model('message'); if (empty($user) || !is_array($user)) { return 0; } if (isset($user['uid'])) { unset($user['uid']); } $check_pass = safe_check_password(safe_gpc_string($user['password'])); if (is_error($check_pass)) { return $check_pass; } $user['salt'] = random(8); $user['password'] = user_hash($user['password'], $user['salt']); $user['joinip'] = CLIENT_IP; $user['joindate'] = TIMESTAMP; $user['lastip'] = CLIENT_IP; $user['lastvisit'] = TIMESTAMP; if (!empty($user['owner_uid'])) { $vice_founder_info = user_single($user['owner_uid']); if (empty($vice_founder_info) || !user_is_vice_founder($vice_founder_info['uid'])) { $user['owner_uid'] = 0; } } if (empty($user['status'])) { $user['status'] = 2; } if (empty($user['type'])) { $user['type'] = USER_TYPE_COMMON; } $result = pdo_insert('users', $user); if (!empty($result)) { $user['uid'] = pdo_insertid(); } $content = $user['username'] . ' ' .date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '注册成功--' . $source; $message = array( 'status' => $user['status'] ); message_notice_record($content, $user['uid'], $user['uid'], MESSAGE_REGISTER_TYPE, $message); return intval($user['uid']); } function user_check($user) { if (empty($user) || !is_array($user)) { return false; } $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $params = array(); if (!empty($user['uid'])) { $where .= ' AND `uid`=:uid'; $params[':uid'] = intval($user['uid']); } if (!empty($user['username'])) { $where .= ' AND `username`=:username'; $params[':username'] = $user['username']; } if (!empty($user['status'])) { $where .= " AND `status`=:status"; $params[':status'] = intval($user['status']); } if (empty($params)) { return false; } $sql = 'SELECT `password`,`salt` FROM ' . tablename('users') . "$where LIMIT 1"; $record = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if (empty($record) || empty($record['password']) || empty($record['salt'])) { return false; } if (!empty($user['password'])) { $password = user_hash($user['password'], $record['salt']); return $password == $record['password']; } return true; } function user_is_founder($uid, $only_main_founder = false) { global $_W; $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); if (in_array($uid, $founders)) { return true; } if (empty($only_main_founder)) { $founder_groupid = pdo_getcolumn('users', array('uid' => $uid), 'founder_groupid'); if ($founder_groupid == ACCOUNT_MANAGE_GROUP_VICE_FOUNDER) { return true; } } return false; } function user_is_vice_founder($uid = 0) { global $_W; $uid = intval($uid); if (empty($uid)) { $user_info = $_W['user']; } else { $user_info = user_single($uid); } if ($user_info['founder_groupid'] == ACCOUNT_MANAGE_GROUP_VICE_FOUNDER) { return true; } return false; } function user_delete($uid, $is_recycle = false) { load()->model('cache'); $user_table = table('users'); if (empty($is_recycle)) { $user_table->userAccountRole(ACCOUNT_MANAGE_NAME_OWNER); $user_accounts = $user_table->userOwnedAccount($uid); if (!empty($user_accounts)) { foreach ($user_accounts as $uniacid) { cache_build_account_modules($uniacid); } } } $user_table->userAccountDelete($uid, $is_recycle); return true; } function user_single($user_or_uid) { $user = $user_or_uid; if (empty($user)) { return false; } if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = array('uid' => $user); } if (!is_array($user)) { return false; } $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $params = array(); if (!empty($user['uid'])) { $where .= ' AND u.`uid`=:uid'; $params[':uid'] = intval($user['uid']); } if (!empty($user['username'])) { $where .= ' AND u.`username`=:username'; $params[':username'] = $user['username']; $user_exists = user_check($user); $is_mobile = preg_match(REGULAR_MOBILE, $user['username']); if (!$user_exists && !empty($user['username']) && $is_mobile) { $sql = "select b.uid, u.username FROM " . tablename('users_bind') . " AS b LEFT JOIN " . tablename('users') . " AS u ON b.uid = u.uid WHERE b.bind_sign = :bind_sign"; $bind_info = pdo_fetch($sql, array('bind_sign' => $user['username'])); if (!is_array($bind_info) || empty($bind_info) || empty($bind_info['username'])) { return false; } $params[':username'] = $bind_info['username']; } } if (!empty($user['email'])) { $where .= ' AND u.