model('cloud'); load()->func('file'); $flow_master_info = cloud_flow_master_get(); $flow_uniaccount_list = cloud_flow_uniaccount_list_get(); if (isset($flow_master_info['site_key']) && $flow_master_info['site_key'] == '0') { itoast('请注册站点或者重置站点信息', referer(), 'error'); } $commission_show = false; if (!empty($flow_uniaccount_list)) { foreach ($flow_uniaccount_list as $val) { if (!empty($val['ad_tags']) && is_array($val['ad_tags'])) { $commission_show = true; } } } $status = cloud_prepare(); if (is_error($status)) { itoast($status['message'], url('cloud/profile'), 'error'); } if ($do == 'display') { if ($flow_master_info['status'] == 4 || IMS_FAMILY == 'v') { header('Location:' . url('advertisement/content-provider/account_list')); exit; } } if ($do == 'register_flow') { if (($flow_master_info['status'] == 4 || IMS_FAMILY == 'v') || $flow_master_info['status'] == 2) { itoast('权限不足', url('advertisement/content-provider/account_list'), 'error'); } if (checksubmit('submit')) { $linkman = trim($_GPC['linkman']); $mobile = trim($_GPC['mobile']); $address = trim($_GPC['address']); if (empty($linkman)) { itoast('联系人不能为空', referer(), 'error'); } if (empty($mobile)) { itoast('电话不能为空', referer(), 'error'); } else { if(!preg_match(REGULAR_MOBILE, $mobile)) { itoast('手机号格式不正确', referer(), 'error'); } } if (empty($address)) { itoast('联系地址不能为空', referer(), 'error'); } if (!empty($_FILES['id_card_photo']['tmp_name'])) { $_W['uploadsetting'] = array(); $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['folder'] = ''; $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['extentions'] = array('jpg'); $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['limit'] = $_W['config']['upload']['image']['limit']; $upload = file_upload($_FILES['id_card_photo'], 'image', "id_card"); $id_card_photo = $upload['path']; if(is_error($upload)) { itoast('身份证保存失败,'.$upload['message'],referer(),'info'); } } if (!empty($_FILES['business_licence_photo']['tmp_name'])) { $_W['uploadsetting'] = array(); $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['folder'] = ''; $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['extentions'] = array('jpg'); $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['limit'] = $_W['config']['upload']['image']['limit']; $upload = file_upload($_FILES['business_licence_photo'], 'image', "business_licence"); $business_licence_photo = $upload['path']; if(is_error($upload)) { itoast('营业执照保存失败,'.$upload['message'], referer(), 'info'); } } if (!empty($flow_master_info['id_card_photo']) && empty($id_card_photo)) { $id_card_photo = $flow_master_info['id_card_photo']; } if (!empty($flow_master_info['business_licence_photo']) && empty($business_licence_photo)) { $business_licence_photo = $flow_master_info['business_licence_photo']; } $flow_master = array( 'linkman' => trim($_GPC['linkman']), 'mobile' => trim($_GPC['mobile']), 'address' => trim($_GPC['address']), 'id_card_photo' => tomedia($id_card_photo), 'business_licence_photo' => tomedia($business_licence_photo), ); $result = cloud_flow_master_post($flow_master); if (is_error($result)) { itoast($result['message'], '', 'error'); } else { itoast('提交成功,请等待审核', url('advertisement/content-provider/display'), 'info'); } } } if ($do == 'account_list') { if ($flow_master_info['status'] != 4 && IMS_FAMILY != 'v') { header('Location:' . url('advertisement/content-provider/display')); exit; } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 15; $start = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; $condition = ''; $pars = array(); $keyword = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $s_uniacid = intval($_GPC['s_uniacid']); if (!empty($_W['isfounder'])) { $condition .= " WHERE a.default_acid <> 0 AND b.isdeleted <> 1"; $order_by = " ORDER BY a.`rank` DESC"; } else { $condition .