log(sprintf('invalid params, params:[%s]', print_r($params, true))); return false; } if (!in_array($url, array ( sp_conf::BFB_PAY_DIRECT_LOGIN_URL, sp_conf::BFB_PAY_DIRECT_NO_LOGIN_URL, sp_conf::BFB_PAY_WAP_DIRECT_URL ))) { $this->log( sprintf('invalid url[%s], bfb just provide three kind of pay url', $url)); return false; } $pay_url = $url; if (false === ($sign = $this->make_sign($params))) { return false; } $this->order_no = $params ['order_no']; $params ['sign'] = $sign; $params_str = http_build_query($params); $this->log( sprintf('the params that create baifubao pay order is [%s]', $params_str)); return $pay_url . '?' . $params_str; } function check_bfb_pay_result_notify() { if (empty($_GET) || !isset($_GET ['sp_no']) || !isset( $_GET ['order_no']) || !isset($_GET ['bfb_order_no']) || !isset($_GET ['bfb_order_create_time']) || !isset($_GET ['pay_time']) || !isset($_GET ['pay_type']) || !isset($_GET ['total_amount']) || !isset($_GET ['fee_amount']) || !isset($_GET ['currency']) || !isset($_GET ['pay_result']) || !isset($_GET ['input_charset']) || !isset($_GET ['version']) || !isset($_GET ['sign']) || !isset($_GET ['sign_method'])) { $this->err_msg = 'return_url页面的请求的必选参数不足'; $this->log( sprintf('missing the params of return_url page, params[%s]', print_r($_GET))); } $arr_params = $_GET; $this->order_no = $arr_params ['order_no']; if (sp_conf::$SP_NO != $arr_params ['sp_no']) { $this->err_msg = '百付宝的支付结果通知中商户ID无效,该通知无效'; $this->log( 'the id in baifubao notify is wrong, this notify is invaild'); return false; } if (sp_conf::BFB_PAY_RESULT_SUCCESS != $arr_params ['pay_result']) { $this->err_msg = '百付宝的支付结果通知中商户支付结果异常,该通知无效'; $this->log( 'the pay result in baifubao notify is wrong, this notify is invaild'); return false; } if (false === $this->check_sign($arr_params)) { $this->err_msg = '百付宝后台通知签名校验失败'; $this->log('baifubao notify sign failed'); return false; } $this->log('baifubao notify sign success'); $order_no = $arr_params ['order_no']; $order_state = $this->query_order_state($order_no); $this->log(sprintf('order state in sp server is [%s]', $order_state)); if (sp_conf::SP_PAY_RESULT_WAITING == $order_state) { $this->log('the order state is right, the order is waiting for pay'); return true; } elseif (sp_conf::SP_PAY_RESULT_SUCCESS == $order_state) { $this->log('the order state is wrong, this order has been paid'); $this->err_msg = '订单[%s]已经处理,此百付宝后台支付通知为重复通知'; return false; } else { $this->log( sprintf('the order state is wrong, it is [%s]', $order_state)); $this->err_msg = '订单[%s]状态异常'; return false; } return false; } function notify_bfb() { $rep_str = "" . sp_conf::BFB_NOTIFY_META . "


"; echo "$rep_str"; } private function query_order_state($order_no) { return sp_conf::SP_PAY_RESULT_WAITING; } function query_baifubao_pay_result_by_order_no($order_no) { $params = array ( 'service_code' => sp_conf::BFB_QUERY_INTERFACE_SERVICE_ID, 'sp_no' => sp_conf::$SP_NO, 'order_no' => $order_no, 'output_type' => sp_conf::BFB_INTERFACE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, 'output_charset' => sp_conf::BFB_INTERFACE_ENCODING, 'version' => sp_conf::BFB_INTERFACE_VERSION, 'sign_method' => sp_conf::SIGN_METHOD_MD5 ); if (false === ($sign = $this->make_sign($params))) { $this->log( 'make sign for query baifubao pay result interface failed'); return false; } $params ['sign'] = $sign; $params_str = http_build_query($params); $query_url = sp_conf::BFB_QUERY_ORDER_URL . '?' . $params_str; $this->log( sprintf('the url of query baifubao pay result is [%s]', $query_url)); $content = $this->request($query_url); $retry = 0; while (empty($content) && $retry < sp_conf::BFB_QUERY_RETRY_TIME) { $content = $this->request($query_url); $retry++; } if (empty($content)) { $this->err_msg = '调用百付宝订单号查询接口失败'; return false; } $this->log( sprintf('the result from baifubao query pay result is [%s]', $content)); $response_arr = json_decode(json_encode(isimplexml_load_string($content)), true); foreach ($response_arr as &$value) { if (empty($value) && is_array($value)) { $value = ''; } } unset($value); if (empty($response_arr) || !isset($response_arr ['query_status']) || !isset($response_arr ['sp_no']) || !isset($response_arr ['order_no']) || !isset($response_arr ['bfb_order_no']) || !isset($response_arr ['bfb_order_create_time']) || !isset($response_arr ['pay_time']) || !isset($response_arr ['pay_type']) || !isset($response_arr ['goods_name']) || !isset($response_arr ['total_amount']) || !isset($response_arr ['fee_amount']) || !isset($response_arr ['currency']) || !isset($response_arr ['pay_result']) || !isset($response_arr ['sign']) || !isset($response_arr ['sign_method'])) { $this->err_msg = sprintf('百付宝的订单查询接口查询失败,返回数据为[%s]', print_r($response_arr, true)); return false; } if (0 != $response_arr ['query_status']) { $this->log( sprintf( 'query the baifubao pay result interface faild, the query_status is [%s]', $response_arr ['query_status'])); $this->err_msg = sprintf('百付宝的订单查询接口查询失败,查询状态为[%s]', $response_arr ['query_status']); return false; } if (sp_conf::$SP_NO != $response_arr ['sp_no']) { $this->log( 'the sp_no returned from baifubao pay result interface is invaild'); $this->err_msg = '百付宝的订单查询接口的响应数据中商户ID无效,该通知无效'; return false; } if (sp_conf::BFB_PAY_RESULT_SUCCESS != $response_arr ['pay_result']) { $this->log( sprintf( 'the pay result returned from baifubao pay result interface is invalid, is [%s]', $response_arr ['pay_result'])); $this->err_msg = '百付宝的订单查询接口的响应数据中商户支付结果异常,该通知无效'; return false; } $response_arr ['goods_name'] = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", $response_arr ['goods_name']); if (isset($response_arr ['buyer_sp_username'])) { $response_arr ['buyer_sp_username'] = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", $response_arr ['buyer_sp_username']); } if (false === $this->check_sign($response_arr)) { $this->log( 'sign the result returned from baifubao pay result interface failed'); $this->err_msg = '百付宝订单查询接口响应数据签名校验失败'; return false; } return print_r($response_arr, true); } private function make_sign($params) { if (is_array($params)) { if (ksort($params)) { if(false === ($params ['key'] = $this->get_sp_key())){ return false; } $arr_temp = array (); foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $arr_temp [] = $key . '=' . $val; } $sign_str = implode('&', $arr_temp); if ($params ['sign_method'] == sp_conf::SIGN_METHOD_MD5) { return md5($sign_str); } else if ($params ['sign_method'] == sp_conf::SIGN_METHOD_SHA1) { return sha1($sign_str); } else{ $this->log('unsupported sign method'); $this->err_msg = '签名方法不支持'; return false; } } else { $this->log('ksort failed'); $this->err_msg = '表单参数数组排序失败'; return false; } } else { $this->log('the params of making sign should be a array'); $this->err_msg = '生成签名的参数必须是一个数组'; return false; } } private function check_sign($params) { $sign = $params ['sign']; unset($params ['sign']); foreach ($params as &$value) { $value = urldecode($value); } unset($value); if (false !== ($my_sign = $this->make_sign($params))) { if (0 !== strcmp($my_sign, $sign)) { return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } private function get_sp_key() { return sp_conf::$SP_KEY_FILE; } function request($url) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); $res = curl_exec($curl); $err = curl_error($curl); if (false === $res || !empty($err)) { $info = curl_getinfo($curl); curl_close($curl); $this->log( sprintf( 'curl the baifubao pay result interface failed, err_msg [%s]', $info)); $this->err_msg = $info; return false; } curl_close($curl); return $res; } function log($msg) { if(defined(sp_conf::$LOG_FILE)) { error_log( sprintf("[%s] [order_no: %s] : %s\n", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $this->order_no, $msg)); } else { error_log( sprintf("[%s] [order_no: %s] : %s\n", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $this->order_no, $msg), 3, sp_conf::$LOG_FILE); } } } ?>