
conf.bak.php 613B

  1. <?php
  2. namespace qcloudcos;
  3. class Conf {
  4. // Cos php sdk version number.
  5. const VERSION = 'v4.2.2';
  6. const API_COSAPI_END_POINT = 'http://region.file.myqcloud.com/files/v2/';
  7. // Please refer to http://console.qcloud.com/cos to fetch your app_id, secret_id and secret_key.
  8. const APP_ID = '1253296479';
  9. const SECRET_ID = 'AKIDpHjbJxAozPwUAlogp4GSgxCX1eJ3AcRJ';
  10. const SECRET_KEY = 'FC70067IiCpaSQPar4RsUBLVimFh5dlc';
  11. /**
  12. * Get the User-Agent string to send to COS server.
  13. */
  14. public static function getUserAgent() {
  15. return 'cos-php-sdk-' . self::VERSION;
  16. }
  17. }