package controllers import ( "XT_New/enums" "XT_New/models" "XT_New/service" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "path" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) type PublicApiController struct { BaseAPIController } //var f_a *os.File // // // func init() { // org_id, _ := beego.AppConfig.Int64("org_id") // miConfig, _ := service.FindMedicalInsuranceInfo(org_id) // Mkdir(miConfig.OrgName+"日志") // month := time.Unix(1557042972, 0).Format("1") // year := time.Now().Format("2006") // month = time.Now().Format("01") // day := time.Now().Format("02") // file := strconv.FormatInt( org_id, 10) + "_"+ year + month + day + "_log" // file_name := file + ".txt" // file_path := miConfig.OrgName+"日志" + "/" + file_name // exist, _ := PathExists(file_path) // if exist {//存在 // f_a, _ := os.OpenFile(file_path,os.O_WRONLY,0644) // content := "新的日志内容吧" // n, _ := f_a.Seek(0,2) // f_a.WriteAt([]byte(content),n) // // } else { //不存在 // fmt.Println("文件不存在,创建文件") // f, err := os.Create(miConfig.OrgName+"日志" + "/" + file_name) // defer f.Close() // if err !=nil { // } else { // _,err=f.Write([]byte("记录日志")) // } // } // // } func PublicApiRegistRouters() { beego.Router("/api/public/getadviceconfig", &PublicApiController{}, "Get:GetDoctorAdviceConfig") beego.Router("/api/public/servertime", &PublicApiController{}, "Get:GetServerTime") beego.Router("/api/app/release", &PublicApiController{}, "Get:AppRelease") beego.Router("/api/get", &PublicApiController{}, "Get:GetJson") beego.Router("/api/public/handledata", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleData") beego.Router("/api/public/handlestockdata", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleStockData") beego.Router("/api/public/handlecomdata", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleComData") beego.Router("/hello", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleComData") beego.Router("/handel", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleHIS") beego.Router("/groupno", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleGroupNo") beego.Router("/handle10215", &PublicApiController{}, "get:Handle10215") beego.Router("/handelOrder", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleOrder") beego.Router("/handelHis", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleHisTwo") beego.Router("/handelProject", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleProject") beego.Router("/handelsettledata", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleSettleData") beego.Router("/handelhispatient", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleHisPatient") //beego.Router("/handelOrder", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleOrder") beego.Router("/handleExportData", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleExportAllData") beego.Router("/handleExportData10138", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleExportData10138") beego.Router("/handleData10265", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleData10265") beego.Router("/handleData10106", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleData10106") beego.Router("/handleData10318", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleData10318") beego.Router("/handleOne", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleOne") beego.Router("/handelschedule", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleSchedule") //beego.Router("/handelscheduleTwo", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleScheduleTwo") // // // //beego.Router("/handelhispatienttwo", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleHisPatientTwo") //beego.Router("/handleorderinfo", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleOrderInfoData") // //beego.Router("/hande10138", &PublicApiController{}, "get:HandleOrderInfoData10138") } type ResultFiveT struct { Balc float64 `json:"balc"` CvlservFlag string `json:"cvlserv_flag"` EmpName string `json:"emp_name"` InsuplcAdmdvs string `json:"insuplc_admdvs"` Insutype string `json:"insutype"` PausInsuDansuplcAdmdvs string `json:"paus_insu_dansuplc_admdvs"` PausInsuDate string `json:"paus_insu_date"` PsnInsuDate string `json:"psn_insu_date"` PsnInsuStas string `json:"psn_insu_stas"` PsnType string `json:"psn_type"` } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleSchedule() { //fmt.Println("~~~~~~") service.GetLongSolution() } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleOne() { //fmt.Println("~~~~~~") //start_time := c.GetString("start_time") //end_time := c.GetString("end_time") // //timeLayout := "2006-01-02" //loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") //startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", start_time+" 00:00:00", loc) //if err != nil { //} //startRecordDateTime := startTime.Unix() //endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", end_time+" 23:59:59", loc) //if err != nil { //} //endRecordDateTime := endTime.Unix() //orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetailOne(startRecordDateTime, endRecordDateTime) //c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ // "order": orders, //}) } //func (c *PublicApiController) HandleScheduleTwo() { // models, _ := service.GetAllSchMode() // for _, item := range models { // if item.Mode == 1 { // templates, _ := service.GetOrgPatientScheduleTemplateIDs(item.OrgID) // thisTime := time.Now() // _, theWeek := thisTime.ISOWeek() // templates[0].Week = theWeek // service.UpdateTemplateItemWeek(templates[0].OrgID, templates[0].ID, int8(templates[0].Week)) // } else if item.Mode == 2 { // templates, _ := service.GetOrgPatientScheduleTemplateIDs(item.OrgID) // now := time.Now() // nextSecWeek := now.AddDate(0, 0, 14) // nextWeek := now.AddDate(0, 0, 7) // if item.ExecuteTimes%2 == 0 { //下第二周生成的是 // templates[0].Week = service.GetWeeks(nextWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // templates[1].Week = service.GetWeeks(nextSecWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // service.UpdateTemplateItemWeek(templates[0].OrgID, templates[0].ID, int8(templates[0].Week)) // service.UpdateTemplateItemWeek(templates[1].OrgID, templates[1].ID, int8(templates[1].Week)) // // } else if item.ExecuteTimes%2 == 1 { // templates[0].Week = service.GetWeeks(nextSecWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // templates[1].Week = service.GetWeeks(nextWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // service.UpdateTemplateItemWeek(templates[0].OrgID, templates[0].ID, int8(templates[0].Week)) // service.UpdateTemplateItemWeek(templates[1].OrgID, templates[1].ID, int8(templates[1].Week)) // // } // // } // } // //} func (c *PublicApiController) HandleHisPatient() { ps, _ := service.GetHisPatient11111(10215) for _, item := range ps { var rf []*ResultFiveT json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Iinfo), &rf) var insuplc_admdvs string var insutype string var is390 int = 0 var is310 int = 0 var insutypes []*ResultFiveT for _, item := range rf { if (item.Insutype == "390" && item.PsnInsuStas == "1") || (item.Insutype == "310" && item.PsnInsuStas == "1") { insutypes = append(insutypes, item) } } fmt.Println(insutypes) if len(insutypes) == 1 { insutype = insutypes[0].Insutype is390 = 1 fmt.Println("111111") //insuplc_admdvs = insutypes[0].InsuplcAdmdvs } else { fmt.Println("222222") for _, i := range insutypes { if i.Insutype == "390" { is390 = 1 } if i.Insutype == "310" { is310 = 1 } } } if is390 == 1 { insutype = "390" } if is310 == 1 { insutype = "310" } if len(insutypes) == 0 { insutype = "390" } for _, item := range rf { if item.Insutype == insutype { insuplc_admdvs = item.InsuplcAdmdvs } } item.InsuplcAdmdvs = insuplc_admdvs service.SaveHP(item) } } //func (c *PublicApiController) HandleHisPatientTwo() { // // ps, _ := service.GetHisPatient2222(10188) // for _, item := range ps { // var rf []*ResultFiveT // json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Iinfo), &rf) // var insuplc_admdvs string // // for _, subItem := range rf { // if subItem.Insutype == item.Insutype { // insuplc_admdvs = subItem.InsuplcAdmdvs // } // } // item.InsuplcAdmdvs = insuplc_admdvs // service.SaveHPtWO(item) // } //} func (c *PublicApiController) HandleSettleData() { orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetailThree() c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "order": orders, }) } //func (c *PublicApiController) HandleData10106() { // start_time := c.GetString("start_time") // end_time := c.GetString("end_time") // // timeLayout := "2006-01-02" // loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") // startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", start_time+" 00:00:00", loc) // if err != nil { // // } // startRecordDateTime := startTime.Unix() // // endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", end_time+" 23:59:59", loc) // if err != nil { // // } // endRecordDateTime := endTime.Unix() // fmt.Println(startRecordDateTime) // fmt.Println(endRecordDateTime) // // orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetail10106(startRecordDateTime, endRecordDateTime) // c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ // "order": orders, // }) //} func (c *PublicApiController) HandleData10106() { start_time := c.GetString("start_time") end_time := c.GetString("end_time") timeLayout := "2006-01-02" loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", start_time+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { } startRecordDateTime := startTime.Unix() endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", end_time+" 23:59:59", loc) if err != nil { } endRecordDateTime := endTime.Unix() fmt.Println(startRecordDateTime) fmt.Println(endRecordDateTime) orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetail10106(startRecordDateTime, endRecordDateTime) c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "order": orders, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleData10318() { start_time := c.GetString("start_time") end_time := c.GetString("end_time") timeLayout := "2006-01-02" loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", start_time+" 00:00:00", loc) if err != nil { } startRecordDateTime := startTime.Unix() endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", end_time+" 23:59:59", loc) if err != nil { } endRecordDateTime := endTime.Unix() fmt.Println(startRecordDateTime) fmt.Println(endRecordDateTime) orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetail10318(startRecordDateTime, endRecordDateTime) c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "order": orders, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleProject() { prescriptions := service.GetAllProjectPrescription() for _, item := range prescriptions { ps := service.GetAllProject(item.ID) for _, subItem := range ps { subItem.Status = 0 service.SaveHisProject(subItem) } } } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleHisTwo() { hiss := service.GetAllPrivateHis(10215) for _, item := range hiss { patient, _ := service.GetPatientByID(10215, item.PatientId) item.Gender = patient.Gender service.SaveHis(item) } } func (c *PublicApiController) GetDoctorAdviceConfig() { drugs, _, _ := service.GetPublicDrugDics() drugways, _, _ := service.GetPublicDrugWayDics() efs, _, _ := service.GetPublicExecutionFrequencyDics() c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "drugs": drugs, "drugways": drugways, "efs": efs, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) GetServerTime() { timeNow := time.Now() timeNowStamp := timeNow.Unix() timeNowStr := timeNow.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "time": timeNowStr, "timestamp": timeNowStamp, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) AppRelease() { // appId := c.GetString("appid") version := c.GetString("version") appType, _ := c.GetInt64("app_type", 0) appVersion, err := service.GetAppVersionByAppType(appType) if err != nil { c.ServeFailJSONWithSGJErrorCode(enums.ErrorCodeParamWrong) return } if appVersion == nil { c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "version": nil, "state": 2, }) return } state := strings.Compare(version, appVersion.Version) // state := 1 if state < 0 { c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "version": appVersion, "state": appVersion.Status, }) return } c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "version": nil, "state": 2, }) return } func (this *PublicApiController) GetJson() { type Global struct { DeviceSN string Version string Timestamp string InterfaceSource string } type RBPResultModel struct { Sys string Dia string HR string MeasureTime string } type ScannerResultModel struct { Code string } type IDCardResultModel struct { IDCardNo string UserName string Age string Female string Male string SocialSecurityNo string } type JsonTemp struct { Global Global RBPResultModel RBPResultModel ScannerResultModel ScannerResultModel IDCardResultModel IDCardResultModel } var person JsonTemp err3 := json.Unmarshal([]byte(this.GetString("params")), &person) fmt.Println(err3) fmt.Println(person.Global) //temp := JsonTemp{ // Global:Global{ // DeviceSN:"1122", // Version:"1122", // Timestamp:"1222", // InterfaceSource:"1233", // }, // RBPResultModel: RBPResultModel{ // Sys:"12", // Dia:"22", // HR:"23", // MeasureTime:"123", // }, // ScannerResultModel:ScannerResultModel{ // Code:"1233", // }, // IDCardResultModel:IDCardResultModel{ // IDCardNo:"123", // UserName:"123", // Age:"123", // Female:"123", // Male:"123", // SocialSecurityNo:"123", // }, //} // //jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(temp) //if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) //} //fmt.Println(string(jsonBytes)) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleData() { //service.HandleData() org_app, _ := service.GetAllAppOrg() //org_role, _ := service.GetAllRole() // //var org_ids []int64 for _, apps := range org_app { xt_org_app, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 3) //org_app_6, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 6) //org_app_7, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 7) //org_app_8, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 8) //org_app_9, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 9) //org_app_10, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 10) //org_app_11, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 11) //org_app_12, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 12) //org_app_13, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 13) //org_app_14, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 14) //org_app_15, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 15) //org_app_16, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 16) //org_app_17, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 17) org_app_18, _ := service.GetAppByType(int64(apps.OrgId), 18) var xt_temp_org_app *models.OrgApp //var mall_temp_org_app *models.OrgApp if xt_org_app == nil || xt_org_app.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 3) org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { continue } app.Id = 0 app.OrgId = apps.OrgId app.Creator = int(org.Creator) app.Number = 0 app.Status = 1 app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() service.CreateOrgApp(app) xt_temp_org_app = app } else { xt_temp_org_app = xt_org_app } //if scrm_org_app == nil || scrm_org_app.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 1) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Id = 0 // // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 0 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) // //} // //if cdm_org_app == nil || cdm_org_app.