package service import ( "XT_New/models" "fmt" "" "strings" "time" ) type VMSchedule struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` ScheduleDate int64 `gorm:"column:schedule_date" json:"schedule_date" form:"schedule_date"` Patients Patients `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId" json:"patients"` HisPatient HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,ScheduleDate" json:"his_patient"` HisPrescription []*HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,ScheduleDate" json:"prescription"` VMHisPrescriptionInfo VMHisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,ScheduleDate" json:"info"` } func (VMSchedule) TableName() string { return "xt_schedule" } type HisPatient struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Gender int64 `gorm:"column:gender" json:"gender" form:"gender"` Total float64 `gorm:"column:total" json:"total" form:"total"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` HisPrescription []*HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:HisPatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:ID,RecordDate" json:"prescription"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` VMHisOrders []*VMHisOrder `gorm:"ForeignKey:MdtrtId,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:Number,PatientId" json:"orders"` VMHisOrder VMHisOrder `gorm:"ForeignKey:MdtrtId,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:Number,PatientId" json:"order"` } func (HisPatient) TableName() string { return "his_patient" } type VMHisPrescriptionInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Creator int64 `gorm:"column:creator" json:"creator" form:"creator"` Modifier int64 `gorm:"column:modifier" json:"modifier" form:"modifier"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` RegisterType int64 `gorm:"column:register_type" json:"register_type" form:"register_type"` Doctor string `gorm:"column:doctor" json:"doctor" form:"doctor"` Departments string `gorm:"column:departments" json:"departments" form:"departments"` SickHistory string `gorm:"column:sick_history" json:"sick_history" form:"sick_history"` PrescriptionNumber string `gorm:"column:prescription_number" json:"prescription_number" form:"prescription_number"` BatchNumber string `gorm:"column:batch_number" json:"batch_number" form:"batch_number"` PrescriptionStatus int64 `gorm:"column:prescription_status" json:"prescription_status" form:"prescription_status"` DoctorId int64 `gorm:"column:doctor_id" json:"doctor_id" form:"doctor_id"` DepartmentId int64 `gorm:"column:department_id" json:"department_id" form:"department_id"` SickType int64 `gorm:"column:sick_type" json:"sick_type" form:"sick_type"` } func (VMHisPrescriptionInfo) TableName() string { return "his_prescription_info" } type VMHisOrder struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` SettleAccountsDate int64 `gorm:"column:settle_accounts_date" json:"settle_accounts_date" form:"settle_accounts_date"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` MedfeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:medfee_sumamt" json:"medfee_sumamt" form:"medfee_sumamt"` OrderStatus float64 `gorm:"column:order_status" json:"order_status" form:"order_status"` PayWay int64 `gorm:"column:pay_way" json:"pay_way" form:"pay_way"` PayPrice float64 `gorm:"column:pay_price" json:"pay_price" form:"pay_price"` PayCardNo string `gorm:"column:pay_card_no" json:"pay_card_no" form:"pay_card_no"` DiscountPrice float64 `gorm:"column:discount_price" json:"discount_price" form:"discount_price"` PreferentialPrice float64 `gorm:"column:preferential_price" json:"preferential_price" form:"preferential_price"` RealityPrice float64 `gorm:"column:reality_price" json:"reality_price" form:"reality_price"` FoundPrice float64 `gorm:"column:found_price" json:"found_price" form:"found_price"` MedicalInsurancePrice float64 `gorm:"column:medical_insurance_price" json:"medical_insurance_price" form:"medical_insurance_price"` PrivatePrice float64 `gorm:"column:private_price" json:"private_price" form:"private_price"` Creator int64 `gorm:"column:creator" json:"creator" form:"creator"` MdtrtId string `gorm:"column:mdtrt_id" json:"mdtrt_id" form:"mdtrt_id"` MzNumber string `gorm:"column:mz_number" json:"mz_number" form:"mz_number"` FaPiaoCode string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_code" json:"fa_piao_code" form:"fa_piao_code"` FaPiaoNumber string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_number" json:"fa_piao_number" form:"fa_piao_number"` IsPre int64 `gorm:"column:is_pre" json:"is_pre" form:"is_pre"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` } func (VMHisOrder) TableName() string { return "his_order" } type Patients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` IdCardNo string `gorm:"column:id_card_no" json:"id_card_no" form:"id_card_no"` ScheduleType int64 `gorm:"column:schedule_type" json:"schedule_type" form:"schedule_type"` Phone int64 `gorm:"column:phone" json:"phone" form:"phone"` Gender int64 `gorm:"column:gender" json:"gender" form:"gender"` FirstLetter string `gorm:"column:first_letter" json:"first_letter" form:"first_letter"` Schedule Schedule `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"schedule"` HisPatient HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"his_patient"` HisPrescription []*HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"prescription"` VMHisPrescriptionInfo VMHisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"info"` VMHisOrder VMHisOrder `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"order"` } func (Patients) TableName() string { return "xt_patients" } type HisPrescription struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` MedType string `gorm:"column:med_type" json:"med_type" form:"med_type"` OrderStatus int64 `gorm:"column:order_status" json:"order_status" form:"order_status"` } func (HisPrescription) TableName() string { return "his_prescription" } func GetScheduleHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Select(",xt_patients.user_org_id,,xt_patients.status,xt_patients.id_card_no,xt_patients.first_letter,sch.schedule_type as sch_type").Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) if sch_type != 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch ON sch.patient_id = AND sch.schedule_date = ? AND sch.status = 1 AND sch.user_org_id = ? AND sch.schedule_type = ?", record_date, org_id, sch_type) } else { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch ON sch.patient_id = AND sch.schedule_date = ? AND sch.status = 1 AND sch.user_org_id = ? ", record_date, org_id) } db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date).Group("").Order("sch_type").Find(&patients).Error return } func GetChargeHisPatientListOne(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64) (patients []*Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error return } func GetAllChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64) (patients []*Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("VMHisOrder", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error return } func GetChargeHisPatientListTwo(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64) (patients []*Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id). Joins("join his_patient as hp ON hp.patient_id = AND hp.record_date = ? AND hp.status = 1 AND hp.user_org_id = ?", record_date, org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error return } func GetHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64) (patients []*Patients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id). Joins("join his_patient as hp ON hp.patient_id = AND hp.record_date = ? AND hp.status = 1 AND hp.user_org_id = ?", record_date, org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error return } type PatientTwo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` IdCardNo string `gorm:"column:id_card_no" json:"id_card_no" form:"id_card_no"` ScheduleType int64 `gorm:"column:schedule_type" json:"schedule_type" form:"schedule_type"` Schedule Schedule `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"schedule"` HisPatient []*HisPatientTwo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"his_patient"` VMHisPrescriptionInfo VMHisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"info"` FirstLetter string `gorm:"column:first_letter" json:"first_letter" form:"first_letter"` } func (PatientTwo) TableName() string { return "xt_patients" } type HisPatientTwo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Gender int64 `gorm:"column:gender" json:"gender" form:"gender"` Total float64 `gorm:"column:total" json:"total" form:"total"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` HisPrescriptionTwo []*HisPrescriptionTwo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,HisPatientId;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,ID" json:"prescription"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` } func (HisPatientTwo) TableName() string { return "his_patient" } type HisPrescriptionTwo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` Type int64 `gorm:"column:type" json:"type" form:"type"` Doctor string `gorm:"column:doctor" json:"doctor" form:"doctor"` Creator int64 `gorm:"column:creator" json:"creator" form:"creator"` Modifier int64 `gorm:"column:modifier" json:"modifier" form:"modifier"` OrderStatus int64 `gorm:"column:order_status" json:"order_status" form:"order_status"` PreTime int64 `gorm:"column:pre_time" json:"pre_time" form:"pre_time"` BatchNumber string `gorm:"column:batch_number" json:"batch_number" form:"batch_number"` PrescriptionNumber string `gorm:"column:prescription_number" json:"prescription_number" form:"prescription_number"` MedType string `gorm:"column:med_type" json:"med_type" form:"med_type"` } func (HisPrescriptionTwo) TableName() string { return "his_prescription" } func GetNewHisPatientList(org_id int64, record_date int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*PatientTwo, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&PatientTwo{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id). Joins("join his_patient as hp ON hp.patient_id = AND hp.record_date = ? AND hp.status = 1 AND hp.user_org_id = ?", record_date, org_id) if sch_type > 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch ON sch.patient_id = AND sch.schedule_date = ? AND sch.status = 1 AND sch.user_org_id = ? AND schedule_type = ?", record_date, org_id, sch_type) } db = db.Preload("HisPatient", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Preload("HisPrescriptionTwo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) }) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Group("id").Find(&patients).Error return } func GetNewScheduleHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*PatientTwo, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&PatientTwo{}).Select(",xt_patients.user_org_id,,xt_patients.status,xt_patients.id_card_no,sch.schedule_type as sch_type").Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) if sch_type != 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch ON sch.patient_id = AND sch.schedule_date = ? AND sch.status = 1 AND sch.user_org_id = ? AND sch.schedule_type = ?", record_date, org_id, sch_type) } else { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch ON sch.patient_id = AND sch.schedule_date = ? AND sch.status = 1 AND sch.user_org_id = ? ", record_date, org_id) } db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Group("").Order("sch_type").Find(&patients).Error return } func GetAllBaseDrugStockList(org_id int64) (drugs []*models.BaseDrugLib, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.BaseDrugLib{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1", org_id).Find(&drugs).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfoTwo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info []*models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Find(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfoThree(org_id int64, number string) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND number = ?", org_id, number).First(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfoTen(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Last(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfoFour(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, his_patient_id int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientInfoList(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info []*models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Find(&info).Error return } func GetNewHisPatientInfoTwo(org_id int64, id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND id = ?", org_id, record_date, id).First(&info).Error return } func GetNewHisHosptialRecordTwo(org_id int64, id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisHospitalCheckRecord{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND id = ?", org_id, record_date, id).First(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientCount(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (total int64, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Count(&total).Error return } func GetXTPatientInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64) (info models.Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Patients{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND id = ?", org_id, patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientCaseHistoryInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPatientCaseHistory, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatientCaseHistory{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Last(&info).Error return } func GetHisPatientCaseHistoryList(org_id int64, patient_id int64) (caseHistorys []*models.HisPatientCaseHistory, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.HisPatientCaseHistory{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND his_patient_id = ?", org_id, patient_id) err = db.Find(&caseHistorys).Error return } func GetHisPatientCaseHistoryTemplate(org_id int64, startime int64, endtime int64, keyword string) (caseHistorys []*models.HisCaseHistoryTemplate, err error) { likekey := "%" + keyword + "%" db := readDb.Model(&models.HisCaseHistoryTemplate{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", org_id) if startime > 0 { db = db.Where("record_date>=?", startime) } if endtime > 0 { db = db.Where("record_date<=?", endtime) } if len(keyword) > 0 { db = db.Where("template_name like ? ", likekey) } err = db.Find(&caseHistorys).Error return } func GetHisPatientCaseHistory(org_id int64) (caseHistory []*models.HisPatientCaseHistory, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatientCaseHistory{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1", org_id).Find(&caseHistory).Error return caseHistory, err } func SaveHisPatientCaseHistoryTemplate(template models.HisCaseHistoryTemplate) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&template).Error return } func GetHisPatientCaseHistoryById(patient_id int64, record_date int64, user_org_id int64) (*models.HisPatientCaseHistory, error) { history := models.HisPatientCaseHistory{} err := XTReadDB().Model(&history).Where("patient_id = ? and status = 1 and user_org_id = ? and record_date = ?", patient_id, user_org_id, record_date).Find(&history).Error if err != nil { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return nil, err } else { return nil, err } } return &history, nil } func GetLastHisPatientCaseHistoryById(patient_id int64) (models.HisPatientCaseHistory, error) { history := models.HisPatientCaseHistory{} err := XTReadDB().Model(&history).Where("patient_id = ? and status = 1", patient_id).Last(&history).Error return history, err } func SaveHisPatientCaseHistory(caseHistory *models.HisPatientCaseHistory) error { err := writeDb.Create(&caseHistory).Error return err } func UpdatePatientCaseHistory(patient_id int64, record_date int64, user_org_id int64, his *models.HisPatientCaseHistory) error { err := XTWriteDB().Model(&his).Where("patient_id = ? and record_date = ? and user_org_id = ? and status =1", patient_id, record_date, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"temperature": his.Temperature, "blood_sugar": his.BloodSugar, "pulse": his.Pulse, "allergic_history": his.AllergicHistory, "diagnose": his.AllergicHistory, "sick": his.Sick, "remark": his.Remark, "doctor_advice": his.DoctorAdvice, "breathing": his.Breathing, "delivery_way": his.DeliveryWay, "diagnostic": his.Diagnostic, "family_history": his.FamilyHistory, "personal_history": his.PersonalHistory, "chief_conplaint": his.ChiefConplaint, "doctor": his.Doctor, "past_history": his.PastHistory, "history_of_present_illness": his.HistoryOfPresentIllness, "is_infect": his.IsInfect, "sick_date": his.SickDate, "symptom": his.Symptom, "sick_type": his.SickType, "blood_fat": his.BloodFat, "sbp": his.Sbp, "dbp": his.Dbp, "primary_disease": his.PrimaryDisease, "confirm_failure_date": his.ConfirmFailureDate, "drug_allergy_history": his.DrugAllergyHistory, "physical_examination": his.PhysicalExamination, "special_inspection": his.SpecialInspection, "lab_apparatus": his.LabApparatus}).Error return err } func SaveHisPrescription(prescription *models.HisPrescription) (err error) { tx := writeDb.Begin() if err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Save(prescription).