123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328 |
- <?php
- defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
- class RechargeModuleSite extends WeModuleSite {
- public function doMobilePay() {
- global $_W, $_GPC;
- checkauth();
- $type = trim($_GPC['type']) ? trim($_GPC['type']) : 'credit';
- if($type == 'credit') {
- load() -> model('card');
- $recharge_settings = card_params_setting('cardRecharge');
- if(checksubmit()) {
- $fee = floatval($_GPC['fee']);
- $backtype = trim($_GPC['backtype']);
- $back= floatval($_GPC['back']);
- if (empty($fee) || $fee <= 0) {
- message('请选择充值金额', referer(), 'error');
- }
- $chargerecord = array(
- 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- 'openid' => $_W['openid'],
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'tid' => date('YmdHi').random(8, 1),
- 'fee' => $fee,
- 'type' => 'credit',
- 'tag' => $back,
- 'backtype' => $backtype,
- 'status' => 0,
- 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
- );
- if (!pdo_insert('mc_credits_recharge', $chargerecord)) {
- message('创建充值订单失败,请重试!', url('entry', array('m' => 'recharge', 'do' => 'pay')), 'error');
- }
- $params = array(
- 'tid' => $chargerecord['tid'],
- 'ordersn' => $chargerecord['tid'],
- 'title' => '会员余额充值',
- 'fee' => $chargerecord['fee'],
- 'user' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- );
- $mine = array();
- if (empty($backtype)) {
- $condition = $fee;
- $mine = array(
- 'name' => "充{$condition}送{$back}元",
- 'value' => $fee
- );
- } elseif ($backtype == '1') {
- $condition = $fee;
- $mine = array(
- 'name' => "充{$condition}送{$back}积分",
- 'value' => $fee
- );
- } elseif ($backtype == '2') {
- $condition = $fee;
- }
- $this->pay($params, $mine);
- exit();
- }
- $member = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid']);
- $name = $member['mobile'];
- if(empty($name)) {
- $name = $member['realname'];
- }
- if(empty($name)) {
- $name = $member['uid'];
- }
- include $this->template('recharge');
- } else {
- $fee = floatval($_GPC['fee']);
- if(!$fee) {
- message('充值金额不能为0', referer(), 'error');
- }
- if($fee <= 0) {
- message('请输入充值的金额', referer(), 'error');
- }
- $setting = pdo_get('mc_card', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'status' => 1));
- if(empty($setting)) {
- message('会员卡未开启,请联系商家', referer(), 'error');
- }
- if($type == 'card_nums') {
- if(!$setting['nums_status']) {
- message("会员卡未开启{$setting['nums_text']}充值,请联系商家", referer(), 'error');
- }
- $setting['nums'] = iunserializer($setting['nums']);
- $num_keys = array_keys($setting['nums']);
- if (!in_array($fee, $num_keys)) {
- message('充值金额错误,请联系商家', referer(), 'error');
- }
- foreach ($setting['nums'] as $key => $val) {
- if ($fee == $val['recharge']) {
- $num_back = $val['num'];
- }
- }
- $mine = array(
- 'name' => "充{$fee}送{$num_back}次",
- 'value' => "送{$num_back}次"
- );
- $tag = $num_back;
- }
- if($type == 'card_times') {
- if(!$setting['times_status']) {
- message("会员卡未开启{$setting['times_text']}充值,请联系商家", referer(), 'error');
- }
- $setting['times'] = iunserializer($setting['times']);
- $time_keys = array_keys($setting['times']);
- if (!in_array($fee, $time_keys)) {
- message('充值金额错误,请联系商家', referer(), 'error');
- }
- foreach ($setting['times'] as $key => $val) {
- if ($fee == $val['recharge']) {
- $time_back = $val['time'];
- }
- }
- $member_card = pdo_get('mc_card_members', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid']));
- if($member_card['endtime'] > TIMESTAMP) {
- $endtime = $member_card['endtime'] + time_back * 86400;
- } else {
- $endtime = strtotime($time_back . 'days');
- }
- $mine = array(
- 'name' => "充{$fee}送{$time_back}天",
- 'value' => date('Y-m-d', $endtime) . '到期'
- );
- $tag = $time_back;
- }
- $chargerecord = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('mc_credits_recharge')." WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND uid = :uid AND fee = :fee AND type = :type AND status = 0 AND tag = :tag", array(
- ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- ':uid' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- ':fee' => $fee,
- ':type' => $type,
- ':tag' => $tag,
- ));
- if (empty($chargerecord)) {
- $chargerecord = array(
- 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- 'openid' => $_W['openid'],
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'tid' => date('YmdHi').random(8, 1),
- 'fee' => $fee,
- 'type' => $type,
- 'tag' => $tag,
- 'status' => 0,
- 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
- );
- if (!pdo_insert('mc_credits_recharge', $chargerecord)) {
- message('创建充值订单失败,请重试!', url('mc/card/mycard'), 'error');
- }
- }
- $types = array(
- 'card_nums' => $setting['nums_text'],
- 'card_times' => $setting['times_text'],
- );
- $params = array(
- 'tid' => $chargerecord['tid'],
- 'ordersn' => $chargerecord['tid'],
- 'title' => "会员卡{$types[$type]}充值",
- 'fee' => $chargerecord['fee'],
- 'user' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- );
- $this->pay($params, $mine);
- exit();
- }
- }
- public function payResult($params) {
- global $_W;
- load()-> model('mc');
- load() -> model('card');
- $order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('mc_credits_recharge')." WHERE tid = :tid", array(':tid' => $params['tid']));
- if ($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') {
- $fee = $params['fee'];
- $total_fee = $fee;
- $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : -1);
- if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') {
- $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id'];
- $params['user'] = mc_openid2uid($params['user']);
- }
- pdo_update('mc_credits_recharge', $data, array('tid' => $params['tid']));
- $paydata = array('wechat' => '微信', 'alipay' => '支付宝', 'baifubao' => '百付宝', 'unionpay' => '银联');
- if(empty($order['type']) || $order['type'] == 'credit') {
- $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors', 'recharge'));
- $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency'];
- $recharge_settings = card_params_setting('cardRecharge');
- $recharge_params = $recharge_settings['params'];
- if(empty($credit)) {
- message('站点积分行为参数配置错误,请联系服务商', '', 'error');
- } else {
- if ($recharge_params['recharge_type'] == '1') {
- $recharges = $recharge_params['recharges'];
- }
- if ($order['backtype'] == '2') {
- $total_fee = $fee;
- } else {
- foreach ($recharges as $key => $recharge) {
- if ($recharge['backtype'] == $order['backtype'] && $recharge['condition'] == $order['fee']) {
- if ($order['backtype'] == '1') {
- $total_fee = $fee;
- $add_credit = $recharge['back'];
- } else {
- $total_fee = $fee + $recharge['back'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($order['backtype'] == '1') {
- $add_str = ",充值成功,返积分{$add_credit}分,本次操作共增加余额{$total_fee}元,积分{$add_credit}分";
- $remark = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee . $add_str;
- $record[] = $params['user'];
- $record[] = $remark;
- mc_credit_update($order['uid'], 'credit1', $add_credit, $record);
- mc_credit_update($order['uid'], 'credit2', $total_fee, $record);
- mc_notice_recharge($order['openid'], $order['uid'], $total_fee, '', $remark);
- } else {
- $add_str = ",充值成功,本次操作共增加余额{$total_fee}元";
- $remark = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee . $add_str;
- $record[] = $params['user'];
- $record[] = $remark;
- mc_credit_update($order['uid'], 'credit2', $total_fee, $record);
- mc_notice_recharge($order['openid'], $order['uid'], $total_fee, '', $remark);
- }
- }
- }
- if($order['type'] == 'card_nums') {
- $member_card = pdo_get('mc_card_members', array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid']));
- $total_num = $member_card['nums'] + $order['tag'];