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 4) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 0 // app.Id = 0 // // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} // //if mall_org_app == nil || mall_org_app.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 5) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 0 // app.Id = 0 // // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) // mall_temp_org_app = app //} else { // mall_temp_org_app = mall_org_app //} // //if org_app_16 == nil || org_app_16.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 16) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 11 // app.Id = 0 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // service.CreateOrgApp(app) // //} // //if org_app_17 == nil || org_app_17.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 17) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 12 // app.Id = 0 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // service.CreateOrgApp(app) // //} if org_app_18 == nil || org_app_18.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 18) //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { continue } app.OrgId = apps.OrgId app.Creator = int(org.Creator) app.Number = 5 app.Id = 0 app.Status = 1 app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id service.CreateOrgApp(app) } //if org_app_7 == nil || org_app_7.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 7) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 2 // app.Status = 2 // app.Id = 0 // // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_8 == nil || org_app_8.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 8) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 3 // app.Id = 0 // // app.Pid = mall_temp_org_app.Id // // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_9 == nil || org_app_9.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 9) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Number = 4 // app.Id = 0 // // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) // //} //if org_app_10 == nil || org_app_10.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 10) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // // app.Number = 5 // app.Id = 0 // // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_11 == nil || org_app_11.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 11) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // app.Id = 0 // // app.Number = 6 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_12 == nil || org_app_12.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 12) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // app.Number = 7 // app.Status = 1 // app.Id = 0 // // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_13 == nil || org_app_13.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 13) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // app.Number = 8 // app.Id = 0 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_14 == nil || org_app_14.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 14) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // app.Id = 0 // app.Number = 9 // app.Status = 1 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} //if org_app_15 == nil || org_app_15.Id == 0 { //判断之前是否有创建该app类型,如果没有则插入数据 // app, _ := service.GetOrgAppA(0, 15) // //org, _ := service.GetOrgById(int64(12)) // org, _ := service.GetOrgByIdB(int64(apps.OrgId)) // if org == nil || org.Id == 0 { // continue // } // // app.OrgId = apps.OrgId // app.Creator = int(org.Creator) // app.Pid = xt_temp_org_app.Id // app.Number = 10 // app.Status = 1 // app.Id = 0 // app.ModifyTime = time.Now().Unix() // app.CreateTime = time.Now().Unix() // service.CreateOrgApp(app) //} } //for _, role := range org_role { // org_ids = append(org_ids, role.OrgId) //} // // ////创建内置角色 //InitRoleAndPurviews(org_ids) //var org_id int = 0 //管理员 //app_roles := service.GetAllUserRoleByUserTypeOne(org_id) //for _, item := range app_roles{ // var ids string // if len(item.RoleIds) == 0{ // ids = strconv.FormatInt( item.RoleId,10) // }else{ // ids = item.RoleIds + ","+strconv.FormatInt( item.RoleId,10) // } // service.UpdateRoleIds(item.Id, ids) //} //护士医生 //app_roles2 := service.GetAllUserRoleByUserTypeOther() // for _, item := range app_roles2{ // var ids string // if len(item.RoleIds) == 0{ // ids = strconv.FormatInt( item.RoleId,10) // }else{ // ids = item.RoleIds + ","+strconv.FormatInt( item.RoleId,10) // } // if item.UserType == 2{ // role := service.FindRoleByUserTypeOne(item.OrgId) // ids = ids +"," + strconv.FormatInt(role.Id,10) // // } else if item.UserType == 3{ // role := service.FindRoleByUserTypeTwo(item.OrgId) // ids = ids +"," + strconv.FormatInt(role.Id,10) // } // service.UpdateRoleIds(item.Id, ids) // } //c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ // "msg": "ok", //}) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleGroupNo() { //service.GetAllPatientChargeDetails(10138, 1634054400) //pts, _ := service.GetHisPrescriptionTemplateTwo() //for _, item := range pts { // if len(item.HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate) > 0 { // for index, subItem := range item.HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate { // subItem.Groupno = int64(index + 1) // service.SaveAdviceTemplate(subItem) // } // } //} } func InitRoleAndPurviews(org_ids []int64) { roles := LoadRoleConfig("./role.json").Roles for _, org_id := range org_ids { app, _ := service.GetOrgAppB(org_id, 3) role, _ := service.GetSystemRole(org_id) if app == nil || app.Id == 0 { continue } if len(role) == 0 { for _, item := range roles { role := &models.Role{ RoleName: item.RoleName, RoleIntro: item.RoleIntroduction, Creator: 0, OrgId: org_id, AppId: app.Id, IsSuperAdmin: false, Status: 1, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), ModifyTime: time.Now().Unix(), Number: item.Number, IsSystem: item.IsSystem, } err := service.CreateOrgRoleB(role) if err == nil { purview := &models.RolePurview{ RoleId: role.Id, OrgId: org_id, AppId: role.AppId, PurviewIds: item.PurviewIds, Status: 1, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), ModifyTime: time.Now().Unix(), } func_purview := &models.SgjUserRoleFuncPurview{ RoleId: role.Id, OrgId: org_id, AppId: role.AppId, PurviewIds: item.FuncIds, Status: 1, Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), } service.CreateRolePurviewB(purview) service.CreateFuncRolePurviewB(func_purview) } } } } } type RoleConfig struct { Roles []*models.VMUserRoleAndPurview "json:roles" } func LoadRoleConfig(dataFile string) *RoleConfig { var config RoleConfig _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1) datapath := path.Join(path.Dir(filename), dataFile) config_file, err := os.Open(datapath) if err != nil { emit("Failed to open config file '%s': %s\n", datapath, err) return &config } fi, _ := config_file.Stat() buffer := make([]byte, fi.Size()) _, err = config_file.Read(buffer) buffer, err = StripComments(buffer) //去掉注释 if err != nil { emit("Failed to strip comments from json: %s\n", err) return &config } buffer = []byte(os.ExpandEnv(string(buffer))) //特殊 err = json.Unmarshal(buffer, &config) //解析json格式数据 if err != nil { emit("Failed unmarshalling json: %s\n", err) return &config } return &config } type GoodTypesConfig struct { GoodTypes []*models.VMGoodsType "json:list" } func LoadGoodTypeConfig(dataFile string) *GoodTypesConfig { var config GoodTypesConfig _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1) datapath := path.Join(path.Dir(filename), dataFile) config_file, err := os.Open(datapath) if err != nil { emit("Failed to open config file '%s': %s\n", datapath, err) return &config } fi, _ := config_file.Stat() buffer := make([]byte, fi.Size()) _, err = config_file.Read(buffer) buffer, err = StripComments(buffer) //去掉注释 if err != nil { emit("Failed to strip comments from json: %s\n", err) return &config } buffer = []byte(os.ExpandEnv(string(buffer))) //特殊 err = json.Unmarshal(buffer, &config) //解析json格式数据 if err != nil { emit("Failed unmarshalling json: %s\n", err) return &config } return &config } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleStockData() { org, _ := service.FindAllOrgByImportType() for _, item := range org { if item.Id != 3907 || item.Id != 9779 || item.Id != 9883 { goodTypes := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000000", TypeName: "穿刺针", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 1, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes) goodTypes1 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000001", TypeName: "透析器", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 2, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes1) goodTypes2 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000002", TypeName: "灌流器", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 3, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes2) goodTypes3 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000003", TypeName: "血路管", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 4, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes3) goodTypes4 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000004", TypeName: "血滤补液管", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 5, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes4) goodTypes5 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000005", TypeName: "注射器", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 6, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes5) goodTypes6 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000006", TypeName: "护理包(内瘘穿刺包)", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 7, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes6) goodTypes7 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000007", TypeName: "细菌过滤器", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 8, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes7) goodTypes8 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000008", TypeName: "血液透析干粉", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 9, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes8) goodTypes9 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000009", TypeName: "A液", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 10, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes9) goodTypes10 