classs('weixin.account'); class coupon extends WeixinAccount { public $account = null; public function __construct($acid = '') { $this->account_api = self::create($acid); $this->account = $this->account_api->account; } public function getAccessToken() { return $this->account_api->getAccessToken(); } public function getCardTicket(){ $cachekey = cache_system_key('cardticket', array('acid' => $this->account['acid'])); $cache = cache_load($cachekey); if (!empty($cache) && !empty($cache['ticket']) && $cache['expire'] > TIMESTAMP) { $this->account['card_ticket'] = $cache; return $cache['ticket']; } load()->func('communication'); $access_token = $this->getAccessToken(); if(is_error($access_token)){ return $access_token; } $url = "{$access_token}&type=wx_card"; $content = ihttp_get($url); if(is_error($content)) { return error(-1, '调用接口获取微信公众号 card_ticket 失败, 错误信息: ' . $content['message']); } $result = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if(empty($result) || intval(($result['errcode'])) != 0 || $result['errmsg'] != 'ok') { return error(-1, '获取微信公众号 card_ticket 结果错误, 错误信息: ' . $result['errmsg']); } $record = array(); $record['ticket'] = $result['ticket']; $record['expire'] = TIMESTAMP + $result['expires_in'] - 200; $this->account['card_ticket'] = $record; cache_write($cachekey, $record); return $record['ticket']; } public function LocationLogoupload($logo){ global $_W; if(!strexists($logo, 'http://') && !strexists($logo, 'https://')) { $path = rtrim(IA_ROOT .'/'. $_W['config']['upload']['attachdir'], '/') . '/'; if(empty($logo) || !file_exists($path . $logo)) { return error(-1, '商户LOGO不存在'); } } else { return error(-1, '商户LOGO只能上传本地图片'); } $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; $data = array( 'buffer' => '@' . $path . $logo ); load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, $data); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},信息详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function SetTestWhiteList($data){ global $_W; $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},信息详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function LocationAdd($data) { if(empty($data)) { return error(-1, '门店信息错误'); } $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } if (!empty($data['category'])) { $data['category'] = array(rtrim(implode(',', array_values($data['category'])), ',')); } $data['categories'] = $data['category']; unset($data['category']); $data['offset_type'] = 1; $post = array( 'business' => array( 'base_info' => $data, ), ); $post = stripslashes(urldecode(ijson_encode($post, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE))); $url = "{$token}"; $result = $this->requestApi($url, $post); return $result; } public function LocationEdit($data) { if(empty($data)) { return error(-1, '门店信息错误'); } $post = array( 'business' => array( 'base_info' => $data ), ); $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, urldecode(json_encode($post))); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function LocationDel($id) { if(empty($id)) { return error(-1, '门店信息错误'); } $post = array( 'poi_id' => $id ); $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($post)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function LocationBatchGet($data = array()) { if(empty($data['begin'])) { $data['begin'] = 0; } if(empty($data['limit'])) { $data['limit'] = 50; } $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function LocationGet($id) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $data = array( 'poi_id' => $id ); $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function GetColors() { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function isCouponSupported() { global $_W; load()->model('module'); $we7_coupon_module = module_fetch('we7_coupon'); $setting = array(); if (!empty($we7_coupon_module)) { $setting = $we7_coupon_module['config']; } else { $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('coupon_type')); } if ($_W['account']['level'] != ACCOUNT_SERVICE_VERIFY && $_W['account']['level'] != ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFY) { return false; } else { if (!empty($setting['setting']['coupon_type'])) { if ($setting['setting']['coupon_type'] == SYSTEM_COUPON) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if ($setting['coupon_type'] == SYSTEM_COUPON) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } public function CreateCard($card) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $card = stripslashes(urldecode(ijson_encode($card, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE))); $response = $this->requestApi($url, $card); return $response; } public function DeleteCard($card_id) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $card = json_encode(array('card_id' => $card_id)); $response = ihttp_request($url, $card); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function setActivateUserForm($card_id) { global $_W; $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $data['required_form']['common_field_id_list'] = array('USER_FORM_INFO_FLAG_MOBILE'); $data['card_id'] = $card_id; $data['bind_old_card'] = array('name' => '绑定老会员卡', 'url' => ''); $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $result = $this->requestApi($url, json_encode($data)); return $result; } public function activateMemberCard($data) { global $_W; $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $result = $this->requestApi($url, json_encode($data)); return $result; } public function ModifyStockCard($card_id, $num) { $data['card_id'] = trim($card_id); $data['increase_stock_value'] = 0; $data['reduce_stock_value'] = 0; $num = intval($num); ($num > 0) && ($data['increase_stock_value'] = $num); ($num < 0) && ($data['reduce_stock_value'] = abs($num)); $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function QrCard($card_id, $sceneid, $expire = '') { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $data = array( 'action_name' => 'QR_CARD', 'expire_seconds' => "{$expire}", 'action_info' => array( 'card' => array( 'card_id' => strval($card_id), 'code' => '', 'openid' => '', 'is_unique_code' => false, 'outer_id' => $sceneid, ) ) ); $result = $this->requestApi($url, json_encode($data)); return $result; } public function sendCoupons($coupon, $openids) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if(is_error($token)){ return $token; } $post = array( 'touser' => $openids, "wxcard" => array('card_id' => $coupon), "msgtype" => "wxcard" ); $url = '' . $token; $result = $this->requestApi($url, json_encode($post)); return $result; } public function UnavailableCode($data) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function ConsumeCode($data) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function selfConsume($data) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if(is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function DecryptCode($data) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function fetchCard($card_id) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $data = array( 'card_id' => $card_id, ); $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result['card']; } public function updateMemberCard($post) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; $result = $this->requestApi($url, urldecode(json_encode($post))); return $result; } public function batchgetCard($data) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function updateCard($card_id) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $data = array( 'card_id' => $card_id, ); $url = "{$token}"; load()->func('communication'); $response = ihttp_request($url, json_encode($data)); if(is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if(empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif(!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->errorCode($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result; } public function PayConsumeCode($data) { $code_error['uniacid'] = $this->account['uniacid']; $code_error['acid'] = $this->account['acid']; $code_error['type'] = 2; $code_error['message'] = $data['encrypt_code']; $code_error['dateline'] = time(); $code_error['module'] = $data['module']; $code_error['params'] = $data['card_id']; $code = $this->DecryptCode(array('encrypt_code' => $data['encrypt_code'])); if(is_error($code)) { pdo_insert('core_queue', $code_error); } else { $sumecode = $this->ConsumeCode(array('code' => $code['code'])); if(is_error($sumecode)) { pdo_insert('core_queue', $code_error); } else { pdo_update('coupon_record', array('status' => 