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } tx.Commit() return } func DelelteHisPrescription(id int64, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND prescription_id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND prescription_id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func DelelteDoctorAdvice(id int64, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func DelelteProject(id int64, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func GetHisPrescription(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetNewHisPrescription(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND his_patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? ", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetChargeHisPrescriptionFive(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status = 2 AND his_patient_id = ? AND p_type = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetUnChargeHisPrescriptionFive(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1").Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1").Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND order_status <> 3 AND order_status <> 2 ", org_id) }). Where("(user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3 AND p_type = ?) AND (his_patient_id = ? OR his_patient_id = 0)", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type, his_patient_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetSettleHisPrescription(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, med_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND his_patient_id = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetSettleHisPrescriptionTX(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, med_type int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND his_patient_id = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetSettleHisPrescriptionTXOne(org_id int64, patient_id int64, his_patient_id int64, record_date int64, med_type int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("drug_id").Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("project_id").Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND his_patient_id = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, his_patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMonthHisPrescription(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, med_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMonthHisPrescriptionTX(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, med_type int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMonthHisPrescriptionTXOne(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, med_type int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("drug_id").Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("project_id").Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND p_type <> 1 AND med_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, med_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMonthHisPrescriptionTwo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMonthHisPrescriptionThree(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? ", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } // 未收费 func GetUnChargeMonthHisPrescriptionThree(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3 AND order_status <> 4 AND p_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } // 已收费 func GetChargeMonthHisPrescriptionFour(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status = 2 AND p_type = ?", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetUnChargeMonthHisPrescriptionFour(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3 AND order_status <> 4", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } type OtherDrugWarehouseInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` DrugId int64 `gorm:"column:drug_id" json:"drug_id" form:"drug_id"` WarehousingCount int64 `gorm:"column:warehousing_count" json:"warehousing_count" form:"warehousing_count"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` OrgId int64 `gorm:"column:org_id" json:"org_id" form:"org_id"` StockMaxNumber int64 `gorm:"column:stock_max_number" json:"stock_max_number" form:"stock_max_number"` StockMinNumber int64 `gorm:"column:stock_min_number" json:"stock_min_number" form:"stock_min_number"` Price float64 `gorm:"column:price" json:"price" form:"price"` RetailPrice float64 `gorm:"column:retail_price" json:"retail_price" form:"retail_price"` } func (OtherDrugWarehouseInfo) TableName() string { return "xt_drug_warehouse_info" } type VMDrugSalesReturnInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` DrugId int64 `gorm:"column:drug_id" json:"drug_id" form:"drug_id"` Count int64 `gorm:"column:count" json:"count" form:"count"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` OrgId int64 `gorm:"column:org_id" json:"org_id" form:"org_id"` } func (VMDrugSalesReturnInfo) TableName() string { return "xt_drug_sales_return_info" } type VMDrugWarehouseOutInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` DrugId int64 `gorm:"column:drug_id" json:"drug_id" form:"drug_id"` Count int64 `gorm:"column:count" json:"count" form:"count"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` OrgId int64 `gorm:"column:org_id" json:"org_id" form:"org_id"` } func (VMDrugWarehouseOutInfo) TableName() string { return "xt_drug_warehouse_out_info" } type VMDrugCancelStockInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` DrugId int64 `gorm:"column:drug_id" json:"drug_id" form:"drug_id"` Count int64 `gorm:"column:count" json:"count" form:"count"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` OrgId int64 `gorm:"column:org_id" json:"org_id" form:"org_id"` } func (VMDrugCancelStockInfo) TableName() string { return "xt_drug_cancel_stock_info" } type BaseDrugLib struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` DrugName string `gorm:"column:drug_name" json:"drug_name" form:"drug_name"` Pinyin string `gorm:"column:pinyin" json:"pinyin" form:"pinyin"` Wubi string `gorm:"column:wubi" json:"wubi" form:"wubi"` DrugAlias string `gorm:"column:drug_alias" json:"drug_alias" form:"drug_alias"` DrugAliasPinyin string `gorm:"column:drug_alias_pinyin" json:"drug_alias_pinyin" form:"drug_alias_pinyin"` DrugAliasWubi string `gorm:"column:drug_alias_wubi" json:"drug_alias_wubi" form:"drug_alias_wubi"` DrugCategory int64 `gorm:"column:drug_category" json:"drug_category" form:"drug_category"` DrugSpec string `gorm:"column:drug_spec" json:"drug_spec" form:"drug_spec"` DrugType int64 `gorm:"column:drug_type" json:"drug_type" form:"drug_type"` DrugStockLimit string `gorm:"column:drug_stock_limit" json:"drug_stock_limit" form:"drug_stock_limit"` DrugOriginPlace string `gorm:"column:drug_origin_place" json:"drug_origin_place" form:"drug_origin_place"` DrugDosageForm int64 `gorm:"column:drug_dosage_form" json:"drug_dosage_form" form:"drug_dosage_form"` MedicalInsuranceLevel int64 `gorm:"column:medical_insurance_level" json:"medical_insurance_level" form:"medical_insurance_level"` MaxUnit string `gorm:"column:max_unit" json:"max_unit" form:"max_unit"` MinNumber int64 `gorm:"column:min_number" json:"min_number" form:"min_number"` MinUnit string `gorm:"column:min_unit" json:"min_unit" form:"min_unit"` Dose string `gorm:"column:dose" json:"dose" form:"dose"` DoseUnit string `gorm:"column:dose_unit" json:"dose_unit" form:"dose_unit"` UnitMatrixing string `gorm:"column:unit_matrixing" json:"unit_matrixing" form:"unit_matrixing"` RetailPrice float64 `gorm:"column:retail_price" json:"retail_price" form:"retail_price"` MinPrice float64 `gorm:"column:min_price" json:"min_price" form:"min_price"` LastPrice float64 `gorm:"column:last_price" json:"last_price" form:"last_price"` DrugControl int64 `gorm:"column:drug_control" json:"drug_control" form:"drug_control"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` DrugClassify string `gorm:"column:drug_classify" json:"drug_classify" form:"drug_classify"` DrugDose float64 `gorm:"column:drug_dose" json:"drug_dose" form:"drug_dose"` DrugDoseUnit int64 `gorm:"column:drug_dose_unit" json:"drug_dose_unit" form:"drug_dose_unit"` MedicalInsuranceNumber string `gorm:"column:medical_insurance_number" json:"medical_insurance_number" form:"medical_insurance_number"` ProvincesCode string `gorm:"column:provinces_code" json:"provinces_code" form:"provinces_code"` Manufacturer int64 `gorm:"column:manufacturer" json:"manufacturer" form:"manufacturer"` PharmacologyCategory int64 `gorm:"column:pharmacology_category" json:"pharmacology_category" form:"pharmacology_category"` StatisticsCategory int64 `gorm:"column:statistics_category" json:"statistics_category" form:"statistics_category"` Code string `gorm:"column:code" json:"code" form:"code"` IsSpecialDiseases int64 `gorm:"column:is_special_diseases" json:"is_special_diseases" form:"is_special_diseases"` IsRecord int64 `gorm:"column:is_record" json:"is_record" form:"is_record"` Agent string `gorm:"column:agent" json:"agent" form:"agent"` DrugStatus string `gorm:"column:drug_status" json:"drug_status" form:"drug_status"` LimitRemark string `gorm:"column:limit_remark" json:"limit_remark" form:"limit_remark"` DeliveryWay string `gorm:"column:delivery_way" json:"delivery_way" form:"delivery_way"` ExecutionFrequency string `gorm:"column:execution_frequency" json:"execution_frequency" form:"execution_frequency"` SingleDose float64 `gorm:"column:single_dose" json:"single_dose" form:"single_dose"` PrescribingNumber float64 `gorm:"column:prescribing_number" json:"prescribing_number" form:"prescribing_number"` Label int64 `gorm:"column:label" json:"label" form:"label"` Sort int64 `gorm:"column:sort" json:"sort" form:"sort"` IsUseDoctorAdvice int64 `gorm:"column:is_use_doctor_advice" json:"is_use_doctor_advice" form:"is_use_doctor_advice"` IsDefault int64 `gorm:"column:is_default" json:"is_default" form:"is_default"` IsChargePredict int64 `gorm:"column:is_charge_predict" json:"is_charge_predict" form:"is_charge_predict"` IsStatisticsWork int64 `gorm:"column:is_statistics_work" json:"is_statistics_work" form:"is_statistics_work"` IsChargeUse int64 `gorm:"column:is_charge_use" json:"is_charge_use" form:"is_charge_use"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` OrgId int64 `gorm:"column:org_id" json:"org_id" form:"org_id"` DrugCode string `gorm:"column:drug_code" json:"drug_code" form:"drug_code"` Dealer int64 `gorm:"column:dealer" json:"dealer" form:"dealer"` PrescriptionMark int64 `gorm:"column:prescription_mark" json:"prescription_mark" form:"prescription_mark"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` DrugRemark string `gorm:"column:drug_remark" json:"drug_remark" form:"drug_remark"` SocialSecurityDirectoryCode string `gorm:"column:social_security_directory_code" json:"social_security_directory_code" form:"social_security_directory_code"` DoseCode string `gorm:"column:dose_code" json:"dose_code" form:"dose_code"` IsMark int64 `gorm:"column:is_mark" json:"is_mark" form:"is_mark"` HospApprFlag int64 `gorm:"column:hosp_appr_flag" json:"hosp_appr_flag" form:"hosp_appr_flag"` LmtUsedFlag int64 `gorm:"column:lmt_used_flag" json:"lmt_used_flag" form:"lmt_used_flag"` Dosage string `gorm:"column:dosage" json:"dosage" form:"dosage"` Unval string `gorm:"column:unval" json:"unval" form:"unval"` PackingUnit string `gorm:"column:packing_unit" json:"packing_unit" form:"packing_unit"` PackingPrice float64 `gorm:"column:packing_price" json:"packing_price" form:"packing_price"` DrugDay string `gorm:"column:drug_day" json:"drug_day" form:"drug_day"` Total float64 `gorm:"column:total" json:"total" form:"total"` PrescribingNumberUnit string `gorm:"column:prescribing_number_unit" json:"prescribing_number_unit" form:"prescribing_number_unit"` BatchRetaiPrice float64 `gorm:"column:batch_retai_price" json:"batch_retai_price" form:"batch_retai_price"` IsUser int64 `gorm:"column:is_user" json:"is_user" form:"is_user"` SumCount int64 `gorm:"column:sum_count" json:"sum_count" form:"sum_count"` SumInCount int64 `gorm:"column:sum_in_count" json:"sum_in_count" form:"sum_in_count"` FirstLetter string `gorm:"column:first_letter" json:"first_letter" form:"first_letter"` //MedicineInsurancePercentage []*MedicineInsurancePercentage `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId" json:"monitoring_record"` OtherDrugWarehouseInfo []*OtherDrugWarehouseInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:DrugId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"stock_in"` VMDrugSalesReturnInfo []*VMDrugSalesReturnInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:DrugId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"sales_return"` VMDrugWarehouseOutInfo []*VMDrugWarehouseOutInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:DrugId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"stock_out"` VMDrugCancelStockInfo []*VMDrugCancelStockInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:DrugId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"cancel_stock"` } func (BaseDrugLib) TableName() string { return "xt_base_drug" } func GetAllDrugLibList(org_id int64) (list []*BaseDrugLib, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&BaseDrugLib{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Preload("OtherDrugWarehouseInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("(status = 1 and stock_max_number > 0) or (status = 1 AND stock_min_number >0)") }).Find(&list).Error //err = readDb.Model(&BaseDrugLib{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Find(&list).Error return } func GetAllDrugLibListSix(org_id int64, storehouse_id int64) (list []*BaseDrugLib, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&BaseDrugLib{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Preload("OtherDrugWarehouseInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("(status = 1 and stock_max_number > 0 and storehouse_id = ? ) or (status = 1 AND stock_min_number >0 and storehouse_id = ?)", storehouse_id, storehouse_id) }).Find(&list).Error return } func GetAllDrugLibListSeven(org_id int64, storehouse_id int64) (list []*BaseDrugLib, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&BaseDrugLib{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Preload("OtherDrugWarehouseInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("(status = 1 and storehouse_id = ? ) or (status = 1 and storehouse_id = ?)", storehouse_id, storehouse_id) }).Find(&list).Error return } func GetAllDrugLibs(org_id int64) (drugs []*Drugs, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.BaseDrugLib{}).Preload("Drugs", "status = 1 AND org_id = ? AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND find_in_set('停用',drug_status) = 0", org_id).Group("drug_name") err = db.Find(&drugs).Error return } func GetAllProjectList(org_id int64, keyword string) (list []*models.HisProject, err error) { if len(keyword) != 0 { key := "%" + keyword + "%" err = readDb.Model(&models.HisProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND project_name Like ? ", org_id, key).Find(&list).Error } else { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 ", org_id).Find(&list).Error } return } func CreateAddtionalCharge(charge *models.HisAdditionalCharge) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&charge).Error return } func FindAllHisAdviceTemplate(org_id int64) (temps []*models.HisDoctorAdviceParentTemplate, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceParentTemplate{}).