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000010", TypeName: "B液", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 11, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes10) goodTypes11 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000011", TypeName: "导管包", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 12, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes11) goodTypes12 := &models.GoodsType{ TypeCode: "14000012", TypeName: "血液透析导管", Remark: "", Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Creater: 0, Modifier: 0, OrgId: item.Id, Status: 1, Type: 1, Number: 13, } service.AddSigleGoodType(goodTypes12) } } } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleComData() { org_ids := []int64{3907, 9779, 9883} for _, id := range org_ids { //查处所有处方记录 prescriptions, _ := service.FindAllPrescription(id) if id == 3907 { for _, item := range prescriptions { if item.Niprocart > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Niprocart before.GoodTypeId = 241 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Jms > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Jms before.GoodTypeId = 233 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet before.GoodTypeId = 233 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet16 > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet16 before.GoodTypeId = 233 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Hemoperfusion > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Hemoperfusion before.GoodTypeId = 235 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.DialyserSterilised > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.DialyserSterilised before.GoodTypeId = 234 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Filtryzer > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Filtryzer before.GoodTypeId = 234 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Dialyzers > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Dialyzers before.GoodTypeId = 234 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Injector > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Injector before.GoodTypeId = 238 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Bloodlines > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Bloodlines before.GoodTypeId = 236 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.TubingHemodialysis > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.TubingHemodialysis before.GoodTypeId = 237 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Package > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Package before.GoodTypeId = 239 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.ALiquid > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.ALiquid before.GoodTypeId = 242 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } } } else if id == 9779 { for _, item := range prescriptions { if item.Niprocart > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Niprocart before.GoodTypeId = 254 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Jms > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Jms before.GoodTypeId = 246 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet before.GoodTypeId = 246 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet16 > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet16 before.GoodTypeId = 246 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Hemoperfusion > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Hemoperfusion before.GoodTypeId = 248 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.DialyserSterilised > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.DialyserSterilised before.GoodTypeId = 247 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Filtryzer > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Filtryzer before.GoodTypeId = 247 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Dialyzers > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Dialyzers before.GoodTypeId = 247 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Injector > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Injector before.GoodTypeId = 251 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Bloodlines > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Bloodlines before.GoodTypeId = 249 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.TubingHemodialysis > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.TubingHemodialysis before.GoodTypeId = 250 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Package > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Package before.GoodTypeId = 252 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.ALiquid > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.ALiquid before.GoodTypeId = 255 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } } } else if id == 9883 { for _, item := range prescriptions { if item.Niprocart > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Niprocart before.GoodTypeId = 267 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Jms > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Jms before.GoodTypeId = 259 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet before.GoodTypeId = 259 