123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357 |
- package service
- import (
- "XT_New/models"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/jinzhu/gorm"
- )
- func CreateAutomaticReduceRecord(config *models.GobalConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.GobalConfig{}).Create(config).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateDrugAutomaticReduceRecord(config *models.DrugStockConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.DrugStockConfig{}).Create(config).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAutomaticReduceRecordByOrgId(org_id int64) (err error, config models.GobalConfig) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.GobalConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func FindDrugStockAutomaticReduceRecordByOrgId(org_id int64) (err error, config models.DrugStockConfig) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DrugStockConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateAutomaticReduceRecord(config *models.GobalConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateDrugStockAutomaticReduceRecord(config *models.DrugStockConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(config).Error
- return
- }
- func CreatePrintTemplateRecord(template *models.GobalTemplate) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.GobalTemplate{}).Create(template).Error
- return
- }
- func FindPrintTemplateByOrgId(org_id int64) (err error, template models.GobalTemplate) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.GobalTemplate{}).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&template).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdatePrintTemplate(template *models.GobalTemplate) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(template).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateConfigData(config *models.DataUploadConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Create(config).Error
- return
- }
- func SaveConfigData(config *models.DataUploadConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(config).Error
- return
- }
- func GetConfigData(org_id int64, config_type int64) (config models.DataUploadConfig, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DataUploadConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ? AND config_type = ?", org_id, config_type).First(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func GetDockingStatus(config_type int64, province int64, city int64) (config models.DockingStatus, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DockingStatus{}).Where("status = 1 AND docking_type = ? AND province_id = ? AND city_id = ?", config_type, province, city).First(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func GetConfigDataById(id int64) (config models.DataUploadConfig, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DataUploadConfig{}).Where("id = ?", id).First(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func FindDoctorAdviceRecordByOrgId(org_id int64) (err error, config models.DoctorAdviceConfig) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdviceConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateDoctorAdviceRecord(config *models.DoctorAdviceConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdviceConfig{}).Create(config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateDoctorAdviceRecord(config *models.DoctorAdviceConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateFiledConfig(org_id int64) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.FiledConfig{}).Where("org_id = ? AND sys_module = 0", org_id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_show": 1}).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAllHideFiledConfig(template_id int64) (err error, config []*models.FiledConfig) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.FiledConfig{}).Where("sys_module = ? AND is_show = 2", template_id).Find(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateShowFieldConfig(org_id int64, fileds []string) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.FiledConfig{}).Where("org_id = ? AND filed_name in (?) AND sys_module = 0 ", org_id, fileds).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_show": 2}).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAllAdviceParentTemplate(org_id int64) (template []*models.DoctorAdviceParentTemplate) {
- readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdviceParentTemplate{}).Preload("DoctorAdviceTemplate", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
- return db.Preload("SubDoctorAdviceTemplate", "status = 1 AND org_id = ?", org_id).Where("status = 1 AND parent_id = 0 AND org_id = ?", org_id)
- }).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ? ", org_id).Find(&template)
- return
- }
- func CreateDoctorParentTemplate(template *models.DoctorAdviceParentTemplate) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Create(&template).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAllAdviceTemplates(org_id int64, parent_template_id int64) (template []*models.DoctorAdviceTemplate, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.DoctorAdviceTemplate{}).Where("status = 1 AND org_id = ? AND template_id = ?", org_id, parent_template_id).Find(&template).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateDoctorTemplate(template *models.DoctorAdviceTemplate) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Create(&template).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateSystemDialysisSolution(solution *models.SystemPrescription) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Create(solution).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateSystemDialysisSolution(solution *models.SystemPrescription) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(solution).Error
- return
- }
- func FindSystemDialysisSolution(orgID int64, id int64) (solution models.SystemPrescription, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.SystemPrescription{}).Where("id = ? and status=1 and user_org_id=?", id, orgID).First(&solution).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAllSystemPrescription(orgID int64) (solution []*models.SystemPrescription, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.SystemPrescription{}).Where("status=1 and user_org_id=?", orgID).Find(&solution).Error
- return
- }
- func FindSystemDialysisPrescriptionByMode(orgID int64, id int64) (solution models.SystemPrescription, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.SystemPrescription{}).Where("mode_id = ? and status=1 and user_org_id=?", id, orgID).First(&solution).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateAdviceInitConfig(adviceInit *models.AdviceInit) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Create(&adviceInit).Error
- return
- }
- func FindAdviceInitConfig(org_id int64) (adviceInit models.AdviceInit, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.AdviceInit{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 ", org_id).First(&adviceInit).Error
- return
- }
- func GetPrint(ids []int64, orgid int64) (doctor []*models.DoctorAdvice, err error) {
- if len(ids) == 1 {
- err = XTReadDB().Model(&doctor).Where("groupno = ? and user_org_id = ?", ids[0], orgid).Find(&doctor).Error
- } else {
- err = XTReadDB().Model(&doctor).Where("groupno IN(?) and user_org_id = ?", ids, orgid).Find(&doctor).Error
- }
- return doctor, err
- }
- func GetExportLogByType(org_id int64, log_type int64) (log []*models.ExportLog, err error) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.ExportLog{}).Where("user_org_id = ? AND status = 1 AND log_type = ?", org_id, log_type).
