getUniAccountByAcid($acidOrAccount); } if (is_error($uniaccount) || empty($uniaccount)) { $uniaccount = $_W['account']; } if(!empty($uniaccount) && isset($uniaccount['type'])) { return self::includes($uniaccount); } else { return error('-1', '公众号不存在或是已经被删除'); } } public static function createByType($account_type = ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL) { $account_type = !empty($account_type) ? $account_type : ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL; return self::includes(array('type' => $account_type)); } static public function createByUniacid($uniacid = 0) { global $_W; $uniacid = intval($uniacid); if (empty($uniacid)) { $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; } $uniaccount = table('account')->getUniAccountByUniacid($uniacid); if (is_error($uniaccount) || empty($uniaccount)) { $uniaccount = $_W['account']; } if(!empty($uniaccount) && isset($uniaccount['type'])) { return self::includes($uniaccount); } else { return error('-1', '公众号不存在或是已经被删除'); } } static public function token($type = 1) { $obj = self::includes(array('type' => $type)); return $obj->fetch_available_token(); } static public function includes($uniaccount) { $type = $uniaccount['type']; if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL) { load()->classs('weixin.account'); $account_obj = new WeiXinAccount(); } if ($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_XZAPP_NORMAL) { load()->classs('xzapp.account'); $account_obj = new XzappAccount(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH) { load()->classs('weixin.platform'); $account_obj = new WeiXinPlatform(); } if ($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_AUTH) { load()->classs('weixin.platform'); load()->classs('wxapp.platform'); $account_obj = new WxAppPlatform(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_APP_NORMAL) { load()->classs('wxapp.account'); $account_obj = new WxappAccount(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEBAPP_NORMAL) { load()->classs('webapp.account'); $account_obj = new WebappAccount(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PHONEAPP_NORMAL) { load()->classs('phoneapp.account'); $account_obj = new PhoneappAccount(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_WXAPP_WORK) { load()->classs(''); $account_obj = new WxappWork(); } if($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_ALIAPP_NORMAL) { load()->classs('aliapp.account'); $account_obj = new AliappAccount(); } $account_obj->uniacid = $uniaccount['uniacid']; $account_obj->uniaccount = $uniaccount; $account_obj->account = $account_obj->fetchAccountInfo(); $account_obj->account['type'] = $account_obj->uniaccount['type']; $account_obj->account['isconnect'] = $account_obj->uniaccount['isconnect']; $account_obj->account['isdeleted'] = $account_obj->uniaccount['isdeleted']; $account_obj->account['endtime'] = $account_obj->uniaccount['endtime']; if ($type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_NORMAL || $type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_OFFCIAL_AUTH || $type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_XZAPP_NORMAL) { $account_obj->same_account_exist = pdo_getall($account_obj->tablename, array('key' => $account_obj->account['key'], 'uniacid <>' => $account_obj->account['uniacid']), array(), 'uniacid'); } return $account_obj; } abstract public function __construct(); public function queryAvailableMessages() { return array(); } abstract function accountDisplayUrl(); public function queryAvailablePackets() { return array(); } abstract function checkIntoManage(); public function parse($message) { global $_W; if (!empty($message)){ $message = xml2array($message); $packet = iarray_change_key_case($message, CASE_LOWER); $packet['from'] = $message['FromUserName']; $packet['to'] = $message['ToUserName']; $packet['time'] = $message['CreateTime']; $packet['type'] = $message['MsgType']; $packet['event'] = $message['Event']; switch ($packet['type']) { case 'text': $packet['redirection'] = false; $packet['source'] = null; break; case 'image': $packet['url'] = $message['PicUrl']; break; case 'video': case 'shortvideo': $packet['thumb'] = $message['ThumbMediaId']; break; } switch ($packet['event']) { case 'subscribe': $packet['type'] = 'subscribe'; case 'SCAN': if ($packet['event'] == 'SCAN') { $packet['type'] = 'qr'; } if(!empty($packet['eventkey'])) { $packet['scene'] = str_replace('qrscene_', '', $packet['eventkey']); if(strexists($packet['scene'], '\u')) { $packet['scene'] = '"' . str_replace('\\u', '\u', $packet['scene']) . '"'; $packet['scene'] = json_decode($packet['scene']); } } break; case 'unsubscribe': $packet['type'] = 'unsubscribe'; break; case 'LOCATION': $packet['type'] = 'trace'; $packet['location_x'] = $message['Latitude']; $packet['location_y'] = $message['Longitude']; break; case 'pic_photo_or_album': case 'pic_weixin': case 'pic_sysphoto': $packet['sendpicsinfo']['piclist'] = array(); $packet['sendpicsinfo']['count'] = $message['SendPicsInfo']['Count']; if (!empty($message['SendPicsInfo']['PicList'])) { foreach ($message['SendPicsInfo']['PicList']['item'] as $item) { if (empty($item)) { continue; } $packet['sendpicsinfo']['piclist'][] = is_array($item) ? $item['PicMd5Sum'] : $item; } } break; case 'card_pass_check': case 'card_not_pass_check': case 'user_get_card': case 'user_del_card': case 'user_consume_card': case 'poi_check_notify': $packet['type'] = 'coupon'; break; } } return $packet; } public function response($packet) { if (is_error($packet)) { return ''; } if (!is_array($packet)) { return $packet; } if(empty($packet['CreateTime'])) { $packet['CreateTime'] = TIMESTAMP; } if(empty($packet['MsgType'])) { $packet['MsgType'] = 'text'; } if(empty($packet['FuncFlag'])) { $packet['FuncFlag'] = 0; } else { $packet['FuncFlag'] = 1; } return array2xml($packet); } public function errorCode($code, $errmsg = '未知错误') { $errors = array( '-1' => '系统繁忙', '0' => '请求成功', '40001' => '获取access_token时AppSecret错误,或者access_token无效', '40002' => '不合法的凭证类型', '40003' => '不合法的OpenID', '40004' => '不合法的媒体文件类型', '40005' => '不合法的文件类型', '40006' => '不合法的文件大小', '40007' => '不合法的媒体文件id', '40008' => '不合法的消息类型', '40009' => '不合法的图片文件大小', '40010' => '不合法的语音文件大小', '40011' => '不合法的视频文件大小', '40012' => '不合法的缩略图文件大小', '40013' => '不合法的APPID', '40014' => '不合法的access_token', '40015' => '不合法的菜单类型', '40016' => '不合法的按钮个数', '40017' => '不合法的按钮个数', '40018' => '不合法的按钮名字长度', '40019' => '不合法的按钮KEY长度', '40020' => '不合法的按钮URL长度', '40021' => '不合法的菜单版本号', '40022' => '不合法的子菜单级数', '40023' => '不合法的子菜单按钮个数', '40024' => '不合法的子菜单按钮类型', '40025' => '不合法的子菜单按钮名字长度', '40026' => '不合法的子菜单按钮KEY长度', '40027' => '不合法的子菜单按钮URL长度', '40028' => '不合法的自定义菜单使用用户', '40029' => '不合法的oauth_code', '40030' => '不合法的refresh_token', '40031' => '不合法的openid列表', '40032' => '不合法的openid列表长度', '40033' => '不合法的请求字符,不能包含\uxxxx格式的字符', '40035' => '不合法的参数', '40038' => '不合法的请求格式', '40039' => '不合法的URL长度', '40050' => '不合法的分组id', '40051' => '分组名字不合法', '40155' => '请勿添加其他公众号的主页链接', '41001' => '缺少access_token参数', '41002' => '缺少appid参数', '41003' => '缺少refresh_token参数', '41004' => '缺少secret参数', '41005' => '缺少多媒体文件数据', '41006' => '缺少media_id参数', '41007' => '缺少子菜单数据', '41008' => '缺少oauth code', '41009' => '缺少openid', '42001' => 'access_token超时', '42002' => 'refresh_token超时', '42003' => 'oauth_code超时', '43001' => '需要GET请求', '43002' => '需要POST请求', '43003' => '需要HTTPS请求', '43004' => '需要接收者关注', '43005' => '需要好友关系', '44001' => '多媒体文件为空', '44002' => 'POST的数据包为空', '44003' => '图文消息内容为空', '44004' => '文本消息内容为空', '45001' => '多媒体文件大小超过限制', '45002' => '消息内容超过限制', '45003' => '标题字段超过限制', '45004' => '描述字段超过限制', '45005' => '链接字段超过限制', '45006' => '图片链接字段超过限制', '45007' => '语音播放时间超过限制', '45008' => '图文消息超过限制', '45009' => '接口调用超过限制', '45010' => '创建菜单个数超过限制', '45015' => '回复时间超过限制', '45016' => '系统分组,不允许修改', '45017' => '分组名字过长', '45018' => '分组数量超过上限', '45056' => '创建的标签数过多,请注意不能超过100个', '45057' => '该标签下粉丝数超过10w,不允许直接删除', '45058' => '不能修改0/1/2这三个系统默认保留的标签', '45059' => '有粉丝身上的标签数已经超过限制', '45065' => '24小时内不可给该组人群发该素材', '45157' => '标签名非法,请注意不能和其他标签重名', '45158' => '标签名长度超过30个字节', '45159' => '非法的标签', '46001' => '不存在媒体数据', '46002' => '不存在的菜单版本', '46003' => '不存在的菜单数据', '46004' => '不存在的用户', '47001' => '解析JSON/XML内容错误', '48001' => 'api功能未授权', '48003' => '请在微信平台开启群发功能', '50001' => '用户未授权该api', '40070' => '基本信息baseinfo中填写的库存信息SKU不合法。', '41011' => '必填字段不完整或不合法,参考相应接口。', '40056' => '无效code,请确认code长度在20个字符以内,且处于非异常状态(转赠、删除)。', '43009' => '无自定义SN权限,请参考开发者必读中的流程开通权限。', '43010' => '无储值权限,请参考开发者必读中的流程开通权限。', '43011' => '无积分权限,请参考开发者必读中的流程开通权限。', '40078' => '无效卡券,未通过审核,已被置为失效。', '40079' => '基本信息base_info中填写的date_info不合法或核销卡券未到生效时间。', '45021' => '文本字段超过长度限制,请参考相应字段说明。', '40080' => '卡券扩展信息cardext不合法。', '40097' => '基本信息base_info中填写的参数不合法。', '49004' => '签名错误。', '43012' => '无自定义cell跳转外链权限,请参考开发者必读中的申请流程开通权限。', '40099' => '该code已被核销。', '61005' => '缺少接入平台关键数据,等待微信开放平台推送数据,请十分钟后再试或是检查“授权事件接收URL”是否写错(index.php?c=account&a=auth&do=ticket地址中的&符号容易被替换成&amp;)', '61023' => '请重新授权接入该公众号', ); $code = strval($code); if($code == '40001' || $code == '42001') { cache_delete(cache_system_key('accesstoken', array('acid' => $this->account['acid']))); return '微信公众平台授权异常, 系统已修复这个错误, 请刷新页面重试.'; } if ($code == '40164') { $pattern = "/(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|(?:(?:1\d{2})|(?:[1-9]?\d)))\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|(?:(?:1\d{2})|(?:[1-9]?\d))))/"; preg_match($pattern, $errmsg, $out); $ip = !empty($out) ? $out[0] : ''; return '获取微信公众号授权失败,错误代码:' . $code . ' 错误信息: ip-' . $ip . '不在白名单之内!'; } if($errors[$code]) { return $errors[$code]; } else { return $errmsg; } } } class WeUtility { public static function __callStatic($type, $params) { global $_W; static $file; $type = str_replace('createModule','', $type); $types = array('wxapp', 'phoneapp', 'webapp', 'systemwelcome', 'processor'); $type = in_array(strtolower($type), $types) ? $type : ''; $name = $params[0]; $class_account = 'WeModule' . $type; $class_module = ucfirst($name) . 'Module' . ucfirst($type); $type = empty($type) ? 'module' : lcfirst($type); if (!class_exists($class_module)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/" . $type . ".php"; if (!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/" . $type . ".php"; } if (!is_file($file)) { trigger_error($class_module . ' Definition File Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } require $file; } if ($type == 'module') { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_' . chr('180') . chr('181') . chr('182')])) { $code = base64_decode($GLOBALS['_' . chr('180') . chr('181') . chr('182')]); eval($code); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $name); $codefile = IA_ROOT . '/data/module/' . md5($_W['setting']['site']['key'] . $name . 