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.FistulaNeedleSet16 > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.FistulaNeedleSet16 before.GoodTypeId = 259 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Hemoperfusion > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Hemoperfusion before.GoodTypeId = 261 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.DialyserSterilised > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.DialyserSterilised before.GoodTypeId = 260 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Filtryzer > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Filtryzer before.GoodTypeId = 260 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Dialyzers > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Dialyzers before.GoodTypeId = 260 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Injector > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Injector before.GoodTypeId = 264 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Bloodlines > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Bloodlines before.GoodTypeId = 262 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.TubingHemodialysis > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.TubingHemodialysis before.GoodTypeId = 263 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.Package > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.Package before.GoodTypeId = 265 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } if item.ALiquid > 0 { before := &models.DialysisBeforePrepare{ UserOrgId: id, PatientId: item.PatientId, RecordDate: item.RecordDate, Count: 1, Ctime: item.RecordDate, Mtime: item.RecordDate, Creater: item.Creater, Modifier: item.Creater, Status: 1, } before.GoodId = item.ALiquid before.GoodTypeId = 268 service.AddSigleDialysisBeforePre(before) } } } } } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleHIS() { his, _ := service.GetAllHisInfo(9919) for _, item := range his { fsn := strings.Split(item.FeedetlSn, "-") item.FeedetlSn = fsn[0] + "-" + fsn[1] + "-" + strconv.FormatInt(item.ID, 10) fmt.Println(item.FeedetlSn) service.UpDateHis2(item) } } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleOrder() { orders, _ := service.GetAllHisOrder(10106) record, _ := service.FindFapiaoByIsUse(10106) last_order, _ := service.GetAllHisOrderTwo(10106) if record.ID > 0 { for index, item := range orders { item.FaPiaoCode = record.FapiaoCode var zero string max_number, _ := strconv.ParseInt(last_order.FaPiaoNumber, 10, 64) number, _ := strconv.ParseInt(record.FapiaoNumber, 10, 64) number = number + max_number if number+int64(index) >= 1000 { zero = "0000" + strconv.FormatInt(number+int64(index), 10) } else if number+int64(index) >= 10000 { zero = "000" + strconv.FormatInt(number+int64(index), 10) } else if number+int64(index) >= 100000 { zero = "00" + strconv.FormatInt(number+int64(index), 10) } else if number+int64(index) >= 1000000 { zero = "0" + strconv.FormatInt(number+int64(index), 10) } else { zero = strconv.FormatInt(number+int64(index), 10) } item.FaPiaoNumber = zero item.FaPiaoBatchnumberId = record.ID service.SaveOrder(item) } } } func Mkdir(dir string) { // 创建文件夹 exist, err := PathExists(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } else { if exist { fmt.Println(dir + "文件夹已存在!") } else { // 文件夹名称,权限 err := os.Mkdir(dir, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { fmt.Println(dir+"文件夹创建失败:", err.Error()) } else { fmt.Println(dir + "文件夹创建成功!") } } } } func PathExists(path string) (bool, error) { _, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { return true, nil } if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false, nil } return false, err } func (c *PublicApiController) Handle10215() { //projects,_ := service.GetAllInfo(10215,2284) // //for _, item := range projects{ // service.UpdateStatus(item.ID, item.PrescriptionId) //} //projects_two,_ := service.GetAllInfo(10215,2277) // //for _, item := range projects_two{ // service.UpdateStatus(item.ID, item.PrescriptionId) //} //service.GetAllInfo(10215,2284) //service.GetAllInfo(10215,2277) his, _ := service.GetAllPT(10215) for _, item := range his { // //pro := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 1750, // Price: 6.00, // UserOrgId: 10215, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: item.PatientId, // RecordDate: 0, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 2, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: 1, // DayCount: 0, // WeekDay: "", //} //service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro) // //pro2 := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 2462, // Price: 4.94, // UserOrgId: 10215, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: item.PatientId, // RecordDate: 0, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 3, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: 1, // DayCount: 0, // WeekDay: "", //} //service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro2) // // infos, _ := service.GetAllPTInfo(10215, item.ID) // // fmt.Println(infos) for _, subItem := range infos { if len(subItem.HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate) > 0 && len(subItem.