model('extension'); load()->model('cloud'); load()->model('cache'); load()->func('file'); $dos = array('installed', 'check', 'prepared', 'install', 'upgrade', 'uninstall', 'designer', 'permission', 'batch-install', 'info', 'recycle'); $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'installed'; $points = ext_module_bindings(); $sysmodules = system_modules(); if ($do == 'recycle') { $operate = $_GPC['op']; $name = trim($_GPC['name']); if ($operate == 'delete') { pdo_insert('modules_recycle', array('modulename' => $name)); message('模块已放入回收站', url('extension/module/prepared', array('status' => 'recycle')), 'success'); } elseif ($operate == 'recover') { pdo_delete('modules_recycle', array('modulename' => $name)); message('模块恢复成功', url('extension/module/install', array('m' => $name)), 'success'); } template('extension/module'); } if($do == 'batch-install') { if(empty($_W['isfounder'])) { message('您没有安装模块的权限', '', 'error'); } if($_W['ispost']) { $modulename = $_GPC['m_name']; if(pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT mid FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $modulename))) { exit('error'); } $modulepath = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $modulename . '/'; $manifest = ext_module_manifest($modulename); if (!empty($manifest)) { $r = cloud_m_prepare($modulename); if(is_error($r)) { exit('error'); } } if(empty($manifest)) { exit('error'); } manifest_check($modulename, $manifest); if(pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT mid FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $manifest['application']['identifie']))) { exit('error'); } if(!file_exists($modulepath . 'processor.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'module.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'receiver.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'site.php')) { exit('error'); } $module = ext_module_convert($manifest); ext_module_clean($modulename); $bindings = array_elements(array_keys($points), $module, false); foreach($points as $p => $row) { unset($module[$p]); if(is_array($bindings[$p]) && !empty($bindings[$p])) { foreach($bindings[$p] as $entry) { $entry['module'] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; $entry['entry'] = $p; pdo_insert('modules_bindings', $entry); } } } $module['permissions'] = iserializer($module['permissions']); if(pdo_insert('modules', $module)) { load()->model('module'); module_build_privileges(); cache_build_account_modules(); if(strexists($manifest['install'], '.php')) { if(file_exists($modulepath . $manifest['install'])) { include_once $modulepath . $manifest['install']; } } else { pdo_run($manifest['install']); } update_handle($module['name']); exit('success'); } else { exit('error'); } } } if($do == 'info') { $m = trim($_GPC['m']); if($_W['isajax']) { $data = pdo_fetch('SELECT name, title, ability, description FROM ' . tablename('modules') . ' WHERE name = :m', array(':m' => $m)); exit(json_encode($data)); } else { if(checksubmit('submit')) { $update = array(); !empty($_GPC['title']) && $update['title'] = $_GPC['title']; !empty($_GPC['ability']) && $update['ability'] = $_GPC['ability']; !empty($_GPC['description']) && $update['description'] = $_GPC['description']; if(!empty($update)) { pdo_update('modules', $update, array('name' => $m)); cache_build_account_modules(); } $sysmodules = system_modules(); if(in_array($m, $sysmodules)) { $root = IA_ROOT . '/framework/builtin/' . $m; } else { $root = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $m; } if($_FILES['icon'] && $_FILES['icon']['error'] == '0' && !empty($_FILES['icon']['tmp_name'])) { $icon = $_FILES['icon']['tmp_name']; } if($_FILES['preview'] && $_FILES['preview']['error'] == '0' && !empty($_FILES['preview']['tmp_name'])) { $preview = $_FILES['preview']['tmp_name']; } load()->func('file'); mkdirs($root); if($icon) { file_move($icon, "{$root}/icon-custom.jpg"); } if($preview) { file_move($preview, "{$root}/preview-custom.jpg"); } message('更新模块信息成功', referer(), 'success'); } } } if($do == 'installed') { $_W['page']['title'] = '已安装的模块 - 模块 - 扩展'; load()->model('module'); $modtypes = module_types(); $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('modules') .' ORDER