3, 'usetime' => time()), array('acid' => $this->account['acid'], 'code' => $code['code'], 'card_id' => $data['card_id'])); } } return true; } public function SignatureCard($data) { $ticket = $this->getCardTicket(); if (is_error($ticket)) { return $ticket; } $data[] = $ticket; sort($data, SORT_STRING); return sha1(implode($data)); } public function BuildCardExt($id, $openid = '', $type = 'coupon') { global $_W; if ($type == 'membercard') { $card_id = pdo_getcolumn('mc_card', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']), 'card_id'); } else { $acid = $this->account['acid']; $card_id = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT card_id FROM ' . tablename('coupon') . ' WHERE acid = :acid AND id = :id', array(':acid' => $acid, ':id' => $id)); if(empty($card_id)) { return error(-1, '卡券id不合法'); } } if (empty($card_id)) { $card_id = $id; } $time = TIMESTAMP; $sign = array($card_id, $time); $signature = $this->SignatureCard($sign); if(is_error($signature)) { return $signature; } $cardExt = array('timestamp' => $time, 'signature' => $signature); $cardExt = json_encode($cardExt); return array('card_id' => $card_id, 'card_ext' => $cardExt); } public function AddCard($id) { $card = $this->BuildCardExt($id); if(is_error($card)) { return $card; } $url = murl('activity/coupon/mine'); return <<BuildCardExt($id); if(is_error($card)) { return $card; } $url = murl('activity/coupon/mine'); return <<account['acid']; if(empty($card_id)) { return error(-1, '卡券不存在'); } $time = TIMESTAMP; $randstr = random(8); $sign = array($card_id, $time, $randstr, $this->account['key']); $signature = $this->SignatureCard($sign); if(is_error($signature)) { return $signature; } $url = murl("wechat/pay/card"); return << 0) { $ids[] = $da; } } if(empty($ids)) { $condition = ''; } else { $ids_str = implode(', ', $ids); $condition .= " AND id IN ({$ids_str})"; } } $card = array(); if(!empty($condition)) { $card = pdo_fetchall('SELECT id, card_id FROM ' . tablename('coupon') . " WHERE acid = {$acid} " . $condition); } foreach($card as $ca) { $time = TIMESTAMP; $sign = array($ca['card_id'], $time); $signature = $this->SignatureCard($sign); if(is_error($signature)) { return $signature; } $post[] = array( 'cardId' => trim($ca['card_id']), 'cardExt' => array('timestamp' => $time, 'signature' => $signature), ); } if(!empty($post)) { $card_json = json_encode($post); echo << wx.ready(function(){ wx.addCard({ cardList : {$card_json}, // 需要添加的卡券列表 success: function (res) { alert(JSON.stringify(res)); var cardList = res.cardList; // 添加的卡券列表信息 } }); }); EOF; } else { echo << EOF; } } } define('COUPON_CODE_TYPE_TEXT', 1); define('COUPON_CODE_TYPE_QRCODE', 2); define('COUPON_CODE_TYPE_BARCODE', 3); define('COUPON_TIME_TYPE_RANGE', 1); define('COUPON_TIME_TYPE_FIX', 2); class Card { public $card_id = ''; public $logo_url = ''; public $brand_name = ''; public $code_type = CODE_TYPE_BARCODE; public $title = ''; public $sub_title = ''; public $color = 'Color082'; public $notice = ''; public $service_phone = ''; public $description = ''; public $sku = array('quantity' => 50000); public $date_info = array('type' => COUPON_TIME_TYPE_RANGE); public $location_id_list = array(); public $get_limit = 10; public $can_share = true; public $can_give_friend = true; public $use_custom_code = false; public $bind_openid = false; public $source = ''; public $status = ''; public $promotion_url_name = ''; public $promotion_url_sub_title = ''; public $promotion_url = ''; public $custom_url_name = ''; public $custom_url_sub_title = ''; public $custom_url = ''; public $center_title = ''; public $center_sub_title = ''; public $center_url = ''; public $need_push_on_view = false; public $pay_info = array(); public $get_custom_code_mode = "GET_CUSTOM_CODE_MODE_DEPOSIT"; private $types = array('', 'DISCOUNT', 'CASH', 'GROUPON', 'GIFT', 'GENERAL_COUPON', "MEMBER_CARD", "SCENIC_TICKET", "MOVIE_TICKET"); private $code_types = array(COUPON_CODE_TYPE_TEXT => 'CODE_TYPE_TEXT', COUPON_CODE_TYPE_QRCODE => 'CODE_TYPE_QRCODE',COUPON_CODE_TYPE_BARCODE => 'CODE_TYPE_BARCODE'); static public function create($type) { $card_class = array( COUPON_TYPE_DISCOUNT => 'Discount', COUPON_TYPE_CASH => 'Cash', COUPON_TYPE_GENERAL => 'General', COUPON_TYPE_GIFT => 'Gift', COUPON_TYPE_GROUPON => 'Groupon', COUPON_TYPE_MEMBER => 'Member' ); if (empty($card_class[$type])) { return error(-1, '卡券类型错误'); } $classname = $card_class[$type].'Card'; $card = new $classname(); $card->type = $type; return $card; } public function setDateinfoRange($starttime, $endtime) { $this->date_info = array( 'type' => 'DATE_TYPE_FIX_TIME_RANGE', 'begin_timestamp' => strtotime($starttime), 'end_timestamp' => strtotime($endtime), ); return true; } public function setDateinfoFix($begin, $term) { $this->date_info = array( 'type' => 'DATE_TYPE_FIX_TERM', 'fixed_term' => $term, 'fixed_begin_term' => $begin, ); return true; } public function setCodetype($type) { $this->code_type = $this->code_types[$type]; return true; } public function setLocation($location) { $store = pdo_getall('activity_stores', array('id' => $location), array('location_id'), 'location_id'); if (!empty($store)) { $this->location_id_list = array_keys($store); } } public function setCenterMenu($title, $subtitle, $url) { $this->center_title = urlencode($title); $this->center_sub_title = urlencode($subtitle); $this->center_url = urlencode($url); return true; } public function setCustomMenu($title, $subtitle, $url) { $this->custom_url_name = urlencode($title); $this->custom_url_sub_title = urlencode($subtitle); $this->custom_url = urlencode($url); return true; } public function setPromotionMenu($title, $subtitle, $url) { $this->promotion_url_name = urlencode($title); $this->promotion_url_sub_title = urlencode($subtitle); $this->promotion_url = urlencode($url); return true; } public function setQuantity($quantity) { $this->sku = $sku = array('quantity' => intval($quantity)); } public function validate() { if (empty($this->logo_url)) { return error(7, '未设置商户logo'); } if (empty($this->brand_name)) { return error(8, '未设置商户名称'); } if (empty($this->title)) { return error(9, '未设置卡券标题'); } if (empty($this->service_phone)) { return error(11, '客服电话不能为空'); } if (empty($this->description)) { return error(12, '使用须知不能为空'); } return true; } private function getBaseinfo() { $fields = array( 'logo_url', 'brand_name', 'code_type', 'title', 'sub_title', 'color', 'notice', 'service_phone', 'description', 'date_info' ,'sku', 'get_limit', 'use_custom_code', 'bind_openid', 'can_share', 'can_give_friend', 'location_id_list', 'center_title', 'center_sub_title','center_url', 'custom_url_name','custom_url','custom_url_sub_title', 'promotion_url_name','promotion_url', 'promotion_url_sub_title', 'source', 'get_custom_code_mode', ); if ($this->type == 6) { $fields[] = 'need_push_on_view'; $fields[] = 'pay_info'; } $baseinfo = array(); foreach ($this as $filed => $value) { if (in_array($filed, $fields)) { $baseinfo[$filed] = $value; } } return $baseinfo; } private function getAdvinfo() { return array(); } function getCardData() { $carddata = array( 'base_info' => $this->getBaseinfo(), ); $carddata = array_merge($carddata, $this->getCardExtraData()); $card = array( 'card' => array( 'card_type' => $this->types[$this->type], strtolower($this->types[$this->type]) => $carddata, ), ); return $card; } function getCardArray() { $data = array( 'card_id' => $this->card_id, 'type' => $this->type, 'logo_url' => urldecode($this->logo_url), 'code_type' => array_search($this->code_type, $this->code_types), 'brand_name' => $this->brand_name, 'title' => $this->title, 'sub_title' => $this->sub_title, 'color' => $this->color, 'notice' => $this->notice, 'description' => $this->description, 'quantity' => $this->sku['quantity'], 'use_custom_code' => intval($this->use_custom_code), 'bind_openid' => intval($this->bind_openid), 'can_share' => intval($this->can_share), 'can_give_friend' => intval($this->can_give_friend), 'get_limit' => $this->get_limit, 'service_phone' => $this->service_phone, 'status' => $this->status, 'is_display' => '1', 'is_selfconsume' => '0', 'promotion_url_name' => urldecode($this->promotion_url_name), 'promotion_url' => urldecode($this->promotion_url), 'promotion_url_sub_title' => urldecode($this->promotion_url_sub_title), 'source' => $this->source, ); $data['date_info'] = array( 'time_type' => $this->date_info['type'] == 'DATE_TYPE_FIX_TIME_RANGE' ? 