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.gitignore 528B

  1. # ---> Actionscript
  2. # Build and Release Folders
  3. bin/
  4. bin-debug/
  5. bin-release/
  6. [Oo]bj/ # FlashDevelop obj
  7. [Bb]in/ # FlashDevelop bin
  8. # Other files and folders
  9. .settings/
  10. # Executables
  11. *.swf
  12. *.air
  13. *.ipa
  14. *.apk
  15. # Project files, i.e. `.project`, `.actionScriptProperties` and `.flexProperties`
  16. # should NOT be excluded as they contain compiler settings and other important
  17. # information for Eclipse / Flash Builder.
  18. # ---> Agda
  19. *.agdai
  20. # ---> Anjuta
  21. # Local configuration folder and symbol database
  22. /.anjuta/
  23. /.anjuta_sym_db.db