func('file'); function material_sync($material, $exist_material, $type) { global $_W; $material = empty($material) ? array() : $material; foreach ($material as $news) { $attachid = ''; $material_exist = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'])); if (empty($material_exist)) { $material_data = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'], 'type' => $type, 'model' => 'perm', 'createtime' => $news['update_time'] ); if ($type == 'image') { $material_data['filename'] = $news['name']; $material_data['attachment'] = $news['url']; } if ($type == 'voice') { $material_data['filename'] = $news['name']; } if ($type == 'video') { $material_data['tag'] = iserializer(array('title' => $news['name'])); } pdo_insert('wechat_attachment', $material_data); $attachid = pdo_insertid(); } else { if ($type == 'image') { $material_data = array( 'createtime' => $news['update_time'], 'attachment' => $news['url'], 'filename' => $news['name'] ); pdo_update('wechat_attachment', $material_data, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'])); } if ($type == 'voice') { $material_data = array( 'createtime' => $news['update_time'], 'filename' => $news['name'] ); pdo_update('wechat_attachment', $material_data, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'])); } if ($type == 'video') { $tag = empty($material_exist['tag']) ? array() : iunserializer($material_exist['tag']); $material_data = array( 'createtime' => $news['update_time'], 'tag' => iserializer(array('title' => $news['name'], 'url' => $tag['url'])) ); pdo_update('wechat_attachment', $material_data, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'])); } $exist_material[] = $material_exist['id']; } if ($type == 'news') { $attachid = empty($attachid) ? $material_exist['id'] : $attachid; pdo_delete('wechat_news', array('uniacid' =>$_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $attachid)); foreach ($news['content']['news_item'] as $key => $new) { $new_data = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $attachid, 'thumb_media_id' => $new['thumb_media_id'], 'thumb_url' => $new['thumb_url'], 'title' => $new['title'], 'author' => $new['author'], 'digest' => $new['digest'], 'content' => $new['content'], 'content_source_url' => $new['content_source_url'], 'show_cover_pic' => $new['show_cover_pic'], 'url' => $new['url'], 'displayorder' => $key, ); pdo_insert('wechat_news', $new_data); } pdo_update('wechat_attachment', array('createtime' => $news['update_time']), array('media_id' => $news['media_id'])); } } return $exist_material; } function material_news_set($data, $attach_id) { global $_W; $attach_id = intval($attach_id); foreach ($data as $key => $news) { if (empty($news['title']) || (!empty($news['thumb']) && !parse_path($news['thumb'])) || (!empty($news['url']) && !parse_path($news['url'])) || (!empty($news['content_source_url']) && !parse_path($news['content_source_url'])) ) { return error('-1', '参数有误'); } if (!material_url_check($news['content_source_url']) || !material_url_check($news['url']) || !material_url_check($news['thumb'])) { return error('-3', '提交链接参数不合法'); } $post_news[] = array( 'id' => intval($news['id']), 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'thumb_url' => $news['thumb'], 'title' => addslashes($news['title']), 'author' => addslashes($news['author']), 'digest' => addslashes($news['digest']), 'content' => safe_gpc_html(htmlspecialchars_decode($news['content'])), 'url' => $news['url'], 'show_cover_pic' => intval($news['show_cover_pic']), 'displayorder' => intval($key), 'thumb_media_id' => addslashes($news['media_id']), 'content_source_url' => $news['content_source_url'], ); } if (!empty($attach_id)){ $wechat_attachment = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array( 'id' => $attach_id, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'] )); if (empty($wechat_attachment)){ return error('-2', '编辑素材不存在'); } $wechat_attachment['model'] = 'local'; pdo_update('wechat_attachment', $wechat_attachment, array( 'id' => $attach_id )); pdo_delete('wechat_news', array('attach_id' => $attach_id, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); foreach ($post_news as $id => $news) { $news['attach_id'] = $attach_id; unset($news['id']); pdo_insert('wechat_news', $news); } cache_delete(cache_system_key('material_reply', array('attach_id' => $attach_id))); } else { $wechat_attachment = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'media_id' => '', 'type' => 'news', 'model' => 'local', 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP ); pdo_insert('wechat_attachment', $wechat_attachment); $attach_id = pdo_insertid(); foreach ($post_news as $key => $news) { $news['attach_id'] = $attach_id; pdo_insert('wechat_news', $news); } } return $attach_id; } function material_get($attach_id) { if (empty($attach_id)) { return error(1, "素材id参数不能为空"); } if (is_numeric($attach_id)) { $material = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('id' => $attach_id)); } else { $media_id = trim($attach_id); $material = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('media_id' => $media_id)); } if (!empty($material)) { if ($material['type'] == 'news') { $material_table = table('material'); $news = $material_table->materialNewsList($material['id']); if (!empty($news)) { foreach ($news as &$news_row) { $news_row['content_source_url'] = $news_row['content_source_url']; $news_row['thumb_url'] = tomedia($news_row['thumb_url']); preg_match_all('/src=[\'\"]?([^\'\"]*)[\'\"]?/i', $news_row['content'], $match); if (!empty($match[1])) { foreach ($match[1] as $val) { if ((strexists($val, 'http://') || strexists($val, 'https://')) && (strexists($val, '') || strexists($val, ''))) { $news_row['content'] = str_replace($val, tomedia($val), $news_row['content']); } } } $news_row['content'] = str_replace('data-src', 'src', $news_row['content']); } unset($news_row); } else { return error('1', '素材不存在'); } $material['news'] = $news; } elseif ($material['type'] == 'image') { $material['url'] = $material['attachment']; $material['attachment'] = tomedia($material['attachment']); } return $material; } else { return error('1', "素材不存在"); } } function material_build_reply($attach_id) { if (empty($attach_id)) { return error(1, "素材id参数不能为空"); } $cachekey = cache_system_key('material_reply', array('attach_id' => $attach_id)); $reply = cache_load($cachekey); if (!empty($reply)) { return $reply; } $reply_material = material_get($attach_id); $reply = array(); if ($reply_material['type'] == 'news') { if (!empty($reply_material['news'])) { foreach ($reply_material['news'] as $material) { $reply[] = array( 'title' => $material['title'], 'description' => $material['digest'], 'picurl' => $material['thumb_url'], 'url' => !empty($material['content_source_url']) ? $material['content_source_url'] : $material['url'], ); } } } cache_write($cachekey, $reply, CACHE_EXPIRE_MIDDLE); return $reply; } function material_strip_wechat_image_proxy($content) { global $_W; $match_wechat = array(); $content = htmlspecialchars_decode($content); preg_match_all ('//iU', $content, $match_wechat); if (!empty($match_wechat[1])) { foreach ($match_wechat[1] as $val) { $wechat_thumb_url = urldecode(str_replace($_W['siteroot'] . 'web/index.php?c=utility&a=wxcode&do=image&attach=', '', $val)); $content = str_replace($val, $wechat_thumb_url, $content); } } return $content; } function material_get_image_url($content) { global $_W; $content = htmlspecialchars_decode ($content); $match = array (); $images = array (); preg_match_all ('//iU', $content, $match); if (!empty($match[1])) { foreach ($match[1] as $val) { if ((strexists ($val, 'http://') || strexists ($val, 'https://')) && !strexists ($val, '') && !strexists ($val, '')) { $images[] = $val; } else { if (strexists ($val, './attachment/images/')) { $images[] = tomedia ($val); } } } } return $images; } function material_parse_content($content) { global $_W; $content = material_strip_wechat_image_proxy($content); $images = material_get_image_url($content); if (!empty($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { $thumb = file_remote_attach_fetch(tomedia($image), 1024, 'material/images'); if(is_error($thumb)) { return $thumb; } $thumb = ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $thumb; $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid(); $result = $account_api->uploadNewsThumb($thumb); if (is_error($result)) { return $result; } else { $content = str_replace($image, $result, $content); } } } return $content; } function material_local_news_upload($attach_id) { global $_W; $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid(); $material = material_get($attach_id); if (is_error($material)){ return error('-1', '获取素材文件失败'); } foreach ($material['news'] as $news) { if (empty($news['content'])){ return error('-6', '素材内容不能为空'); } $news['content'] = material_parse_content($news['content']); if (!empty($news['content_source_url'])) { $news['content_source_url'] = safe_gpc_url($news['content_source_url'], false, $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $news['content_source_url']); } if (is_error($news['content'])) { return error('-2', $news['content']['message']); } if (empty($news['thumb_media_id'])) { if (empty($news['thumb_url'])){ return error('-7', '图文封面不能为空'); }else{ $result = material_local_upload_by_url($news['thumb_url']); if (is_error($result)){ return error('-3', $result['message']); } $news['thumb_media_id'] = $result['media_id']; $news['thumb_url'] = $result['url']; } } pdo_update('wechat_news', $news, array('id' => $news['id'])); if (empty($material['media_id'])){ $articles['articles'][] = $news; } else { $edit_attachment['media_id'] = $material['media_id']; $edit_attachment['index'] = $news['displayorder']; $edit_attachment['articles'] = $news; $result = $account_api->editMaterialNews($edit_attachment); if (is_error($result)){ return error('-4', $result['message']); } } } if (empty($material['media_id'])){ $media_id = $account_api->addMatrialNews($articles); if (is_error($media_id)) { return error('-5', $media_id, ''); } $material_info = $account_api->getMaterial($media_id, false); if (!empty($material_info['news_item'])) { foreach ($material_info['news_item'] as $key => $info) { pdo_update('wechat_news', array('url' => $info['url']), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $material['id'], 'displayorder' => $key)); } } pdo_update('wechat_attachment', array( 'media_id' => $media_id, 'model' => 'perm' ), array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $attach_id )); } else { pdo_update('wechat_attachment', array('model' => 'perm'), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $attach_id)); } return $material; } function material_local_upload_by_url($url, $type='images') { global $_W; $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid(); if (! empty($_W['setting']['remote']['type'])) { $remote_file_url = tomedia($url); $filepath = file_remote_attach_fetch($remote_file_url,0,''); if(is_error($filepath)) { return $filepath; } $filepath = ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $filepath; } else { if (strexists(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/attachment/')) { $url = substr(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), strpos(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/attachment/') + strlen('/attachment/')); } $filepath = ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $url; } $filesize = filesize($filepath); $filesize = sizecount($filesize, true); if ($filesize > 10 && $type == 'videos') { return error(-1, '要转换的微信素材视频不能超过10M'); } return $account_api->uploadMediaFixed($filepath, $type); } function material_local_upload($material_id){ global $_W; $type_arr = array('1' => 'images', '2' => 'voices', '3' => 'videos'); $material = pdo_get('core_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $material_id)); if (empty($material)) { return error('-1', '同步素材不存在或已删除'); } return material_local_upload_by_url($material['attachment'], $type_arr[$material['type']]); } function material_upload_limit() { global $_W; $default = 5 * 1024 * 1024; $upload_limit = array( 'num' => '30', 'image' => $default, 'voice' => $default, 'video' => $default ); $upload = $_W['setting']['upload']; if (isset($upload['image']['limit']) && (bytecount($upload['image']['limit'].'kb')>0)){ $upload_limit['image'] = bytecount($upload['image']['limit'].'kb'); } if (isset($upload['image']['limit']) && (bytecount($upload['audio']['limit'].'kb')>0)){ $upload_limit['voice'] = $upload_limit['video'] = bytecount($upload['audio']['limit'].'kb'); } return $upload_limit; } function material_news_delete($material_id){ global $_W; $permission = permission_account_user_menu($_W['uid'], $_W['uniacid'], 