text = '0' . $this->text; // We will remove it at the end... don't worry parent::draw($im); // We remove the 0 in front, as we said :) $this->text = substr($this->text, 1); } /** * Draws the extended bars on the image. * * @param resource $im * @param int $plus */ protected function drawExtendedBars($im, $plus) { $temp_text = $this->text . $this->keys[$this->checksumValue]; $rememberX = $this->positionX; $rememberH = $this->thickness; // We increase the bars // First 2 Bars $this->thickness = $this->thickness + intval($plus / $this->scale); $this->positionX = 0; $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); $this->positionX += 2; $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); // Attemping to increase the 2 following bars $this->positionX += 1; $temp_value = $this->findCode($temp_text[1]); $this->drawChar($im, $temp_value, false); // Center Guard Bar $this->positionX += 36; $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); $this->positionX += 2; $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); // Attemping to increase the 2 last bars $this->positionX += 37; $temp_value = $this->findCode($temp_text[12]); $this->drawChar($im, $temp_value, true); // Completly last bars $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); $this->positionX += 2; $this->drawSingleBar($im, BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG); $this->positionX = $rememberX; $this->thickness = $rememberH; } /** * Adds the default label. */ protected function addDefaultLabel() { if ($this->isDefaultEanLabelEnabled()) { $this->processChecksum(); $label = $this->getLabel(); $font = $this->font; $this->labelLeft = new BCGLabel(substr($label, 0, 1), $font, BCGLabel::POSITION_LEFT, BCGLabel::ALIGN_BOTTOM); $this->labelLeft->setSpacing(4 * $this->scale); $this->labelCenter1 = new BCGLabel(substr($label, 1, 5), $font, BCGLabel::POSITION_BOTTOM, BCGLabel::ALIGN_LEFT); $labelCenter1Dimension = $this->labelCenter1->getDimension(); $this->labelCenter1->setOffset(($this->scale * 44 - $labelCenter1Dimension[0]) / 2 + $this->scale * 6); $this->labelCenter2 = new BCGLabel(substr($label, 6, 5), $font, BCGLabel::POSITION_BOTTOM, BCGLabel::ALIGN_LEFT); $this->labelCenter2->setOffset(($this->scale * 44 - $labelCenter1Dimension[0]) / 2 + $this->scale * 45); $this->labelRight = new BCGLabel($this->keys[$this->checksumValue], $font, BCGLabel::POSITION_RIGHT, BCGLabel::ALIGN_BOTTOM); $this->labelRight->setSpacing(4 * $this->scale); if ($this->alignLabel) { $labelDimension = $this->labelCenter1->getDimension(); $this->labelLeft->setOffset($labelDimension[1]); $this->labelRight->setOffset($labelDimension[1]); } else { $labelDimension = $this->labelLeft->getDimension(); $this->labelLeft->setOffset($labelDimension[1] / 2); $labelDimension = $this->labelLeft->getDimension(); $this->labelRight->setOffset($labelDimension[1] / 2); } $this->addLabel($this->labelLeft); $this->addLabel($this->labelCenter1); $this->addLabel($this->labelCenter2); $this->addLabel($this->labelRight); } } /** * Check correct length. */ protected function checkCorrectLength() { // If we have 12 chars, just flush the last one without throwing anything $c = strlen($this->text); if ($c === 12) { $this->text = substr($this->text, 0, 11); } elseif ($c !== 11) { throw new BCGParseException('upca', 'Must contain 11 digits, the 12th digit is automatically added.'); } } } ?>