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate) == 0 { for _, ssubItem := range subItem.HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate { //if ssubItem.DrugId == 1234 { // pro := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 2326, // Price: 0.86, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 3, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, // } // service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro) // //} if ssubItem.DrugId == 1288 { info := &models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplate{ UserOrgId: item.UserOrgId, RecordDate: 0, PatientId: item.PatientId, Status: 1, Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), Type: 2, Creator: 0, Modifier: 0, PType: 0, PTemplateId: item.ID, MedType: "14", } service.CreateHisPrescriptionInfoTemplate(info) pro2 := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ ProjectId: 1727, Price: 2.50, UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, Status: 1, Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, Count: "1", FeedetlSn: "", MedListCodg: "", SingleDose: "1", DeliveryWay: "", ExecutionFrequency: "", Day: "1", Remark: "", Unit: "", Type: 2, PrescriptionId: info.ID, FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, } service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro2) //pro := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 2326, // Price: 0.86, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 3, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, //} //service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro) } //if ssubItem.DrugId == 1306 { // // pro := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 2325, // Price: 1.11, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 3, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, // } // service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro) // // pro2 := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 1727, // Price: 2.50, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 2, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, // } // service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro2) // //} //if ssubItem.DrugId == 1291 { // // pro := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 2322, // Price: 0.68, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 3, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, // } // service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro) // // pro2 := &models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate{ // ProjectId: 1727, // Price: 2.50, // UserOrgId: ssubItem.UserOrgId, // Status: 1, // Ctime: time.Now().Unix(), // Mtime: time.Now().Unix(), // PatientId: ssubItem.PatientId, // RecordDate: ssubItem.AdviceDate, // Count: 1, // FeedetlSn: "", // MedListCodg: "", // SingleDose: "1", // DeliveryWay: "", // ExecutionFrequency: "", // Day: "1", // Remark: "", // Unit: "", // Type: 2, // PrescriptionId: info.ID, // FrequencyType: ssubItem.FrequencyType, // DayCount: ssubItem.DayCount, // WeekDay: ssubItem.WeekDay, // } // service.CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(pro2) //} } } } } } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleExportAllData() { orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetail9504() c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "order": orders, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleExportData10138() { orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderDetail10138() c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "order": orders, }) } func (c *PublicApiController) HandleData10265() { orders, _ := service.GetHisOrder10265() for _, items := range orders { if items.AdviceId == 0 && items.ProjectId > 0 { p, _ := service.GetHisPrescriptionProjectByIDTwo(items.ProjectId) if p.Type == 2 { if p.HisProject.CostClassify == 3 { items.MedChrgitmType = "04" } if p.HisProject.CostClassify == 2 { items.MedChrgitmType = "05" } if p.HisProject.CostClassify == 8 { items.MedChrgitmType = "03" } //p.HisProject.CostClassify == 8 } else { items.MedChrgitmType = "08" } } service.SaveOrderInfo(items) } } //func (c *PublicApiController) HandleOrderInfoData() { // orders, _ := service.GetHisOrderInfoDetail() // c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ // "info": orders, // }) //} // //func (c *PublicApiController)HandleOrderInfoData10138(){ // start_time := c.GetString("start_time") // end_time := c.GetString("end_time") // timeLayout := "2006-01-02" // loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") // startTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", start_time+" 00:00:00", loc) // if err != nil { // // } // startRecordDateTime := startTime.Unix() // endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout+" 15:04:05", end_time+" 23:59:59", loc) // if err != nil { // // } // endRecordDateTime := endTime.Unix() // orders, _ := service.GetHisAllPatientOrder(startRecordDateTime,endRecordDateTime) // for _, item := range orders{ // for _, subItem := range item.HisOrder10138{ // info, _ := service.GetHisOrderInfoDetail10138(subItem.Number) // subItem.VmHisOrderInfo9504 = info // } // } // c.ServeSuccessJSON(map[string]interface{}{ // "info": orders, // }) // //}