func('file'); $acc = WeAccount::create(); if(is_error($acc)) { message($acc, '', 'ajax'); } $post = $_GPC['__input']; $type = $types = $post['type']; $count = $acc->getMaterialCount(); if(is_error($count)) { message($count, '', 'ajax'); } $cache_key = "media_sync:{$_W['uniacid']}"; $has = cache_read($cache_key); if(!is_array($has)) { $has = array(0); } $key = $type . '_count'; $total = $count[$key]; $pindex = max(1, intval($post['page'])); $psize = 15; $offset = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; if($total == 0 || ($pindex > ceil($total / $psize))) { $has_str = implode(',', $has); pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . tablename('wechat_attachment') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND id NOT IN ({$has_str})", array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => $type)); if($type == 'news') { pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . tablename('wechat_news') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND attach_id NOT IN ({$has_str})", array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } cache_delete($cache_key); message(error(-2, $total), '', 'ajax'); } if($pindex == ceil($total / $psize)) { $psize = $total % $psize == 0 ? 15 : ($total % $psize); } $result = $acc->batchGetMaterial($type, $offset, $psize); if(is_error($result)) { message($result, '', 'ajax'); } $fail = array(); if($type == 'voice') { $type = 'audio'; } foreach($result['item'] as $data) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($data['name']); $data['name'] = $pathinfo['filename'] . '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; if($type != 'news') { $media = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $data['media_id'])); $is_down = 0; $url = $tag = ''; if($type == 'image') { if(!empty($media) && !empty($media['attachment'])) { if(strexists($media['attachment'], '//') || (file_exists(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $media['attachment']))) { $has[] = $media['id']; continue; } } if(strexists($data['url'], '//')) { $url = $tag = $data['url']; $is_down = 1; } } elseif($types == 'voice') { if(!empty($media) && !empty($media['attachment'])) { if(file_exists(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $media['attachment'])) { $has[] = $media['id']; continue; } } } if(!$is_down) { $stream = $acc->getMaterial($data['media_id']); if(is_error($stream)) { $data['message'] = $stream['message']; $fail[$data['media_id']] = $data; continue; } } $insert = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'uid' => $_W['uid'], 'filename' => $data['name'], 'attachment' => $stream, 'media_id' => $data['media_id'], 'type' => $types, 'model' => 'perm', 'tag' => $tag, 'createtime' => $data['update_time'] ); if(empty($media)) { pdo_insert('wechat_attachment', $insert); $media['id'] = pdo_insertid(); } else { pdo_update('wechat_attachment', $insert, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $data['media_id'])); $media_id = $media['id']; } $has[] = $media['id']; } else { $media = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $data['media_id'])); if(empty($media)) { $insert = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'uid' => $_W['uid'], 'media_id' => $data['media_id'], 'type' => $types, 'model' => 'perm', 'createtime' => $data['update_time'] ); pdo_insert('wechat_attachment', $insert); $insert_id = pdo_insertid(); } else { pdo_update('wechat_attachment', array('createtime' => $data['update_time']), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $data['media_id'])); $insert_id = $media['id']; pdo_delete('wechat_news', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $insert_id)); } $items = $data['content']['news_item']; if(!empty($items)) { foreach($items as $item) { $item['attach_id'] = $insert_id; $item['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; pdo_insert('wechat_news', $item); } } $has[] = $insert_id; } } cache_write($cache_key, $has); message(error($result['total_count'], array('fail' => $fail, 'item_count' => $result['item_count'])), '', 'ajax'); } if($do == 'list') { $type = trim($_GPC['type']) ? trim($_GPC['type']) : 'image'; $condition = " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND model = :model AND media_id != ''"; $params = array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => $type, ':model' => 'perm'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if($id > 0) { $condition .= ' AND id = :id'; $params[':id'] = $id; } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $limit = " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ", {$psize}"; $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('wechat_attachment') . $condition, $params); $lists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('wechat_attachment') . $condition . $limit, $params); if(!empty($lists)) { foreach($lists as &$row) { if($type == 'video') { $row['tag'] = iunserializer($row['tag']); } elseif($type == 'news') { $row['items'] = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('wechat_news') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND attach_id = :attach_id ORDER BY id ASC", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':attach_id' => $row['id'])); } } } $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); $groups = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('mc_fans_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND acid = :acid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':acid' => $_W['acid'])); if(!empty($groups)) { $groups = iunserializer($groups['groups']); } } if($do == 'purview') { $wxname = trim($_GPC['wxname']); if(empty($wxname)) { exit('微信号不能为空'); } $type = trim($_GPC['type']); $media_id = trim($_GPC['media_id']); $acc = WeAccount::create(); $data = $acc->fansSendPreview($wxname, $media_id, $type); if(is_error($data)) { exit($data['message']); } exit('success'); } if($do == 'send') { $group = intval($_GPC['group']); $type = trim($_GPC['type']); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $media = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id)); if(empty($media)) { exit('素材不存在或已经删除'); } $media_id = trim($media['media_id']); $acc = WeAccount::create(); $data = $acc->fansSendAll($group, $type, $media['media_id']); if(is_error($data)) { exit($data['message']); } $groups = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('mc_fans_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND acid = :acid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':acid' => $_W['acid'])); if(!empty($groups)) { $groups = iunserializer($groups['groups']); } $record = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'groupname' => $groups[$group]['name'], 'fansnum' => $groups[$group]['count'], 'msgtype' => $type, 'group' => $group, 'attach_id' => $id, 'status' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'sendtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, ); pdo_insert('mc_mass_record', $record); exit('success'); } if($do == 'del') { $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $media = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id)); if(empty($media)) { exit('素材不存在或已经删除'); } $media_id = trim($media['media_id']); $acc = WeAccount::create(); $data = $acc->delMaterial($media_id); if(is_error($data)) { exit($data['message']); } else { pdo_delete('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id)); if($type == 'image' || $type == 'voice') { $path = ATTACHMENT_ROOT . "/{$media['type']}s/{$_W['uniacid']}/material/{$media['$media_id']}"; @unlink($path); } elseif($type == 'news') { pdo_delete('wechat_news', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $id)); } exit('success'); } } template('material/display');