= "LEFT JOIN ". tablename('uni_account_users')." as c ON a.uniacid = c.uniacid WHERE a.default_acid <> 0 AND c.uid = :uid AND b.isdeleted <> 1"; $pars[':uid'] = $_W['uid']; $order_by = " ORDER BY c.`rank` DESC"; } if(!empty($keyword)) { $condition .=" AND a.`name` LIKE :name"; $pars[':name'] = "%{$keyword}%"; } if(!empty($s_uniacid)) { $condition .=" AND a.`uniacid` = :uniacid"; $pars[':uniacid'] = $s_uniacid; } if(!empty($_GPC['expiretime'])) { $expiretime = intval($_GPC['expiretime']); $condition .= " AND a.`uniacid` IN(SELECT uniacid FROM " .tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE role = 'owner' AND uid IN (SELECT uid FROM " .tablename('users'). " WHERE endtime > :time AND endtime < :endtime))"; $pars[':time'] = time(); $pars[':endtime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()+86400*($expiretime+2))); } if ($_GPC['type'] == '3') { $condition .= " AND b.type = 3"; } elseif ($_GPC['type'] == '1') { $condition .= " AND b.type <> 3"; } $tsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('uni_account'). " as a LEFT JOIN". tablename('account'). " as b ON a.default_acid = b.acid {$condition} {$order_by}, a.`uniacid` DESC"; $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($tsql, $pars); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". tablename('uni_account'). " as a LEFT JOIN". tablename('account'). " as b ON a.default_acid = b.acid {$condition} {$order_by}, a.`uniacid` DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$psize}"; $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $pars, 'uniacid'); $flow_uniaccount_list = cloud_flow_uniaccount_list_get(); if(!empty($list)) { foreach($list as $unia => &$account) { $account_details = uni_accounts($account['uniacid']); $account['details'][$account['default_acid']] = $account_details[$account['default_acid']]; $account['role'] = permission_account_user_role($_W['uid'], $account['uniacid']); $account['setmeal'] = uni_setmeal($account['uniacid']); if (!empty($flow_uniaccount_list[$unia])) { $flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]['ad_tags_str'] = @implode($flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]['ad_tags'], ','); $flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]['amount'] = $flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]['amount'] / 100; $account['flow_setting'] = $flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]; $account['flow_setting_enable'] = $flow_uniaccount_list[$unia]['enable']; } else { $account['flow_setting_enable'] = 1; } } } } if ($do == 'flow_control') { if (empty($_GPC['uniacid'])) { itoast('公众号id参数有误,请重新进入', url('advertisement/content-provider/account_list'), 'error'); } $current_account = uni_fetch($_GPC['uniacid']); load() -> model('account'); $_W['uniacid'] = $_GPC['uniacid']; $installedmodulelist = uni_modules(); foreach ($installedmodulelist as $val) { if ($val['issystem'] == 0 && $val['enabled'] == 1) { $path = '../addons/' . $val['name']; $cion = $path . '/icon-custom.jpg'; if(!file_exists($cion)) { $cion = $path . '/icon.jpg'; if(!file_exists($cion)) { $cion = './resource/images/nopic-small.jpg'; } } $val['icon'] = $cion; $modulelist[$val['name']] = $val; $modulenames[] = $val['name']; } } $cloud_module_support = cloud_flow_app_support_list($modulenames); $cloud_module_support_str = json_encode($cloud_module_support); $flow_app_list_setting = cloud_flow_app_list_get($current_account['uniacid']); if (!empty($flow_app_list_setting)) { foreach ($flow_app_list_setting as &$value) { $value['ad_types'] = iunserializer($value['ad_types']); } } if (!empty($cloud_module_support)) { foreach ($cloud_module_support as $support) { if ($support['ad_support'] == 