package service import ( "time" "XT/models" "XT/utils" "" ) func GetRoles(orgID int64, appID int64, page int, count int) ([]*models.Role, int, error) { var roles []*models.Role var totalCount int err := readUserDb.Model(&models.Role{}). Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ?", orgID, appID). Count(&totalCount). Order("ctime asc").Limit(count).Offset((page - 1) * count). Find(&roles). Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return make([]*models.Role, 0), 0, nil } else { return nil, 0, err } } return roles, totalCount, nil } func GetAppRole(orgID int64, appID int64, adminUserID int64) (*models.App_Role, error) { var appRole models.App_Role err := readUserDb.Model(models.App_Role{}).Where("org_id = ? and app_id = ? and admin_user_id = ?", orgID, appID, adminUserID).First(&appRole).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } else { return nil, err } } return &appRole, nil } func CreateRole(adminUserID int64, orgID int64, appID int64, name string, intro string) (*models.Role, error) { role := models.Role{ RoleName: name, RoleIntro: intro, Creator: adminUserID, OrgId: orgID, AppId: appID, IsSuperAdmin: false, Status: 1, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), ModifyTime: time.Now().Unix(), } tx := writeUserDb.Begin() if err := tx.Create(&role).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return nil, err } tx.Commit() return &role, nil } func GetRoleByRoleID(roleID int64) (*models.Role, error) { var role models.Role err := readUserDb.Model(&models.Role{}).Where("id = ?", roleID).First(&role).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } return nil, err } else { return &role, nil } } func ModifyRole(role *models.Role) error { tx := writeUserDb.Begin() if err := tx.Save(role).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } return tx.Commit().Error } // 拥有xx角色的管理员的数量 func RoleAdminUserCount(orgID int64, appID int64, roleID int64) (int, error) { var count int err := readUserDb.Model(models.App_Role{}). Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND role_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID, appID, roleID). Count(&count). Error if err != nil { return 0, err } else { return count, nil } } type AdminUserManageViewModel struct { AdminUserId int `gorm:"admin_user_id" json:"user_id"` UserName string `gorm:"user_name" json:"user_name"` RoleName string `gorm:"role_name" json:"role_name"` UserTitle int `gorm:"user_title" json:"user_title"` Ip string `gorm:"ip" json:"ip"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"ctime" json:"last_login_time"` Status int `gorm:"status" json:"status"` // LastLoginTimeStr string `gorm:"-" json:"last_login_time_formatted"` TitleName string `gorm:"-" json:"title_name"` } func GetAdminUsersAndLoginInfo(orgID int64, appID int64, page int, count int) ([]*AdminUserManageViewModel, int, error) { if count <= 0 { return []*AdminUserManageViewModel{}, 0, nil } if page < 1 { page = 1 } var viewModels []*AdminUserManageViewModel = make([]*AdminUserManageViewModel, 0) rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT u_a_r.admin_user_id, u_a_r.user_name, u_r.role_name, u_a_r.user_title, u_l.ip, u_l.ctime, u_a_r.status FROM sgj_user_admin_role AS u_a_r INNER JOIN sgj_user_role AS u_r ON u_a_r.org_id = u_r.org_id AND u_a_r.app_id = u_r.app_id AND = u_a_r.role_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT admin_user_id, org_id, app_id, ip, ctime FROM sgj_user_admin_login_log WHERE org_id = ? AND app_id = ? ORDER BY ctime DESC) AS t GROUP BY admin_user_id) AS u_l ON u_a_r.org_id = u_l.org_id AND u_a_r.app_id = u_l.app_id AND u_a_r.admin_user_id = u_l.admin_user_id WHERE u_a_r.org_id = ? AND u_a_r.app_id = ? GROUP BY u_a_r.admin_user_id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;", orgID, appID, orgID, appID, count, (page-1)*count).