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Select("id,advice_name,advice_desc,single_dose,single_dose_unit,prescribing_number,prescribing_number_unit,delivery_way,execution_frequency,status,created_time,updated_time,parent_id,template_id,drug_spec,drug_spec_unit,advice_type,day_count,week_days,frequency_type,way,drug_id,drug_name_id, IF(parent_id>0, parent_id, id) as advice_order").Where("status = 1").Order("advice_order desc, id") }).Where("org_id = ? AND status=1 ", org_id).Find(&temps).Error return } func GetHisAdminUserDoctors(org_id int64) (doctors []*models.UserAdminRole, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.UserAdminRole{}).Preload("XtHisDepartment", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return readDb.Model(&models.XtHisDepartment{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND user_type = 2", org_id).Find(&doctors).Error return } func CreateHisDoctorAdvice(s *models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo) (err error) { tx := writeDb.Begin() if err = tx.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Save(s).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } tx.Commit() return } func CreateHisProjectTwo(project *models.HisPrescriptionProject) (err error) { tx := writeDb.Begin() if err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Save(project).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } tx.Commit() return } func SaveHisProjectTwo(project *models.HisPrescriptionProject) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", project.UserOrgId, project.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"feedetl_sn": project.FeedetlSn, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func CreateHisPatientTwo(patient *models.VMHisPatient) error { err := writeDb.Create(&patient).Error return err } func GetVMHisPatientInfo(org_id int64, id int64, record_date int64) (info models.VMHisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.VMHisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND id = ?", org_id, record_date, id).First(&info).Error return } func CreateOrder(order *models.HisOrder) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&order).Error return } func CreateOrderTX(order *models.HisOrder, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Create(&order).Error return } func CreateOrderInfo(order *models.HisOrderInfo) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&order).Error return } func CreateOrderInfoTX(order *models.HisOrderInfo, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Create(&order).Error return } func FindPatientPrescriptionInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64, his_patient_id int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? AND his_patient_id = ? ", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type, his_patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func FindPatientPrescriptionInfoTwo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? ", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type).First(&info).Error return } func FindLastPatientPrescriptionInfoTwo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date < ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? ", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type).Last(&info).Error return } func FindHisPatientPrescriptionInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, p_type int64, his_patient_id int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? AND his_patient_id = ? ", org_id, record_date, patient_id, p_type, his_patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func FindLastPatientPrescriptionInfo(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date < ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Order("record_date desc").First(&info).Error return } func SavePatientPrescriptionInfo(info models.HisPrescriptionInfo) (err error) { tx := writeDb.Begin() if err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Save(&info).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } tx.Commit() return } func GetHisOrderList(user_org_id int64, page int64, limit int64, start_time_timestamp int64, end_time_timestamp int64, doctor_id int64, keywords string, p_type int64, sort_type int64, start_time string, end_time string, charge_type int64, sch_type int64, zone_type int64, med_type int64) (order []*models.HisOrder, err error, total int64) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}) if doctor_id > 0 { db = db.Joins("join his_prescription_info as info on info.patient_id = his_order.patient_id AND info.record_date = his_order.settle_accounts_date AND info.doctor_id = ? AND info.user_org_id = ?", doctor_id, user_org_id) } if len(keywords) > 0 { keywords = "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Joins("join xt_patients as patient on = his_order.patient_id AND like ? AND patient.user_org_id = ?", keywords, user_org_id) } if sch_type > 0 && zone_type > 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule sch on sch.schedule_date = his_order.settle_accounts_date AND sch.patient_id = his_order.patient_id AND sch.schedule_type = ? AND sch.schedule_date >= ? AND sch.schedule_date <= ? AND sch.partition_id = ? AND sch.status = 1", sch_type, start_time_timestamp, end_time_timestamp, zone_type) } if sch_type > 0 && zone_type == 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule sch on sch.schedule_date = his_order.settle_accounts_date AND sch.patient_id = his_order.patient_id AND sch.schedule_type = ? AND sch.schedule_date >= ? AND sch.schedule_date <= ? AND sch.status = 1", sch_type, start_time_timestamp, end_time_timestamp) } if sch_type == 0 && zone_type > 0 { db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule sch on sch.schedule_date = his_order.settle_accounts_date AND sch.patient_id = his_order.patient_id AND sch.schedule_date >= ? AND sch.schedule_date <= ? AND sch.partition_id = ? AND sch.status = 1", start_time_timestamp, end_time_timestamp, zone_type) } if med_type > 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.med_type = ?", med_type) } //if zone_type > 0 { // db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule sch_two on sch_two.schedule_date = his_order.settle_accounts_date AND sch_two.patient_id = his_order.patient_id AND sch_two.partition_id = ?", zone_type) //} if sort_type == 1 { if start_time_timestamp != 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.settle_accounts_date>=?", start_time_timestamp) } if end_time_timestamp != 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.settle_accounts_date<=?", end_time_timestamp) } } else { if len(start_time) != 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.setl_time>=?", start_time+" 00:00:00") } if len(end_time) != 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.setl_time<=?", end_time+" 23:59:59") } } if p_type > 0 { db = db.Where("his_order.status = 1 AND his_order.user_org_id = ? AND his_order.p_type = ? AND his_order.order_status = 2", user_org_id, p_type) } else { db = db.Where("his_order.status = 1 AND his_order.user_org_id = ? AND his_order.order_status = 2", user_org_id) } if charge_type > 0 { if charge_type == 2 { db = db.Where("his_order.is_medicine_insurance = 0") } else { db = db.Where("his_order.is_medicine_insurance = ?", charge_type) } } db = db.Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("Patients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("HisHospitalCheckRecord", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id) db = db.Preload("HisFundSettleListResult", "status = 1") db = db.Count(&total) db = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset) if user_org_id == 10215 { if sort_type == 1 { err = db.Order("settle_accounts_date asc,ctime asc").Group("").Find(&order).Error } if sort_type == 2 { err = db.Order("setl_time asc,ctime asc").Group("").Find(&order).Error } } else { if sort_type == 1 { err = db.Order("settle_accounts_date desc,ctime desc").Group("").Find(&order).Error } if sort_type == 2 { err = db.Order("setl_time desc,ctime desc").Group("").Find(&order).Error } } return } func UpDatePrescriptionNumber(user_org_id int64, ids []int64, number string) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND id in (?)", user_org_id, ids).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDatePrescriptionNumberTX(user_org_id int64, ids []int64, number string, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND id in (?)", user_org_id, ids).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDateAddtionNumber(user_org_id int64, ids []int64, number string) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisAdditionalCharge{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND id in (?)", user_org_id, ids).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDatePrescriptionInfoNumber(user_org_id int64, id int64, number string, record_time int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ?", user_org_id, id, record_time).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDateHisPrescriptionInfoNumber(user_org_id int64, id int64, number string, record_time int64, his_patient_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND his_patient_id = ? AND record_date = ?", user_org_id, his_patient_id, record_time).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDateHisPrescriptionInfoNumberTX(user_org_id int64, id int64, number string, record_time int64, his_patient_id int64, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND his_patient_id = ? AND record_date = ?", user_org_id, his_patient_id, record_time).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDateHospitalHisPrescriptionInfoNumber(user_org_id int64, number string, start_time int64, end_time int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date <= ? AND record_date >= ? ", user_org_id, end_time, start_time).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"batch_number": number, "prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } type HisOrder struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` SettleAccountsDate int64 `gorm:"column:settle_accounts_date" json:"settle_accounts_date" form:"settle_accounts_date"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Infcode int64 `gorm:"column:infcode" json:"infcode" form:"infcode"` WarnMsg string `gorm:"column:warn_msg" json:"warn_msg" form:"warn_msg"` Cainfo string `gorm:"column:cainfo" json:"cainfo" form:"cainfo"` ErrMsg string `gorm:"column:err_msg" json:"err_msg" form:"err_msg"` RespondTime string `gorm:"column:respond_time" json:"respond_time" form:"respond_time"` InfRefmsgid string `gorm:"column:inf_refmsgid" json:"inf_refmsgid" form:"inf_refmsgid"` OrderStatus int64 `gorm:"column:order_status" json:"order_status" form:"order_status"` MdtrtId string `gorm:"column:mdtrt_id" json:"mdtrt_id" form:"mdtrt_id"` SetlId string `gorm:"column:setl_id" json:"setl_id" form:"setl_id"` Insutype string `gorm:"column:insutype" json:"insutype" form:"insutype"` PsnType string `gorm:"column:psn_type" json:"psn_type" form:"psn_type"` CvlservFlag string `gorm:"column:cvlserv_flag" json:"cvlserv_flag" form:"cvlserv_flag"` SetlTime string `gorm:"column:setl_time" json:"setl_time" form:"setl_time"` MdtrtCertType string `gorm:"column:mdtrt_cert_type" json:"mdtrt_cert_type" form:"mdtrt_cert_type"` MedType string `gorm:"column:med_type" json:"med_type" form:"med_type"` MedfeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:medfee_sumamt" json:"medfee_sumamt" form:"medfee_sumamt"` FulamtOwnpayAmt float64 `gorm:"column:fulamt_ownpay_amt" json:"fulamt_ownpay_amt" form:"fulamt_ownpay_amt"` OverlmtSelfPay float64 `gorm:"column:overlmt_self_pay" json:"overlmt_self_pay" form:"overlmt_self_pay"` PreselfpayAmt float64 `gorm:"column:preselfpay_amt" json:"preselfpay_amt" form:"preselfpay_amt"` InscpScpAmt float64 `gorm:"column:inscp_scp_amt" json:"inscp_scp_amt" form:"inscp_scp_amt"` ActPayDedc float64 `gorm:"column:act_pay_dedc" json:"act_pay_dedc" form:"act_pay_dedc"` HifpPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifp_pay" json:"hifp_pay" form:"hifp_pay"` CvlservPay float64 `gorm:"column:cvlserv_pay" json:"cvlserv_pay" form:"cvlserv_pay"` PoolPropSelfpay float64 `gorm:"column:pool_prop_selfpay" json:"pool_prop_selfpay" form:"pool_prop_selfpay"` HifesPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifes_pay" json:"hifes_pay" form:"hifes_pay"` HifmiPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifmi_pay" json:"hifmi_pay" form:"hifmi_pay"` HifobPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifob_pay" json:"hifob_pay" form:"hifob_pay"` MafPay float64 `gorm:"column:maf_pay" json:"maf_pay" form:"maf_pay"` OthPay float64 `gorm:"column:oth_pay" json:"oth_pay" form:"oth_pay"` FundPaySumamt float64 `gorm:"column:fund_pay_sumamt" json:"fund_pay_sumamt" form:"fund_pay_sumamt"` PsnPartAmt float64 `gorm:"column:psn_part_amt" json:"psn_part_amt" form:"psn_part_amt"` AcctPay float64 `gorm:"column:acct_pay" json:"acct_pay" form:"acct_pay"` PsnCashPay float64 `gorm:"column:psn_cash_pay" json:"psn_cash_pay" form:"psn_cash_pay"` HospPartAmt float64 `gorm:"column:hosp_part_amt" json:"hosp_part_amt" form:"hosp_part_amt"` Balc float64 `gorm:"column:balc" json:"balc" form:"balc"` AcctMulaidPay float64 `gorm:"column:acct_mulaid_pay" json:"acct_mulaid_pay" form:"acct_mulaid_pay"` MedinsSetlId string `gorm:"column:medins_setl_id" json:"medins_setl_id" form:"medins_setl_id"` ClrOptins string `gorm:"column:clr_optins" json:"clr_optins" form:"clr_optins"` ClrWay string `gorm:"column:clr_way" json:"clr_way" form:"clr_way"` ClrType string `gorm:"column:clr_type" json:"clr_type" form:"clr_type"` SetlDetail string `gorm:"column:setl_detail" json:"setl_detail" form:"setl_detail"` IsMedicineInsurance int64 `gorm:"column:is_medicine_insurance" json:"is_medicine_insurance" form:"is_medicine_insurance"` PType int64 `gorm:"column:p_type" json:"p_type" form:"p_type"` SettleType int64 `gorm:"column:settle_type" json:"settle_type" form:"settle_type"` SettleStartTime int64 `gorm:"column:settle_start_time" json:"settle_start_time" form:"settle_start_time"` SettleEndTime int64 `gorm:"column:settle_end_time" json:"settle_end_time" form:"settle_end_time"` IsPre int64 `gorm:"column:is_pre" json:"is_pre" form:"is_pre"` HisOrderInfo models.HisOrderInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:OrderId" json:"order_info"` Patients models.Patients `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"patient"` HisPatient models.HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:HisPatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"his_patient"` HisPrescriptionInfo models.HisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,SettleAccountsDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate" json:"p_info"` HisPrescription []*models.HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:SettleAccountsDate;AssociationForeignKey:RecordDate" json:"prescriptions"` FaPiaoCode string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_code" json:"fa_piao_code" form:"fa_piao_code"` FaPiaoNumber string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_number" json:"fa_piao_number" form:"fa_piao_number"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` } func (HisOrder) TableName() string { return "his_order" } func GetHisOrder(user_org_id int64, number string, patient_id int64) (order HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND number=?", user_org_id, patient_id, number). Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("Patients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Preload("HisPrescriptionInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id). Order("ctime desc"). Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionThree(org_id int64, patient_id int64, number string) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND patient_id = ? AND batch_number=?", org_id, patient_id, number). Find(&prescription).Error return } type HisPrescriptionInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Creator int64 `gorm:"column:creator" json:"creator" form:"creator"` Modifier int64 `gorm:"column:modifier" json:"modifier" form:"modifier"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` RegisterType int64 `gorm:"column:register_type" json:"register_type" form:"register_type"` Doctor string `gorm:"column:doctor" json:"doctor" form:"doctor"` Departments int64 `gorm:"column:departments" json:"departments" form:"departments"` SickHistory string `gorm:"column:sick_history" json:"sick_history" form:"sick_history"` Patients models.Patients `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"patient"` HisPatient models.HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:HisPatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:ID,RecordDate" json:"his_patient"` HisPatientCaseHistory models.HisPatientCaseHistory `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate" json:"case_history"` PrescriptionNumber string `gorm:"column:prescription_number" json:"prescription_number" form:"prescription_number"` BatchNumber string `gorm:"column:batch_number" json:"batch_number" form:"batch_number"` PrescriptionStatus int64 `gorm:"column:prescription_status" json:"prescription_status" form:"prescription_status"` DoctorId int64 `gorm:"column:doctor_id" json:"doctor_id" form:"doctor_id"` DepartmentId int64 `gorm:"column:department_id" json:"department_id" form:"department_id"` SickType int64 `gorm:"column:sick_type" json:"sick_type" form:"sick_type"` } func (HisPrescriptionInfo) TableName() string { return "his_prescription_info" } func GetHisPrescriptionOrderList(org_id int64) (prescriptionOrder []*HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("Patients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPatientCaseHistory", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Order("ctime desc").Find(&prescriptionOrder).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionOrderInfo(id int64, org_id int64) (prescriptionOrder HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ? AND user_org_id = ?", id, org_id). Preload("Patients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPatientCaseHistory", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).First(&prescriptionOrder).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionFour(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, number string) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ? AND prescription_number=?", org_id, record_date, patient_id, number). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetMedicalInsuranceConfig(org_id int64) (medicalInsuranceConfig models.MedicalInsuranceConfig, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.MedicalInsuranceConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&medicalInsuranceConfig).Error return } func UpdataOrderStatus(id int64, number string, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ? AND user_org_id = ?", id, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "status": 0}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 1, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescription_status": 1, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpdataHospitalOrderStatus(id int64, number string, user_org_id int64, log string, result string) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ? AND user_org_id = ?", id, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 1, "mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "refund_request_log": log, "refund_log": result, "status": 1}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 4, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescription_status": 4, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpdataOrderInfoStatus(id int64, number string, user_org_id int64) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ? AND user_org_id = ?", id, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "status": 0}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND order_number = ?", user_org_id, number).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"mtime": time.Now().Unix(), "status": 0}).Error return } func SaveHisPatient(his models.HisPatient) (err error) { writeDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("status = 1 AND record_date =? AND user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", his.RecordDate, his.UserOrgId, his.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}) writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND his_patient_id = ?", his.UserOrgId, his.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"his_patient_id": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}) writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND his_patient_id = ?", his.UserOrgId, his.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"his_patient_id": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}) return } func UpdataRegStatus(patient_id int64, record_time int64, org_id int64) { writeDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date =? AND user_org_id = ?", patient_id, record_time, org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}) } func GetAdminUserInfoByID(org_id int64, admin_user_id int64) (role models.UserAdminRole, err error) { err = readUserDb.Model(&models.UserAdminRole{}).Where("org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND admin_user_id = ?", org_id, admin_user_id).First(&role).Error return } func GetHisOrderTwo(user_org_id int64, number string, patient_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND number=?", user_org_id, patient_id, number). First(&order).Error return } func UpDateOrder(order models.HisOrder) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&order).Error return } func UpDateOrderTX(order models.HisOrder, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&order).Error return } func UpdataOrderStatusTwo(number string, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 2, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpdataOrderStatusTwoTX(number string, user_org_id int64, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 2, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescription_status": 3, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func CreateErrMsgLog(log *models.HisOrderError) { writeDb.Model(&models.HisOrderError{}).Create(&log) } func FindHisRegisterRecord(record_time int64, patient_id int64, org_id int64) (total int64, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.VMHisPatient{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, patient_id, record_time).Count(&total).Error return } func FindMedicalInsuranceInfo(org_id int64) (config models.MedicalInsuranceOrgConfig, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.MedicalInsuranceOrgConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).First(&config).Error return } func FindAllSick(orgId int64) (list []*models.OutpatientServiceSick, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.OutpatientServiceSick{}) db = db.Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgId) err = db.Order("ctime desc").Find(&list).Error return } func FindAllDiagnose(orgId int64) (list []*models.HisXtDiagnoseConfig, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.HisXtDiagnoseConfig{}) db = db.Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgId) err = db.Order("ctime desc").Find(&list).Error return } func FindPatientDianose(orgId int64) (list []*models.XtPatientDiagnose, err error) { err = readDb.Where("user_org_id =?", orgId).Find(&list).Error return list, err } func FindAllAddition(orgId int64) (list []*models.XtHisAddtionConfig, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.XtHisAddtionConfig{}) db = db.Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", orgId) err = db.Order("ctime desc").Find(&list).Error return } type XtHisOrder struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` SettleAccountsDate int64 `gorm:"column:settle_accounts_date" json:"settle_accounts_date" form:"settle_accounts_date"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisOrderInfo models.HisOrderInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:OrderId" json:"order_info"` Patients models.Patients `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"patient"` HisPatient models.HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:HisPatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"his_patient"` HisPrescriptionInfo models.HisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,SettleAccountsDate;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,RecordDate" json:"p_info"` HisPrescription []*models.HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:SettleAccountsDate;AssociationForeignKey:RecordDate" json:"prescriptions"` FaPiaoCode string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_code" json:"fa_piao_code" form:"fa_piao_code"` FaPiaoNumber string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_number" json:"fa_piao_number" form:"fa_piao_number"` IsPre int64 `gorm:"column:is_pre" json:"is_pre" form:"is_pre"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` } func (XtHisOrder) TableName() string { return "his_order" } func GetHisPrescriptionNight(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64, prescription_id int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? and prescription_id =?", org_id, prescription_id). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetAllAdditionCharge(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_time int64) (addition []*models.HisAdditionalCharge, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisAdditionalCharge{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, patient_id, record_time).Find(&addition).Error return } func DelelteAddition(id int64, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisAdditionalCharge{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", user_org_id, id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func GetNewHisPatientPrescriptionList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, page int64, limit int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*VMHisHospitalPrescriptionInfo, err error, total int64) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&VMHisHospitalPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("his_prescription_info.user_org_id = ? AND his_prescription_info.status = 1 AND his_prescription_info.record_date = ? AND his_prescription_info.p_type <> 1 ", org_id, record_date) if len(keywords) > 0 { keywords = "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_patients On his_prescription_info.patient_id = AND like ?", keywords) } if sch_type > 0 { db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_schedule On xt_schedule.status = 1 AND his_prescription_info.patient_id = xt_schedule.patient_id AND xt_schedule.schedule_date = ? AND xt_schedule.schedule_type = ?", record_date, sch_type) } db = db.Preload("Patients", "xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "his_prescription.user_org_id = ? AND his_prescription.status = 1 AND his_prescription.p_type <> 1", org_id) db = db.Count(&total) err = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Group("").Find(&patients).Error return } func GetHisPatientPrescriptionList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, page int64, limit int64) (patients []*VMSchedule, err error, total int64) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&VMSchedule{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND schedule_date = ?", org_id, record_date) if len(keywords) > 0 { keywords = "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Joins("JOIN xt_patients as p On xt_schedule.patient_id = AND p.user_org_id = ? AND like ?", org_id, keywords) db = db.Joins("JOIN his_prescription_info as info On xt_schedule.patient_id = info.patient_id AND info.user_org_id = ? AND info.record_date = ? AND info.prescription_number like ? AND info.p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date, keywords) } db = db.Preload("Patients", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND p_type <> 1", org_id). Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND p_type <> 1", org_id) db = db.Count(&total) err = db.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Find(&patients).Error return } func UpdateHisPatientIsReturn(patientid int64, recorddate int64, orgid int64) (models.VMHisPatient, error) { patient := models.VMHisPatient{} err := XTWriteDB().Model(&patient).Where("patient_id = ? and record_date = ? and user_org_id = ? and status = 1", patientid, recorddate, orgid).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_return": 3}).Error return patient, err } type VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` CheckGroup []int64 `gorm:"-" json:"check_group" form:"check_group"` DoctorId int64 `gorm:"column:doctor_id" json:"doctor_id" form:"doctor_id"` Departments int64 `gorm:"column:departments" json:"departments" form:"departments"` VMHisPrescription []*VMHisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:RecordDate,PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:RecordDate,PatientId" json:"prescriptions"` } func (VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo) TableName() string { return "his_prescription_info" } type VMHisPrescription struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` OrderStatus int64 `gorm:"column:order_status" json:"order_status" form:"order_status"` BatchNumber string `gorm:"column:batch_number" json:"batch_number" form:"batch_number"` PrescriptionNumber string `gorm:"column:prescription_number" json:"prescription_number" form:"prescription_number"` Type int64 `gorm:"column:type" json:"type" form:"type"` HisDoctorAdviceInfo []*models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PrescriptionId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"doctor_advice"` HisPrescriptionProject []*models.HisPrescriptionProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:PrescriptionId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"project"` MedType string `gorm:"column:med_type" json:"med_type" form:"med_type"` } func (VMHisPrescription) TableName() string { return "his_prescription" } func GetHisPrescriptionByType(change_type int64, record_time int64, org_id int64, patient_id int64, p_type int64) (advice []*VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { if change_type == 1 { //根据日期取出上一方数据 var Id AdviceDate err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date < ? AND p_type = ?", patient_id, org_id, record_time, p_type).Select("record_date").Group("record_date").Order("record_date asc").Scan(&Id).Error err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type = ?", patient_id, org_id, Id.RecordDate, p_type). Preload("VMHisPrescription", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }) }).Find(&advice).Error } else if change_type == 2 { var Id AdviceDate err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date > ? AND p_type = ?", patient_id, org_id, record_time, p_type).Select("record_date").Group("record_date").Order("record_date desc").Scan(&Id).Error err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type = ?", patient_id, org_id, Id.RecordDate, p_type). Preload("VMHisPrescription", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }) }).Find(&advice).Error } return } func GetCallHisPrescriptions(start_time int64, end_time int64, org_id int64, patient_id int64, p_type int64) (advice []*VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND p_type = ?", patient_id, org_id, start_time, end_time, p_type). Preload("VMHisPrescription", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }) }).Order("record_date desc").Find(&advice).Error return } func GetMobileCallHisPrescriptions(start_time int64, end_time int64, org_id int64, patient_id int64) (advice []*VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&VMOtherHisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status=1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ?", patient_id, org_id, start_time, end_time). Preload("VMHisPrescription", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }) }).Find(&advice).Error return } func GetHisPatientByNumber(number string) (his models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("number = ? AND status = 1", number).First(&his).Error return } func GetHisOrderByID(order_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1", order_id).First(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderByIDTX(order_id int64, tx *gorm.DB) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1", order_id).First(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderInfoByNumber(order_number string) (order []*models.HisOrderInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfo{}).Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1", order_number).Find(&order).Error return } func GetOrderByTime(start_time int64, end_time int64, org_id int64, insutype string, clr_type string) (orders []*models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND is_medicine_insurance = 1 AND settle_accounts_date <= ? AND settle_accounts_date >= ? AND insutype = ? AND clr_type = ? ", org_id, end_time, start_time, insutype, clr_type).Find(&orders).Error return } func GetOrderByTimeTwo(start_time int64, end_time int64, org_id int64) (orders []*models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND is_medicine_insurance = 1 AND settle_accounts_date <= ? AND settle_accounts_date >= ? ", org_id, end_time, start_time).Find(&orders).Error return } func GetHisDoctorAdvicesById(id int64) (advice models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ?", id).First(&advice).Error return } func GetAdditionChargeByID(org_id int64, id int64) (addition models.XtHisAddtionConfig, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.XtHisAddtionConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", org_id, id).First(&addition).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionByID(org_id int64, id int64) (pre models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND id = ?", org_id, id).First(&pre).Error return } func GetHisProjectByID(id int64) (project models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ?", id).First(&project).Error return } func GetHisAdditionByID(id int64) (addition models.HisAdditionalCharge, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisAdditionalCharge{}).Where("status = 1 AND id = ?", id).First(&addition).Error return } func GetPatientByIDCard(id_card_no string, user_org_id int64) (patient Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("id_card_no = ? AND user_org_id = ?", id_card_no, user_org_id).First(&patient).Error return } func GetPatientByIDCardAndName(id_card_no string, user_org_id int64, name string) (patient Patients, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("id_card_no = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND name = ?", id_card_no, user_org_id, name).First(&patient).Error return } func GetHisOrderThree(record_time int64, patient_id int64, user_org_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND settle_accounts_date = ? AND status = 1", patient_id, user_org_id, record_time).First(&order).Error return } func GetPatientByIDTwo(orgID int64, patientID int64) (Patients, error) { var patient Patients err := readDb.Model(&Patients{}).Where("id = ? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID).First(&patient).Error return patient, err } func GetPatientByIDTenTwo(orgID int64, patientID int64) (models.PatientTwos, error) { var patient models.PatientTwos err := readDb.Model(&models.PatientTwos{}).Where("id = ? and user_org_id=? and status=1", patientID, orgID).First(&patient).Error return patient, err } func GetHisPrescriptionByPatientID(patientID int64, orgID int64) (info models.HisPrescriptionInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND status = 1", orgID, patientID).Preload("XtHisDepartment", "status = 1").Last(&info).Error return } type VMHisProjectTeam struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` ProjectTeam string `gorm:"column:project_team" json:"project_team" form:"project_team"` Price float64 `gorm:"column:price" json:"price" form:"price"` Pinyin string `gorm:"column:pinyin" json:"pinyin" form:"pinyin"` Wubi string `gorm:"column:wubi" json:"wubi" form:"wubi"` TubeColor int64 `gorm:"column:tube_color" json:"tube_color" form:"tube_color"` TeamType int64 `gorm:"column:team_type" json:"team_type" form:"team_type"` Remark string `gorm:"column:remark" json:"remark" form:"remark"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` CreatedTime int64 `gorm:"column:created_time" json:"created_time" form:"created_time"` UpdatedTime int64 `gorm:"column:updated_time" json:"updated_time" form:"updated_time"` ProjectId string `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` VMItemProjectList []*VMItemProjectList `gorm:"-" json:"list" form:"list"` ItemId string `gorm:"column:item_id" json:"item_id" form:"item_id"` } func (VMHisProjectTeam) TableName() string { return "xt_his_project_team" } type VMHisProject struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` ProjectName string `gorm:"column:project_name" json:"project_name" form:"project_name"` Price float64 `gorm:"column:price" json:"price" form:"price"` Unit string `gorm:"column:unit" json:"unit" form:"unit"` CostClassify int64 `gorm:"column:cost_classify" json:"cost_classify" form:"cost_classify"` StatisticalClassification int64 `gorm:"column:statistical_classification" json:"statistical_classification" form:"statistical_classification"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` SingleDose string `gorm:"column:single_dose" json:"single_dose" form:"single_dose"` ExecutionFrequency string `gorm:"column:execution_frequency" json:"execution_frequency" form:"execution_frequency"` DeliveryWay string `gorm:"column:delivery_way" json:"delivery_way" form:"delivery_way"` NumberDays string `gorm:"column:number_days" json:"number_days" form:"number_days"` MedicalCode string `gorm:"column:medical_code" json:"medical_code" form:"medical_code"` } func (VMHisProject) TableName() string { return "xt_his_project" } type VMItemProjectList struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` Number int64 `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` ProjectId int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` CreatedTime int64 `gorm:"column:created_time" json:"created_time" form:"created_time"` UpdatedTime int64 `gorm:"column:updated_time" json:"updated_time" form:"updated_time"` TeamId int64 `gorm:"column:team_id" json:"team_id" form:"team_id"` Type int64 `gorm:"column:type" json:"type" form:"type"` VMHisProject VMHisProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:ProjectId" json:"project"` GoodInfo GoodInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:ProjectId" json:"good_info"` } func (VMItemProjectList) TableName() string { return "xt_his_project_list" } type VMHisPrescriptionTwo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Type int64 `gorm:"column:type" json:"type" form:"type"` MedType string `gorm:"column:med_type" json:"med_type" form:"med_type"` } func (VMHisPrescriptionTwo) TableName() string { return "his_prescription" } func GetAllProjectTeamList(orgid int64) (project []*VMHisProjectTeam, err error) { err = XTReadDB().Model(&VMHisProjectTeam{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1", orgid).Find(&project).Error for _, item := range project { var project_item []*VMItemProjectList ids := strings.Split(item.ItemId, ",") XTReadDB().Model(&VMItemProjectList{}).Where("status = 1 AND id IN (?)", ids).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", orgid).Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", orgid).Find(&project_item) item.VMItemProjectList = append(item.VMItemProjectList, project_item...) } return } type HisDoctorAdviceInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` AdviceDate int64 `gorm:"column:advice_date" json:"advice_date" form:"advice_date"` AdviceName string `gorm:"column:advice_name" json:"advice_name" form:"advice_name"` AdviceDesc string `gorm:"column:advice_desc" json:"advice_desc" form:"advice_desc"` SingleDose float64 `gorm:"column:single_dose" json:"single_dose" form:"single_dose"` SingleDoseUnit string `gorm:"column:single_dose_unit" json:"single_dose_unit" form:"single_dose_unit"` PrescribingNumber float64 `gorm:"column:prescribing_number" json:"prescribing_number" form:"prescribing_number"` PrescribingNumberUnit string `gorm:"column:prescribing_number_unit" json:"prescribing_number_unit" form:"prescribing_number_unit"` DeliveryWay string `gorm:"column:delivery_way" json:"delivery_way" form:"delivery_way"` ExecutionFrequency string `gorm:"column:execution_frequency" json:"execution_frequency" form:"execution_frequency"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` CreatedTime int64 `gorm:"column:created_time" json:"created_time" form:"created_time"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` DrugSpec float64 `gorm:"column:drug_spec" json:"drug_spec" form:"drug_spec"` DrugSpecUnit string `gorm:"column:drug_spec_unit" json:"drug_spec_unit" form:"drug_spec_unit"` PrescriptionId int64 `gorm:"column:prescription_id" json:"prescription_id" form:"prescription_id"` Price float64 `gorm:"column:price" json:"price" form:"price"` DrugId int64 `gorm:"column:drug_id" json:"drug_id" form:"drug_id"` Drug Drug `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:DrugId" json:"drug"` VMHisPrescriptionTwo VMHisPrescriptionTwo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:PrescriptionId" json:"prescription"` IsMedicine int64 `gorm:"column:is_medicine" json:"is_medicine" form:"is_medicine"` ExecutionFrequencyId int64 `gorm:"column:execution_frequency_id" json:"execution_frequency_id" form:"execution_frequency_id"` IsSelfDrug int64 `gorm:"column:is_self_drug" json:"is_self_drug" form:"is_self_drug"` } func (HisDoctorAdviceInfo) TableName() string { return "his_doctor_advice_info" } type HisPrescriptionProject struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` ProjectId int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` Price float64 `gorm:"column:price" json:"price" form:"price"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` HisPatientId int64 `gorm:"column:his_patient_id" json:"his_patient_id" form:"his_patient_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` PrescriptionId int64 `gorm:"column:prescription_id" json:"prescription_id" form:"prescription_id"` Count string `gorm:"column:count" json:"count" form:"count"` FeedetlSn string `gorm:"column:feedetl_sn" json:"feedetl_sn" form:"feedetl_sn"` MedListCodg string `gorm:"column:med_list_codg" json:"med_list_codg" form:"med_list_codg"` SingleDose string `gorm:"column:single_dose" json:"single_dose" form:"single_dose"` DeliveryWay string `gorm:"column:delivery_way" json:"delivery_way" form:"delivery_way"` ExecutionFrequency string `gorm:"column:execution_frequency" json:"execution_frequency" form:"execution_frequency"` Day string `gorm:"column:day" json:"day" form:"day"` VMHisProject VMHisProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:ProjectId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"project"` VMGoodInfo VMGoodInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ProjectId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"good_info"` Remark string `gorm:"column:remark" json:"remark" form:"remark"` Unit string `gorm:"column:unit" json:"unit" form:"unit"` VMHisPrescriptionTwo VMHisPrescriptionTwo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:PrescriptionId" json:"prescription"` Type int64 `gorm:"column:type" json:"type" form:"type"` Doctor int64 `gorm:"column:doctor" json:"doctor" form:"doctor"` ExecutionTime int64 `gorm:"column:execution_time" json:"execution_time" form:"execution_time"` ExecutionStaff int64 `gorm:"column:execution_staff" json:"execution_staff" form:"execution_staff"` ExecutionState int64 `gorm:"column:execution_state" json:"execution_state" form:"execution_state"` CheckTime int64 `gorm:"column:check_time" json:"check_time" form:"check_time"` CheckState int64 `gorm:"column:check_state" json:"check_state" form:"check_state"` Checker int64 `gorm:"column:checker" json:"checker" form:"checker"` StartTime int64 `gorm:"column:start_time" json:"start_time" form:"start_time"` TeamId int64 `gorm:"column:team_id" json:"team_id" form:"team_id"` FrequencyType int64 `gorm:"column:frequency_type" json:"frequency_type" form:"frequency_type"` DayCount int64 `gorm:"column:day_count" json:"day_count" form:"day_count"` WeekDay string `gorm:"column:week_day" json:"week_day" form:"week_day"` ExecutionFrequencyId int64 `gorm:"column:execution_frequency_id" json:"execution_frequency_id" form:"execution_frequency_id"` } func (HisPrescriptionProject) TableName() string { return "his_prescription_project" } type HisOrderInfo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` OrderNumber string `gorm:"column:order_number" json:"order_number" form:"order_number"` UploadDate int64 `gorm:"column:upload_date" json:"upload_date" form:"upload_date"` AdviceId int64 `gorm:"column:advice_id" json:"advice_id" form:"advice_id"` DetItemFeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:det_item_fee_sumamt" json:"det_item_fee_sumamt" form:"det_item_fee_sumamt"` Cnt float64 `gorm:"column:cnt" json:"cnt" form:"cnt"` Pric float64 `gorm:"column:pric" json:"pric" form:"pric"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` MedChrgitmType string `gorm:"column:med_chrgitm_type" json:"med_chrgitm_type" form:"med_chrgitm_type"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` FeedetlSn string `gorm:"column:feedetl_sn" json:"feedetl_sn" form:"feedetl_sn"` ChldMedcFlag string `gorm:"column:chld_medc_flag" json:"chld_medc_flag" form:"chld_medc_flag"` ChrgitmLv string `gorm:"column:chrgitm_lv" json:"chrgitm_lv" form:"chrgitm_lv"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` ProjectId int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` ItemId int64 `gorm:"column:item_id" json:"item_id" form:"item_id"` FulamtOwnpayAmt float64 `gorm:"column:fulamt_ownpay_amt" json:"fulamt_ownpay_amt" form:"fulamt_ownpay_amt"` HisPrescriptionProject HisPrescriptionProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:ProjectId" json:"project"` HisDoctorAdviceInfo HisDoctorAdviceInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:AdviceId" json:"advice"` } func (HisOrderInfo) TableName() string { return "his_order_info" } func GetHisOrderDetailByNumber(order_number string, org_id int64) (order []*HisOrderInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrderInfo{}).Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1", order_number).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisPrescriptionTwo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMGoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisPrescriptionTwo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Find(&order).Error return } //func GetHisOrderInfoByNumber(order_number string) (order []*models.HisOrderInfo, err error) { // db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfo{}).