'system'); if (is_error($permission)) { return error(-1, $permission['message']); } if (empty($_W['isfounder']) && !empty($permission) && !in_array('platform_material', $permission) && !in_array('all', $permission)) { return error('-1', '您没有权限删除该文件'); } $material_id = intval($material_id); $material = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $material_id)); if (empty($material)){ return error('-2', '素材文件不存在或已删除'); } if (!empty($material['media_id'])){ $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid(); $result = $account_api->delMaterial($material['media_id']); } if (is_error($result)){ return $result; } pdo_delete('wechat_news', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'attach_id' => $material_id)); pdo_delete('wechat_attachment', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $material_id)); return $result; } function material_delete($material_id, $location){ global $_W; if (empty($_W['isfounder']) && !permission_check_account_user('platform_material_delete')) { return error('-1', '您没有权限删除该文件'); } $material_id = intval($material_id); $table = $location == 'wechat' ? 'wechat_attachment' : 'core_attachment'; $material = pdo_get($table, array('id' => $material_id)); if (empty($material)){ return error('-2', '素材文件不存在或已删除'); } if ($location == 'wechat' && !empty($material['media_id'])){ $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid(); $result = $account_api->delMaterial($material['media_id']); } else { if (!empty($material['uniacid'])) { $role = permission_account_user_role($_W['uid'], $material['uniacid']); if (in_array($role, array(ACCOUNT_MANAGE_NAME_OPERATOR, ACCOUNT_MANAGE_NAME_MANAGER)) && $_W['uid'] != $material['uid']) { return error('-1', '您没有权限删除该文件'); } } elseif ($_W['uid'] != $material['uid']) { return error('-1', '您没有权限删除该文件'); } if (!empty($_W['setting']['remote']['type'])) { $result = file_remote_delete($material['attachment']); } else { $result = file_delete($material['attachment']); } } if (is_error($result)) { return error('-3', '删除文件操作发生错误'); } pdo_delete($table, array('id' => $material_id)); return $result; } function material_url_check($url) { if (empty($url)){ return true; } else { $pattern ="/^((https|http|tel):\/\/|\.\/index.php)[^\s]+/i"; return preg_match($pattern, trim($url)); } } function material_news_list($server = '', $search ='', $page = array('page_index' => 1, 'page_size' => 24)) { global $_W; $conditions[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $news_model_sql = ''; if (!empty($server)) { $news_model_sql = " AND a.model = :news_model"; $conditions[':news_model'] = $server; } $search_sql = ''; if (!empty($search)) { $search_sql = " AND (b.title LIKE :search_title OR = :search_author OR b.digest LIKE :search_digest)"; $conditions[':search_title'] = "%{$search}%"; $conditions[':search_author'] = "%{$search}%"; $conditions[':search_digest'] = "%{$search}%"; } $select_sql = "SELECT %s FROM " . tablename('wechat_attachment') . " AS a RIGHT JOIN " . tablename('wechat_news') . " AS b ON = b.attach_id WHERE a.uniacid = :uniacid AND a.type = 'news' AND <> '' " . $news_model_sql . $search_sql . "%s"; $list_sql = sprintf($select_sql, " as id, a.filename, a.attachment, a.media_id, a.type, a.model, a.tag, a.createtime, b.displayorder, b.title, b.digest, b.thumb_url, b.thumb_media_id, b.attach_id, b.url", " ORDER BY a.createtime DESC, b.displayorder ASC LIMIT " . ($page['page_index'] - 1) * $page['page_size'] . ", " . $page['page_size']); $total_sql = sprintf($select_sql, "count(*)", ''); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($total_sql, $conditions); $news_list = pdo_fetchall($list_sql, $conditions); $material_list = array(); if (! empty($news_list)) { foreach ($news_list as $news){ if (isset($material_list[$news['attach_id']])){ $material_list[$news['attach_id']]['items'][$news['displayorder']] = $news; }else{ $material_list[$news['attach_id']] = array( 'id' => $news['id'], 'filename' => $news['filename'], 'attachment' => $news['attachment'], 'media_id' => $news['media_id'], 'type' => $news['type'], 'model' => $news['model'], 'tag' => $news['tag'], 'createtime' => $news['createtime'], 'items' => array($news['displayorder'] => $news), ); } } } foreach ($material_list as $key => &$news) { if (isset($news['items']) && is_array($news['items'])) { foreach ($news['items'] as &$item) { $item['thumb_url'] = tomedia($item['thumb_url']); } } } unset($news_list); $pager = pagination($total, $page['page_index'], $page['page_size'],'',$context = array('before' => 5, 'after' => 4, 'isajax' => $_W['isajax'])); $material_news = array('material_list' => $material_list, 'page' => $pager); return $material_news; } function material_list($type = '', $server = '', $page = array('page_index' => 1, 'page_size' => 24)) { global $_W; $tables = array(MATERIAL_LOCAL => 'core_attachment', MATERIAL_WEXIN => 'wechat_attachment'); $conditions['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $table = $tables[$server]; switch ($type) { case 'voice' : $conditions['type'] = $server == MATERIAL_LOCAL ? ATTACH_TYPE_VOICE : 'voice'; break; case 'video' : $conditions['type'] = $server == MATERIAL_LOCAL ? ATTACH_TYPE_VEDIO : 'video'; break; default : $conditions['type'] = $server == MATERIAL_LOCAL ? ATTACH_TYPE_IMAGE : 'image'; break; } if ($server == 'local') { $material_list = pdo_getslice($table, $conditions, array($page['page_index'], $page['page_size']), $total, array(), '', 'createtime DESC'); } else { $conditions['model'] = MATERIAL_WEXIN; $material_list = pdo_getslice($table, $conditions, array($page['page_index'], $page['page_size']), $total, array(), '', 'createtime DESC'); if ($type == 'video'){ foreach ($material_list as &$row) { $row['tag'] = $row['tag'] == '' ? array() : iunserializer($row['tag']); if (empty($row['filename'])) { $row['filename'] = $row['tag']['title']; } } unset($row); } } $pager = pagination($total, $page['page_index'], $page['page_size'],'',$context = array('before' => 5, 'after' => 4, 'isajax' => $_W['isajax'])); $material_news = array('material_list' => $material_list, 'page' => $pager); return $material_news; } function material_news_to_local($attach_id) { $material = material_get($attach_id); if(is_error($material)) { return $material; } $attach_id = material_news_set($material['news'],$attach_id); if(is_error($attach_id)) { return $attach_id; } $material['items'] = $material['news']; return $material; } function material_to_local($resourceid, $uniacid, $uid, $type = 'image') { $material = material_get($resourceid); if(is_error($material)) { return $material; } return material_network_image_to_local($material['url'], $uniacid, $uid); } function material_network_image_to_local($url, $uniacid, $uid) { return material_network_to_local($url, $uniacid, $uid, 'image'); } function material_network_to_local($url, $uniacid, $uid, $type = 'image') { $path = file_remote_attach_fetch($url); if(is_error($path)) { return $path; } $filename = pathinfo($path,PATHINFO_FILENAME); $data = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'uid' => $uid, 'filename' => $filename, 'attachment' => $path, 'type' => $type == 'image' ? ATTACH_TYPE_IMAGE : ($type == 'audio'||$type == 'voice' ? ATTACH_TYPE_VOICE : ATTACH_TYPE_VEDIO), 'createtime'=>TIMESTAMP ); pdo_insert('core_attachment', $data); $id = pdo_insertid(); $data['id'] = $id; $data['url'] = tomedia($path); return $data; } function material_to_wechat($attach_id, $uniacid, $uid, $acid, $type = 'image') { $result = material_local_upload($attach_id); if (is_error($result)) { return $result; } $tag = $result['url']; if($type == 'video') { $tag = serialize(array('title'=>'网络视频','description'=>'网络视频')); } $data = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'uid' => $uid, 'acid' => $acid, 'media_id' => $result['media_id'], 'attachment' => $result['url'], 'type' => $type, 'tag' => $tag, 'model' => 'perm', 'createtime'=>TIMESTAMP ); pdo_insert('wechat_attachment', $data); $id = pdo_insertid(); $data['url'] = tomedia($result['url']); $data['id'] = $id; return $data; } function material_network_image_to_wechat($url, $uniacid, $uid, $acid) { return material_network_to_wechat($url, $uniacid, $uid, $acid, 'image'); } function material_network_to_wechat($url, $uniacid, $uid, $acid, $type = 'image') { $local = material_network_to_local($url, $uniacid, $uid, $type); if (is_error($local)) { return $local; } return material_to_wechat($local['id'], $uniacid, $uid, $acid, $type); }