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return viewModels, 0, nil } else { return nil, 0, err } } for rows.Next() { var viewModel AdminUserManageViewModel readUserDb.ScanRows(rows, &viewModel) title, _ := models.UserTitle[viewModel.UserTitle] viewModel.TitleName = title // if viewModel.Ctime == 0 { // viewModel.LastLoginTimeStr = "" // } else { // loginTime := time.Unix(viewModel.Ctime, 0) // viewModel.LastLoginTimeStr = loginTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04") // } viewModels = append(viewModels, &viewModel) } total := 0 readUserDb.Table("sgj_user_admin_role as u_a_r").Joins("join sgj_user_role as u_r on u_r.org_id = u_a_r.org_id AND u_r.app_id = u_a_r.app_id AND = u_a_r.role_id").Where("u_a_r.org_id = ? AND u_a_r.app_id = ?", orgID, appID).Count(&total) return viewModels, total, nil } func GetValidRoleCount(orgID int64, appID int64, superAdminUserID int64) (int, error) { var count int err := readUserDb.Model(models.Role{}). Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND creator = ? AND is_super_admin = 0 AND status = 1", orgID, appID, superAdminUserID). Count(&count). Error if err != nil { return 0, err } else { return count, nil } } func GetAllValidRoles(orgID int64, appID int64) ([]*models.Role, error) { var roles []*models.Role err := readUserDb.Model(models.Role{}). Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID, appID). Order("ctime asc"). Find(&roles). Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return make([]*models.Role, 0), nil } else { return nil, err } } return roles, nil } func IsRoleExist(orgID int64, appID int64, roleID int64) (bool, error) { var count int err := readUserDb.Model(models.Role{}).Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND id = ? AND status = 1", orgID, appID, roleID).Count(&count).Error if err != nil { return false, err } else { return count > 0, nil } } type AdminUserEditViewModel struct { AdminUserId int64 `gorm:"admin_user_id" json:"user_id"` UserName string `gorm:"user_name" json:"user_name"` Mobile string `gorm:"mobile" json:"mobile"` UserType int `gorm:"user_type" json:"user_type"` UserTitle int `gorm:"user_title" json:"user_title"` Intro string `gorm:"intro" json:"intro"` RoleId int64 `gorm:"role_id" json:"role_id"` } func GetGeneralAdminUser(orgID int64, appID int64, user_id int64) (*AdminUserEditViewModel, error) { rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("SELECT, u_a_r.admin_user_id, u_a_r.user_name, u_a_r.user_type, u_a_r.user_title, u_a_r.intro, u_a_r.role_id FROM sgj_user_admin AS u_a, sgj_user_admin_role AS u_a_r WHERE = u_a_r.admin_user_id AND = ? AND u_a_r.status = 1 AND u_a_r.org_id = ? AND u_a_r.app_id = ?;", user_id, orgID, appID).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, nil } else { return nil, err } } if rows.Next() { var viewModel AdminUserEditViewModel err := readUserDb.ScanRows(rows, &viewModel) if err != nil { return nil, err } else { return &viewModel, nil } } return nil, nil } func SaveAppRole(appRole *models.App_Role) error { tx := writeUserDb.Begin() if err := tx.Model(&models.App_Role{}).Save(appRole).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } return tx.Commit().Error } func IsMobileDidUsedAtApp(orgID int64, appID int64, mobile string) (bool, error) { var count int rows, err := readUserDb.Raw("select count( as count from sgj_user_admin as u_a, sgj_user_admin_role as u_a_r where u_a_r.org_id = ? and u_a_r.app_id = ? and = ? and = u_a_r.admin_user_id;", orgID, appID, mobile).Rows() defer rows.Close() if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return false, nil } else { return true, err } } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&count) return count > 0, nil } return true, nil } func IsUserSuperAdminWithMobile(mobile string) (bool, error) { var user models.AdminUser err := readUserDb.Where("mobile = ?", mobile).First(&user).