`email`=:email'; $params[':email'] = $user['email']; } if (!empty($user['status'])) { $where .= " AND u.`status`=:status"; $params[':status'] = intval($user['status']); } if (empty($params)) { return false; } $sql = 'SELECT u.*, p.avatar FROM ' . tablename('users') . ' AS u LEFT JOIN '. tablename('users_profile') . ' AS p ON u.uid = p.uid '. $where. ' LIMIT 1'; $record = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if (empty($record)) { return false; } if (!empty($user['password'])) { $password = user_hash($user['password'], $record['salt']); if ($password != $record['password']) { return false; } } $record['hash'] = md5($record['password'] . $record['salt']); if (!empty($record['owner_uid'])) { $record['vice_founder_name'] = pdo_getcolumn('users', array('uid' => $record['owner_uid']), 'username'); } if($record['type'] == ACCOUNT_OPERATE_CLERK) { $clerk = pdo_get('activity_clerks', array('uid' => $record['uid'])); if(!empty($clerk)) { $record['name'] = $clerk['name']; $record['clerk_id'] = $clerk['id']; $record['store_id'] = $clerk['storeid']; $record['store_name'] = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT business_name FROM ' . tablename('activity_stores') . ' WHERE id = :id', array(':id' => $clerk['storeid'])); $record['clerk_type'] = '3'; $record['uniacid'] = $clerk['uniacid']; } } else { $record['name'] = $record['username']; $record['clerk_id'] = $user['uid']; $record['store_id'] = 0; $record['clerk_type'] = '2'; } $third_info = pdo_getall('users_bind', array('uid' => $record['uid']), array(), 'third_type'); if (!empty($third_info) && is_array($third_info)) { $record['qq_openid'] = $third_info[USER_REGISTER_TYPE_QQ]['bind_sign']; $record['wechat_openid'] = $third_info[USER_REGISTER_TYPE_WECHAT]['bind_sign']; $record['mobile'] = $third_info[USER_REGISTER_TYPE_MOBILE]['bind_sign']; } return $record; } function user_update($user) { if (empty($user['uid']) || !is_array($user)) { return false; } $record = array(); if (!empty($user['username'])) { $record['username'] = $user['username']; } if (!empty($user['password'])) { $record['password'] = user_hash($user['password'], $user['salt']); } if (!empty($user['lastvisit'])) { $record['lastvisit'] = (strlen($user['lastvisit']) == 10) ? $user['lastvisit'] : strtotime($user['lastvisit']); } if (!empty($user['lastip'])) { $record['lastip'] = $user['lastip']; } if (isset($user['joinip'])) { $record['joinip'] = $user['joinip']; } if (isset($user['remark'])) { $record['remark'] = $user['remark']; } if (isset($user['type'])) { $record['type'] = $user['type']; } if (isset($user['status'])) { $status = intval($user['status']); if (!in_array($status, array(1, 2))) { $status = 2; } $record['status'] = $status; } if (isset($user['groupid'])) { $record['groupid'] = $user['groupid']; } if (isset($user['starttime'])) { $record['starttime'] = $user['starttime']; } if (isset($user['endtime'])) { $record['endtime'] = $user['endtime']; } if(isset($user['lastuniacid'])) { $record['lastuniacid'] = intval($user['lastuniacid']); } if (empty($record)) { return false; } return pdo_update('users', $record, array('uid' => intval($user['uid']))); } function user_hash($passwordinput, $salt) { global $_W; $passwordinput = "{$passwordinput}-{$salt}-{$_W['config']['setting']['authkey']}"; return sha1($passwordinput); } function user_level() { static $level = array( '-3' => '锁定用户', '-2' => '禁止访问', '-1' => '禁止发言', '0' => '普通会员', '1' => '管理员', ); return $level; } function user_group() { global $_W; if (user_is_vice_founder()) { $condition = array( 'owner_uid' => $_W['uid'], ); } $groups = pdo_getall('users_group', $condition, array('id', 'name', 'package'), 'id', 'id ASC'); return $groups; } function user_founder_group() { $groups = pdo_getall('users_founder_group', array(), array('id', 'name', 'package'), 'id', 'id ASC'); return $groups; } function user_group_detail_info($groupid = 0) { $group_info = array(); $groupid = is_array($groupid) ? 0 : intval($groupid); if(empty($groupid)) { return $group_info; } $group_info = pdo_get('users_group', array('id' => $groupid)); if (empty($group_info)) { return $group_info; } $group_info['package'] = (array)iunserializer($group_info['package']); if (!empty($group_info['package'])) { $group_info['package_detail'] = uni_groups($group_info['package']); } return $group_info; } function user_founder_group_detail_info($groupid = 0) { $group_info = array(); $groupid = is_array($groupid) ? 