2) { $modulelist_available[$support['name']] = $modulelist[$support['name']]; $modulelist_available[$support['name']]['flow_setting'] = $flow_app_list_setting[$support['name']]; $modulelist_available[$support['name']]['ad_types'] = json_encode($support['ad_types']); } } } $tag_list = cloud_flow_ad_tag_list(); if (!empty($tag_list)) { foreach ($tag_list as $value) { foreach ($value['items'] as $key => $item) { $items[$key] = $item; } } } $current_uniaccount = cloud_flow_uniaccount_get($current_account['uniacid']); if (!empty($current_uniaccount)) { $current_tags = iunserializer($current_uniaccount['ad_tags']); $current_uniaccount['current_tags_str'] = @implode($current_tags, ','); $current_uniaccount['amount'] = $current_uniaccount['amount'] / 100; } $ad_type_lists = cloud_flow_ad_type_list(); if ($_W['isajax'] && $_W['ispost']) { if ($_GPC['type'] == 'tags') { if ($_GPC['enable'] == 2) { if (!empty($_GPC['tagids'])) { foreach ($_GPC['tagids'] as $value) { $ad_tags[$value] = $items[$value]; } } else { iajax(1, '请至少选择一个标签', ''); } } $uniacid = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); $uniaccount['uniacid'] = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); if ($_GPC['enable'] == 1) { $uniaccount['enable'] = 1; } elseif ($_GPC['enable'] == 2) { $uniaccount['title'] = trim($current_account['name']); $uniaccount['original'] = trim($current_account['original']); $uniaccount['gh_type'] = trim($current_account['level']); $uniaccount['ad_tags'] = $ad_tags; $uniaccount['enable'] = 2; } $result = cloud_flow_uniaccount_post($uniaccount); } elseif ($_GPC['type'] == 'types') { $uniacid = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); $module_name = trim($_GPC['module_name']); if (!empty($_GPC['typeids'])) { foreach ($_GPC['typeids'] as $value) { $ad_types[$value] = $ad_type_lists[$value]['title']; } $result = cloud_flow_app_post($uniacid, $module_name, '2', $ad_types); } else { $result = cloud_flow_app_post($uniacid, $module_name, '1', array('')); } } if (!is_error($result)) { iajax(0, '设置成功', referer()); } else { iajax(-1, $result['message'], ''); } } } if ($do == 'ad_type_get') { $module_name = trim($_GPC['module_name']); $uniacid = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); $flow_app_list_setting = cloud_flow_app_list_get($uniacid); $current_app_set = $flow_app_list_setting[$module_name]; if (!is_error($current_app_set)) { iajax(0, $current_app_set['ad_types'], ''); } else { iajax(-1, $result['message'], ''); } } if ($do == 'finance_info') { if (empty($commission_show)) { itoast('权限不足', url('advertisement/content-provider/account_list'), 'error'); } $params = array( 'size' => '15', 'page' => $_GPC['page'], ); if (!empty($_GPC['type'])) { if ($_GPC['type'] == 1) { $params['starttime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $params['endtime'] = TIMESTAMP; } elseif ($_GPC['type'] == 2) { $params['starttime'] = strtotime('yesterday'); $params['endtime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); } } else { $datelimit_start = $_GPC['datelimit']['start']; $datelimit_end = $_GPC['datelimit']['end']; $params['starttime'] = empty($datelimit_start) ? strtotime('-1 month') : strtotime($_GPC['datelimit']['start']); $params['endtime'] = empty($datelimit_end) ? TIMESTAMP : strtotime($_GPC['datelimit']['end']) + 86399; } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $finance_info = cloud_flow_site_stat_day($params); foreach ($finance_info['items'] as &$val) { $val['extra_date'] = $val['year'] . '/' . $val['month'] . '/' . $val['day']; $val['search_date'] = $val['year'] . $val['month'] . $val['day']; $val['amount'] = $val['amount'] / 100; } $finance_items = $finance_info['items']; $pager = pagination($finance_info['total'], $pindex, $finance_info['size']); } if ($do == 'content_provider') { $iframe = cloud_auth_url('content-provider'); $title = '广告主'; } template('advertisement/content-provider');