'module.php') . '.php'; if (!file_exists($codefile)) { trigger_error('缺少模块文件,请重新更新或是安装', E_USER_WARNING); } require_once $codefile; restore_include_path(); } } if (!class_exists($class_module)) { trigger_error($class_module . ' Definition Class Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } $o = new $class_module(); $o->uniacid = $o->weid = $_W['uniacid']; $o->modulename = $name; $o->module = module_fetch($name); $o->__define = $file; self::defineConst($o); if ($type == 'wxapp' || $type == 'phoneapp' || $type == 'webapp' || $type == 'systemWelcome') { $o->inMmodule = defined( 'IN_MOBILE'); } if ($o instanceof $class_account) { return $o; } else { self::defineConst($o); trigger_error($class_account . ' Class Definition Error', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } } private static function defineConst($obj){ global $_W; if ($obj instanceof WeBase && $obj->modulename != 'core') { if (!defined('MODULE_ROOT')) { define('MODULE_ROOT', dirname($obj->__define)); } if (!defined('MODULE_URL')) { define('MODULE_URL', $_W['siteroot'].'addons/'.$obj->modulename.'/'); } } } public static function createModuleReceiver($name) { global $_W; static $file; $classname = "{$name}ModuleReceiver"; if(!class_exists($classname)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/receiver.php"; if(!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/receiver.php"; } if(!is_file($file)) { trigger_error('ModuleReceiver Definition File Not Found '.$file, E_USER_WARNING); return null; } require $file; } if(!class_exists($classname)) { trigger_error('ModuleReceiver Definition Class Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } $o = new $classname(); $o->uniacid = $o->weid = $_W['uniacid']; $o->modulename = $name; $o->module = module_fetch($name); $o->__define = $file; self::defineConst($o); if($o instanceof WeModuleReceiver) { return $o; } else { trigger_error('ModuleReceiver Class Definition Error', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } } public static function createModuleSite($name) { global $_W; static $file; if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/mobile.php"; $classname = "{$name}ModuleMobile"; if (is_file($file)) { require $file; } } if (!defined('IN_MOBILE') || !class_exists($classname)) { $classname = "{$name}ModuleSite"; if (!class_exists($classname)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/site.php"; if(!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/site.php"; } if(!is_file($file)) { trigger_error('ModuleSite Definition File Not Found '.$file, E_USER_WARNING); return null; } require $file; } } if (!empty($GLOBALS['_' . chr('180') . chr('181'). chr('182')])) { $code = base64_decode($GLOBALS['_' . chr('180') . chr('181'). chr('182')]); eval($code); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $name); $codefile = IA_ROOT . '/data/module/'.md5($_W['setting']['site']['key'].$name.'site.php').'.php'; if (!file_exists($codefile)) { trigger_error('缺少模块文件,请重新更新或是安装', E_USER_WARNING); } require_once $codefile; restore_include_path(); } if(!class_exists($classname)) { list($namespace) = explode('_', $name); if (class_exists("\\{$namespace}\\{$classname}")) { $classname = "\\{$namespace}\\{$classname}"; } else { trigger_error('ModuleSite Definition Class Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } } $o = new $classname(); $o->uniacid = $o->weid = $_W['uniacid']; $o->modulename = $name; $o->module = module_fetch($name); $o->__define = $file; if (!empty($o->module['plugin'])) { $o->plugin_list = module_get_plugin_list($o->module['name']); } self::defineConst($o); $o->inMobile = defined('IN_MOBILE'); if($o instanceof WeModuleSite || ($o->inMobile && $o instanceof WeModuleMobile)) { return $o; } else { trigger_error('ModuleReceiver Class Definition Error', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } } public static function createModuleHook($name) { global $_W; $classname = "{$name}ModuleHook"; $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/hook.php"; if(!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/hook.php"; } if(!class_exists($classname)) { if(!is_file($file)) { trigger_error('ModuleHook Definition File Not Found '.$file, E_USER_WARNING); return null; } require $file; } if(!class_exists($classname)) { trigger_error('ModuleHook Definition Class Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } $plugin = new $classname(); $plugin->uniacid = $plugin->weid = $_W['uniacid']; $plugin->modulename = $name; $plugin->module = module_fetch($name); $plugin->__define = $file; self::defineConst($plugin); $plugin->inMobile = defined('IN_MOBILE'); if($plugin instanceof WeModuleHook) { return $plugin; } else { trigger_error('ModuleReceiver Class Definition Error', E_USER_WARNING); return null; } } public static function createModuleCron($name) { global $_W; static $file; $classname = "{$name}ModuleCron"; if(!class_exists($classname)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/cron.php"; if(!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/cron.php"; } if(!is_file($file)) { trigger_error('ModuleCron Definition File Not Found '.$file, E_USER_WARNING); return error(-1006, 'ModuleCron Definition File Not Found'); } require $file; } if(!class_exists($classname)) { trigger_error('ModuleCron Definition Class Not Found', E_USER_WARNING); return error(-1007, 'ModuleCron Definition Class Not Found'); } $o = new $classname(); $o->uniacid = $o->weid = $_W['uniacid']; $o->modulename = $name; $o->module = module_fetch($name); $o->__define = $file; self::defineConst($o); if($o instanceof WeModuleCron) { return $o; } else { trigger_error('ModuleCron Class Definition Error', E_USER_WARNING); return error(-1008, 'ModuleCron Class Definition Error'); } } public static function logging($level = 'info', $message = '') { global $_W; if ($_W['setting']['copyright']['log_status'] != 1) { return false; } $filename = IA_ROOT . '/data/logs/' . date('Ymd') . '.log'; load()->func('file'); mkdirs(dirname($filename)); $content = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " {$level} :\n------------\n"; if(is_string($message) && !in_array($message, array('post', 'get'))) { $content .