app('common'); load()->app('template'); require IA_ROOT . '/app/common/'; $acl = array( 'home' => array( 'default' => 'home', ), 'mc' => array( 'default' => 'home' ) ); if ($_W['setting']['copyright']['status'] == 1) { $_W['siteclose'] = true; message('抱歉,站点已关闭,关闭原因:' . $_W['setting']['copyright']['reason']); } $multiid = intval($_GPC['t']); if(empty($multiid)) { $multiid = intval($unisetting['default_site']); unset($setting); } $multi = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('site_multi')." WHERE id=:id AND uniacid=:uniacid", array(':id' => $multiid, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $multi['site_info'] = @iunserializer($multi['site_info']); $styleid = !empty($_GPC['s']) ? intval($_GPC['s']) : intval($multi['styleid']); $style = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('site_styles')." WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $styleid)); $templates = uni_templates(); $templateid = intval($style['templateid']); $template = $templates[$templateid]; $_W['template'] = !empty($template) ? $template['name'] : 'default'; $_W['styles'] = array(); if(!empty($template) && !empty($style)) { $sql = "SELECT `variable`, `content` FROM " . tablename('site_styles_vars') . " WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `styleid`=:styleid"; $params = array(); $params[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $params[':styleid'] = $styleid; $stylevars = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); if(!empty($stylevars)) { foreach($stylevars as $row) { if (strexists($row['variable'], 'img')) { $row['content'] = tomedia($row['content']); } $_W['styles'][$row['variable']] = $row['content']; } } unset($stylevars, $row, $sql, $params); } $_W['page'] = array(); $_W['page']['title'] = $multi['title']; if(is_array($multi['site_info'])) { $_W['page'] = array_merge($_W['page'], $multi['site_info']); } unset($multi, $styleid, $style, $templateid, $template, $templates); if ($controller == 'wechat' && $action == 'card' && $do == 'use') { header("location: index.php?i={$_W['uniacid']}&c=entry&m=paycenter&do=consume&encrypt_code={$_GPC['encrypt_code']}&card_id={$_GPC['card_id']}&openid={$_GPC['openid']}&source={$_GPC['source']}"); exit; } $controllers = array(); $handle = opendir(IA_ROOT . '/app/source/'); if(!empty($handle)) { while($dir = readdir($handle)) { if($dir != '.' && $dir != '..') { $controllers[] = $dir; } } } if(!in_array($controller, $controllers)) { $controller = 'home'; } $init = IA_ROOT . "/app/source/{$controller}/__init.php"; if(is_file($init)) { require $init; } $actions = array(); $handle = opendir(IA_ROOT . '/app/source/' . $controller); if(!empty($handle)) { while($dir = readdir($handle)) { if($dir != '.' && $dir != '..' && strexists($dir, '.ctrl.php')) { $dir = str_replace('.ctrl.php', '', $dir); $actions[] = $dir; } } } if(empty($actions)) { $str = ''; if(uni_is_multi_acid()) { $str = "&j={$_W['acid']}"; } header("location: index.php?i={$_W['uniacid']}{$str}&c=home?refresh"); } if(!in_array($action, $actions)) { $action = $acl[$controller]['default']; } if(!in_array($action, $actions)) { $action = $actions[0]; } require _forward($controller, $action); function _forward($c, $a) { $file = IA_ROOT . '/app/source/' . $c . '/' . $a . '.ctrl.php'; return $file; }