DB.php 1.5KB

  1. <?php
  2. namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
  3. /**
  4. * @method static \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface connection(string $name = null)
  5. * @method static string getDefaultConnection()
  6. * @method static void setDefaultConnection(string $name)
  7. * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder table(string $table)
  8. * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression raw($value)
  9. * @method static mixed selectOne(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  10. * @method static array select(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  11. * @method static bool insert(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  12. * @method static int update(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  13. * @method static int delete(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  14. * @method static bool statement(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  15. * @method static int affectingStatement(string $query, array $bindings = [])
  16. * @method static bool unprepared(string $query)
  17. * @method static array prepareBindings(array $bindings)
  18. * @method static mixed transaction(\Closure $callback, int $attempts = 1)
  19. * @method static void beginTransaction()
  20. * @method static void commit()
  21. * @method static void rollBack()
  22. * @method static int transactionLevel()
  23. * @method static array pretend(\Closure $callback)
  24. *
  25. * @see \Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager
  26. * @see \Illuminate\Database\Connection
  27. */
  28. class DB extends Facade
  29. {
  30. /**
  31. * Get the registered name of the component.
  32. *
  33. * @return string
  34. */
  35. protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
  36. {
  37. return 'db';
  38. }
  39. }