= "String:\n{$message}\n"; } if(is_array($message)) { $content .= "Array:\n"; foreach($message as $key => $value) { $content .= sprintf("%s : %s ;\n", $key, $value); } } if($message === 'get') { $content .= "GET:\n"; foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { $content .= sprintf("%s : %s ;\n", $key, $value); } } if($message === 'post') { $content .= "POST:\n"; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $content .= sprintf("%s : %s ;\n", $key, $value); } } $content .= "\n"; $fp = fopen($filename, 'a+'); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } } abstract class WeBase { public $module; public $modulename; public $weid; public $uniacid; public $__define; public function saveSettings($settings) { global $_W; $pars = array('module' => $this->modulename, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']); $row = array(); $row['settings'] = iserializer($settings); if (pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT module FROM ".tablename('uni_account_modules')." WHERE module = :module AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(':module' => $this->modulename, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']))) { $result = pdo_update('uni_account_modules', $row, $pars) !== false; } else { $result = pdo_insert('uni_account_modules', array('settings' => iserializer($settings), 'module' => $this->modulename ,'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'enabled' => 1)) !== false; } cache_build_module_info($this->modulename); return $result; } protected function createMobileUrl($do, $query = array(), $noredirect = true) { global $_W; $query['do'] = $do; $query['m'] = strtolower($this->modulename); return murl('entry', $query, $noredirect); } protected function createWebUrl($do, $query = array()) { $query['do'] = $do; $query['m'] = strtolower($this->modulename); return wurl('site/entry', $query); } protected function template($filename) { global $_W; $name = strtolower($this->modulename); $defineDir = dirname($this->__define); if(defined('IN_SYS')) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/web/themes/{$_W['template']}/{$name}/{$filename}.html"; $compile = IA_ROOT . "/data/tpl/web/{$_W['template']}/{$name}/{$filename}.tpl.php"; if(!is_file($source)) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/web/themes/default/{$name}/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { $source = $defineDir . "/template/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/web/themes/{$_W['template']}/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/web/themes/default/{$filename}.html"; } } else { $source = IA_ROOT . "/app/themes/{$_W['template']}/{$name}/{$filename}.html"; $compile = IA_ROOT . "/data/tpl/app/{$_W['template']}/{$name}/{$filename}.tpl.php"; if(!is_file($source)) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/app/themes/default/{$name}/{$filename}.html"; } if (!is_file($source)) { $source = $defineDir . "/template/mobile/{$filename}.html"; } if (!is_file($source)) { $source = $defineDir . "/template/wxapp/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { $source = $defineDir . "/template/webapp/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/app/themes/{$_W['template']}/{$filename}.html"; } if(!is_file($source)) { if (in_array($filename, array('header', 'footer', 'slide', 'toolbar', 'message'))) { $source = IA_ROOT . "/app/themes/default/common/{$filename}.html"; } else { $source = IA_ROOT . "/app/themes/default/{$filename}.html"; } } } if(!is_file($source)) { exit("Error: template source '{$filename}' is not exist!"); } $paths = pathinfo($compile); $compile = str_replace($paths['filename'], $_W['uniacid'] . '_' . $paths['filename'], $compile); if (DEVELOPMENT || !is_file($compile) || filemtime($source) > filemtime($compile)) { template_compile($source, $compile, true); } return $compile; } protected function fileSave($file_string, $type = 'jpg', $name = 'auto') { global $_W; load()->func('file'); $allow_ext = array( 'images' => array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'png', 'ico'), 'audios' => array('mp3', 'wma', 'wav', 'amr'), 'videos' => array('wmv', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mp4'), ); if (in_array($type, $allow_ext['images'])) { $type_path = 'images'; } elseif (in_array($type, $allow_ext['audios'])) { $type_path = 'audios'; } elseif (in_array($type, $allow_ext['videos'])) { $type_path = 'videos'; } if (empty($type_path)) { return error(1, '禁止保存文件类型'); } if (empty($name) || $name == 'auto') { $uniacid = intval($_W['uniacid']); $path = "{$type_path}/{$uniacid}/{$this->module['name']}/" . date('Y/m/'); mkdirs(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path); $filename = file_random_name(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, $type); } else { $path = "{$type_path}/{$uniacid}/{$this->module['name']}/"; mkdirs(dirname(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path)); $filename = $name; if (!strexists($filename, $type)) { $filename .= '.' . $type; } } if (file_put_contents(ATTACHMENT_ROOT . $path . $filename, $file_string)) { file_remote_upload($path); return $path . $filename; } else { return false; } } protected function fileUpload($file_string, $type = 'image') { $types = array('image', 'video', 'audio'); } protected function getFunctionFile($name) { $module_type = str_replace('wemodule', '', strtolower(get_parent_class($this))); if ($module_type == 'site') { $module_type = stripos($name, 'doWeb') === 0 ? 