0 : intval($groupid); if(empty($groupid)) { return $group_info; } $group_info = pdo_get('users_founder_group', array('id' => $groupid)); if (empty($group_info)) { return $group_info; } $group_info['package'] = (array)iunserializer($group_info['package']); if (!empty($group_info['package'])) { $group_info['package_detail'] = uni_groups($group_info['package']); } return $group_info; } function user_account_detail_info($uid) { $account_lists = $app_user_info = $wxapp_user_info = $webapp_user_info = $xzapp_user_info = array(); $uid = intval($uid); if (empty($uid)) { return $account_lists; } $account_users_info = table('account')->userOwnedAccount($uid); if (!empty($account_users_info)) { foreach ($account_users_info as $uniacid => $account) { if ($account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL || $account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH) { $app_user_info[$uniacid] = $account; } elseif ($account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_NORMAL) { $wxapp_user_info[$uniacid] = $account; } elseif ($account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEBAPP_NORMAL) { $webapp_user_info[$uniacid] = $account; } elseif ($account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PHONEAPP_NORMAL) { $phoneapp_user_info[$uniacid] = $account; } elseif ($account['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_XZAPP_NORMAL) { $xzapp_user_info[$uniacid] = $account; } } } $wxapps = $wechats = $webapps = $pohoneapp = $xzapp = array(); if (!empty($wxapp_user_info)) { $wxapps = table('account')->accountWxappInfo(array_keys($wxapp_user_info), $uid); } if (!empty($app_user_info)) { $wechats = table('account')->accountWechatsInfo(array_keys($app_user_info), $uid); } if (!empty($webapp_user_info)) { $webapps = table('account')->accountWebappInfo(array_keys($webapp_user_info), $uid); } if (!empty($webapp_user_info)) { $pohoneapp = table('account')->accountPhoneappInfo(array_keys($webapp_user_info), $uid); } if (!empty($xzapp_user_info)) { $xzapp = table('account')->accountXzappInfo(array_keys($xzapp_user_info), $uid); } $accounts = array_merge($wxapps, $wechats, $webapps, $pohoneapp, $xzapp); if (!empty($accounts)) { foreach ($accounts as &$account_val) { $account_val['thumb'] = tomedia('headimg_'.$account_val['default_acid']. '.jpg'); foreach ($account_users_info as $uniacid => $user_info) { if ($account_val['uniacid'] == $uniacid) { $account_val['type'] = $user_info['type']; if ($user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_NORMAL || $user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_AUTH) { $account_lists['wxapp'][$uniacid] = $account_val; } elseif ($user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL || $user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH) { $account_lists['wechat'][$uniacid] = $account_val; } elseif ($user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEBAPP_NORMAL) { $account_lists['webapp'][$uniacid] = $account_val; } elseif ($user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PHONEAPP_NORMAL) { $account_lists['phoneapp'][$uniacid] = $account_val; } elseif ($user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_XZAPP_NORMAL) { $account_lists['xzapp'][$uniacid] = $account_val; } } } } unset($account_val); } return $account_lists; } function user_modules($uid = 0) { global $_W; if (empty($uid)) { $uid = $_W['uid']; } $modules = cache_load(cache_system_key('user_modules', array('uid' => $uid))); if (empty($modules)) { $user_info = user_single(array ('uid' => $uid)); if (empty($uid) || user_is_founder($uid, true)) { $module_list = table('modules')->searchWithRecycle(); $module_list = modules_support_all(array_keys($module_list)); } elseif (!empty($user_info) && $user_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_OPERATE_CLERK) { $clerk_module = pdo_fetch("SELECT p.type FROM " . tablename('users_permission') . " p LEFT JOIN " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " u ON p.uid = u.uid AND p.uniacid = u.uniacid WHERE u.role = :role AND p.uid = :uid", array(':role' => ACCOUNT_MANAGE_NAME_CLERK, ':uid' => $uid)); if (empty($clerk_module)) { return array(); } $module_list = array($clerk_module['type'] => $clerk_module['type']); $module_list = modules_support_all(array_keys($module_list)); } elseif (!empty($user_info) && empty($user_info['groupid'])) { $module_list = pdo_getall('modules', array('issystem' => 1), array('name'), 'name');; $module_list = modules_support_all(array_keys($module_list)); } else { if ($user_info['founder_groupid'] == ACCOUNT_MANAGE_GROUP_VICE_FOUNDER) { $user_group_info = user_founder_group_detail_info($user_info['groupid']); } else { $user_group_info = user_group_detail_info($user_info['groupid']); } $packageids = $user_group_info['package']; if (!empty($packageids) && in_array('-1', $packageids)) { $module_list = table('modules')->searchWithRecycle(); $module_list = modules_support_all(array_keys($module_list)); } else { $module_list = array(); $package_group = (array) pdo_getall('uni_group', array('id' => $packageids)); $package_group[] = pdo_get('uni_group', array('uid' => $uid)); if (!empty($package_group)) { foreach ($package_group as $row) { if (empty($row)) { continue; } $row['modules'] = iunserializer($row['modules']); if (!empty($row['modules'])) { foreach ($row['modules'] as $type => $modulenames) { foreach ($modulenames as $name) { switch ($type) { case 'modules': $module_list[$name][] = MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NAME; break; case 'wxapp': $module_list[$name][] = MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP_NAME; break; case 'webapp': $module_list[$name][] = MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP_NAME; break; case 'xzapp': $module_list[$name][] = MODULE_SUPPORT_XZAPP_NAME; break; case 'phoneapp': $module_list[$name][] = MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP_NAME; break; } } } } } } } } $modules = array(); if (!empty($module_list)) { $have_plugin_module = array(); if (pdo_tableexists('modules_plugin')) { $plugin_list = pdo_getall('modules_plugin', array('name' => array_keys($module_list)), array()); if (!empty($plugin_list)) { foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $have_plugin_module[$plugin['main_module']][$plugin['name']] = $module_list[$plugin['name']]; unset($module_list[$plugin['name']]); } } } if (!empty($module_list)) { foreach ($module_list as $module => $support) { $modules[$module] = $support; if (!empty($have_plugin_module[$module])) { foreach ($have_plugin_module[$module] as $plugin => $plugin_support) { $modules[$plugin] = $plugin_support; } } } } } cache_write(cache_system_key('user_modules', array('uid' => $uid)), $modules); } $module_list = array(); if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $module => $support) { $module_info = module_fetch($module); if (!user_is_founder($_W['uid'], true) && $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_SYSTEMWELCOME_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_SYSTEMWELCOME && $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NAME] != MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT && $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP_NAME] != MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP && $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP_NAME] != MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP && $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP_NAME] != MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP) { continue; } if ($support !== 'all') { if ($module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT && !in_array(MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NAME, $support)) { $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NAME] = MODULE_NONSUPPORT_ACCOUNT; } if ($module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP && !in_array(MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP_NAME, $support)) { $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WXAPP_NAME] = MODULE_NONSUPPORT_WXAPP; } if ($module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP && !in_array(MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP_NAME, $support)) { $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_WEBAPP_NAME] = MODULE_NOSUPPORT_WEBAPP; } if ($module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_XZAPP_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_XZAPP && !in_array(MODULE_SUPPORT_XZAPP_NAME, $support)) { $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_XZAPP_NAME] = MODULE_NOSUPPORT_XZAPP; } if ($module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP_NAME] == MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP && !in_array(MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP_NAME, $support)) { $module_info[MODULE_SUPPORT_PHONEAPP_NAME] = MODULE_NOSUPPORT_PHONEAPP; } } $module_list[$module] = $module_info; } } return $module_list; } function modules_support_all($modulenames) { if (empty($modulenames)) { return array(); } $data = array(); foreach ($modulenames as $name) { $data[$name] = 'all'; } return $data; } function user_login_forward($forward = '') { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('module'); $login_forward = trim($forward); $login_location = array( 'account' => url('home/welcome'), 'wxapp' => url('wxapp/version/home'), 'module' => url('module/display'), 'webapp' => url('webapp/home'), 'phoneapp' => url('phoneapp/display/home'), ); if (!empty($forward)) { return $login_forward; } if (empty($_W['isfounder']) || user_is_vice_founder()) { if (!empty($_W['user']['endtime']) && $_W['user']['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) { return url('user/profile'); } } if (user_is_founder($_W['uid']) && !user_is_vice_founder($_W['uid'])) { return url('home/welcome/system'); } if (user_is_vice_founder()) { return url('account/manage', array('account_type' => 1)); } if ($_W['user']['type'] == ACCOUNT_OPERATE_CLERK) { return url('module/display'); } $url = user_after_login_link(); if (!empty($url)) { return $url; } $login_forward = url('account/display'); $visit_key = '__lastvisit_' . $_W['uid']; if (!empty($_GPC[$visit_key])) { $last_visit = explode(',', $_GPC[$visit_key]); $last_visit_uniacid = intval($last_visit[0]); $last_visit_url = url_params($last_visit[1]); if ($last_visit_url['c'] == 'site' && in_array($last_visit_url['a'], array('entry', 'nav')) || $last_visit_url['c'] == 'platform' && in_array($last_visit_url['a'], array('cover', 'reply')) && !in_array($last_visit_url['m'], module_system()) || $last_visit_url['c'] == 'module' && in_array($last_visit_url['a'], array('manage-account', 'permission', 'display'))) { return $login_location['module']; } else { if ($last_visit_url['c'] == 'wxapp') { return $last_visit_url['a'] == 'display' ? url('account/display', array('type' => WXAPP_TYPE_SIGN)) : $login_location['wxapp']; } $account_info = uni_fetch($last_visit_uniacid); if (empty($account_info) || $last_visit_url['c'] == 'account' && $last_visit_url['a'] == 'display') { return $login_forward; } if (in_array($account_info['type'], array(ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL, ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH))) { return $login_location['account']; } if ($account_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_NORMAL) { return $login_location['wxapp']; } if ($account_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEBAPP_NORMAL) { return $login_location['webapp']; } if ($account_info['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PHONEAPP_NORMAL) { return $login_location['phoneapp']; } } } if (!empty($_W['uniacid']) && !empty($_W['account'])) { $permission = permission_account_user_role($_W['uid'], $_W['uniacid']); if (empty($permission)) { return $login_forward; } if ($_W['account']['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL || $_W['account']['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH) { $login_forward = url('home/welcome'); } elseif ($_W['account']['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_NORMAL) { $login_forward = url('wxapp/display/home'); } elseif ($_W['account']['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEBAPP_NORMAL) { $login_forward = url('webapp/home/display'); } elseif ($_W['account']['type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PHONEAPP_NORMAL) { $login_forward = url('phoneapp/display/home'); } } return $login_forward; } function user_invite_register_url($uid = 0) { global $_W; if (empty($uid)) { $uid = $_W['uid']; } return $_W['siteroot'] . 