BY `issystem` DESC, `mid` ASC', array(), 'mid'); if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $mid => $module) { $manifest = ext_module_manifest($module['name']); $modules[$mid]['official'] = empty($module['issystem']) && (strexists($module['author'], 'WeEngine Team') || strexists($module['author'], ' ')); $modules[$mid]['description'] = strip_tags($module['description']); if(is_array($manifest) && ver_compare($module['version'], $manifest['application']['version']) == '-1') { $modules[$mid]['upgrade'] = true; } if(in_array($module['name'], $sysmodules)) { $modules[$mid]['imgsrc'] = '../framework/builtin/' . $module['name'] . '/icon-custom.jpg'; if(!file_exists($modules[$mid]['imgsrc'])) { $modules[$mid]['imgsrc'] = '../framework/builtin/' . $module['name'] . '/icon.jpg'; } } else { $modules[$mid]['imgsrc'] = '../addons/' . $module['name'] . '/icon-custom.jpg'; if(!file_exists($modules[$mid]['imgsrc'])) { $modules[$mid]['imgsrc'] = '../addons/' . $module['name'] . '/icon.jpg'; } } } } $sysmodules = implode("', '", $sysmodules); template('extension/module'); } if ($do == 'check') { if ($_W['isajax']) { $foo = $_GPC['foo']; $r = cloud_prepare(); if (is_error($r)) { exit('cloud service is unavailable'); } if ($foo == 'upgrade') { $mods = array(); $ret = cloud_m_query(); if (!is_error($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $mods[$k] = array( 'from' => 'cloud', 'version' => $v['version'], 'name' => $v['name'], 'branches' => $v['branches'], 'site_branch' => $v['branches'][$v['branch']], ); } $mods['pirate_apps'] = $ret['pirate_apps']; } if (!empty($mods)) { exit(json_encode($mods)); } else { exit(json_encode(array(''))); } } else { $moduleids = array(); $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `name` FROM " . tablename('modules') . ' ORDER BY `issystem` DESC, `mid` ASC'); if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $m) { $moduleids[] = $m['name']; } } $ret = cloud_m_query(); if (!is_error($ret)) { $cloudUninstallModules = array(); if ($ret['pirate_apps']) { unset($ret['pirate_apps']); } foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { if (!in_array(strtolower($k), $moduleids) && $v['id']) { $v['name'] = $k; $cloudUninstallModules[] = $v; $moduleids[] = $k; } } foreach ($cloudUninstallModules as &$cloudUninstallModule) { $cloudUninstallModule['description'] = strip_tags($cloudUninstallModule['description']); } exit(json_encode($cloudUninstallModules)); } } } exit('failure'); } if($do == 'prepared') { $_W['page']['title'] = '安装模块 - 模块 - 扩展'; $status = $_GPC['status']; $recycle_modules = pdo_getall('modules_recycle', array(), array(), 'modulename'); $recycle_modules = array_keys($recycle_modules); $moduleids = array(); $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `name` FROM " . tablename('modules') . ' ORDER BY `issystem` DESC, `mid` ASC'); if(!empty($modules)) { foreach($modules as $m) { $moduleids[] = $m['name']; } } $path = IA_ROOT . '/addons/'; if (is_dir($path)) { $localUninstallModules_noso = array(); $localUninstallModules_title = array(); $localUninstallModules = array(); if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($modulepath = readdir($handle))) { $manifest = ext_module_manifest($modulepath); if (!empty($status) && in_array($manifest['application']['identifie'], $recycle_modules) || empty($status) && !in_array($manifest['application']['identifie'], $recycle_modules)) { if (is_array($manifest) && !empty($manifest['application']['identifie']) && !in_array($manifest['application']['identifie'], $moduleids)) { $m = ext_module_convert($manifest); $localUninstallModules[$m['name']] = $m; if ($m['issolution'] <> 1) { $localUninstallModules_noso[$m['name']] = $m; $localUninstallModules_title[$m['name']] = $m['title']; } $moduleids[] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; } } } } } $prepare_module = json_encode(array_keys($localUninstallModules_noso)); $prepare_module_title = json_encode($localUninstallModules_title); template('extension/module'); } if($do == 'permission') { load()->model('module'); $id = $_GPC['id']; $module = pdo_fetch("SELECT mid, name FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $id)); if(!empty($module[''])) {} $isinstall = false; $from = ''; cache_load('modules'); if(!empty($module)) { $module = $_W['modules'][$module['name']]; if (empty($module)) { $data = pdo_getall('modules'); $update = array(); foreach ($data as &$mod) { unset($mod['permission']); $mod['subscribes'] = unserialize($mod['subscribes']); $mod['handles'] = unserialize($mod['handles']); $update[$mod['name']] = $mod; } cache_write('modules', $update); cache_load('modules'); $module = $_W['modules'][$module['name']]; } $bindings = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . ' WHERE `module`=:module', array(':module' => $id)); if(!empty($bindings)) { foreach($bindings as $entry) { $module[$entry['entry']][] = array_elements(array('title', 'do', 'direct', 'state'), $entry); } } $manifest = ext_module_manifest($module['name']); if(is_array($manifest) && ver_compare($module['version'], $manifest['application']['version']) == -1) { $module['upgrade'] = 1; } $isinstall = true; $from = 'installed'; if(in_array($module['name'], $sysmodules)) { $issystem = 1; } $manifest = ext_module_manifest($id); $from = 'local'; } if (empty($module)) { message('你访问的模块不存在. 或许你愿意去微擎云服务平台看看. ', '' . $_GPC['title']); } $module['isinstall'] = $isinstall; $module['from'] = $from; $mtypes = ext_module_msg_types(); $modtypes = module_types(); $issystem = $module['issystem']; if($issystem) { $path = '../framework/builtin/' . $module['name']; } else { $path = '../addons/' . $module['name']; } $cion = $path . '/icon-custom.jpg'; $preview = $path . '/preview-custom.jpg'; if(!file_exists($cion)) { $cion = $path . '/icon.jpg'; } if(!file_exists($preview)) { $preview = $path . '/preview.jpg'; } template('extension/permission'); } if($do == 'install') { if (empty($_W['isfounder'])) { message('您没有安装模块的权限', '', 'error'); } $modulename = $_GPC['m']; if (pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT mid FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $modulename))) { message('模块已经安装或是唯一标识已存在!', '', 'error'); } $manifest = ext_module_manifest($modulename); if (!empty($manifest)) { $r = cloud_m_prepare($modulename); if (is_error($r)) { message($r['message'], url('extension/module/prepared'), 'error'); } } if (empty($manifest)) { $r = cloud_prepare(); if (is_error($r)) { message($r['message'], url('cloud/profile'), 'error'); } $info = cloud_m_info($modulename); if (!is_error($info)) { if (empty($_GPC['flag'])) { header('location: ' . url('cloud/process', array('m' => $modulename))); exit; } else { define('ONLINE_MODULE', true); $packet = cloud_m_build($modulename); $manifest = ext_module_manifest_parse($packet['manifest']); } } else { message($info['message'], '', 'error'); } } if (empty($manifest)) { message('模块安装配置文件不存在或是格式不正确,请刷新重试!', '', 'error'); } manifest_check($modulename, $manifest); $modulepath = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $modulename . '/'; if (!file_exists($modulepath . 'processor.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'module.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'receiver.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'site.php')) { message('模块处理文件 site.php, processor.php, module.php, receiver.php 一个都不存在 !', '', 'error'); } $module = ext_module_convert($manifest); $groups = uni_groups(); if (!$_W['ispost'] || empty($_GPC['flag'])) { template('extension/select-groups'); exit; } $post_groups = $_GPC['group']; ext_module_clean($modulename); $bindings = array_elements(array_keys($points), $module, false); foreach ($points as $p => $row) { unset($module[$p]); if (is_array($bindings[$p]) && !empty($bindings[$p])) { foreach ($bindings[$p] as $entry) { $entry['module'] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; $entry['entry'] = $p; pdo_insert('modules_bindings', $entry); } } } $module['permissions'] = iserializer($module['permissions']); if (!empty($info['version']['cloud_setting'])) { $module['settings'] = 2; } if ($modulename == 'we7_coupon') { $module['issystem'] = 1; $module['settings'] = 2; } if (pdo_insert('modules', $module)) { if (strexists($manifest['install'], '.php')) { if (file_exists($modulepath . $manifest['install'])) { include_once $modulepath . $manifest['install']; } } else { pdo_run($manifest['install']); } update_handle($module['name']); if (defined('ONLINE_MODULE')) { ext_module_script_clean($module['name'], $manifest); } if ($_GPC['flag'] && !empty($post_groups) && $module['name']) { foreach ($post_groups as $post_group) { $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT id,name,modules FROM " . tablename('uni_group') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => intval($post_group))); if (empty($item)) { continue; } $item['modules'] = iunserializer($item['modules']); if (in_array($module['name'], $item['modules'])) { continue; } $item['modules'][] = $module['name']; $item['modules'] = iserializer($item['modules']); pdo_update('uni_group', $item, array('id' => $post_group)); } } $module_subscribe_success = true; if (!empty($module['subscribes'])) { $subscribes = iunserializer($module['subscribes']); if (!empty($subscribes)) { $module_subscribe_success = ext_check_module_subscribe($module['name']); } } load()->model('module'); module_build_privileges(); cache_build_module_subscribe_type(); cache_build_account_modules(); if (empty($module_subscribe_success)) { message('模块安装成功, 请按照【公众号服务套餐】【用户组】来分配权限!模块订阅消息有错误,系统已禁用该模块的订阅消息,详细信息请查看
订阅管理   返回模块列表
', '', 'tips'); } else { message('模块安装成功, 请按照【公众号服务套餐】【用户组】来分配权限!', url('extension/module'), 'success'); } } else { message('模块安装失败, 请联系模块开发者!'); } } if ($do == 'uninstall') { if (empty($_W['isfounder'])) { message('您没有卸载模块的权限', '', 'error'); } $id = $_GPC['id']; $module = pdo_fetch("SELECT `name`, `isrulefields`, `issystem`, `version` FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $id)); if (empty($module)) { message('模块已经被卸载或是不存在!', '', 'error'); } if (!empty($module['issystem'])) { message('系统模块不能卸载!', '', 'error'); } if ($module['isrulefields'] && !isset($_GPC['confirm'])) { message('卸载模块时同时删除规则数据吗, 删除规则数据将同时删除相关规则的统计分析数据?
', '', 'tips'); } else { $modulepath = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $id . '/'; $manifest = ext_module_manifest($module['name']); if (empty($manifest)) { $r = cloud_prepare(); if (is_error($r)) { message($r['message'], url('cloud/profile'), 'error'); } $packet = cloud_m_build($module['name'], $do); if ($packet['sql']) { pdo_run(base64_decode($packet['sql'])); } elseif ($packet['script']) { $uninstall_file = $modulepath . TIMESTAMP . '.php'; file_put_contents($uninstall_file, base64_decode($packet['script'])); require($uninstall_file); unlink($uninstall_file); } } elseif (!empty($manifest['uninstall'])) { if (strexists($manifest['uninstall'], '.php')) { if (file_exists($modulepath . $manifest['uninstall'])) { require($modulepath . $manifest['uninstall']); } } else { pdo_run($manifest['uninstall']); } } ext_module_clean($id, $_GPC['confirm'] == '1'); cache_build_account_modules(); cache_build_module_subscribe_type(); pdo_insert('modules_recycle', array('modulename' => $module['name'])); message('模块已放入回收站!', url('extension/module'), 'success'); } } if($do == 'upgrade') { $id = $_GPC['m']; $module = pdo_fetch("SELECT mid, name, version FROM " . tablename('modules') . " WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $id)); if (empty($module)) { message('模块已经被卸载或是不存在!', '', 'error'); } $type = $_GPC['type']; $modulepath = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $id . '/'; if ($type == 'getinfo') { $manifest = ''; } else { $manifest = ext_module_manifest($module['name']); } if (empty($manifest)) { $r = cloud_prepare(); if (is_error($r)) { message($r['message'], url('cloud/profile'), 'error'); } $info = cloud_m_upgradeinfo($id); if ($_W['isajax'] && $type == 'getinfo') { if ($info['free']) { foreach ($info['branches'] as &$branch) { $branch['upgrade_price'] = 0; } } message($info, '', 'ajax'); } if (is_error($info)) { message($info['message'], referer(), 'error'); } if (!is_error($info)) { if (empty($_GPC['flag'])) { $site_branch_displayorder = $info['branches'][$info['version']['branch_id']]['displayorder']; $upgrade_branch_displayorder = $info['branches'][intval($_GPC['branch'])]['displayorder']; if (($upgrade_branch_displayorder > $site_branch_displayorder) || ($site_branch_displayorder == $upgrade_branch_displayorder && intval($_GPC['branch']) > $info['version']['branch_id'])) { header('location: ' . url('cloud/redirect/buybranch', array('m' => $id, 'branch' => intval($_GPC['branch']), 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } header('location: ' . url('cloud/process', array('m' => $id, 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } else { define('ONLINE_MODULE', true); $packet = cloud_m_build($id); $manifest = ext_module_manifest_parse($packet['manifest']); } } } if (empty($manifest)) { message('模块安装配置文件不存在或是格式不正确!', '', 'error'); } manifest_check($id, $manifest); if (!file_exists($modulepath . 