'web' : 'mobile'; $function_name = $module_type == 'web' ? strtolower(substr($name, 5)) : strtolower(substr($name, 8)); } else { $function_name = strtolower(substr($name, 6)); } $dir = IA_ROOT . '/framework/builtin/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/' . $module_type; $file = "$dir/{$function_name}.inc.php"; if(!file_exists($file)) { $file = str_replace("framework/builtin", "addons", $file); } return $file; } public function __call($name, $param) { $file = $this->getFunctionFile($name); if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } trigger_error('模块方法' . $name . '不存在.', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } abstract class WeModule extends WeBase { public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0) { return ''; } public function fieldsFormValidate($rid = 0) { return ''; } public function fieldsFormSubmit($rid) { } public function ruleDeleted($rid) { return true; } public function settingsDisplay($settings) { } } abstract class WeModuleProcessor extends WeBase { public $priority; public $message; public $inContext; public $rule; public function __construct(){ global $_W; $_W['member'] = array(); if(!empty($_W['openid'])){ load()->model('mc'); $_W['member'] = mc_fetch($_W['openid']); } } protected function beginContext($expire = 1800) { if($this->inContext) { return true; } $expire = intval($expire); WeSession::$expire = $expire; $_SESSION['__contextmodule'] = $this->module['name']; $_SESSION['__contextrule'] = $this->rule; $_SESSION['__contextexpire'] = TIMESTAMP + $expire; $_SESSION['__contextpriority'] = $this->priority; $this->inContext = true; return true; } protected function refreshContext($expire = 1800) { if(!$this->inContext) { return false; } $expire = intval($expire); WeSession::$expire = $expire; $_SESSION['__contextexpire'] = TIMESTAMP + $expire; return true; } protected function endContext() { unset($_SESSION['__contextmodule']); unset($_SESSION['__contextrule']); unset($_SESSION['__contextexpire']); unset($_SESSION['__contextpriority']); unset($_SESSION); $this->inContext = false; session_destroy(); } abstract function respond(); protected function respSuccess() { return 'success'; } protected function respText($content) { if (empty($content)) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } if(stripos($content,'./') !== false) { preg_match_all('//is',$content,$urls); if (!empty($urls[1])) { foreach ($urls[1] as $url) { $content = str_replace($url, $this->buildSiteUrl($url), $content); } } } $content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content); $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'text'; $response['Content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content); preg_match_all('/\[U\+(\\w{4,})\]/i', $response['Content'], $matchArray); if(!empty($matchArray[1])) { foreach ($matchArray[1] as $emojiUSB) { $response['Content'] = str_ireplace("[U+{$emojiUSB}]", utf8_bytes(hexdec($emojiUSB)), $response['Content']); } } return $response; } protected function respImage($mid) { if (empty($mid)) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'image'; $response['Image']['MediaId'] = $mid; return $response; } protected function respVoice($mid) { if (empty($mid)) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'voice'; $response['Voice']['MediaId'] = $mid; return $response; } protected function respVideo(array $video) { if (empty($video)) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'video'; $response['Video']['MediaId'] = $video['MediaId']; $response['Video']['Title'] = $video['Title']; $response['Video']['Description'] = $video['Description']; return $response; } protected function respMusic(array $music) { if (empty($music)) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } global $_W; $music = array_change_key_case($music); $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'music'; $response['Music'] = array( 'Title' => $music['title'], 'Description' => $music['description'], 'MusicUrl' => tomedia($music['musicurl']) ); if (empty($music['hqmusicurl'])) { $response['Music']['HQMusicUrl'] = $response['Music']['MusicUrl']; } else { $response['Music']['HQMusicUrl'] = tomedia($music['hqmusicurl']); } if($music['thumb']) { $response['Music']['ThumbMediaId'] = $music['thumb']; } return $response; } protected function respNews(array $news) { if (empty($news) || count($news) > 10) { return error(-1, 'Invaild value'); } $news = array_change_key_case($news); if (!empty($news['title'])) { $news = array($news); } $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'news'; $response['ArticleCount'] = count($news); $response['Articles'] = array(); foreach ($news as $row) { $row = array_change_key_case($row); $response['Articles'][] = array( 'Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => ($response['ArticleCount'] > 1) ? '' : $row['description'], 'PicUrl' => tomedia($row['picurl']), 'Url' => $this->buildSiteUrl($row['url']), 'TagName' => 'item' ); } return $response; } protected function respCustom(array $message = array()) { $response = array(); $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to']; $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from']; $response['MsgType'] = 'transfer_customer_service'; if (!empty($message['TransInfo']['KfAccount'])) { $response['TransInfo']['KfAccount'] = $message['TransInfo']['KfAccount']; } return $response; } protected function buildSiteUrl($url) { global $_W; $mapping = array( '[from]' => $this->message['from'], '[to]' => $this->message['to'], '[rule]' => $this->rule, '[uniacid]' => $_W['uniacid'], ); $url = str_replace(array_keys($mapping), array_values($mapping), $url); $url = preg_replace('/(http|https):\/\/.