inspection, noDeleteIDs []int64, patientId, orgId, projectId, date int64) (err error) { if len(add) == 0 && len(edit) == 0 && len(noDeleteIDs) == 0 { err = errors.New(" Cant be nil.") return } tx := writeDb.Begin() if len(noDeleteIDs) > 0 { err = tx.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id =? and inspect_date =? and id NOT IN (?) and status=1", patientId, orgId, projectId, date, noDeleteIDs).Update(map[string]interface{}{"Status": 0, "UpdatedTime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } } if len(edit) > 0 { for _, item := range edit { err = tx.Save(&item).Error if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } } } if len(add) > 0 { thisSQL := "INSERT INTO xt_inspection (patient_id, org_id, project_id, item_id, item_name, project_name, inspect_type, inspect_value, inspect_date, status, created_time, updated_time) VALUES " insertParams := make([]string, 0) insertData := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, inspectin := range add { insertParams = append(insertParams, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.PatientId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.OrgId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ProjectId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ItemId) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ItemName) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.ProjectName) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectType) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectValue) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.InspectDate) insertData = append(insertData, 1) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.CreatedTime) insertData = append(insertData, inspectin.UpdatedTime) } thisSQL += strings.Join(insertParams, ", ") err = tx.Exec(thisSQL, insertData...).Error if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } } tx.Commit() return } func DeletePatientInspection(orgId, patientId, projectId, date int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id =? and inspect_date =? and status=1", patientId, orgId, projectId, date).Update(map[string]interface{}{"Status": 0, "UpdatedTime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func GetPatientInspections(orgId, patientId, projectId, page int64) (inspections []*models.Inspection, total int64, date int64, err error) { var projectCount models.UserInspectionProjectCount err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id=? and status=1", patientId, orgId, projectId).Select("count(distinct inspect_date) as count, project_id, patient_id").Scan(&projectCount).Error if err != nil { return } total = projectCount.Count if total == 0 || page > total { return } var Id models.InspectionDate err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id=? and status=1", patientId, orgId, projectId).Select("inspect_date").Group("inspect_date").Order("created_time desc").Offset(page - 1).Limit(1).Scan(&Id).Error if err != nil { return } if Id.InspectDate == 0 { return } date = Id.InspectDate inspections, err = GetPatientInspectionByDate(orgId, patientId, Id.InspectDate, projectId) if err != nil { return } return } type DateViewModel struct { inspect_date int64 `gorm:"column:inspect_date" json:"inspect_date"` project_id int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id"` } func FindLastRecordDate(orgId int64, patientId int64, project_id int64) (inspections models.Inspection, err error) { err = readDb.Raw("SELECT max(inspect_date) as inspect_date,project_id FROM `xt_inspection` WHERE (status = 1 AND org_id = ? AND project_id = ? AND patient_id = ?) ORDER BY `xt_inspection`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1", orgId, project_id, patientId).Scan(&inspections).Error return } func UpDateInfectiousRecordTime(orgId int64, patientId int64, time int64, remind_cycle int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", orgId, patientId).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"infectious_next_record_time": time, "remind_cycle": remind_cycle}).Error return } func CreateRemind(remind models.XtCheckRemind) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&remind).Error return } func UpDateCheckRemindRecordTime(orgId int64, patientId int64, time int64, project_id int64, remind_cycle int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.XtCheckRemind{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? and project_id = ?", orgId, patientId, project_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"last_remind_date": time, "remind_cycle": remind_cycle}).Error return } func UpDateCheckRemindRecordTimeTwo(orgId int64, patientId int64, time int64, project_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.XtCheckRemind{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? and project_id = ?", orgId, patientId, project_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"last_remind_date": time}).Error return } func GetCheckRemindRecordTime(orgId int64, patientId int64, project_id int64) (remind models.XtCheckRemind, err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.XtCheckRemind{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? and project_id = ?", orgId, patientId, project_id).First(&remind).Error return } func GetAllPatientInspection(orgId, patientId, page int64, projectId int64, start_time int64, end_time int64) (inspections []*models.Inspection, date int64, err error) { //var projectCount models.UserInspectionProjectCount //err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id in (?) and status=1", patientId, orgId,projectId).Select("count(distinct inspect_date) as count, project_id, patient_id").Scan(&projectCount).Error // //if err != nil { // return //} // //total = projectCount.Count //if total == 0 || page > total { // return //} var Id models.InspectionDate err = readDb.Model(&models.Inspection{}).Where("patient_id=? and org_id=? and project_id=? and status=1 and inspect_date >= ? and inspect_date <= ?", patientId, orgId, projectId, start_time, end_time).Select("inspect_date").Group("inspect_date").Order("inspect_date desc").Offset(page - 1).Limit(1).Scan(&Id).Error if err != nil { return } if Id.InspectDate == 0 { return } date = Id.InspectDate inspections, err = GetPatientInspectionByDate(orgId, patientId, Id.InspectDate, projectId) if err != nil { return } return } func GetAllInspectionReference(orgId int64) (inspectionReference []*models.InspectionReference, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgId).Find(&inspectionReference).Error return } func GetInspectionReferenceByOrgId(orgid int64) (insepciton []*models.XtInspectionReference, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&insepciton).Where("org_id = ? and status = 1 and project_name = '传染病检查'", orgid).Find(&insepciton).Error return insepciton, err } func GetInspectionReferenceTwo(project_id int64) (reference []*models.InspectionReference, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("project_id = ? and status = 1", project_id).Order("project_id").Find(&reference).Error return } func GetInspectionReferenceThree(project_id int64, item_id int64) (reference models.InspectionReference, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.InspectionReference{}).Where("project_id = ? and id = ? and status = 1 and org_id = 0", project_id, item_id).Order("project_id").Find(&reference).Error return } func GetInspectionTwo(startime int64, endtime int64, orgid int64, projectid int64, itemid int64) (inspection []*models.Inspection, total int64, err error) { db := XTReadDB().Table("xt_inspection as x").Where("x.status = 1") db = db.Where("project_id = ? and item_id = ?", projectid, itemid) if startime > 0 { db = db.Where("x.inspect_date >= ?", startime) } if endtime > 0 { db = db.Where("x.inspect_date<=?", endtime) } if orgid > 0 { db = db.Where("x.org_id = ?", orgid) } if projectid > 0 { db = db.Where("x.project_id = ?", projectid) } err = db.Count(&total).Order("x.inspect_date desc").Group(""). Select(",x.patient_id,x.org_id,x.project_id,x.item_id,x.item_name,x.project_name,x.inspect_type,x.inspect_value,x.inspect_date,x.created_time").Find(&inspection).Error return inspection, total, err } // 查出日期差小于3天的数据 func GetAllInspectionRemind(org_id int64, patient_id int64) (check []models.XtCheckRemind, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.XtCheckRemind{}).Preload("InspectionReference", "status = 1").Where("patient_id = ? and status = 1 and user_org_id = ? and DATEDIFF(FROM_UNIXTIME(last_remind_date),NOW()) < 3 and last_remind_date <> 0", patient_id, org_id).Find(&check).Error return }