'processor.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'module.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'receiver.php') && !file_exists($modulepath . 'site.php')) { message('模块处理文件 site.php, processor.php, module.php, receiver.php 一个都不存在 !', '', 'error'); } $module = ext_module_convert($manifest); unset($module['name']); unset($module['id']); $bindings = array_elements(array_keys($points), $module, false); foreach ($points as $p => $row) { unset($module[$p]); if (is_array($bindings[$p]) && !empty($bindings[$p])) { foreach ($bindings[$p] as $entry) { $entry['module'] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; $entry['entry'] = $p; if ($entry['title'] && $entry['do']) { $delete_do[] = $entry['do']; $delete_title[] = $entry['title']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . ' WHERE `module`=:module AND `entry`=:entry AND `title`=:title AND `do`=:do'; $pars = array(); $pars[':module'] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; $pars[':entry'] = $p; $pars[':title'] = $entry['title']; $pars[':do'] = $entry['do']; $rec = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars); if (!empty($rec)) { pdo_update('modules_bindings', $entry, array('eid' => $rec['eid'])); continue; } } elseif ($entry['call']) { $delete_call[] = $entry['call']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . ' WHERE `module`=:module AND `entry`=:entry AND `call`=:call'; $pars = array(); $pars[':module'] = $manifest['application']['identifie']; $pars[':entry'] = $p; $pars[':call'] = $entry['call']; $rec = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars); if (!empty($rec)) { pdo_update('modules_bindings', $entry, array('eid' => $rec['eid'])); continue; } } pdo_insert('modules_bindings', $entry); } if (!empty($delete_do)) { pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . " WHERE module = :module AND entry = :entry AND `call` = '' AND do NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $delete_do) . "')", array(':module' => $manifest['application']['identifie'], ':entry' => $p)); unset($delete_do); } if (!empty($delete_title)) { pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . " WHERE module = :module AND entry = :entry AND `call` = '' AND title NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $delete_title) . "')", array(':module' => $manifest['application']['identifie'], ':entry' => $p)); unset($delete_title); } if (!empty($delete_call)) { pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . tablename('modules_bindings') . " WHERE module = :module AND entry = :entry AND do = '' AND title = '' AND `call` NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $delete_call) . "')", array(':module' => $manifest['application']['identifie'], ':entry' => $p)); unset($delete_call); } } } if (!empty($manifest['upgrade'])) { if (strexists($manifest['upgrade'], '.php')) { if (file_exists($modulepath . $manifest['upgrade'])) { include_once $modulepath . $manifest['upgrade']; } } else { pdo_run($manifest['upgrade']); } } if (defined('ONLINE_MODULE')) { ext_module_script_clean($id, $manifest); } $module['permissions'] = iserializer($module['permissions']); if (!empty($info['version']['cloud_setting'])) { $module['settings'] = 2; } else { if (empty($manifest['application']['setting'])) { $module['settings'] = 0; } else { $module['settings'] = 1; } } pdo_update('modules', $module, array('name' => $id)); cache_build_account_modules(); if (!empty($module['subscribes'])) { $module_subscribe_success = ext_check_module_subscribe($module['name']); } cache_delete('cloud:transtoken'); if ($_GPC['flag'] == 1) { message('模块更新成功!
