model('paycenter'); if($_GPC['do'] != 'pay' && $_GPC['do'] != 'consume') { $session = json_decode(base64_decode($_GPC['_pc_session']), true); if(is_array($session)) { load()->model('user'); $user = user_single(array('uid'=>$session['uid'])); if(is_array($user) && $session['hash'] == md5($user['password'] . $user['salt'])) { $clerk = pdo_get('activity_clerks', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $user['uid'])); if(empty($clerk)) { message('您没有管理该店铺的权限', referer(), 'error'); } $_W['uid'] = $user['uid']; $_W['username'] = $user['username']; $_W['user'] = $user; } else { isetcookie('_pc_session', false, -100); } unset($user); } if(empty($_W['user']) && $_W['openid'] && $_GPC['_wechat_logout'] != '1') { $clerk = pdo_get('activity_clerks', array('openid' => $_W['openid'], 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if(!empty($clerk)) { $user = pdo_get('users', array('uid' => $clerk['uid'])); if(!empty($user)) { $cookie = array(); $cookie['uid'] = $user['uid']; $cookie['username'] = $user['username']; $cookie['hash'] = md5($user['password'] . $user['salt']); $session = base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)); isetcookie('_pc_session', $session, !empty($_GPC['rember']) ? 7 * 86400 : 0, true); $_W['uid'] = $user['uid']; $_W['username'] = $user['username']; $_W['user'] = $user; } } } } } public function doMobileLogin() { global $_W, $_GPC; if(!empty($_W['user'])) { header('Location:' . $this->createMobileUrl('home')); die; } if($_W['isajax']) { load()->model('user'); $user['username'] = trim($_GPC['username']); $user['password'] = trim($_GPC['password']); $user = user_single($user); if(empty($user)) { message(error(-1, '账号或密码错误'), '', 'ajax'); } if($user['status'] == 1) { message(error(-1, '您的账号正在审核或是已经被系统禁止,请联系网站管理员解决'), '', 'ajax'); } $clerk = pdo_get('activity_clerks', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $user['uid'])); if(empty($clerk)) { message(error(-1, '您没有管理该店铺的权限'), '', 'ajax'); } $cookie = array(); $cookie['uid'] = $user['uid']; $cookie['hash'] = md5($user['password'] . $user['salt']); $session = base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)); isetcookie('_pc_session', $session, !empty($_GPC['rember']) ? 7 * 86400 : 0, true); message(error(0, ''), '', 'ajax'); } include $this->template('login'); } public function doMobileLogout() { isetcookie('_pc_session', '', -10000); isetcookie('_wechat_logout', '1', 180); $forward = $_GPC['forward']; if(empty($forward)) { $forward = './?refersh'; } header('Location:' . $this->createMobileUrl('login')); die; } public function doMobileHome() { global $_W, $_GPC; paycenter_check_login(); $user_permission = permission_account_user('system'); $today_revenue = $this->revenue(0); $yesterday_revenue = $this->revenue(-1); $seven_revenue = $this->revenue(-7); include $this->template('home'); } public function revenue($period) { global $_W; if($period == '0') { $starttime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; } else { $starttime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($period . 'day'))); $endtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); } $condition = "WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND status = 1 AND paytime >= :starttime AND paytime <= :endtime AND clerk_id = :clerk_id"; $params = array(':starttime' => $starttime, ':endtime' => $endtime, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':clerk_id' => intval($_W['user']['clerk_id'])); $revenue = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT SUM(final_fee) FROM" . tablename('paycenter_order') . $condition, $params); return floatval($revenue); } public function doMobilePay() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $order = pdo_get('paycenter_order', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id)); if(empty($order)) { message('订单不存在或已删除', '', 'error'); } if($order['status'] == 1) { message('该订单已付款', '', 'error'); } if(!empty($_W['member']['uid']) || !empty($_W['fans'])) { $update = array( 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'], 