123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247 |
- <?php
- /**
- * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC
- * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details.
- */
- defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
- load()->func('cron');
- load()->model('cloud');
- load()->model('module');
- load()->model('mc');
- load()->model('material');
- $dos = array('list', 'post', 'cron', 'send', 'del', 'preview');
- $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'post';
- $_W['page']['title'] = '定时群发-微信素材';
- if ($do == 'list') {
- $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
- $record = pdo_getall('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'sendtime >=' => $time), array(), 'sendtime', 'sendtime ASC', array(1,7));
- $days = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
- $day_info = array();
- $day_info['day'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$i} days", $time));
- $starttime = strtotime("+{$i} days", $time);
- $endtime = $i+1;
- $endtime = strtotime("+{$endtime} days", $time);
- $massdata = pdo_fetch('SELECT id, `groupname`, `msgtype`, `group`, `attach_id`, `media_id`, `sendtime` FROM '. tablename('mc_mass_record') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND sendtime BETWEEN :starttime AND :endtime AND status = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':starttime' => $starttime, ':endtime' => $endtime));
- if (!empty($massdata)) {
- $massdata['media'] = pdo_get('wechat_attachment', array('id' => $massdata['attach_id']));
- $massdata['media']['attach'] = tomedia($massdata['media']['attachment']);
- $massdata['media']['createtime_cn'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $massdata['media']['createtime']);
- switch ($massdata['msgtype']) {
- case 'news':
- $massdata['msgtype_zh'] = '图文';
- $massdata['media']['items'] = pdo_getall('wechat_news', array('attach_id' => $massdata['attach_id']));
- foreach ($massdata['media']['items'] as &$news_val) {
- $news_val['thumb_url'] = tomedia($news_val['thumb_url']);
- }
- unset($news_val);
- break;
- case 'image':
- $massdata['msgtype_zh'] = '图片';
- break;
- case 'voice':
- $massdata['msgtype_zh'] = '语音';
- break;
- case 'video':
- $massdata['msgtype_zh'] = '视频';
- $massdata['media']['attach']['tag'] = iunserializer($massdata['media']['tag']);
- break;
- }
- $massdata['clock'] = date('H:m', $massdata['sendtime']);
- }
- $day_info['info'] = $massdata;
- $days[] = $day_info;
- }
- template('platform/mass-display');
- }
- if ($do == 'del') {
- $mass = pdo_get('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => intval($_GPC['id'])));
- if (!empty($mass) && $mass['cron_id'] > 0) {
- $status = cron_delete(array($mass['cron_id']));
- if (is_error($status)) {
- iajax(0, $status, '');
- }
- }
- pdo_delete('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => intval($_GPC['id'])));
- itoast('删除成功', '', 'info');
- }
- if ($do == 'post') {
- permission_check_account_user('platform_masstask_post');
- $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
- $mass_info = pdo_get('mc_mass_record', array('id' => $id));
- $groups = mc_fans_groups();
- $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid();
- $supports = $account_api->getMaterialSupport();
- $show_post_content = $supports['mass'];
- if (checksubmit('submit')) {
- $type = in_array(intval($_GPC['type']), array(0, 1)) ? intval($_GPC['type']) : 0;
- $group = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['group']), true);
- if (empty($_GPC['reply'])) {
- itoast('请选择要群发的素材', '', 'error');
- }
- $mass_record = array(
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'acid' => $_W['acid'],
- 'groupname' => $group['name'],
- 'fansnum' => $group['count'],
- 'msgtype' => '',
- 'group' => $group['id'],
- 'attach_id' => '',
- 'media_id' => '',
- 'status' => 1,
- 'type' => $type,
- 'sendtime' => TIMESTAMP,
- 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
- 'cron_id' => 0,
- );
- foreach ($_GPC['reply'] as $material_type => $material) {
- if (empty($material)) {
- continue;
- }
- list($temp, $msgtype) = explode('_', $material_type);
- $attachment = material_get($material);
- if ($attachment['model'] == 'local') {
- itoast('图文素材请选择微信素材', '', 'error');
- }
- $mass_record['media_id'] = $material;
- $mass_record['attach_id'] = $attachment['id'];
- $mass_record['msgtype'] = $msgtype;
- break;
- }
- if ($type == 1) {
- $cloud = cloud_prepare();
- if (is_error($cloud)) {
- itoast($cloud['message'], '', 'error');