- pdo_update('mc_card_members', array('nums' => $total_num), array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid']));
- $log = array(
- 'uniacid' => $order['uniacid'],
- 'uid' => $order['uid'],
- 'type' => 'nums',
- 'fee' => $params['fee'],
- 'model' => '1',
- 'tag' => $order['tag'], 'note' => date('Y-m-d H:i') . "通过{$paydata[$params['type']]}充值{$params['fee']}元,返{$order['tag']}次,总共剩余{$total_num}次",
- 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP
- );
- pdo_insert('mc_card_record', $log);
- $type = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT nums_text FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $order['uniacid']));
- $total_num = $member_card['nums'] + $order['tag'];
- mc_notice_nums_plus($order['openid'], $type, $order['tag'], $total_num);
- }
- if($order['type'] == 'card_times') {
- $member_card = pdo_get('mc_card_members', array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid']));
- if($member_card['endtime'] > TIMESTAMP) {
- $endtime = $member_card['endtime'] + $order['tag'] * 86400;
- } else {
- $endtime = strtotime($order['tag'] . 'days');
- }
- pdo_update('mc_card_members', array('endtime' => $endtime), array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid']));
- $log = array(
- 'uniacid' => $order['uniacid'],
- 'uid' => $order['uid'],
- 'type' => 'times',
- 'model' => '1',
- 'fee' => $params['fee'],
- 'tag' => $order['tag'], 'note' => date('Y-m-d H:i') . "通过{$paydata[$params['type']]}充值{$params['fee']}元,返{$order['tag']}天,充值后到期时间:". date('Y-m-d', $endtime),
- 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP
- );
- pdo_insert('mc_card_record', $log);
- $type = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT times_text FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $order['uniacid']));
- $endtime = date('Y-m-d', $endtime);
- mc_notice_times_plus($order['openid'], $member_card['cardsn'], $type, $fee, $order['tag'], $endtime);
- }
- }
- if($order['type'] == 'credit' || $order['type'] == '') {
- $url = murl('mc/home');
- } else {
- $url = murl('mc/card/mycard');
- }
- if ($params['from'] == 'return') {
- if ($params['result'] == 'success') {
- message('支付成功!', $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $url, 'success');
- } else {
- message('支付失败!', $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $url, 'error');
- }
- }
- }
- protected function pay($params = array(), $mine = array()) {
- global $_W;
- $params['module'] = $this->module['name'];
- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('core_paylog') . ' WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `module`=:module AND `tid`=:tid';
- $pars = array();
- $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
- $pars[':module'] = $params['module'];
- $pars[':tid'] = $params['tid'];
- $log = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars);
- if(!empty($log) && $log['status'] == '1') {
- itoast('这个订单已经支付成功, 不需要重复支付.', '', 'info');
- }
- $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('payment', 'creditbehaviors'));
- if(!is_array($setting['payment'])) {
- itoast('没有有效的支付方式, 请联系网站管理员.', '', 'error');
- }
- $log = pdo_get('core_paylog', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $params['module'], 'tid' => $params['tid']));
- if (empty($log)) {
- $log = array(
- 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
- 'acid' => $_W['acid'],
- 'openid' => $_W['member']['uid'],
- 'module' => $this->module['name'], 'tid' => $params['tid'],
- 'fee' => $params['fee'],
- 'card_fee' => $params['fee'],
- 'status' => '0',
- 'is_usecard' => '0',
- );
- pdo_insert('core_paylog', $log);
- }
- $pay = $setting['payment'];
- foreach ($pay as &$value) {
- $value['switch'] = $value['recharge_switch'];
- }
- unset($value);
- $pay['credit']['switch'] = false;
- $pay['delivery']['switch'] = false;
- include $this->template('common/paycenter');
- }
- }