1 : 2, 'time_limit_start' => date('Y.m.d', $this->date_info['begin_timestamp']), 'time_limit_end' => date('Y.m.d', $this->date_info['end_timestamp']), 'deadline' => $this->date_info['fixed_begin_term'], 'limit' => $this->date_info['fixed_term'], ); $data['date_info'] = iserializer($data['date_info']); $data['extra'] = iserializer($this->getCardExtraData()); return $data; } }; class MemberCard extends Card { public $background_pic_url = ''; public $supply_bonus = true; public $bonus_rule = array( 'cost_money_unit' => 100, 'increase_bonus' => '', 'max_increase_bonus' => '', 'init_increase_bonus' => '', 'cost_bonus_unit' => '', 'reduce_money' => 100, 'least_money_to_use_bonus' => '', 'max_reduce_bonus' => '', ); public $supply_balance = true; public $prerogative = ''; public $auto_activate = false; public $custom_field1 = array('name_type' => 'FIELD_NAME_TYPE_COUPON', 'url' => '' ); public $activate_url = ''; public $wx_activate = false; public $bonus_url = ''; public $balance_url = ''; public $bonus_rules = ''; public $balance_rules = ''; public $custom_cell1 = array('name' => '账单', 'tips' => '', 'url' => ''); public $discount = ''; public $bonus_cleared = ''; public $format_type = true; public $grant_rate = ''; public $offset_rate = ''; public $offset_max = ''; public $fields = array(); public $grant = array(); public $discount_type = ''; public $nums_status = ''; public $nums_text = '' ; public $times_status = ''; public $times_text = ''; public $params = ''; public $html = ''; public function GetCardArray() { return array( 'card_id' => $this->card_id, 'source' => $this->source, 'title' => $this->title, 'brand_name' => $this->brand_name, 'format_type' => $this->format_type, 'color' => $this->color, 'background' => $this->background_pic_url, 'logo' => $this->logo_url, 'description' => $this->description, 'grant_rate' => $this->grant_rate, 'offset_rate' => $this->offset_rate, 'offset_max' => $this->offset_max, 'fields' => $this->fields, 'grant' => $this->grant, 'discount_type' => $this->discount_type, 'nums_status' => $this->nums_status, 'nums_text' => $this->nums_text, 'times_status' => $this->times_status, 'times_text' => $this->times_text, 'params' => $this->params, 'html' => $this->html, 'notice' => $this->notice, 'quantity' => $this->sku['quantity'], 'least_money_to_use_bonus' => $this->bonus_rule['least_money_to_use_bonus'], 'max_increase_bonus' => $this->bonus_rule['max_increase_bonus'] ); } public function getMemberCardUpdateArray() { $update['card_id'] = $this->card_id; $card = $this->getCardData(); $update = array_merge($update, $card['card']); unset($update['card_type']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['source']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['sub_title']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['sku']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['use_custom_code']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['promotion_url_name']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['promotion_url']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['custom_url_name']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['custom_url']); unset($update['member_card']['base_info']['brand_name']); unset($update['member_card']['custom_cell1']); $update['member_card']['base_info']['promotion_url_name'] = urlencode('广播'); $update['member_card']['base_info']['custom_url_name'] = urlencode('个人消息'); $update['member_card']['base_info']['center_title'] = urlencode('付款'); $update['member_card']['base_info']['title'] = urlencode($update['member_card']['base_info']['title']); $update['member_card']['base_info']['description'] = urlencode($update['member_card']['base_info']['description']); $update['member_card']['prerogative'] = urlencode($update['member_card']['prerogative']); return $update; } public function GetMemberCardArray() { $data = $this->getcardarray(); return $data; } public function setBonusRule($cost_money_unit, $increase_bonus, $max_increase_bonus, $init_increase_bonus, $cost_bonus_unit, $reduce_money, $least_money_to_use_bonus, $max_reduce_bonus) { $this->bonus_rule = array( 'cost_money_unit' => $cost_money_unit, 'increase_bonus' => $increase_bonus, 'max_increase_bonus' => $max_increase_bonus, 'init_increase_bonus' => $init_increase_bonus, 'cost_bonus_unit' => $cost_bonus_unit, 'reduce_money' => $reduce_money, 'least_money_to_use_bonus' => $least_money_to_use_bonus, 