- }
- set_time_limit(0);
- $starttime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_GPC['sendtime'])));
- $endtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_GPC['sendtime']))) + 86400;
- $cron_title = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_GPC['sendtime'])) . '微信群发任务';
- $mass_record['sendtime'] = strtotime($_GPC['sendtime']);
- $records = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, cron_id FROM " . tablename('mc_mass_record') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND sendtime BETWEEN :starttime AND :endtime AND status = 1 ORDER BY sendtime ASC LIMIT 8', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':starttime' => $starttime, ':endtime' => $endtime), 'id');
- if (!empty($records)) {
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- if (!$record['cron_id']) {
- continue;
- }
- $corn_ids[] = $record['cron_id'];
- }
- if (!empty($corn_ids)) {
- $status = cron_delete($corn_ids);
- if (is_error($status)) {
- itoast('删除群发错误,请重新提交', referer());
- }
- }
- $ids = implode(',', array_keys($records));
- pdo_delete('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => array($ids)));
- }
- pdo_insert('mc_mass_record', $mass_record);
- $mass_record_id = pdo_insertid();
- $cron_data = array(
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'name' => $cron_title,
- 'filename' => 'mass',
- 'type' => 1,
- 'lastruntime' => $mass_record['sendtime'],
- 'extra' => $mass_record_id,
- 'module' => 'task',
- 'status' => 1,
- );
- $status = cron_add($cron_data);
- if (is_error($status)) {
- $message = "{$cron_title}同步到云服务失败,请手动同步<br>";
- itoast($message, url('platform/mass/send'), 'info');
- }
- pdo_update('mc_mass_record', array('cron_id' => $status), array('id' => $mass_record_id));
- itoast('定时群发设置成功', url('platform/mass/send'), 'success');
- } else {
- $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid();
- $result = $account_api->fansSendAll($group['id'], $msgtype, $mass_record['media_id']);
- if (is_error($result)) {
- itoast($result['message'], url('platform/mass'), 'info');
- }
- if ($msgtype == 'news') {
- $mass_record['msg_id'] = $result['msg_id'];
- $mass_record['msg_data_id'] = $result['msg_data_id'];
- }
- $mass_record['status'] = 0;
- pdo_insert('mc_mass_record', $mass_record);
- itoast('立即发送设置成功', url('platform/mass/send'), 'success');
- }
- }
- template('platform/mass-post');
- }
- if ($do == 'cron') {
- $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
- $record = pdo_get('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id));
- if (empty($record)) {
- itoast('群发任务不存在或已删除', referer(), 'error');
- }
- $cron = array(
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'name' => date('Y-m-d', $record['sendtime']) . "微信群发任务",
- 'filename' => 'mass',
- 'type' => 1,
- 'lastruntime' => $record['sendtime'],
- 'extra' => $record['id'],
- 'module' => 'task',
- 'status' => 1
- );
- $status = cron_add($cron);
- if (is_error($status)) {
- itoast($status['message'], referer(), 'error');
- }
- pdo_update('mc_mass_record', array('cron_id' => $status), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id));
- itoast('同步到云服务成功', referer(), 'success');
- }
- if ($do == 'preview') {
- $wxname = trim($_GPC['wxname']);
- if (empty($wxname)) {
- iajax(1, '微信号不能为空', '');
- }
- $type = trim($_GPC['type']);
- $media_id = trim($_GPC['media_id']);
- $account_api = WeAccount::createByUniacid();
- $data = $account_api->fansSendPreview($wxname, $media_id, $type);
- if (is_error($data)) {
- iajax(-1, $data['message'], '');
- }
- iajax(0, 'success', '');
- }
- if ($do == 'send') {
- $_W['page']['title'] = '定时群发记录-定时群发';
- permission_check_account_user('platform_masstask_send');
- $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
- $psize = 20;
- $condition = ' WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid AND `acid` = :acid';
- $params = array();
- $params[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
- $params[':acid'] = $_W['acid'];
- $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".tablename('mc_mass_record') . $condition, $params);
- $lists = pdo_getall('mc_mass_record', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'acid' => $_W['acid']), array(), '', 'id DESC', 'LIMIT '.($pindex-1)* $psize.','.$psize);
- $types = array('text' => '文本消息', 'image' => '图片消息', 'voice' => '语音消息', 'video' => '视频消息', 'news' => '图文消息', 'wxcard' => '微信卡券');
- $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
- template('platform/mass-send');
- }