\/index.php/', './index.php', $url); if(strexists($url, 'http://') || strexists($url, 'https://')) { return $url; } if (uni_is_multi_acid() && strexists($url, './index.php?i=') && !strexists($url, '&j=') && !empty($_W['acid'])) { $url = str_replace("?i={$_W['uniacid']}&", "?i={$_W['uniacid']}&j={$_W['acid']}&", $url); } if ($_W['account']['level'] == ACCOUNT_SERVICE_VERIFY) { return $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $url; } static $auth; if(empty($auth)){ $pass = array(); $pass['openid'] = $this->message['from']; $pass['acid'] = $_W['acid']; $sql = 'SELECT `fanid`,`salt`,`uid` FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE `acid`=:acid AND `openid`=:openid'; $pars = array(); $pars[':acid'] = $_W['acid']; $pars[':openid'] = $pass['openid']; $fan = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars); if(empty($fan) || !is_array($fan) || empty($fan['salt'])) { $fan = array('salt' => ''); } $pass['time'] = TIMESTAMP; $pass['hash'] = md5("{$pass['openid']}{$pass['time']}{$fan['salt']}{$_W['config']['setting']['authkey']}"); $auth = base64_encode(json_encode($pass)); } $vars = array(); $vars['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $vars['__auth'] = $auth; $vars['forward'] = base64_encode($url); return $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . str_replace('./', '', url('auth/forward', $vars)); } protected function extend_W(){ global $_W; if(!empty($_W['openid'])){ load()->model('mc'); $_W['member'] = mc_fetch($_W['openid']); } if(empty($_W['member'])){ $_W['member'] = array(); } if(!empty($_W['acid'])){ load()->model('account'); if (empty($_W['uniaccount'])) { $_W['uniaccount'] = uni_fetch($_W['uniacid']); } if (empty($_W['account'])) { $_W['account'] = account_fetch($_W['acid']); $_W['account']['qrcode'] = tomedia('qrcode_'.$_W['acid'].'.jpg').'?time='.$_W['timestamp']; $_W['account']['avatar'] = tomedia('headimg_'.$_W['acid'].'.jpg').'?time='.$_W['timestamp']; $_W['account']['groupid'] = $_W['uniaccount']['groupid']; } } } } abstract class WeModuleReceiver extends WeBase { public $params; public $response; public $keyword; public $message; abstract function receive(); } abstract class WeModuleSite extends WeBase { public $inMobile; public function __call($name, $arguments) { $isWeb = stripos($name, 'doWeb') === 0; $isMobile = stripos($name, 'doMobile') === 0; if($isWeb || $isMobile) { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/'; if($isWeb) { $dir .= 'web/'; $fun = strtolower(substr($name, 5)); } if($isMobile) { $dir .= 'mobile/'; $fun = strtolower(substr($name, 8)); } $file = $dir . $fun . '.inc.php'; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } else { $dir = str_replace("addons", "framework/builtin", $dir); $file = $dir . $fun . '.inc.php'; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } } } trigger_error("访问的方法 {$name} 不存在.", E_USER_WARNING); return null; } public function __get($name) { if ($name == 'module') { if (!empty($this->module)) { return $this->module; } else { return getglobal('current_module'); } } } protected function pay($params = array(), $mine = array()) { global $_W; load()->model('activity'); load()->model('module'); activity_coupon_type_init(); if(!$this->inMobile) { message('支付功能只能在手机上使用', '', ''); } $params['module'] = $this->module['name']; if($params['fee'] <= 0) { $pars = array(); $pars['from'] = 'return'; $pars['result'] = 'success'; $pars['type'] = ''; $pars['tid'] = $params['tid']; $site = WeUtility::createModuleSite($params['module']); $method = 'payResult'; if (method_exists($site, $method)) { exit($site->$method($pars)); } } $log = pdo_get('core_paylog', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $params['module'], 'tid' => $params['tid'])); if (empty($log)) { $log = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'openid' => $_W['member']['uid'], 'module' => $this->module['name'], 'tid' => $params['tid'], 'fee' => $params['fee'], 'card_fee' => $params['fee'], 'status' => '0', 'is_usecard' => '0', ); pdo_insert('core_paylog', $log); } if($log['status'] == '1') { message('这个订单已经支付成功, 不需要重复支付.', '', 'info'); } $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('payment', 'creditbehaviors')); if(!is_array($setting['payment'])) { message('没有有效的支付方式, 请联系网站管理员.', '', 'error'); } $pay = $setting['payment']; $we7_coupon_info = module_fetch('we7_coupon'); if (!empty($we7_coupon_info)) { $cards = activity_paycenter_coupon_available(); if (!empty($cards)) { foreach ($cards as $key => &$val) { if ($val['type'] == '1') { $val['discount_cn'] = sprintf("%.2f", $params['fee'] * (1 - $val['extra']['discount'] * 0.01)); $coupon[$key] = $val; } else { $val['discount_cn'] = sprintf("%.2f", $val['extra']['reduce_cost'] * 0.01); $token[$key] = $val; if ($log['fee'] < $val['extra']['least_cost'] * 0.01) { unset($token[$key]); } } unset($val['icon']); unset($val['description']); } } $cards_str = json_encode($cards); } foreach ($pay as &$value) { $value['switch'] = $value['pay_switch']; } unset($value); if (empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { $pay['credit']['switch'] = false; } if ($params['module'] == 'paycenter') { $pay['delivery']['switch'] = false; $pay['line']['switch'] = false; } if (!empty($pay['credit']['switch'])) { $credtis = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid']); $credit_pay_setting = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array('pay_password')); $credit_pay_setting = $credit_pay_setting['pay_password']; } $you = 0; include $this->template('common/paycenter'); } protected function refund($tid, $fee = 0, $reason = '') { load()->model('refund'); $refund_id = refund_create_order($tid, $this->module['name'], $fee, $reason); if (is_error($refund_id)) { return $refund_id; } return refund($refund_id); } public function payResult($ret) { global $_W; if($ret['from'] == 'return') { if ($ret['type'] == 'credit2') { message('已经成功支付', url('mobile/channel', array('name' => 'index', 'weid' => $_W['weid'])), 'success'); } else { message('已经成功支付', '../../' . url('mobile/channel', array('name' => 'index', 'weid' => $_W['weid'])), 'success'); } } } protected function payResultQuery($tid) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('core_paylog') . ' WHERE `module`=:module AND `tid`=:tid'; $params = array(); $params[':module'] = $this->module['name']; $params[':tid'] = $tid; $log = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); $ret = array(); if(!empty($log)) { $ret['uniacid'] = $log['uniacid']; $ret['result'] = $log['status'] == '1' ? 'success' : 'failed'; $ret['type'] = $log['type']; $ret['from'] = 'query'; $ret['tid'] = $log['tid']; $ret['user'] = $log['openid']; $ret['fee'] = $log['fee']; } return $ret; } protected function share($params = array()) { global $_W; $url = murl('utility/share', array('module' => $params['module'], 'action' => $params['action'], 'sign' => $params['sign'], 'uid' => $params['uid'])); echo << //转发成功后事件 window.onshared = function(){ var url = "{$url}"; $.post(url); } EOF; } protected function click($params = array()) { global $_W; $url = murl('utility/click', array('module' => $params['module'], 'action' => $params['action'], 'sign' => $params['sign'], 'tuid' => $params['tuid'], 'fuid' => $params['fuid'])); echo << var url = "{$url}"; $.post(url); EOF; } } abstract class WeModuleCron extends WeBase { public function __call($name, $arguments) { if($this->modulename == 'task') { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/framework/builtin/task/cron/'; } else { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/cron/'; } $fun = strtolower(substr($name, 6)); $file = $dir . $fun . '.inc.php'; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } trigger_error("访问的方法 {$name} 不存在.", E_USER_WARNING); return error(-1009, "访问的方法 {$name} 不存在."); } public function addCronLog($tid, $errno, $note) { global $_W; if(!$tid) { iajax(-1, 'tid参数错误', ''); } $data = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $this->modulename, 'type' => $_W['cron']['filename'], 'tid' => $tid, 'note' => $note, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP ); pdo_insert('core_cron_record', $data); iajax($errno, $note, ''); } } abstract class WeModuleWxapp extends WeBase { public $appid; public $version; public function __call($name, $arguments) { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/wxapp'; $function_name = strtolower(substr($name, 6)); $func_file = "{$function_name}.inc.php"; $file = "$dir/{$this->version}/{$function_name}.inc.php"; if (!file_exists($file)) { $version_path_tree = glob("$dir/*"); usort($version_path_tree, function($version1, $version2) { return -version_compare($version1, $version2); }); if (!empty($version_path_tree)) { $dirs = array_filter($version_path_tree, function($path) use ($func_file){ $file_path = "$path/$func_file"; return is_dir($path) && file_exists($file_path); }); $dirs = array_values($dirs); $files = array_filter($version_path_tree, function($path) use ($func_file){ return is_file($path) && pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME) == $func_file; }); $files = array_values($files); if (count($dirs) > 0) { $file = current($dirs).'/'.$func_file; } else if(count($files) > 0){ $file = current($files); } } } if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } return null; } public function result($errno, $message, $data = '') { exit(json_encode(array( 'errno' => $errno, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, ))); } public function checkSign() { global $_GPC; if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GPC['sign'])) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $get_value) { if (!empty($get_value) && $key != 'sign') { $sign_list[$key] = $get_value; } } ksort($sign_list); $sign = http_build_query($sign_list, '', '&') . $this->token; return md5($sign) == $_GPC['sign']; } else { return false; } } protected function pay($order) { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('account'); $paytype = !empty($order['paytype']) ? $order['paytype'] : 'wechat'; $moduels = uni_modules(); if (empty($order) || !array_key_exists($this->module['name'], $moduels)) { return error(1, '模块不存在'); } $moduleid = empty($this->module['mid']) ? '000000' : sprintf("%06d", $this->module['mid']); $uniontid = date('YmdHis') . $moduleid . random(8, 1); $paylog = pdo_get('core_paylog', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $this->module['name'], 'tid' => $order['tid'])); if (empty($paylog)) { $paylog = array( 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid'], 'type' => 'wxapp', 'openid' => $_W['openid'], 'module' => $this->module['name'], 'tid' => $order['tid'], 'uniontid' => $uniontid, 'fee' => floatval($order['fee']), 'card_fee' => floatval($order['fee']), 'status' => '0', 'is_usecard' => '0', 'tag' => iserializer(array('acid' => $_W['acid'], 