- Preload("ExportErrLog", "status = 1").Order("export_time desc").Find(&log).Error
- return
- }
- func FindXTHisRecordByOrgId(org_id int64) (err error, config models.XtHisConfig) {
- err = readDb.Model(&models.XtHisConfig{}).Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", org_id).Find(&config).Error
- return
- }
- func UpdateXTHisRecord(config *models.XtHisConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Save(config).Error
- return
- }
- func CreateXTHisRecord(config *models.XtHisConfig) (err error) {
- err = writeDb.Model(&models.XtHisConfig{}).Create(config).Error
- return
- }
- func GetExportHisOrderList(user_org_id int64, start_time int64, end_time int64) (order []*models.HisOrder, err error) {
- db := readDb.Model(&models.HisOrder{})
- if start_time != 0 {
- db = db.Where("his_order.settle_accounts_date>=?", start_time)
- }
- if end_time != 0 {
- db = db.Where("his_order.settle_accounts_date<=?", end_time)
- }
- db = db.Where("his_order.status = 1 AND his_order.user_org_id = ?", user_org_id)
- db = db.Preload("HisOrderInfo", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).
- Preload("Patients", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).
- Preload("HisPatient", "status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).
- Preload("HisPrescriptionInfo", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
- return db.Where("status = 1 AND user_org_id = ?", user_org_id).Preload("XtHisDepartment", "status = 1")
- })
- err = db.Order("ctime desc").Find(&order).Error
- return
- }
- func GetDrugInOrderDetail(startime int64, endtime int64, orgid int64, orderType int64, manufacturerId int64, keyword string, page int64, limit int64) (drugInfo []*models.BloodDrugWarehouseInfo, total int64, err error) {
- likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%"
- offset := (page - 1) * limit
- db := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_warehouse_info as x").Where("x.status = 1")
- dbOne := XTReadDB().Table("xt_base_drug as t").Where("t.status =1")
- dbTwo := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_warehouse as s").Where("s.status = 1")
- fmt.Print(dbOne, dbTwo)
- if startime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime >=?", startime)
- }
- if endtime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime <=?", endtime)
- }
- if orgid > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.org_id =?", orgid)
- }
- if orderType > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.type = ?", orderType)
- }
- if len(keyword) > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.warehousing_order like ? or t.drug_spec like ? or s.creater like ?", likeKey, likeKey, likeKey)
- }
- if manufacturerId > 0 {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.warehousing_id,x.drug_id,x.number,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.warehousing_count,x.price,x.total_price,x.dealer,t.manufacturer,x.remark,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.is_return,x.warehousing_order,x.type,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,t.drug_type,t.drug_name,t.drug_spec,t.min_unit,s.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as t on t.id = x.drug_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Where("t.manufacturer = ?", manufacturerId).Joins("left join xt_drug_warehouse as s on s.id = x.warehousing_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status =1", orgid).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&drugInfo).Error
- } else {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.warehousing_id,x.drug_id,x.number,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.warehousing_count,x.price,x.total_price,x.dealer,t.manufacturer,x.remark,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.is_return,x.warehousing_order,x.type,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,t.drug_type,t.drug_name,t.drug_spec,t.min_unit,s.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as t on t.id = x.drug_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_warehouse as s on s.id = x.warehousing_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status =1", orgid).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&drugInfo).Error
- }
- return drugInfo, total, err
- }
- func GetDrugReturnOrder(startime int64, endtime int64, orgid int64, orderType int64, manufacturerId int64, keyword string, limit int64, page int64) (returninfo []*models.BloodDrugSalesReturnInfo, total int64, err error) {
- likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%"
- offset := (page - 1) * limit
- db := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_sales_return_info as x").Where("x.status =1")
- dbOne := XTReadDB().Table("xt_base_drug as s").Where("s.status =1")
- dbTwo := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_sales_return as r").Where("r.status = 1")
- fmt.Print(dbOne, dbTwo)
- if startime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime >= ?", startime)
- }
- if endtime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime <=?", endtime)
- }
- if orgid > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.org_id = ?", orgid)
- }
- if orderType > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.type = ?", orderType)
- }
- if len(keyword) > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.order_number like ? or s.drug_spec like ? or r.creater like ?", likeKey, likeKey, likeKey)
- }
- if manufacturerId > 0 {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.drug_id,x.sales_return_id,x.count,x.price,x.total,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,x.number,s.drug_name,s.drug_spec,s.drug_type,s.min_unit,r.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as s on s.id = x.drug_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status = 1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_sales_return as r on r.id = x.sales_return_id and r.org_id = ? and r.status =1", orgid).Where("r.manufacturer = ?", manufacturerId).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&returninfo).Error