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { // return db.Preload("BaseDrugLib", "status = 1").Where("status = 1") // }) // err = db.Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1 AND advice_id > 0", order_number).Find(&order).Error // return //} func GetHisOrderInfoByNumberOne(order_number string) (order []*models.HisOrderInfoTwo, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfoTwo{}).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Preload("Drug", "status = 1").Where("status = 1") }) err = db.Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1 AND advice_id > 0", order_number).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderInfoByNumberTwo(order_number string) (order []*models.HisOrderInfoTwo, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfoTwo{}) db = db.Joins("Join his_prescription_project as p On = his_order_info.project_id") db = db.Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Preload("HisProject", "status = 1").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Where("status = 1") }) err = db.Where("his_order_info.order_number = ? AND his_order_info.status = 1 AND his_order_info.project_id > 0 ", order_number).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderInfoByNumberThree(order_number string) (order []*models.HisOrderInfoTwo, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrderInfoTwo{}) db = db.Joins("Join his_prescription_project as p On = his_order_info.project_id AND p.team_id > 0") db = db.Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Preload("HisProject", "status = 1").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Where("status = 1") }) err = db.Where("his_order_info.order_number = ? AND his_order_info.status = 1 AND his_order_info.project_id > 0", order_number).Find(&order).Error return } type MedicalInsuranceCostCompare struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` StartTime int64 `gorm:"column:start_time" json:"start_time" form:"start_time"` EndTime int64 `gorm:"column:end_time" json:"end_time" form:"end_time"` Insutype string `gorm:"column:insutype" json:"insutype" form:"insutype"` CheckType int64 `gorm:"column:check_type" json:"check_type" form:"check_type"` Num int64 `gorm:"column:num" json:"num" form:"num"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` CostTotal float64 `gorm:"column:cost_total" json:"cost_total" form:"cost_total"` FuncTotal float64 `gorm:"column:func_total" json:"func_total" form:"func_total"` PsnPay float64 `gorm:"column:psn_pay" json:"psn_pay" form:"psn_pay"` Creator int64 `gorm:"column:creator" json:"creator" form:"creator"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` ClrType string `gorm:"column:clr_type" json:"clr_type" form:"clr_type"` } func (MedicalInsuranceCostCompare) TableName() string { return "medical_insurance_cost_compare" } func GetMedicalInsuranceCostCompareList(orgID, page, limit int64, keywords string, insutype string, start_time int64, end_time int64) (list []*MedicalInsuranceCostCompare, total int, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&MedicalInsuranceCostCompare{}).Where("medical_insurance_cost_compare.user_org_id = ?", orgID) if len(keywords) == 0 { db = db.Where("status=1") if len(insutype) != 0 { db = db.Where("insutype = ?", insutype) } if start_time != 0 { db = db.Where("ctime >= ? ", start_time) } if end_time != 0 { db = db.Where("ctime <= ? ", end_time) } err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&list).Error } else { keywords = "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Joins("join sgj_users.sgj_user_admin_role role on role.admin_user_id = medical_insurance_cost_compare.creator and role.user_name Like ?", keywords) db = db.Where("medical_insurance_cost_compare.status=1 ") err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&list).Error } return } type TempPatients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` UserId int64 `gorm:"column:user_id" json:"user_id" form:"user_id"` Avatar string `gorm:"column:avatar" json:"avatar" form:"avatar"` Lapseto int64 `gorm:"column:lapseto" json:"lapseto" form:"lapseto"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` IdCardNo string `gorm:"column:id_card_no" json:"id_card_no" form:"id_card_no"` Phone string `gorm:"column:phone" json:"phone" form:"phone"` HomeTelephone string `gorm:"column:home_telephone" json:"home_telephone" form:"home_telephone"` HomeAddress string `gorm:"column:home_address" json:"home_address" form:"home_address"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` GdybPsnNcdsRecord GdybPsnNcdsRecord `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"record"` } func (TempPatients) TableName() string { return "xt_patients" } type GdybPsnNcdsRecord struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` PsnNo string `gorm:"column:psn_no" json:"psn_no" form:"psn_no"` Ctime int64 `gorm:"column:ctime" json:"ctime" form:"ctime"` Mtime int64 `gorm:"column:mtime" json:"mtime" form:"mtime"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` IsCancel int64 `gorm:"column:is_cancel" json:"is_cancel" form:"is_cancel"` TrtDclaDetlSn string `gorm:"column:trt_dcla_detl_sn" json:"trt_dcla_detl_sn" form:"trt_dcla_detl_sn"` DoctorId int64 `gorm:"column:doctor_id" json:"doctor_id" form:"doctor_id"` DepartmentId int64 `gorm:"column:department_id" json:"department_id" form:"department_id"` Insutype string `gorm:"column:insutype" json:"insutype" form:"insutype"` SickType int64 `gorm:"column:sick_type" json:"sick_type" form:"sick_type"` OrgName string `gorm:"column:org_name" json:"org_name" form:"org_name"` } func (GdybPsnNcdsRecord) TableName() string { return "gdyb_psn_ncds_record" } func GetGdybPsnNcdsRecordList(orgID, page, limit int64, keywords string, is_cancel int64) (list []*TempPatients, total int64, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit db := readDb.Model(&TempPatients{}) db = db.Preload("GdybPsnNcdsRecord", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Model(&GdybPsnNcdsRecord{}).Where("user_org_id = ?", orgID).Order("id asc") }) fmt.Println(is_cancel) if len(keywords) == 0 { if is_cancel == 1 { db = db.Joins("JOIN gdyb_psn_ncds_record On gdyb_psn_ncds_record.patient_id = AND gdyb_psn_ncds_record.is_cancel = ?", is_cancel) db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1 AND xt_patients.lapseto = 1", orgID) } else if is_cancel == 0 { db = db.Preload("GdybPsnNcdsRecord", "user_org_id = ?", orgID) db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1 AND xt_patients.lapseto = 1", orgID) } else if is_cancel == 2 { db = db.Joins("LEFT JOIN gdyb_psn_ncds_record On gdyb_psn_ncds_record.patient_id = AND (gdyb_psn_ncds_record.is_cancel <> 1 OR gdyb_psn_ncds_record.is_cancel is null)") db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1 AND xt_patients.lapseto = 1", orgID) } err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&list).Error } else { keywords = "%" + keywords + "%" db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1 AND xt_patients.lapseto = 1 AND LIKE ?", orgID, keywords) err = db.Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&list).Error } return } type CustomAccountFormData struct { MedfeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:medfee_sumamt" json:"medfee_sumamt" form:"medfee_sumamt"` PsnName string `gorm:"column:psn_name" json:"psn_name" form:"psn_name"` IdCardNo string `gorm:"column:id_card_no" json:"id_card_no" form:"id_card_no"` PsnNo string `gorm:"column:psn_no" json:"psn_no" form:"psn_no"` MdtrtiId string `gorm:"column:mdtrt_id" json:"mdtrt_id" form:"mdtrt_id"` SettleAccountsDate int64 `gorm:"column:settle_accounts_date" json:"settle_accounts_date" form:"settle_accounts_date"` ActPayDedc float64 `gorm:"column:act_pay_dedc" json:"act_pay_dedc" form:"act_pay_dedc"` FundPaySumamt float64 `gorm:"column:fund_pay_sumamt" json:"fund_pay_sumamt" form:"fund_pay_sumamt"` PsnCashPay float64 `gorm:"column:psn_cash_pay" json:"psn_cash_pay" form:"psn_cash_pay"` AcctPay float64 `gorm:"column:acct_pay" json:"acct_pay" form:"acct_pay"` CashPay float64 `gorm:"column:cash_pay" json:"cash_pay" form:"cash_pay"` HifpPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifp_pay" json:"hifp_pay" form:"hifp_pay"` Sumamt float64 `gorm:"column:sumamt" json:"sumamt" form:"sumamt"` Iinfo string `gorm:"column:iinfo" json:"iinfo" form:"iinfo"` DiagnosisId string `gorm:"column:diagnosis_id" json:"diagnosis_id" form:"diagnosis_id"` DialysisCount int64 `gorm:"-"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"dialysis_count" form:"dialysis_count"` HifmiPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifmi_pay" json:"hifmi_pay" form:"hifmi_pay"` HifobPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifob_pay" json:"hifob_pay" form:"hifob_pay"` CvlservPay float64 `gorm:"column:cvlserv_pay" json:"cvlserv_pay" form:"cvlserv_pay"` HifesPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifes_pay" json:"hifes_pay" form:"hifes_pay"` MayPay float64 `gorm:"column:maf_pay" json:"maf_pay" form:"maf_pay"` SetlDetail string `gorm:"column:setl_detail" json:"setl_detail" form:"setl_detail"` } func GetCheckAccountFormData(start_time int64, end_time int64, org_id int64, insutype string, clr_type string) (cus []*CustomAccountFormData, err error) { if clr_type == "9903" { err = readDb.Raw("select o.setl_detail as setl_detail, o.maf_pay as maf_pay, o.hifmi_pay as hifmi_pay, o.hifob_pay as hifob_pay, o.cvlserv_pay as cvlserv_pay, o.hifes_pay as hifes_pay, o.patient_id as patient_id, p.diagnosis as diagnosis_id, p.iinfo as iinfo, o.medfee_sumamt as medfee_sumamt ,o.psn_name as psn_name ,p.id_card_no as id_card_no ,o.psn_no as psn_no, o.mdtrt_id as mdtrt_id, o.settle_accounts_date as settle_accounts_date,o.act_pay_dedc as act_pay_dedc,O.fund_pay_sumamt as fund_pay_sumamt,o.psn_cash_pay as psn_cash_pay ,o.acct_pay as acct_pay,o.psn_cash_pay as cash_pay,o.medfee_sumamt as sumamt,o.hifp_pay as hifp_pay from his_order o Join his_patient p On o.patient_id = p.patient_id AND o.settle_accounts_date = p.record_date where o.user_org_id = ? AND o.status = 1 AND o.order_status = 2 AND o.settle_accounts_date >= ? AND o.settle_accounts_date <= ? AND o.insutype = ? AND o.clr_type = ? Group by", org_id, start_time, end_time, insutype, clr_type).Scan(&cus).Error } else { err = readDb.Raw("select o.setl_detail as setl_detail, o.maf_pay as maf_pay, o.hifmi_pay as hifmi_pay, o.hifob_pay as hifob_pay, o.cvlserv_pay as cvlserv_pay, o.hifes_pay as hifes_pay, o.patient_id as patient_id, p.diagnosis as diagnosis_id, p.iinfo as iinfo, o.medfee_sumamt as medfee_sumamt ,o.psn_name as psn_name ,p.id_card_no as id_card_no ,o.psn_no as psn_no, o.mdtrt_id as mdtrt_id, o.settle_accounts_date as settle_accounts_date,o.act_pay_dedc as act_pay_dedc,O.fund_pay_sumamt as fund_pay_sumamt,o.psn_cash_pay as psn_cash_pay ,o.acct_pay as acct_pay,o.psn_cash_pay as cash_pay,o.medfee_sumamt as sumamt,o.hifp_pay as hifp_pay from his_order o Join his_patient p On o.patient_id = p.patient_id AND o.settle_accounts_date = p.record_date where o.user_org_id = ? AND o.status = 1 AND o.order_status = 2 AND o.settle_accounts_date >= ? AND o.settle_accounts_date <= ? AND o.insutype = ? AND o.clr_type <> 9903 Group by", org_id, start_time, end_time, insutype).Scan(&cus).Error } for _, item := range cus { var total int64 readDb.Model(&models.DialysisOrder{}).Where("patient_id = ? AND status = 1 AND stage = 2 AND dialysis_date <= ? AND dialysis_date >= ?", item.PatientId, end_time, start_time).Count(&total) fmt.Println(total) item.DialysisCount = total fmt.Println(item.DialysisCount) } return } func GetNewHisPatientInfo(his_patient_id int64) (info models.HisPatient, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1 ", his_patient_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetNewHisOrder(user_org_id int64, mdtrt_id string, patient_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND mdtrt_id=? ", user_org_id, patient_id, mdtrt_id). Last(&order).Error return } func GetNewHisOrderTwo(user_org_id int64, mdtrt_id string, patient_id int64, record_time int64) (order HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrder{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND mdtrt_id=? AND settle_accounts_date = ? ", user_org_id, patient_id, mdtrt_id, record_time). Order("ctime desc"). Find(&order).Error return } type NewCustomPatients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` VMHisOrder VMHisOrder `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,MdtrtId;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,Number" json:"order"` } func (NewCustomPatients) TableName() string { return "his_patients" } type NewSZCustomPatients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` RecordDate int64 `gorm:"column:record_date" json:"record_date" form:"record_date"` VMHisOrder VMHisOrder `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId,MdtrtId;AssociationForeignKey:PatientId,MzNumber" json:"order"` } func (NewSZCustomPatients) TableName() string { return "his_patients" } // //func GetNewAllChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, record_date int64) (patients []*NewSZCustomPatients, err error) { // var tempPatients []*NewSZCustomPatients // db := readDb.Model(&NewSZCustomPatients{}).Where("his_patients.user_org_id = ? AND his_patients.status = 1", org_id) // db = db.Preload("VMHisOrder", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ?", org_id, record_date) // return tempPatients, err //} type NewTempPatients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` IdCardNo string `gorm:"column:id_card_no" json:"id_card_no" form:"id_card_no"` ScheduleType int64 `gorm:"column:schedule_type" json:"schedule_type" form:"schedule_type"` Schedule Schedule `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"schedule"` HisPatient []*HisPatient `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"his_patient"` HisPrescription []*HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"prescription"` VMHisPrescriptionInfo VMHisPrescriptionInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"info"` } func (NewTempPatients) TableName() string { return "xt_patients" } //"VMHisOrder", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ?", org_id, record_date func GetNewAllUnChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*NewTempPatients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&NewTempPatients{}) //if sch_type > 0 { // db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch on sch.patient_id = and sch.schedule_date = ? and sch.schedule_type = ?", record_date, sch_type) //} db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("Schedule", "status = 1") db = db.Preload("HisPatient", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Preload("VMHisOrders", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ?", org_id, record_date) }) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND prescription_status <> 3", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error for _, item := range patients { for _, sumItem := range item.HisPatient { if len(sumItem.VMHisOrders) > 0 { sumItem.VMHisOrder.OrderStatus = sumItem.VMHisOrders[len(sumItem.VMHisOrders)-1].OrderStatus } } } return } func GetNewAllChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, sch_type int64) (patients []*NewTempPatients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&NewTempPatients{}) //if sch_type > 0 { // db = db.Joins("join xt_schedule as sch on sch.patient_id = and sch.schedule_date = ? and sch.schedule_type = ?", record_date, sch_type) //} db = db.Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("Schedule", "status = 1") db = db.Preload("HisPatient", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Preload("VMHisOrders", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ? ", org_id, record_date) }) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND order_status = 2", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Group("").Error for _, item := range patients { for _, sumItem := range item.HisPatient { if len(sumItem.VMHisOrders) > 0 { sumItem.VMHisOrder.OrderStatus = sumItem.VMHisOrders[len(sumItem.VMHisOrders)-1].OrderStatus } } } return } func GetPrescriptionById(id int64, org_id int64) (prescription models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("id = ? AND user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", id, org_id).First(&prescription).Error return } type CustomInComeStatistics struct { PsnName string `gorm:"column:psn_name" json:"psn_name" form:"psn_name"` SetlTime string `gorm:"column:setl_time" json:"setl_time" form:"setl_time"` SettleAccountsDate string `gorm:"column:settle_accounts_date" json:"settle_accounts_date" form:"settle_accounts_date"` MedfeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:medfee_sumamt" json:"medfee_sumamt" form:"medfee_sumamt"` FundPaySumamt float64 `gorm:"column:fund_pay_sumamt" json:"fund_pay_sumamt" form:"fund_pay_sumamt"` HifobPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifob_pay" json:"hifob_pay" form:"hifob_pay"` HifmiPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifmi_pay" json:"hifmi_pay" form:"hifmi_pay"` HifesPay float64 `gorm:"column:hifes_pay" json:"hifes_pay" form:"hifes_pay"` MafPay float64 `gorm:"column:maf_pay" json:"maf_pay" form:"maf_pay"` CvlservPay float64 `gorm:"column:cvlserv_pay" json:"cvlserv_pay" form:"cvlserv_pay"` PsnCashPay float64 `gorm:"column:psn_cash_pay" json:"psn_cash_pay" form:"psn_cash_pay"` DiscountPrice float64 `gorm:"column:discount_price" json:"discount_price" form:"discount_price"` PreferentialPrice float64 `gorm:"column:preferential_price" json:"preferential_price" form:"preferential_price"` AcctPay float64 `gorm:"column:acct_pay" json:"acct_pay" form:"acct_pay"` FaPiaoCode string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_code" json:"fa_piao_code" form:"fa_piao_code"` FaPiaoNumber string `gorm:"column:fa_piao_number" json:"fa_piao_number" form:"fa_piao_number"` IsPre int64 `gorm:"column:is_pre" json:"is_pre" form:"is_pre"` Diagnosis string `gorm:"column:diagnosis" json:"diagnosis" form:"diagnosis"` } func (CustomInComeStatistics) TableName() string { return "his_order" } func GetDayIncomeStatisticsData(org_id int64, keywords string, start_time int64, end_time int64, page int64, limit int64) (order []*CustomInComeStatistics, total int64, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit if len(keywords) != 0 { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("sum(medfee_sumamt) as medfee_sumamt,sum(`fund_pay_sumamt`) as fund_pay_sumamt, sum(`hifob_pay`) as hifob_pay, sum(`hifmi_pay`) as hifmi_pay , sum(`hifes_pay`) as hifes_pay, sum(`maf_pay`) as maf_pay,sum(`cvlserv_pay`) as cvlserv_pay, sum(`discount_price`) as discount_price, sum(`preferential_price`) as preferential_price,sum(`acct_pay`) as acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 ", org_id).Group("settle_accounts_date").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&order).Error } else { if start_time != 0 && end_time != 0 { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("sum(medfee_sumamt) as medfee_sumamt,sum(`fund_pay_sumamt`) as fund_pay_sumamt, sum(`hifob_pay`) as hifob_pay, sum(`hifmi_pay`) as hifmi_pay , sum(`hifes_pay`) as hifes_pay, sum(`maf_pay`) as maf_pay,sum(`cvlserv_pay`) as cvlserv_pay, sum(`discount_price`) as discount_price, sum(`preferential_price`) as preferential_price,sum(`acct_pay`) as acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 AND settle_accounts_date >= ? AND settle_accounts_date <= ?", org_id, start_time, end_time).Group("settle_accounts_date").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&order).Error } else { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("sum(medfee_sumamt) as medfee_sumamt,sum(`fund_pay_sumamt`) as fund_pay_sumamt, sum(`hifob_pay`) as hifob_pay, sum(`hifmi_pay`) as hifmi_pay , sum(`hifes_pay`) as hifes_pay, sum(`maf_pay`) as maf_pay,sum(`cvlserv_pay`) as cvlserv_pay, sum(`discount_price`) as discount_price, sum(`preferential_price`) as preferential_price,sum(`acct_pay`) as acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 ", org_id).Group("settle_accounts_date").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&order).Error } } return } func GetDayIncomeDetailStatisticsData(org_id int64, keywords string, start_time int64, end_time int64, page int64, limit int64) (cis []*CustomInComeStatistics, total int64, err error) { offset := (page - 1) * limit if len(keywords) != 0 { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("psn_name,setl_time,medfee_sumamt,fund_pay_sumamt, hifob_pay, hifmi_pay , hifes_pay, maf_pay, cvlserv_pay, discount_price,preferential_price,acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 ", org_id).Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&cis).Error } else { if start_time != 0 && end_time != 0 { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("psn_name,setl_time,medfee_sumamt,fund_pay_sumamt, hifob_pay, hifmi_pay , hifes_pay, maf_pay, cvlserv_pay, discount_price,preferential_price,acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 AND settle_accounts_date >= ? AND settle_accounts_date <= ? ", org_id, start_time, end_time).Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&cis).Error } else { err = readDb.Model(&CustomInComeStatistics{}).Select("psn_name,setl_time,medfee_sumamt,fund_pay_sumamt, hifob_pay, hifmi_pay , hifes_pay, maf_pay, cvlserv_pay, discount_price,preferential_price,acct_pay,FROM_UNIXTIME(settle_accounts_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as settle_accounts_date").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2", org_id).Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Order("settle_accounts_date").Find(&cis).Error } } return } //func GetHisPatientInfoList(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_date int64) (info []*models.HisPatient, err error) { // err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPatient{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, record_date, patient_id).Find(&info).Error // return //} func CreateHisPrescriptionTemplate(template *models.HisPrescriptionTemplate) (err error) { err = writeDb.Create(&template).Error return } func CreateHisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate(s *models.HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&s).Error return } func CreateHisPrescriptionInfoTemplate(s *models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplate) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&s).Error return } func CreateHisPrescriptionProjectTemplate(project *models.HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&project).Error return } func GetPatientSch(patient_id int64, sch_date int64, org_id int64) (sch models.Schedule, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.Schedule{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND schedule_date = ? AND status = 1", org_id, patient_id, sch_date).First(&sch).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionBySchMode(mode_id int64, patient_id int64, org_id int64) (prescription models.HisPrescriptionTemplate, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionTemplate{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND mode = ? AND patient_id = ?", org_id, mode_id, patient_id).Last(&prescription).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionTemplate(template_id int64, org_id int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplate, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplate{}). Preload("HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }). Where("status = 1 AND p_template_id = ? ", template_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } // 组 func GetHisPrescriptionTemplateL(template_id int64, org_id int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplateL, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfoTemplateL{}). Preload("HisPrescriptionAdviceTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProjectTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }). Where("status = 1 AND p_template_id = ? ", template_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func FindHisConsumablesByID(orgID int64, patient_id int64, recordDate int64, good_id int64) (consumables models.DialysisBeforePrepare, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.DialysisBeforePrepare{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ? AND status = 1 AND good_id = ?", orgID, patient_id, recordDate, good_id).First(&consumables).Error return } func UpdateConsumables(consumables *models.DialysisBeforePrepare) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&consumables).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjectsByID(id int64) (projects []*models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Where("prescription_id = ? AND status = 1", id).Find(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjects(user_org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_time int64) (projects []*models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1").Preload("HisProject", "status = 1").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Where("user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ? AND status = 1 AND team_id = 0", user_org_id, patient_id, record_time).Find(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionTeamProjects(user_org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_time int64) (projects []*models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).Preload("HisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", user_org_id).Where("user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ? AND status = 1 AND team_id > 0", user_org_id, patient_id, record_time).Find(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjectByID(id int64) (projects models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Where("id = ? AND status = 1", id).First(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionAdviceByID(id int64) (advices []*models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("prescription_id = ? AND status = 1", id).Find(&advices).Error return } func UpdateGoodInfo(good_info *models.GoodInfo) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&good_info).Error return } func GetUnChargeMonthHisPrescriptionSix(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? AND order_status <> 2 ", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetChargeMonthHisPrescriptionSix(org_id int64, patient_id int64, start_date int64, end_date int64, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND patient_id = ? AND p_type = ? AND order_status = 2 ", org_id, start_date, end_date, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetChargeHisPrescriptionSeven(org_id int64, patient_id int64, order_number string, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1").Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1").Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND patient_id = ? AND order_status = 2 AND batch_number = ? AND p_type = ?", org_id, patient_id, order_number, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } // 已收费 func GetChargeMonthHisPrescriptionFive(org_id int64, patient_id int64, order_number string, p_type int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND patient_id = ? AND order_status = 2 AND p_type = ?", org_id, order_number, patient_id, p_type). Find(&prescription).Error return } func UpdataHisPateint(his *models.HisPatient) { writeDb.Save(&his) } func UpdataHisPateintTX(his *models.HisPatient, tx *gorm.DB) { tx.Save(&his) } func SaveHisOrder(his *models.HisOrder) (err error) { err = writeDb.Save(&his).Error return } func UpdataHisPateintTwo(his *models.VMHisPatient) { writeDb.Save(&his) } func GetPrescriptionByIds(ids []string, org_id int64) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("id in (?) AND user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", ids, org_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetPrescriptionByIdsTX(ids []string, org_id int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("id in (?) AND user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", ids, org_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetPrescriptionByIdsTxOne(ids []string, org_id int64, tx *gorm.DB) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("drug_id").Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Group("project_id").Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1") }).Preload("TempHisOrder", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id) }). Where("id in (?) AND user_org_id = ? AND status = 1", ids, org_id). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetNewAllUnChargeHisPatientListTwo(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64) (patients []*NewTempPatients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&NewTempPatients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Preload("VMHisOrders", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ? AND order_status <> 2", org_id, record_date) }) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3", org_id, record_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND prescription_status <> 3", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error for _, item := range patients { for _, sumItem := range item.HisPatient { if len(sumItem.VMHisOrders) > 0 { sumItem.VMHisOrder.OrderStatus = sumItem.VMHisOrders[len(sumItem.VMHisOrders)-1].OrderStatus } } } return } func GetOrderCountByNumber(org_id int64, patient_id int64, record_time int64, number string) (count int64, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND patient_id = ? AND settle_accounts_date = ? AND order_status = 2 AND mdtrt_id = ?", org_id, patient_id, record_time, number).Count(&count).Error return } func GetNewHisOrderList(org_id int64) (order []*models.NewHisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.NewHisOrder{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2", org_id).Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1").Find(&order).Error var numbers []string for _, item := range order { numbers = append(numbers, item.Number) } return } func GetNewHisOrderInfoList(order_numbers []string) (order []*models.VMHisOrderInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.VMHisOrderInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND order_number in (?)", order_numbers).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 ").Preload("HisProject", "status = 1").Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1") }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 ").Preload("Drug", "status =1") }).Find(&order).Error return } func FindAllHisDoctorAdviceByTime(now int64, end int64, patient_id int64, orgId int64, drug_id int64) (advice []*models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND advice_date > ? AND advice_date <= ? AND drug_id = ? ", orgId, patient_id, end, now, drug_id).Find(&advice).Error return } func FindAllHisProjectByTime(now int64, end int64, patient_id int64, orgId int64, project_id int64) (project []*models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date > ? AND record_date <= ? AND project_id = ? ", orgId, patient_id, end, now, project_id).Find(&project).Error return } func GetProjectByTeamId(user_org_id int64, team_id int64, patient_id int64, record_time int64) (label models.HisLabelPrintInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisLabelPrintInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND item_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ? AND status = 1", user_org_id, team_id, patient_id, record_time).First(&label).Error return } func GetProjectById(user_org_id int64, p_project_id int64, record_time int64, patient_id int64) (label models.HisLabelPrintInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisLabelPrintInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND p_project_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND record_date = ? AND status = 1", user_org_id, p_project_id, patient_id, record_time).First(&label).Error return } func DeletePrintInfo(id int64) { writeDb.Model(&models.HisLabelPrintInfo{}).Where("p_project_id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"status": 0}) } func CreateHisLabelRecord(label *models.HisLabelPrintInfo) error { err := writeDb.Save(&label).Error return err } func DeletePsnNCDSRecordById(id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.GdybPsnNcdsRecord{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"user_org_id": 1110000}).Error return } func GetBaiLinOrderData() (order []*models.NewCustomHisOrder) { readDb.Model(&models.NewCustomHisOrder{}).Preload("Patients", "status = 1").Preload("NewCustomHisOrderInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND project_id > 0").Preload("NewCustomHisPrescriptionProject", "(status = 1 and project_id = 1027 AND type = 2) OR (status = 1 AND project_id = 2036 AND type = 3)") }).Where("user_org_id = 10138 AND settle_accounts_date >= 1638288000 AND settle_accounts_date <= 1640880000 AND order_status = 2 AND status = 1 AND (medfee_sumamt = 50 OR medfee_sumamt = 40)").Find(&order) return } func GetHisDoctorAdviceInfo(id int64) (models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, error) { info := models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{} err := readDb.Model(&info).Where("id = ? and status = 1", id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1").Find(&info).Error return info, err } func UpdateBatchHisPrescriptionMedType(ids []string, med_type string, start_time int64, end_time int64, user_org_id int64, old_med_type string) (err error) { tx := writeDb.Begin() if err = tx.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("id in (?) AND status = 1 AND user_org_id=? AND med_type = ? AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ?", ids, user_org_id, old_med_type, start_time, end_time).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"med_type": med_type}).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } tx.Commit() return } func GetWarehoseInfoByDrugId(drug_id int64, org_id int64) (info OtherDrugWarehouseInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&OtherDrugWarehouseInfo{}).Where("(drug_id = ? AND org_id = ? AND status = 1 and stock_max_number > 0) or (drug_id = ? AND org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND stock_min_number >0)", drug_id, org_id, drug_id, org_id).First(&info).Error return } func GetGoodWarehoseInfoByGoodId(good_id int64, org_id int64) (info models.GoodSotckInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.GoodSotckInfo{}).Where("stock_count > 0 and status = 1 and good_id = ? and org_id = ?", good_id, org_id).First(&info).Error return } type MonthChargePatients struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name" form:"name"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` Number string `gorm:"column:number" json:"number" form:"number"` HisPrescription []*HisPrescription `gorm:"ForeignKey:PatientId;AssociationForeignKey:ID" json:"prescription"` } func (MonthChargePatients) TableName() string { return "his_patient" } func GetMonthUnChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, record_date int64, start_time int64, end_time int64) (patients []*MonthChargePatients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&MonthChargePatients{}).Where("his_patient.user_org_id = ? AND his_patient.status = 1 AND his_patient.record_date = ?", org_id, record_date) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date >= ? AND record_date <= ? AND p_type <> 1 AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3", org_id, start_time, end_time) return } func UpdataOrderStatusThree(number string, user_org_id int64) (err error) { err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"order_status": 5, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error err = writeDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionInfo{}).Where("status = 1 AND batch_number = ? AND user_org_id = ?", number, user_org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"prescription_status": 5, "mtime": time.Now().Unix()}).Error return } func UpDateOrderTwo(order *models.HisOrder, tx *gorm.DB) (err error) { err = tx.Save(&order).Error return } type HisOrderInfoTen struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` OrderNumber string `gorm:"column:order_number" json:"order_number" form:"order_number"` UploadDate int64 `gorm:"column:upload_date" json:"upload_date" form:"upload_date"` AdviceId int64 `gorm:"column:advice_id" json:"advice_id" form:"advice_id"` DetItemFeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:det_item_fee_sumamt" json:"det_item_fee_sumamt" form:"det_item_fee_sumamt"` Cnt float64 `gorm:"column:cnt" json:"cnt" form:"cnt"` Pric float64 `gorm:"column:pric" json:"pric" form:"pric"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` MedChrgitmType string `gorm:"column:med_chrgitm_type" json:"med_chrgitm_type" form:"med_chrgitm_type"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` FeedetlSn string `gorm:"column:feedetl_sn" json:"feedetl_sn" form:"feedetl_sn"` ChldMedcFlag string `gorm:"column:chld_medc_flag" json:"chld_medc_flag" form:"chld_medc_flag"` ChrgitmLv string `gorm:"column:chrgitm_lv" json:"chrgitm_lv" form:"chrgitm_lv"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` ProjectId int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` ItemId int64 `gorm:"column:item_id" json:"item_id" form:"item_id"` FulamtOwnpayAmt float64 `gorm:"column:fulamt_ownpay_amt" json:"fulamt_ownpay_amt" form:"fulamt_ownpay_amt"` HisPrescriptionProject HisPrescriptionProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:ProjectId" json:"project"` HisDoctorAdviceInfo models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:AdviceId" json:"advice"` } func (HisOrderInfoTen) TableName() string { return "his_order_info" } func GetHisOrderDetailByNumberTen(order_number string, org_id int64) (order []*HisOrderInfoTen, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrderInfoTen{}).Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1", order_number).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMGoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderDetailByNumberEleven(order_number string, org_id int64) (order []*HisOrderInfoTen, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrderInfoTen{}).Where("order_number = ?", order_number).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMGoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderByIDTen(order_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("id = ?", order_id).First(&order).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptonProjectById(id int64) (models.HisPrescriptionProject, error) { project := models.HisPrescriptionProject{} err := XTReadDB().Where("id = ? and status = 1", id).Find(&project).Error return project, err } type HisOrderInfoTwo struct { ID int64 `gorm:"column:id" json:"id" form:"id"` OrderNumber string `gorm:"column:order_number" json:"order_number" form:"order_number"` UploadDate int64 `gorm:"column:upload_date" json:"upload_date" form:"upload_date"` AdviceId int64 `gorm:"column:advice_id" json:"advice_id" form:"advice_id"` DetItemFeeSumamt float64 `gorm:"column:det_item_fee_sumamt" json:"det_item_fee_sumamt" form:"det_item_fee_sumamt"` Cnt float64 `gorm:"column:cnt" json:"cnt" form:"cnt"` Pric float64 `gorm:"column:pric" json:"pric" form:"pric"` PatientId int64 `gorm:"column:patient_id" json:"patient_id" form:"patient_id"` MedChrgitmType string `gorm:"column:med_chrgitm_type" json:"med_chrgitm_type" form:"med_chrgitm_type"` Status int64 `gorm:"column:status" json:"status" form:"status"` FeedetlSn string `gorm:"column:feedetl_sn" json:"feedetl_sn" form:"feedetl_sn"` ChldMedcFlag string `gorm:"column:chld_medc_flag" json:"chld_medc_flag" form:"chld_medc_flag"` ChrgitmLv string `gorm:"column:chrgitm_lv" json:"chrgitm_lv" form:"chrgitm_lv"` UserOrgId int64 `gorm:"column:user_org_id" json:"user_org_id" form:"user_org_id"` ProjectId int64 `gorm:"column:project_id" json:"project_id" form:"project_id"` ItemId int64 `gorm:"column:item_id" json:"item_id" form:"item_id"` FulamtOwnpayAmt float64 `gorm:"column:fulamt_ownpay_amt" json:"fulamt_ownpay_amt" form:"fulamt_ownpay_amt"` HisPrescriptionProject HisPrescriptionProject `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:ProjectId" json:"project"` HisDoctorAdviceInfo models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo `gorm:"ForeignKey:ID;AssociationForeignKey:AdviceId" json:"advice"` } func (HisOrderInfoTwo) TableName() string { return "his_order_info" } func GetHisOrderDetailByNumberTwo(order_number string, org_id int64) (order []*HisOrderInfoTwo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrderInfoTwo{}).Where("order_number = ? AND status = 1", order_number).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMGoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderDetailByNumberThree(order_number string, org_id int64) (order []*HisOrderInfoTwo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&HisOrderInfoTwo{}).Where("order_number = ?", order_number).Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMHisProject", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("VMGoodInfo", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id) }).Find(&order).Error return } func GetHisOrderByIDThree(order_id int64) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("id = ?", order_id).First(&order).Error return } func GetDrugSumOutCountByDrugId(drug_id int64, user_org_id int64, storehouse_id int64) (models.XtDrugStockCount, error) { drug := models.XtDrugStockCount{} err := XTReadDB().Where("drug_id = ? and user_org_id = ? and status = 1 and storehouse_id =?", drug_id, user_org_id, storehouse_id).Find(&drug).Error return drug, err } func GetStockGoodList(good_id int64, org_id int64, storehouse_id int64) (models.XtGoodStockCount, error) { stockCount := models.XtGoodStockCount{} err = XTReadDB().Where("good_id = ? and user_org_id = ? and status= 1 and storehouse_id = ?", good_id, org_id, storehouse_id).Find(&stockCount).Error return stockCount, err } func GetLastOrderTX(user_org_id int64) (models.HisOrder, error) { order := models.HisOrder{} err := XTReadDB().Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1", user_org_id).Last(&order).Error return order, err } func GetPatientPlan(orgid int64) (patient []*models.XtPatients, err error) { err = XTReadDB().Where("user_org_id = ? and status= 1", orgid).Find(&patient).Error return patient, err } func UpdatePatienPlan(id int64, trement_plan string) error { err := XTWriteDB().Model(&models.XtPatientsNew{}).Where("blood_id = ? and status = 1", id).Update(map[string]interface{}{"treatment_plan": trement_plan}).Error return err } func GetDialysisOrderList(orgid int64) (order []*models.XtDialysisOrder, err error) { err = XTReadDB().Where("user_org_id = ? and status= 1 and url<>''", orgid).Group("patient_id").Find(&order).Error return order, err } func UpdatePatientDialysisOrder(patient_id int64, url string) error { err := XTWriteDB().Model(&models.XtPatients{}).Where("id =? and status=1", patient_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"url": url}).Error return err } func GetHisOrderByIDTenOne(order_id string) (order models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1", order_id).First(&order).Error return } func GetHisDoctorAdviceInfotwo(id int64) (models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, error) { info := models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{} err := readDb.Model(&info).Where("id = ? and status = 1", id).Find(&info).Error return info, err } func GetHisDoctorAdviceInfothree(org_id int64, record_date int64) (info []*models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisDoctorAdviceInfo{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1 and record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Find(&info).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjectByIDFour(org_id int64, record_date int64) (projects []*models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1 and record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Find(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjectByIDThree(id int64) (projects models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Where("id = ? AND status = 1", id).First(&projects).Error return } func GetHisPrescriptionProjectByIDTwoone(id int64) (projects models.HisPrescriptionProject, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescriptionProject{}).Preload("GoodInfo", "status = 1").Preload("HisProject", "status = 1").Where("id = ? AND status = 1", id).First(&projects).Error return } func GetMonthNewAllUnChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, keywords string, record_date int64, start_date int64, end_date int64) (patients []NewTempPatients, err error) { db := readDb.Model(&NewTempPatients{}).Where("xt_patients.user_org_id = ? AND xt_patients.status = 1", org_id) db = db.Preload("HisPatient", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ? AND record_date = ?", org_id, record_date).Preload("VMHisOrders", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND settle_accounts_date = ?", org_id, record_date) }) db = db.Preload("HisPrescription", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND p_type <> 1 AND order_status <> 2 AND order_status <> 3 and record_date >= ? and record_date <= ?", org_id, start_date, end_date) err = db.Preload("VMHisPrescriptionInfo", "user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND record_date = ? AND p_type <> 1 AND prescription_status <> 3", org_id, record_date).Find(&patients).Error for _, item := range patients { for _, sumItem := range item.HisPatient { if len(sumItem.VMHisOrders) > 0 { sumItem.VMHisOrder.OrderStatus = sumItem.VMHisOrders[len(sumItem.VMHisOrders)-1].OrderStatus } } } return } func GetChargeHisPatientList(org_id int64, record_date int64) (order []*HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Preload("Patients", "status = 1").Where("settle_accounts_date = ? and user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 and order_status = 2", record_date, org_id).Find(&order).Error return } func GetGoodByIdIsStop(good_id int64, org_id int64) (models.GoodInfoSeven, error) { goodInfoSeven := models.GoodInfoSeven{} err = XTReadDB().Where("org_id = ? and status = 1 and find_in_set('停用',good_status) = 0 and id =?", org_id, good_id).Find(&goodInfoSeven).Error return goodInfoSeven, err } func GetHisPrescriptionByBatchNumber(org_id int64, number string) (prescription []*models.HisPrescription, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisPrescription{}). Preload("HisAdditionalCharge", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("XtHisAddtionConfig", "status=1") }). Preload("HisDoctorAdviceInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("Drug", "status=1") }). Preload("HisPrescriptionProject", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Preload("HisProject").Preload("GoodInfo", "status=1").Preload("XtHisProjectTeam", "status = 1") }). Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND batch_number = ?", org_id, number). Find(&prescription).Error return } func GetLastHisOrderThree(org_id int64) (err error, o models.HisOrder) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Where("user_org_id = ? and status = 1 and order_status = 2", org_id).First(&o).Error return } func GetLastHisOrderTwo(org_id int64) (his models.HisOrder, err error) { err = readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{}).Select("max(convert(fa_piao_number,signed)) as fa_piao_number").Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND order_status = 2 ", org_id).Find(&his).Error return }