由于数据库更新, 可能会产生多余的字段. 你可以按照需要删除.
现在去删除   返回模块列表
', '', 'success'); } else { message('模块更新成功!', referer(), 'success'); } } if($do == 'designer') { if(empty($_W['isfounder'])) { message('您没有设计新模块的权限', '', 'error'); } $_W['page']['title'] = '设计新模块 - 模块 - 扩展'; load()->model('module'); $available = array(); $available['download'] = class_exists('ZipArchive'); $available['create'] = @is_writable(IA_ROOT . '/addons'); $mtypes = ext_module_msg_types(); $modtypes = module_types(); $versions = array(); $versions[] = '0.6'; $m = array(); $m['platform'] = array(); $m['platform']['subscribes'] = array(); $m['platform']['handles'] = array(); $m['site'] = array(); $m['versions'] = array(); if(checksubmit() && $available[$_GPC['method']]) { $m['application']['name'] = trim($_GPC['application']['name']); if(empty($m['application']['name']) || preg_match('/\*\/|\/\*|eval|\$\_/i', $m['application']['name'])) { message('请输入有效的模块名称. '); } $m['application']['identifie'] = trim($_GPC['application']['identifie']); if(empty($m['application']['identifie']) || !preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z\d_]+$/i', $m['application']['identifie'])) { message('必须输入模块标识符(仅支持字母和数字, 且只能以字母开头). '); } $m['application']['version'] = trim($_GPC['application']['version']); if(empty($m['application']['version']) || !preg_match('/^[\d\.]+$/i', $m['application']['version'])) { message('必须输入模块版本号(仅支持数字和句点). '); } $m['application']['ability'] = trim($_GPC['application']['ability']); if(empty($m['application']['ability'])) { message('必须输入模块功能简述. '); } $m['application']['type'] = array_key_exists($_GPC['application']['type'], $modtypes) ? $_GPC['application']['type'] : 'other'; $m['application']['description'] = trim($_GPC['application']['description']); $m['application']['author'] = trim($_GPC['application']['author']); if(preg_match('/\*\/|\/\*|eval|\$\_/i', $m['application']['author'])) { message('请输入有效的模块作者'); } $m['application']['url'] = trim($_GPC['application']['url']); if(preg_match('/\*\/|\/\*|eval|\$\_/i', $m['application']['url'])) { message('请输入有效的模块发布页'); } $m['application']['setting'] = $_GPC['application']['setting'] == 'true'; if(is_array($_GPC['subscribes'])) { foreach($_GPC['subscribes'] as $s) { if(array_key_exists($s, $mtypes)) { $m['platform']['subscribes'][] = $s; } } } if(is_array($_GPC['handles'])) { foreach($_GPC['handles'] as $s) { if(array_key_exists($s, $mtypes) && $s != 'unsubscribe') { $m['platform']['handles'][] = $s; } } } $m['platform']['rule'] = $_GPC['platform']['rule'] == 'true'; if($m['platform']['rule']) { if(!in_array('text', $m['platform']['handles'])) { $m['platform']['handles'][] = 'text'; } } $m['platform']['card'] = $_GPC['platform']['card'] == 'true'; $m['bindings'] = array(); foreach($points as $p => $row) { if(!is_array($_GPC['bindings'][$p]['titles'])) { continue; } foreach($_GPC['bindings'][$p]['titles'] as $key => $t) { $entry = array(); $entry['title'] = trim($t); $entry['do'] = $_GPC['bindings'][$p]['dos'][$key]; $entry['state'] = $_GPC['bindings'][$p]['state'][$key]; $entry['direct'] = $_GPC['bindings'][$p]['direct'][$key] == 'true'; if(!empty($entry['title']) && preg_match('/^[a-z\d]+$/i', $entry['do'])) { $m['bindings'][$p][] = $entry; } } } $permission = trim($_GPC['permission']); if(!empty($permission)) { $permission = str_replace(array(':'), array(':'), $permission); $permission = explode("\n", $permission); $arr = array(); foreach($permission as $li) { $li = trim($li); $li = explode(':', $li); if(!empty($li[0]) && !empty($li[1])) { $arr[] = array('title' => $li[0], 'permission' => $li[1]); } } $m['permission'] = $arr; } if(is_array($_GPC['versions'])) { foreach($_GPC['versions'] as $ver) { if(in_array($ver, $versions)) { $m['versions'][] = $ver; } } } $m['install'] = trim($_GPC['install']); $m['uninstall'] = trim($_GPC['uninstall']); $m['upgrade'] = trim($_GPC['upgrade']); if($_FILES['icon'] && $_FILES['icon']['error'] == '0' && !empty($_FILES['icon']['tmp_name'])) { $m['icon'] = $_FILES['icon']['tmp_name']; } if($_FILES['preview'] && $_FILES['preview']['error'] == '0' && !empty($_FILES['preview']['tmp_name'])) { $m['preview'] = $_FILES['preview']['tmp_name']; } $manifest = manifest($m); $mDefine = define_module($m); $pDefine = define_processor($m); $rDefine = define_receiver($m); $sDefine = define_site($m); $ident = strtolower($m['application']['identifie']); if ($_GPC['method'] == 'create') { load()->func('file'); $mRoot = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$ident}"; if(file_exists($mRoot)) { message("目标位置 {$mRoot} 已存在, 请更换标识或删除现有内容. "); } mkdirs($mRoot); f_write("{$mRoot}/manifest.xml", $manifest); if($mDefine) { f_write("{$mRoot}/module.php", $mDefine); } if($pDefine) { f_write("{$mRoot}/processor.php", $pDefine); } if($rDefine) { f_write("{$mRoot}/receiver.php", $rDefine); } if($sDefine) { f_write("{$mRoot}/site.php", $sDefine); } mkdirs("{$mRoot}/template"); if($m['application']['setting']) { f_write("{$mRoot}/template/setting.html", "{template 'common/header'}\r\n这里定义页面内容\r\n{template 'common/footer'}"); } if($m['icon']) { file_move($m['icon'], "{$mRoot}/icon.jpg"); } if($m['preview']) { file_move($m['preview'], "{$mRoot}/preview.jpg"); } message("生成成功. 请访问 {$mRoot} 继续实现你的模块.", 'refresh'); die; } if($_GPC['method'] == 'download') { $fname = IA_ROOT . "/data/"; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($fname, ZipArchive::CREATE); $zip->addFromString('manifest.xml', $manifest); if($mDefine) { $zip->addFromString('module.php', $mDefine); } if($pDefine) { $zip->addFromString('processor.php', $pDefine); } if($rDefine) { $zip->addFromString('receiver.php', $rDefine); } if($sDefine) { $zip->addFromString('site.php', $sDefine); } $zip->addEmptyDir('template'); if($m['application']['setting']) { $zip->addFromString("template/setting.html", "{template 'common/header'}\r\n这里定义页面内容\r\n{template 'common/footer'}"); } if($m['icon']) { $zip->addFile($m['icon'], 'icon.jpg'); } if($m['preview']) { $zip->addFile($m['preview'], 'preview.jpg'); } $zip->close(); header('content-type: application/zip'); header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $ident . '.zip"'); readfile($fname); @unlink($m['icon']); @unlink($m['preview']); @unlink($fname); } } template('extension/designer'); } function manifest_check($id, $m) { if(is_string($m)) { message('模块配置项定义错误, 具体错误内容为:
' . $m); } if(empty($m['application']['name'])) { message('模块名称未定义. '); } if(empty($m['application']['identifie']) || !preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z\d_]+$/i', $m['application']['identifie'])) { message('模块标识符未定义或格式错误(仅支持字母和数字, 且只能以字母开头). '); } if(strtolower($id) != strtolower($m['application']['identifie'])) { message('模块名称定义与模块路径名称定义不匹配. '); } if(empty($m['application']['version']) || !preg_match('/^[\d\.]+$/i', $m['application']['version'])) { message('模块版本号未定义(仅支持数字和句点). '); } if(empty($m['application']['ability'])) { message('模块功能简述未定义. '); } if($m['platform']['isrulefields'] && !in_array('text', $m['platform']['handles'])) { message('模块功能定义错误, 嵌入规则必须要能够处理文本类型消息. '); } if((!empty($m['cover']) || !empty($m['rule'])) && !$m['platform']['isrulefields']) { message('模块功能定义错误, 存在封面或规则功能入口绑定时, 必须要嵌入规则. '); } global $points; foreach($points as $p => $row) { if(is_array($m[$p])) { foreach($m[$p] as $o) { if(trim($o['title']) == '' || !preg_match('/^[a-z\d]+$/i', $o['do']) && empty($o['call'])) { message($row['title'] . ' 扩展项功能入口定义错误, (操作标题[title], 入口方法[do])格式不正确.'); } } } } if(is_array($m['permissions']) && !empty($m['permissions'])) { foreach($m['permissions'] as $permission) { if(trim($permission['title']) == '' || !preg_match('/^[a-z\d_]+$/i', $permission['permission'])) { message("名称为: {$permission['title']} 的权限标识格式不正确,请检查标识名称或标识格式是否正确"); } } } if(!is_array($m['versions'])) { message('兼容版本格式错误. '); } } function manifest($m) { $versions = implode(',', $m['versions']); $setting = $m['application']['setting'] ? 'true' : 'false'; $subscribes = ''; foreach($m['platform']['subscribes'] as $s) { $subscribes .= "\r\n\t\t\t"; } $handles = ''; foreach($m['platform']['handles'] as $h) { $handles .= "\r\n\t\t\t"; } $rule = $m['platform']['rule'] ? 'true' : 'false'; $card = $m['platform']['card'] ? 'true' : 'false'; $bindings = ''; global $points; foreach($points as $p => $row) { if(is_array($m['bindings'][$p]) && !empty($m['bindings'][$p])) { $piece = "\r\n\t\t<{$p}>"; foreach($m['bindings'][$p] as $entry) { $direct = $entry['direct'] ? 'true' : 'false'; $piece .= "\r\n\t\t\t"; } $piece .= "\r\n\t\t"; $bindings .= $piece; } } if(is_array($m['permission']) && !empty($m['permission'])) { $permissions = ''; foreach($m['permission'] as $entry) { $piece .= "\r\n\t\t\t"; } $permissions .= $piece; } $tpl = << {$subscribes} {$handles} {$bindings} {$permissions} TPL; return ltrim($tpl); } function define_module($m) { $name = ucfirst($m['application']['identifie']); $rule = ''; if($m['platform']['rule']) { $rule = <<saveSettings()来实现) if(checksubmit()) { //字段验证, 并获得正确的数据\$dat \$this->saveSettings(\$dat); } //这里来展示设置项表单 include \$this->template('setting'); } TPL; } $tpl = <<message['content']; //这里定义此模块进行消息处理时的具体过程, 请查看微擎文档来编写你的代码 } } TPL; } return ltrim($tpl); } function define_receiver($m) { $name = ucfirst($m['application']['identifie']); $tpl = ''; if($m['platform']['subscribes']) { $tpl = <<message['type']; //这里定义此模块进行消息订阅时的, 消息到达以后的具体处理过程, 请查看微擎文档来编写你的代码 } } TPL; } return ltrim($tpl); } function define_site($m) { global $points; $name = ucfirst($m['application']['identifie']); $tpl = ''; $dos = ''; if(is_array($m['bindings']) && !empty($m['bindings'])) { $webdos = array(); $appdos = array(); foreach($points as $p => $row) { if(!empty($m['bindings'][$p]) && in_array($p, array('rule', 'menu'))) { foreach($m['bindings'][$p] as $opt) { if(in_array($opt['do'], $webdos)){ continue; } $webdos[] = $opt['do']; $dName = ucfirst($opt['do']); $dos .= << $module_log[$module]), array('name' => $module)); unset($module_log[$module]); } if(empty($module_log)) { @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/data/modules_log.php'); } else { $content_update = ""; file_put_contents(IA_ROOT . '/data/modules_log.php', $content_update); } } else { @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/data/modules_log.php'); } return true; } }