suiteTitle = $title; $this->data = new \StdClass; $this->suiteResults = array('pass' => 0, 'fail' => 0); } /** * Add a test case. * * @param string $name Title of the test case * @param \function $testCase (optional) The test case as a callback * * @return $this */ public function test($name, \Closure $testCase = null) { if (is_callable($name)) { $testCase = $name; $name = "Test Case #" . (count($this->tests) + 1); } $this->affirmCallable($testCase, "test"); $this->tests[] = array("name" => $name, "testCase" => $testCase); return $this; } /** * Executed once before the test cases are run. * * @param \function $callback An anonymous callback function */ public function before(\Closure $callback) { $this->affirmCallable($callback, "before"); $this->before = $callback; } /** * Executed once after the test cases are run. * * @param \function $callback An anonymous callback function */ public function after(\Closure $callback) { $this->affirmCallable($callback, "after"); $this->after = $callback; } /** * Executed for every test case, before it is run. * * @param \function $callback An anonymous callback function */ public function beforeEach(\Closure $callback) { $this->affirmCallable($callback, "beforeEach"); $this->beforeEach = $callback; } /** * Executed for every test case, after it is run. * * @param \function $callback An anonymous callback function */ public function afterEach(\Closure $callback) { $this->affirmCallable($callback, "afterEach"); $this->afterEach = $callback; } /** * Run all the tests and before / after functions. Calls {@see report} to generate the HTML report page. * * @return $this */ public function run() { $arr = array($this); if (is_callable($this->before)) { call_user_func_array($this->before, $arr); } foreach($this->tests as $test) { $this->currentTestCase = $test['name']; if (is_callable($this->beforeEach)) { call_user_func_array($this->beforeEach, $arr); } // Executing the testcase call_user_func_array($test['testCase'], $arr); if (is_callable($this->afterEach)) { call_user_func_array($this->afterEach, $arr); } } if (is_callable($this->after)) { call_user_func_array($this->after, $arr); } $this->report(); return $this; } /** * Alias for {@see assertTrue} method. * * @param boolean $arg The result of a boolean expression * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * @see Testify->assertTrue() * * @return boolean */ public function assert($arg, $message = '') { return $this->assertTrue($arg, $message); } /** * Passes if given a truthfull expression. * * @param boolean $arg The result of a boolean expression * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertTrue($arg, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg == true, $message); } /** * Passes if given a falsy expression. * * @param boolean $arg The result of a boolean expression * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertFalse($arg, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg == false, $message); } /** * Passes if $arg1 == $arg2. * * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertEquals($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg1 == $arg2, $message); } /** * Passes if $arg1 != $arg2. * * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertNotEquals($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg1 != $arg2, $message); } /** * Passes if $arg1 === $arg2. * * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertSame($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg1 === $arg2, $message); } /** * Passes if $arg1 !== $arg2. * * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertNotSame($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg1 !== $arg2, $message); } /** * Passes if $arg is an element of $arr. * * @param mixed $arg * @param array $arr * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertInArray($arg, array $arr, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest(in_array($arg, $arr), $message); } /** * Passes if $arg is not an element of $arr. * * @param mixed $arg * @param array $arr * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertNotInArray($arg, array $arr, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest(!in_array($arg, $arr), $message); } /** * Unconditional pass. * * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function pass($message = '') { return $this->recordTest(true, $message); } /** * Unconditional fail. * * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function fail($message = '') { // This check fails every time return $this->recordTest(false, $message); } /** * Generates a pretty CLI or HTML5 report of the test suite status. Called implicitly by {@see run}. * * @return $this */ public function report() { $title = $this->suiteTitle; $suiteResults = $this->suiteResults; $cases = $this->stack; if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; } else { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; } return $this; } /** * A helper method for recording the results of the assertions in the internal stack. * * @param boolean $pass If equals true, the test has passed, otherwise failed * @param string $message (optional) Custom message * * @return boolean */ private function recordTest($pass, $message = '') { if (!array_key_exists($this->currentTestCase, $this->stack) || !is_array($this->stack[$this->currentTestCase])) { $this->stack[$this->currentTestCase]['tests'] = array(); $this->stack[$this->currentTestCase]['pass'] = 0; $this->stack[$this->currentTestCase]['fail'] = 0; } $bt = debug_backtrace(); $source = $this->getFileLine($bt[1]['file'], $bt[1]['line'] - 1); $bt[1]['file'] = basename($bt[1]['file']); $result = $pass ? "pass" : "fail"; $this->stack[$this->currentTestCase]['tests'][] = array( "name" => $message, "type" => $bt[1]['function'], "result" => $result, "line" => $bt[1]['line'], "file" => $bt[1]['file'], "source" => $source ); $this->stack[$this->currentTestCase][$result]++; $this->suiteResults[$result]++; return $pass; } /** * Internal method for fetching a specific line of a text file. With caching. * * @param string $file The file name * @param integer $line The line number to return * * @return string */ private function getFileLine($file, $line) { if (!array_key_exists($file, $this->fileCache)) { $this->fileCache[$file] = file($file); } return trim($this->fileCache[$file][$line]); } /** * Internal helper method for determine whether a variable is callable as a function. * * @param mixed $callback The variable to check * @param string $name Used for the error message text to indicate the name of the parent context * @throws TestifyException if callback argument is not a function */ private function affirmCallable(&$callback, $name) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new TestifyException("$name(): is not a valid callback function!"); } } /** * Alias for {@see assertEquals}. * * @deprecated Not recommended, use {@see assertEquals} * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertEqual($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->assertEquals($arg1, $arg2, $message); } /** * Alias for {@see assertSame}. * * @deprecated Not recommended, use {@see assertSame} * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param string $message (optional) Custom message. SHOULD be specified for easier debugging * * @return boolean */ public function assertIdentical($arg1, $arg2, $message = '') { return $this->recordTest($arg1 === $arg2, $message); } /** * Alias for {@see run} method. * * @see Testify->run() * * @return $this */ public function __invoke() { return $this->run(); } } /** * TestifyException class * */ class TestifyException extends \Exception { }