'web/index.php?c=user&a=register&owner_uid=' . $uid; } function user_save_group($group_info) { global $_W; $group_table = table('group'); $name = trim($group_info['name']); if (empty($name)) { return error(-1, '用户权限组名不能为空'); } $group_table->searchWithName($name); if (!empty($group_info['id'])) { $group_table->searchWithNoId($group_info['id']); } $name_exist = $group_table->searchGroup(); if (!empty($name_exist)) { return error(-1, '用户权限组名已存在!'); } if (user_is_vice_founder()) { $group_table->searchWithId($_W['user']['groupid']); $founder_info = $group_table->searchGroup(true); if ($group_info['maxaccount'] > $founder_info['maxaccount']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的公众号个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxaccount'] . '个!'); } if ($group_info['maxwxapp'] > $founder_info['maxwxapp']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的小程序个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxwxapp'] . '个!'); } if ($group_info['maxwebapp'] > $founder_info['maxwebapp']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的PC个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxwebapp'] . '个!'); } if ($group_info['maxphoneapp'] > $founder_info['maxphoneapp']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的APP个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxphoneapp'] . '个!'); } if ($group_info['maxxzapp'] > $founder_info['maxxzapp']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的熊掌号个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxxzapp'] . '个!'); } if ($group_info['maxaliapp'] > $founder_info['maxaliapp']) { return error(-1, '当前用户组的支付宝小程序个数不能超过' . $founder_info['maxaliapp'] . '个!'); } } if (!empty($group_info['package'])) { foreach ($group_info['package'] as $value) { $package[] = intval($value); } } $group_info['package'] = iserializer($package); if (user_is_vice_founder()) { $group_info['owner_uid'] = $_W['uid']; } if (empty($group_info['id'])) { pdo_insert('users_group', $group_info); } else { pdo_update('users_group', $group_info, array('id' => $group_info['id'])); } return error(0, '添加成功'); } function user_save_founder_group($group_info) { $name = trim($group_info['name']); if (empty($name)) { return error(-1, '用户权限组名不能为空'); } if (!empty($group_info['id'])) { $name_exist = pdo_get('users_founder_group', array('id <>' => $group_info['id'], 'name' => $name)); } else { $name_exist = pdo_get('users_founder_group', array('name' => $name)); } if (!empty($name_exist)) { return error(-1, '用户权限组名已存在!'); } if (!empty($group_info['package'])) { foreach ($group_info['package'] as $value) { $package[] = intval($value); } } $group_info['package'] = iserializer($package); if (empty($group_info['id'])) { pdo_insert('users_founder_group', $group_info); } else { pdo_update('users_founder_group', $group_info, array('id' => $group_info['id'])); } return error(0, '添加成功'); } function user_group_format($lists) { if (empty($lists)) { return $lists; } $all_package = array(); foreach ($lists as $key => $group) { if (empty($group['package'])) { continue; } $package = iunserializer($group['package']); if (!is_array($package)) { continue; } $all_package = array_merge($all_package, $package); } $group_package = uni_groups($all_package); foreach ($lists as $key => $group) { $package = iunserializer($group['package']); $group['package'] = array(); if (is_array($package)) { foreach ($package as $packageid) { $group['package'][$packageid] = $group_package[$packageid]; } } if (empty($package)) { $lists[$key]['module_nums'] = 0; $lists[$key]['wxapp_nums'] = 0; $lists[$key]['webapp_nums'] = 0; $lists[$key]['phoneapp_nums'] = 0; $lists[$key]['xzapp_nums'] = 0; continue; } if (is_array($package) && in_array(-1, $package)) { $lists[$key]['module_nums'] = -1; $lists[$key]['wxapp_nums'] = -1; $lists[$key]['webapp_nums'] = -1; $lists[$key]['phoneapp_nums'] = -1; $lists[$key]['xzapp_nums'] = -1; continue; } $names = array(); $modules = array( 'modules' => array(), 'wxapp' => array(), 'webapp' => array(), 'phoneapp' => array(), 'xzapp' => array() ); if (!empty($group['package'])) { foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $names[] = $package['name']; $package['modules'] = !empty($package['modules']) && is_array($package['modules']) ? array_keys($package['modules']) : array(); $package['wxapp'] = !empty($package['wxapp']) && is_array($package['wxapp']) ? array_keys($package['wxapp']) : array(); $package['webapp'] = !empty($package['webapp']) && is_array($package['webapp']) ? array_keys($package['webapp']) : array(); $package['phoneapp'] = !empty($package['phoneapp']) && is_array($package['phoneapp']) ? array_keys($package['phoneapp']) : array(); $package['xzapp'] = !empty($package['xzapp']) && is_array($package['xzapp']) ? array_keys($package['xzapp']) : array(); $modules['modules'] = array_unique(array_merge($modules['modules'], $package['modules'])); $modules['wxapp'] = array_unique(array_merge($modules['wxapp'], $package['wxapp'])); $modules['webapp'] = array_unique(array_merge($modules['webapp'], $package['webapp'])); $modules['phoneapp'] = array_unique(array_merge($modules['phoneapp'], $package['phoneapp'])); $modules['xzapp'] = array_unique(array_merge($modules['xzapp'], $package['xzapp'])); } $lists[$key]['module_nums'] = count($modules['modules']); $lists[$key]['wxapp_nums'] = count($modules['wxapp']); $lists[$key]['webapp_nums'] = count($modules['webapp']); $lists[$key]['phoneapp_nums'] = count($modules['phoneapp']); $lists[$key]['xzapp_nums'] = count($modules['xzapp']); } $lists[$key]['packages'] = implode(',', $names); } return $lists; } function user_list_format($users) { if (empty($users)) { return array(); } $users_table = table('users'); $groups = $users_table->usersGroup(); $founder_groups = $users_table->usersFounderGroup(); foreach ($users as &$user) { $user['avatar'] = !empty($user['avatar']) ? $user['avatar'] : './resource/images/nopic-user.png'; $user['joindate'] = date('Y-m-d', $user['joindate']); if (empty($user['endtime'])) { $user['endtime'] = '永久有效'; } else { $user['endtime'] = $user['endtime'] <= TIMESTAMP ? '服务已到期' : date('Y-m-d', $user['endtime']); } $user['module_num'] =array(); if ($user['founder_groupid'] == ACCOUNT_MANAGE_GROUP_VICE_FOUNDER) { $group = $founder_groups[$user['groupid']]; } else { $group = $groups[$user['groupid']]; } $user['maxaccount'] = $user['founder_groupid'] == 1 ? '不限' : (empty($group) ? 0 : $group['maxaccount']); $user['maxwxapp'] = $user['founder_groupid'] == 1 ? '不限' : (empty($group) ? 0 : $group['maxwxapp']); $user['maxwebapp'] = $user['founder_groupid'] == 1 ? '不限' : (empty($group) ? 0 : $group['maxwebapp']); $user['maxphoneapp'] = $user['founder_groupid'] == 1 ? '不限' : (empty($group) ? 0 : $group['maxphoneapp']); $user['maxxzapp'] = $user['founder_groupid'] == 1 ? '不限' : (empty($group) ? 0 : $group['maxxzapp']); $user['groupname'] = $group['name']; unset($user); } return $users; } function user_info_save($user, $is_founder_group = false) { global $_W; if (!preg_match(REGULAR_USERNAME, $user['username'])) { return error(-1, '必须输入用户名,格式为 3-30 位字符,可以包括汉字、字母(不区分大小写)、数字、下划线和句点。'); } if (user_check(array('username' => $user['username']))) { return error(-1, '非常抱歉,此用户名已经被注册,你需要更换注册名称!'); } if (istrlen($user['password']) < 8) { return error(-1, '必须输入密码,且密码长度不得低于8位。'); } else { $check_pass = safe_check_password(safe_gpc_string($user['password'])); if (is_error($check_pass)) { return $check_pass; } } if (trim($user['password']) !== trim($user['repassword'])) { return error(-1, '两次密码不一致!'); } if (intval($user['groupid'])) { if ($is_founder_group) { $group = user_founder_group_detail_info($user['groupid']); } else { $group = user_group_detail_info($user['groupid']); } if (empty($group)) { return error(-1, '会员组不存在'); } $timelimit = intval($group['timelimit']); } else { $timelimit = 0; } $timeadd = 0; if ($timelimit > 0) { $timeadd = strtotime($timelimit . ' days'); } if (user_is_vice_founder() && !empty($_W['user']['endtime'])) { $timeadd = !empty($timeadd) ? min($timeadd, $_W['user']['endtime']) : $_W['user']['endtime']; } if (empty($timeadd)) { $user['endtime'] = max(0, $user['endtime']); } else { $user['endtime'] = empty($user['endtime']) ? $timeadd : min($timeadd, $user['endtime']); } if (user_is_vice_founder()) { $user['owner_uid'] = $_W['uid']; } unset($user['vice_founder_name']); unset($user['repassword']); $user_add_id = user_register($user, 'admin'); if (empty($user_add_id)) { return error(-1, '增加失败,请稍候重试或联系网站管理员解决!'); } return array('uid' => $user_add_id); } function