'max_reduce_bonus' => $max_reduce_bonus, ); return true; } public function setCustomCell($name, $tips, $url) { $this->custom_cell1 = array( 'name' => $name, 'tips' => $tips, 'url' => $url ); return true; } public function setCustomField($name_type, $url, $num) { $array = array( 'name_type' => $name_type, 'url' => $url ); if ($num == 1) { $this->custom_field1 = $array; } if ($num == 2) { $this->custom_field2 = $array; } if ($num == 3) { $this->custom_field3 = $array; } return true; } public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error) && $error['errno'] != 11) { return $error; } if (!empty($this->supply_bonus)) { if (empty($this->bonus_rule['cost_money_unit'])) { return error(13, '未填写积分说明中的消费金额'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['increase_bonus'])) { return error(14, '未填写积分说明中的对应增加金额'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['max_increase_bonus'])) { return error(15, '未填写积分说明中的用户单次可获取的积分上限'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['init_increase_bonus'])) { return error(16, '未填写积分说明中的初始设置积分'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['cost_bonus_unit'])) { return error(17, '未填写积分说明中的每次使用积分'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['reduce_money'])) { return error(18, '未填写积分说明中的会员卡可抵扣多少元'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['least_money_to_use_bonus'])) { return error(19, '未填写积分说明中的满xx元可用'); } if (empty($this->bonus_rule['max_reduce_bonus'])) { return error(20, '未填写积分说明中的单笔最多使用xx积分'); } } if (!empty($this->custom_cell1['name']) || !empty($this->custom_cell1['tips']) || !empty($this->custom_cell1['url'])) { if (empty($this->custom_cell1['name'])) { return error(21, '未填写入口名称'); } if (empty($this->custom_cell1['url'])) { return error(23, '未填写入口跳转链接'); } } if (empty($this->prerogative)) { return error(24, '未填写会员卡特权说明'); } if (empty($this->wx_activate) && empty($this->activate_url)) { return error(25, '未填写激活会员卡url'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'background_pic_url' => $this->background_pic_url, 'supply_bonus' => $this->supply_bonus, 'bonus_rule' => $this->bonus_rule, 'supply_balance' => $this->supply_balance, 'prerogative' => $this->prerogative, 'auto_activate' => $this->auto_activate, 'custom_field1' => $this->custom_field1, 'activate_url' => $this->activate_url, 'wx_activate' => $this->wx_activate, 'bonus_url' => $this->bonus_url, 'balance_url' => $this->balance_url, 'bonus_rules' => $this->bonus_rules, 'balance_rules' => $this->balance_rules, 'custom_cell1' => $this->custom_cell1, 'discount' => $this->discount, 'bonus_cleared' => $this->bonus_cleared, ); } } class DiscountCard extends Card { public $discount = 0; public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error)) { return $error; } if (empty($this->discount)) { return error(1, '未设置折扣券折扣'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'discount' => $this->discount, ); } } class CashCard extends Card { public $least_cost = 0; public $reduce_cost = 0; public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error)) { return $error; } if (!isset($this->least_cost)) { return error(2, '未设置代金券起用金额'); } if (empty($this->least_cost)) { return error(3, '未设置代金券减免金额'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'least_cost' => $this->least_cost, 'reduce_cost' => $this->reduce_cost, ); } } class GiftCard extends Card { public $gift = ''; public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error)) { return $error; } if (empty($this->gift)) { return error(4, '未设置礼品券兑换内容'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'gift' => $this->gift, ); } } class GrouponCard extends Card { public $deal_detail = ''; public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error)) { return $error; } if (empty($this->deal_detail)) { return error(5, '未设置团购券详情内容'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'deal_detail' => $this->deal_detail, ); } } class GeneralCard extends Card { public $default_detail = ''; public function validate() { $error = parent::validate(); if (is_error($error)) { return $error; } if (empty($this->default_detail)) { return error(6, '未设置优惠券优惠详情'); } return true; } public function getCardExtraData() { return array( 'default_detail' => $this->default_detail, ); } }