'openid' => $_W['openid'], 'nickname' => $_W['fans']['nickname'] ); pdo_update('paycenter_order', $update, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id)); $order['uid'] = $_W['member']['uid']; } $params['module'] = "paycenter_order"; $params['tid'] = $order['id']; $params['ordersn'] = $order['id']; $params['user'] = $order['uid']; $params['fee'] = $order['final_fee']; $params['title'] = $_W['account']['name'] . $order['body'] ? $order['body'] : '收银台收款'; $this->pay($params); } public function payResult($params) { global $_W; if($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') { $order = pdo_get('paycenter_order', array('id' => $params['tid'], 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if(!empty($order)) { if(!empty($params['tag'])) { $params['tag'] = iunserializer($params['tag']); } $data = array( 'type' => $params['type'], 'trade_type' => strtolower($params['trade_type']), 'status' => 1, 'paytime' => TIMESTAMP, 'uniontid' => $params['tag']['uniontid'], 'transaction_id' => $params['tag']['transaction_id'], 'follow' => intval($params['follow']), 'final_fee' => $params['card_fee'], ); if($params['type'] == 'credit') { $data['credit2'] = $params['card_fee']; } else { $data['cash'] = $params['card_fee']; } if($params['is_usecard'] == 1) { $discount_fee = $order['fee'] - $params['card_fee']; $data['remark'] = "使用优惠券减免{$discount_fee}元"; } pdo_update('paycenter_order', $data, array('id' => $params['tid'], 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $cash_data = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'], 'fee' => $order['fee'], 'final_fee' => $order['final_fee'], 'credit1' => $order['credit1'], 'credit1_fee' => $order['credit1_fee'], 'credit2' => $order['credit2'], 'cash' => $params['card_fee'], 'final_cash' => $params['card_fee'], 'return_cash' => 0, 'remark' => $order['remark'], 'clerk_id' => $order['clerk_id'], 'store_id' => $order['store_id'], 'clerk_type' => $order['clerk_type'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, ); pdo_insert('mc_cash_record', $cash_data); } } if($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'return') { message('支付成功!', $this->createMobileUrl('paydetail', array('id' => $params['tid'])), 'success'); } } public function doMobilePayDetail() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $order = pdo_get('paycenter_order', array('id' => $id, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if(empty($order)) { message('订单不存在或已删除', '', 'error'); } if($order['store_id'] > 0) { $store = pdo_get('activity_stores', array('id' => $order['store_id']), array('business_name')); } include $this->template('paydetail'); } public function doMobileSelfpay() { global $_W, $_GPC; if(checksubmit()) { $fee = trim($_GPC['fee']) ? trim($_GPC['fee']) : message('收款金额有误', '', 'error'); $body = trim($_GPC['body']) ? trim($_GPC['body']) : '收银台收款' . trim($_GPC['fee']); $openid = trim($_GPC['openid']) ? trim($_GPC['openid']) : message('用户信息错误', '', 'error'); $clerk = pdo_get('activity_clerks', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => intval($_GPC['clerk_id']))); $data = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'nickname' => trim($_GPC['nickname']), 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'], 'clerk_id' => $clerk['id'], 'clerk_type' => 3, 'store_id' => $clerk['storeid'], 'body' => $body, 'fee' => $fee, 'final_fee' => $fee, 'credit_status' => 1, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, ); pdo_insert('paycenter_order', $data); $id = pdo_insertid(); header('location:' . $this->createMobileUrl('pay', array('id' => $id))); die; } $fans = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if(is_error($fans) || empty($fans)) { message('获取粉丝信息失败', '', 'error'); } include $this->template('selfpay'); } public function doMobileConsume() { global $_GPC, $_W; $url = murl('entry', array('m' => 'we7_coupon', 'do' => 'consume', 'card_id' => trim($_GPC['card_id']), 'encrypt_code' => trim($_GPC['encrypt_code']), 'openid' => trim($_GPC['openid']))); header("Location: $url"); exit; } }