user_detail_formate($profile) { if (!empty($profile)) { $profile['reside'] = array( 'province' => $profile['resideprovince'], 'city' => $profile['residecity'], 'district' => $profile['residedist'] ); $profile['birth'] = array( 'year' => $profile['birthyear'], 'month' => $profile['birthmonth'], 'day' => $profile['birthday'], ); $profile['avatar'] = tomedia($profile['avatar']); $profile['resides'] = $profile['resideprovince'] . $profile['residecity'] . $profile['residedist'] ; $profile['births'] =($profile['birthyear'] ? $profile['birthyear'] : '--') . '年' . ($profile['birthmonth'] ? $profile['birthmonth'] : '--') . '月' . ($profile['birthday'] ? $profile['birthday'] : '--') .'日'; } return $profile; } function user_support_urls() { global $_W; load()->classs('oauth2/oauth2client'); $types = OAuth2Client::supportLoginType(); $login_urls = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { if (!empty($_W['setting']['thirdlogin'][$type]['authstate'])) { $login_urls[$type] = OAuth2Client::create($type, $_W['setting']['thirdlogin'][$type]['appid'], $_W['setting']['thirdlogin'][$type]['appsecret'])->showLoginUrl(); } } if (empty($login_urls)) { $login_urls['system'] = true; } return $login_urls; } function user_borrow_oauth_account_list() { global $_W; $user_have_accounts = uni_user_accounts($_W['uid']); $oauth_accounts = array(); $jsoauth_accounts = array(); if(!empty($user_have_accounts)) { foreach($user_have_accounts as $account) { if(!empty($account['key']) && !empty($account['secret'])) { if (in_array($account['level'], array(ACCOUNT_SERVICE_VERIFY))) { $oauth_accounts[$account['acid']] = $account['name']; } if (in_array($account['level'], array(ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFY, ACCOUNT_SERVICE_VERIFY))) { $jsoauth_accounts[$account['acid']] = $account['name']; } } } } return array( 'oauth_accounts' => $oauth_accounts, 'jsoauth_accounts' => $jsoauth_accounts ); } function user_founder_templates($founder_groupid) { $group_detail_info = user_founder_group_detail_info($founder_groupid); if (empty($group_detail_info) || empty($group_detail_info['package'])) { return array(); } if (in_array(-1, $group_detail_info['package'])) { $template_list = table('sitetemplates')->getAllTemplates(); return $template_list; } $template_list = array(); foreach ($group_detail_info['package'] as $uni_group) { if (!empty($group_detail_info['package_detail'][$uni_group]['templates'])) { $template_list = array_merge($template_list, $group_detail_info['package_detail'][$uni_group]['templates']); } } return $template_list; } function user_is_bind() { global $_W; if (!empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['bind'])) { $complete_info = false; switch($_W['setting']['copyright']['bind']) { case 'qq' : if (!empty($_W['user']['qq_openid'])) { $complete_info = true; } break; case 'mobile' : if (!empty($_W['user']['mobile'])) { $complete_info = true; } break; case 'wechat' : if (!empty($_W['user']['wechat_openid'])) { $complete_info = true; } break; } if (empty($_W['isfounder']) && !$complete_info) { return false; } } return true; } function user_check_mobile($mobile) { if (empty($mobile)) { return error(-1, '手机号不能为空'); } if (!preg_match(REGULAR_MOBILE, $mobile)) { return error(-1, '手机号格式不正确'); } $user_profile = table('users'); $find_mobile = $user_profile->userProfileMobile($mobile); if (empty($find_mobile)) { return error(-1, '手机号不存在'); } return error(0, '手机号正确'); } function user_change_welcome_status($uid, $welcome_status) { if (empty($uid)) { return true; } $user_table = table('users'); $user_table->fillWelcomeStatus($welcome_status)->whereUid($uid)->save(); return true; } function user_after_login_link() { global $_W; if (!empty($_W['user']['welcome_link'])) { $type = $_W['user']['welcome_link']; } else { if (!empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['welcome_link'])) { $type = $_W['setting']['copyright']['welcome_link']; } else { $type = WELCOME_DISPLAY_TYPE; } } switch ($type) { case WELCOME_DISPLAY_TYPE: $url = url('home/welcome/system_home'); break; case PLATFORM_DISPLAY_TYPE: $url = url('account/display/platform'); break; case MODULE_DISPLAY_TYPE: $url = url('module/display'); break; default: $url = ''; break; } return $url; }