- } else {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.drug_id,x.sales_return_id,x.count,x.price,x.total,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,x.number,s.drug_name,s.drug_spec,s.drug_type,s.min_unit,r.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as s on s.id = x.drug_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status = 1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_sales_return as r on r.id = x.sales_return_id and r.org_id = ? and r.status =1", orgid).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&returninfo).Error
- }
- return returninfo, total, err
- }
- func GetDrugOutOrder(startime int64, endtime int64, orgid int64, orderType int64, manufacturerId int64, keyword string, page int64, limit int64) (outinfo []*models.BloodDrugWarehouseOutInfo, total int64, err error) {
- likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%"
- offset := (page - 1) * limit
- db := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_warehouse_out_info as x").Where("x.status =1")
- dbOne := XTReadDB().Table("xt_base_drug as b").Where("b.status =1")
- dbTwo := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_warehouse_out as t").Where("t.status = 1")
- fmt.Print(dbOne, dbTwo)
- if startime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime >=?", startime)
- }
- if endtime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime <=?", endtime)
- }
- if orgid > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.org_id = ?", orgid)
- }
- if orderType > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.type = ?", orderType)
- }
- if len(keyword) > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.warehouse_out_order_number like ? or b.drug_spec like ? or t.creater like ?", likeKey, likeKey, likeKey)
- }
- if manufacturerId > 0 {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.warehouse_out_id,x.drug_id,x.warehousing_out_target,x.count,x.price,x.total_price,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.remark,x.is_cancel,x.warehouse_out_order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.is_sys,x.sys_record_time,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,b.drug_name,b.drug_spec,b.drug_type,b.min_unit,t.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as b on b.id = x.drug_id and b.org_id = ? and b.status =1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_warehouse_out as t on t.id = x.warehouse_out_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Where("t.manufacturer = ?", manufacturerId).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&outinfo).Error
- } else {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.warehouse_out_id,x.drug_id,x.warehousing_out_target,x.count,x.price,x.total_price,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.remark,x.is_cancel,x.warehouse_out_order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.is_sys,x.sys_record_time,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,b.drug_name,b.drug_spec,b.drug_type,b.min_unit,t.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as b on b.id = x.drug_id and b.org_id = ? and b.status =1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_warehouse_out as t on t.id = x.warehouse_out_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&outinfo).Error
- }
- return outinfo, total, err
- }
- func GetDrugCancelOrder(startime int64, endtime int64, orgid int64, orderType int64, manufacturerId int64, keyword string, page int64, limit int64) (cancel []*models.BloodDrugCancelStockInfo, total int64, err error) {
- likeKey := "%" + keyword + "%"
- offset := (page - 1) * limit
- db := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_cancel_stock_info as x").Where("x.status =1")
- dbOne := XTReadDB().Table("xt_base_drug as s").Where("s.status =1")
- dbTwo := XTReadDB().Table("xt_drug_cancel_stock as t").Where("t.status = 1")
- fmt.Print(dbOne, dbTwo)
- if startime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime >= ?", startime)
- }
- if endtime > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.ctime<=?", endtime)
- }
- if orgid > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.org_id = ?", orgid)
- }
- if orderType > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.type = ? ", orderType)
- }
- if len(keyword) > 0 {
- db = db.Where("x.order_number like ? or s.drug_spec like ? or t.creater like ?", likeKey, likeKey, likeKey)
- }
- if manufacturerId > 0 {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.drug_id,x.cancel_stock_id,x.count,x.price,x.total,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,x.number,s.drug_name,s.drug_type,s.drug_spec,s.min_unit,t.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as s on s.id = x.drug_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status = 1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_cancel_stock as t on t.id = x.cancel_stock_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Where("t.manufacturer = ?", manufacturerId).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&cancel).Error
- } else {
- err = db.Select("x.id,x.drug_id,x.cancel_stock_id,x.count,x.price,x.total,x.product_date,x.expiry_date,x.ctime,x.org_id,x.order_number,x.type,x.dealer,x.manufacturer,x.retail_price,x.retail_total_price,x.number,s.drug_name,s.drug_type,s.drug_spec,s.min_unit,t.creater").Joins("left join xt_base_drug as s on s.id = x.drug_id and s.org_id = ? and s.status = 1", orgid).Joins("left join xt_drug_cancel_stock as t on t.id = x.cancel_stock_id and t.org_id = ? and t.status =1", orgid).Order("x.ctime desc").Count(&total).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&cancel).Error
- }
- return cancel, total, err
- }