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return false, nil } else { return false, err } } return user.IsSuperAdmin, nil } func CreateGeneralAdminUser(orgID int64, appID int64, mobile string, name string, userType int, userTitle int, intro string, roleID int64) (*models.AdminUser, string, error) { now := time.Now().Unix() tx := writeUserDb.Begin() var adminUser models.AdminUser err := readUserDb.Where("mobile = ? AND status = 1", mobile).First(&adminUser).Error password := "" if err != nil { if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, "", err } else { password = utils.RandomNumberString(6) adminUser.Mobile = mobile adminUser.Password = utils.String2md5(password) adminUser.IsSuperAdmin = false adminUser.Status = 1 adminUser.CreateTime = now adminUser.ModifyTime = now if createErr := tx.Create(&adminUser).Error; createErr != nil { tx.Rollback() return nil, "", createErr } } } app_role := models.App_Role{ AdminUserId: adminUser.Id, OrgId: orgID, AppId: appID, RoleId: roleID, Avatar: "", UserName: name, Intro: intro, UserType: int8(userType), UserTitle: int8(userTitle), Status: 1, CreateTime: now, ModifyTime: now, } if createApp_RoleErr := tx.Create(&app_role).Error; createApp_RoleErr != nil { tx.Rollback() return nil, "", createApp_RoleErr } tx.Commit() return &adminUser, password, nil } type PurviewTreeViewModel struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` PID int64 `json:"pid"` Name string `json:"name"` Childs []*PurviewTreeViewModel `json:"childs"` } func GetAllGeneralPurviewVMsProcessed() ([]*PurviewTreeViewModel, error) { var originPurviews []*models.Purview getPurviewErr := readUserDb.Model(models.Purview{}).Where("module = 3 AND status = 1 AND super_admin_exclusive = 0").Order("listorder asc").Order("id asc").Find(&originPurviews).Error if getPurviewErr != nil { return nil, getPurviewErr } // 加工这些规则:树形化 purviewVMs := make([]*PurviewTreeViewModel, 0) pid_childs := make(map[int64][]*PurviewTreeViewModel) for _, purview := range originPurviews { // warning:下面这个算法只适用最多两层树形结构的菜单,对于两层以上的会丢失掉第三层及其以下的节点 // 因为取出 originPurviews 的时候已经排过序了,所以顶级节点肯定最先处理,不需要担心子节点比父节点先处理 pvm := &PurviewTreeViewModel{ ID: purview.Id, PID: purview.Parentid, Name: purview.Name, } if purview.Parentid == 0 { purviewVMs = append(purviewVMs, pvm) } else { childs := pid_childs[purview.Parentid] if childs == nil { childs = make([]*PurviewTreeViewModel, 0) } childs = append(childs, pvm) pid_childs[purview.Parentid] = childs } } for _, vm := range purviewVMs { vm.Childs = pid_childs[vm.ID] } return purviewVMs, nil } func GetRolePurviewIds(roleID int64) (string, error) { var rolePurview models.RolePurview err := readUserDb.Where("role_id = ?", roleID).First(&rolePurview).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return "", nil } else { return "", err } } return rolePurview.PurviewIds, nil } func SaveRolePurviewIds(orgID int64, appID int64, roleID int64, purviewIds string) error { var rolePurview models.RolePurview getRPErr := readUserDb.Where("org_id = ? AND app_id = ? AND role_id = ?", orgID, appID, roleID).First(&rolePurview).Error if getRPErr != nil { if getRPErr == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { rolePurview = models.RolePurview{ RoleId: roleID, OrgId: orgID, AppId: appID, Status: 1, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } } else { return getRPErr } } rolePurview.PurviewIds = purviewIds rolePurview.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() tx := writeUserDb.Begin() if err := tx.Save(&rolePurview).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } return tx.Commit().Error } func ModifyAdminUserInfo(adminUserID int64, orgID int64, appID int64, name string, avatar string, newPassword string) error { tx := writeUserDb.Begin() editInfoErr := tx.Exec("update sgj_user_admin_role set user_name = ?, avatar = ?, mtime = ? where admin_user_id = ? and org_id = ?", name, avatar, time.Now().Unix(), adminUserID, orgID).Error if editInfoErr != nil { tx.Rollback() return editInfoErr } if len(newPassword) > 0 { editPwdErr := tx.Exec("update sgj_user_admin set password = ?, mtime = ? where id = ?", newPassword, time.Now().Unix(), adminUserID).Error if editPwdErr != nil { tx.Rollback() return editPwdErr } } tx.Commit() return nil }