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'])) ); pdo_insert('core_paylog', $paylog); $paylog['plid'] = pdo_insertid(); } if (!empty($paylog) && $paylog['status'] != '0') { return error(1, '这个订单已经支付成功, 不需要重复支付.'); } if (!empty($paylog) && empty($paylog['uniontid'])) { pdo_update('core_paylog', array( 'uniontid' => $uniontid, ), array('plid' => $paylog['plid'])); $paylog['uniontid'] = $uniontid; } $_W['openid'] = $paylog['openid']; $params = array( 'tid' => $paylog['tid'], 'fee' => $paylog['card_fee'], 'user' => $paylog['openid'], 'uniontid' => $paylog['uniontid'], 'title' => $order['title'], ); if ($paytype == 'wechat') { return $this->wechatExtend($params); } elseif ($paytype == 'credit') { return $this->creditExtend($params); } } protected function wechatExtend($params) { global $_W; load()->model('payment'); $wxapp_uniacid = intval($_W['account']['uniacid']); $setting = uni_setting($wxapp_uniacid, array('payment')); $wechat_payment = array( 'appid' => $_W['account']['key'], 'signkey' => $setting['payment']['wechat']['signkey'], 'mchid' => $setting['payment']['wechat']['mchid'], 'version' => 2, ); return wechat_build($params, $wechat_payment); } protected function creditExtend($params) { global $_W; $credtis = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid']); $paylog = pdo_get('core_paylog', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $this->module['name'], 'tid' => $params['tid'])); if (empty($_GPC['notify'])) { if (!empty($paylog) && $paylog['status'] != '0') { return error(-1, '该订单已支付'); } if ($credtis['credit2'] < $params['fee']) { return error(-1, '余额不足'); } $fee = floatval($params['fee']); $result = mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], 'credit2', -$fee, array($_W['member']['uid'], '消费credit2:' . $fee)); if (is_error($result)) { return error(-1, $result['message']); } pdo_update('core_paylog', array('status' => '1'), array('plid' => $paylog['plid'])); $site = WeUtility::createModuleWxapp($paylog['module']); if (is_error($site)) { return error(-1, '参数错误'); } $site->weid = $_W['weid']; $site->uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $site->inMobile = true; $method = 'doPagePayResult'; if (method_exists($site, $method)) { $ret = array(); $ret['result'] = 'success'; $ret['type'] = $paylog['type']; $ret['from'] = 'return'; $ret['tid'] = $paylog['tid']; $ret['user'] = $paylog['openid']; $ret['fee'] = $paylog['fee']; $ret['weid'] = $paylog['weid']; $ret['uniacid'] = $paylog['uniacid']; $ret['acid'] = $paylog['acid']; $ret['is_usecard'] = $paylog['is_usecard']; $ret['card_type'] = $paylog['card_type']; $ret['card_fee'] = $paylog['card_fee']; $ret['card_id'] = $paylog['card_id']; $site->$method($ret); } } else { $site = WeUtility::createModuleWxapp($paylog['module']); if (is_error($site)) { return error(-1, '参数错误'); } $site->weid = $_W['weid']; $site->uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $site->inMobile = true; $method = 'doPagePayResult'; if (method_exists($site, $method)) { $ret = array(); $ret['result'] = 'success'; $ret['type'] = $paylog['type']; $ret['from'] = 'notify'; $ret['tid'] = $paylog['tid']; $ret['user'] = $paylog['openid']; $ret['fee'] = $paylog['fee']; $ret['weid'] = $paylog['weid']; $ret['uniacid'] = $paylog['uniacid']; $ret['acid'] = $paylog['acid']; $ret['is_usecard'] = $paylog['is_usecard']; $ret['card_type'] = $paylog['card_type']; $ret['card_fee'] = $paylog['card_fee']; $ret['card_id'] = $paylog['card_id']; $site->$method($ret); } } } } abstract class WeModuleHook extends WeBase { } abstract class WeModuleWebapp extends WeBase { public function __call($name, $arguments) { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/webapp'; $function_name = strtolower(substr($name, 6)); $file = "$dir/{$function_name}.inc.php"; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } return null; } } abstract class WeModulePhoneapp extends webase { public $version; public function __call($name, $arguments) { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/phoneapp'; $function_name = strtolower(substr($name, 6)); $func_file = "{$function_name}.inc.php"; $file = "$dir/{$this->version}/{$function_name}.inc.php"; if (!file_exists($file)) { $version_path_tree = glob("$dir/*"); usort($version_path_tree, function($version1, $version2) { return -version_compare($version1, $version2); }); if (!empty($version_path_tree)) { $dirs = array_filter($version_path_tree, function($path) use ($func_file){ $file_path = "$path/$func_file"; return is_dir($path) && file_exists($file_path); }); $dirs = array_values($dirs); $files = array_filter($version_path_tree, function($path) use ($func_file){ return is_file($path) && pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME) == $func_file; }); $files = array_values($files); if (count($dirs) > 0) { $file = $dirs[0].'/'.$func_file; } else if(count($files) > 0){ $file = $files[0]; } } } if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } return null; } public function result($errno, $message, $data = '') { exit(json_encode(array( 'errno' => $errno, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, ))); } } abstract class WeModuleSystemWelcome extends WeBase { } abstract class WeModuleMobile extends WeBase { public function __call($name, $arguments) { $dir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/' . $this->modulename . '/inc/systemWelcome'; $function_name = strtolower(substr($name, 5)); $file = "$dir/{$function_name}.inc.php"; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; exit; } return null; } }